
DentinMud v2.20 - alter aeon
   `.rL              `             Alter Aeon            '               oo`
  /mdo-/-+          `/                                         \'           `.+/yms`
 .mMNy+/::+`        `s.                                  +\         `.+:/smMN+
 :NMh.  `-/o:        /s                                  s:       `+o/"` `+NMh
 -NMs      `:`       `s+    `.                    .'    /+        :-      -mMy
  hMm-                 +s.  'o                    o`   +/                 oNN:
  -dMh-                 ``   s.                  .s   ''                `/mNo
   .yNm+.       .:+s+.       ++.                .++       :oo:.       `-sNN+
    '+dNmyo+++ooyhyo-                                     `/yhyo+///+ohmNh-
      `\ymNNNmNNmds:`             `.         .'            .+hdmmmmNNNms:`
         ':oyhdmds/`               +:       :+              -odNNmdyo:`
              ````        \"'+.    ``       ''    .+'"/      ``````
                           ",0_\                 /_0,"

(To log on an existing character, enter the name now.)
Would you like to create a new character?  


[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

You return to your keyboard.
[MA CL TH WA NC]   New Players --------------
[ 0  0  0  0  1]   (afk)Bonez the newbie 
[ 0  5  0  0  0]   Nylanice the newbie 
[ 0  0  2  0  9]   Allexis the newbie 
[ 0  0  0  0 12]   Dirt there just isnt enough shit lying around to smash 
[12  7  0  2  0]   Muncher the newbie 
[ 3  8  0  0 13]   Tharn Shadow of Vecna 
[ 9  4  0  0 15]   Acrene the newbie 
[ 0  6 10 16  0]   Skeeter the newbie 
[11 16  0  6  1]   Drolkrad the newbie 
[11 17  6  1  0]   Kayzle the newbie 
[ 7 17  0  1 12]   Merlinda crash, smash and bash bitches! 
[ 7  0 12 17  1]   Sikanda wanders alone 
[13  7  0  4 18]   (afk)Kelsier of the mists 
[ 8  0 14  3 20]   Squiggles Black angels came to light my path 
[13 18  8 23  3]   Angelluhh out of these ashes i will sing 
[18  8  3 13 27]   Aaronr the necro lord! 
[21 16  9 11 27]   Ulquiorra the newbie 
[27 14 18 23  6]   Killkill The berserk missile launcher 
[25 16 21 29  6]   Ashly apologizes for her general retardedness 

[MA CL TH WA NC]   Active Players -----------
[11 22  6 16 30]   Arcane Dreadcaller, phenomenon of the night.       *M* 
[19 15 30 25  4]   Kylar the newbie 
[20 13 30 27  6] e Locke  
[30 26 20 15 12]   Maeve loves it when it Rains. 
[30 27 17 22 10]   Kaylee the pink girl 
[27 30 17 22 10]   Kliro nobody can do things for others 
[30 27 18 22  7]   Lilmike **anarchy** 
[22 17 30 28 11] G Flynn the Daydreamer (Morpheus) 
[30 22 17 28  6] g Thoth I am a blabberer. 
[30 24 26 17  8]   Rain Needs to train dex 
[28 22 18 30  5] G Bunny the bob tailed rabbit. 
[29 30 22 17  7]   Felonia I Love You! Please Don't DIE!! 
[23 18 30 29  8] E Drg is on a destructive path of anquish.. [Thief] 
[28 19 31 24 10] E (afk)Lila You take the veil, You'll take the DIve 
[31 24 29 20 11] G Brynn is a shoplifter! 
[24 20 30 31  8]   Dagget forget regret or life is yours to miss 
[31 30 20 28 13] G Stefen the soul thief 
[20 25 32 30 10]   Scryer shaking infants causes brain damage. 
[25 31 32 22 11] E Fehlan says, Whatever stupid CAN do, stupid WILL do. 
[27 22 32 31 14] G Natalie has been at it again! *havoc* 
[31 27 25 32 10]   Soldier  Damage Inc. 
[26 30 31 32 17] G Westie -K- 
[32 26 31 31 15] G Axl                                        {[-SHIFT-]} 
[31 26 32 32 12] e Mathayas somebody tell me how to change my title! 
[33 20 28 31  7]   (pk)Cargo 's shop 7 South East North from Unholy 
[22 27 32 33 16]   Bladimir stab, zerk, leap, kick, trip, bash. 
[33 32 27 32 15] g Mischief take your demon love & steal your soul! *BW* 
[33 32 33 32 15]   Smith -K- 
[34 32 31 23 10]   Storm Didn't do It.  
[32 34 34 27 16]   Bser iS workin hArd for the money...              [T] 
[34 32 34 32 21] E Watery the newbie 
[     PYRO     ]   Shadowfax - prepare for the MARCH OF DEATH - Nov. 26 - *FIRE* 
[   BUILDER    ]   Gandor thinks that time flies too fast. 

[MA CL TH WA NC]   Idle Players -------------
[15 20 30 26 10] E Delirium I could never again be an angel 
[24 18 30 30  0]   Khadaji wakka wakka 
[30 22 32 28  5] e Horo would still die for you. 
[32 31 19 25  4]   Kevin ||K||E||V||I||N|| 
[30 30 19 24  9]   Jinx la la la la la 
[   CREATOR    ]   Dentin 
[31 21 32 26  9]   (afk)Mexx, mastermind behind Columbine. Aha! 
[32 24 29 32 12]   (afk)Alchemy Life Is A Lie, Death Conquers All! -K- 
[   INFOBOT    ]   Email is here to serve, `tell :email help' for details. 
Mortals: 57 (66) 48.184    Gods: 4 (6) 4.405  Ticks: 1144

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Don Milano grumbles and mutters about something.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

>replay im<
Sending activity for channel 'imm'
Gandor imms: Oh, you went ahead and threw in the object level code.
Dentin imms: yeah
Gandor imms: level/composite even
Dentin imms: check out oset find lspread now
Dentin imms: you're temporarily level 107 for the event, remind me to set you down afterward
Gandor imms: okay
Gandor imms: And yeah, it's much cleaner now.
Gandor imms: comparing to the chart you posted on 897 of how it was previously..
Dentin imms: yeah
Gandor imms: oh, you already removed that post
Gandor imms: Did you go ahead and exclude weapons or figure out anything for total level objects?
Dentin imms: total level eq really didn't need anything
Gandor imms: nod, there aren't really that many.
Dentin imms: or if it does, it's much less of an issue
Dentin imms: I can always do those separately anyway
Gandor imms: nod
Dentin imms: weapons should be handled correctly
Gandor imms: suh-weet. Ordered two APC Back-UPSŪ ES 350VA 6-Outlet Power-Saving UPS's for $5.34 shipped.
Gandor imms: From Staples.
Gandor imms: The question is: Will they ship it? Could have done in store delivery and picked 'em up tomorrow, but probably won't feel like taking the bus.
Draak imms: erm
Gandor imms: nod. Teleporting turkeys?
Draak imms: is that supposed to be happening now?
Gandor imms: nod, first event at 1pm
Draak imms: oh, nod, you're in a different timezone
Draak imms: that didn't take long, heh
Draak imms: Terror says, 'i just got disqualified from a deed because i didnt know i couldnt kill the homeless guy'
Gandor imms: heh, I forgot to un-noshow the quest from when I was testing it.
Draak imms: why isn't he repopping consistently? is his loadprob whack?
Gandor imms: It looks okay to me, you can check for yourself.
Gandor imms: Deathloads himself
Dentin imms: having building problems?
Gandor imms: meh, just one irritating person finding ways to thwart the setup
Draak imms: the homeless guy doesn't always reload when I reset the zone timer
Draak imms: and if terror kills them again, I'm freezing him for the rest of the day. He's doing it to annoy people
Dentin imms: ok
Morpheus imms: who  else
Morpheus imms: deathloading himself don't work draak?
Draak imms: say seems to only work a couple of times and it peters out
Morpheus imms: nod thats because dumb ass keeps killing it
Draak imms: I gave him a warning and he just spamming the room now
Dentin imms: set the mans load prob go 110
Morpheus imms: ow never knew could do that 
Draak imms: Mob set to single load only?
Dentin imms: you set his loadp to zero
Dentin imms: nevermind, I got it
Morpheus imms: its funny d appears in the room and terror never comes back rofl
Draak imms: oh, it was down
Draak imms: heh, mst shows the loadprob in a different place now. I didn't see it
Gandor imms: besides one irritating twat, it's gone very smoothly.
Gandor imms: twit even
Morpheus imms: no worries he gets out of hand and that twat can be purged
Morpheus imms: well maybe douched is a better word
Morpheus imms: hee
Dentin imms: vivi has been banned from the event I take it?
Dentin imms: or rather, is frozen so that it doesn't matter?
Gandor imms: Yeah, draak made that executive decision after he kept on destroying the mob in ways where it wouldn't be able to respawn correctly after being warned repeated times to stop screwing around.
Draak imms: he was given a specific ultimatum -- kill them one more time and you are frozen until the event is over. Terror is frozen, Vivisector is still active so he might try something later
Draak imms: I have to leave for work in about 30-40 minutes, so someone else will have to play bad cop
Dentin imms: heh no problem
Gandor imms: it should be okay now, since you changed the loadprob, as long as no-one ice imps or bone prisons the guy.
Gandor imms: I'll check occasionally.
Dentin imms: and there goes another one.  Rofl
Gandor imms: Counting the seconds till he makes a newbie to spam with..
Gandor imms: heh
Dentin imms: fyi, I sitebanned him
Gandor imms: heh, permanently?
Morpheus imms: just gave kroza a warning too he just killed him 3 times although I think it was more spam leap man type of thing
Gandor imms: Or with a timer.
Morpheus imms: yea a 99 year timer I hope
Gandor imms: heh, got in the most epic black friday deal
Morpheus imms: whats that
Gandor imms: Hrm, let me copy paste, hold on.
Draak imms: did it involve laser, blacklights or mobile truss systems?
Morpheus imms: this starting at 3 right?
Gandor imms: Yeah, that's 8 mins, morph
Morpheus imms: your leading group?
Gandor imms: yeah
Gandor imms: You can tag along if you'd like, doesn't bother me.
Gandor imms: hold on, copying it
Morpheus imms: goto sandman so he can be first to follow you
Morpheus imms: rofl
Gandor imms: APC Back-UPS ES 350VA 6-Outlet Power-Saving UPS for $5.43.
Gandor imms: x2
Gandor imms: (both for $5.43)
Gandor imms: free shipping too
Morpheus imms: nice
Gandor imms: I sort of abused a price mistake, as did another 4,000 people, so it may or may not ship.
Morpheus imms: gandor you will be able to do the turky thing for rest of night?
Gandor imms: Yeah, I'll check it periodically to make sure it's there.
Gandor imms: And teleport more turkeys every once in a while, only takes a second.
Morpheus imms: nod ok  mrs can't do it now but wanted to do it later
Morpheus imms: using toki?
Gandor imms: If she wants to, that's fine. I'm mostly using myself.
Gandor imms: that wand
Gandor imms: Toki has too much wait time for me, hehe.
Gandor imms: erk, you're under 100, copper.
Gandor imms: mt
Gandor imms: Oh, I did forget one thing.
Gandor imms: mt
Gandor imms: There's going to be chaos - its to be expected with a huge group.
Morpheus imms: we should make a survived the march without dying or gandor couldn't kill me in his amrch quest for those with no deaths hee
Gandor imms: hrm, that's odd. Cu was complaining and didn't even come.
Morpheus imms: maybe my post upset him too much
Grolantor imms: hes spend that 7 billion we english sent him
Morpheus imms: hee
Morpheus imms: you wanting them to kill it gandor?
Morpheus imms: purged room and let it load naturally so stops god  load notify
Shadowfax imms: hey gandor
Gandor imms: hey shadow
Gandor imms: we're on the second half of the high level, split it in two. you've got the mid level right? 99 and below as far as you want to go.
Shadowfax imms: yeah
Gandor imms: as low as you want to go, even heh
Shadowfax imms: when am i supposed to start?
Gandor imms: Anytime you like.
Shadowfax imms: hrm
Shadowfax imms: how much longer will you be?
Gandor imms: I've just been saying sometime around six or seven.
Gandor imms: Not too long. I'm going to let them pick and choose a few more they want to do, then I'll be done.
Shadowfax imms: cool
Gandor imms: There's a room to take them to when they're done to get a token from a table to get the deed for completing the death march. Morpheus also wants us to give them another deed afterwards if they don't die from it, It's going to be godgive.
Gandor imms: That room is 59395 when you're done with the death march
Gandor imms: Going to let them pick two more mobs, then I'll be out of your way. 
Gandor imms: We'll then split the eq. We're just assigning numbers, then I roll and give it to whomever, a lot less spam.
Shadowfax imms: ok
Gandor imms: We're doing out last mob, then it's all yours, and we'll split our stuff.
Gandor imms: well, their loot, heh
Gandor imms: What I'm keeping track of is the mobs we do, and who got the last hit on them. I'm done, we're just splitting eq now.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [34] 'Outside the West Gate.'.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

>imm booga booga<
You imm: booga booga

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: heya

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

>idle gandor<
Gandor is not currently idle.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

>imm splendor time for my computer to quit<
You imm: splendor time for my computer to quit

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: You're good to go. Morphie and a few others requested a deed for not dying in the death march, think I might humor them.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Don Milano ponders his years lost in the tundra.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: sorting that out in my wordpad now heh

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

(warning: system time is usually wrong)
Mud was last booted:  Fri Nov 26 11:33:55 2010
Current system time:  Fri Nov 26 20:14:24 2010
1147 ticks have passed since last boot.

It is Friday, the 23rd day of month 7 (Delosden)
In the year 549 of the reign of Dentin.
Local time is 7:34 am.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

>imm ok<
You imm: ok

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

>got 0<
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 6)Mischief is here, sound asleep.
Mischief is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 0)A small candle sits on the ground, burning brightly.
( 6)A wicked looking scythe lies on the ground here.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rayden is lying here.
( 7)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)A skeletal mage with glowing red hands paces here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)A walking skeleton with a sword paces back and forth.
( 5)A skeletal mage with glowing red hands paces here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)A raised undead ghoul stands here sniffing for flesh.
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 5)A hastily assembled bone guardian stands here.
( 5)A walking skeleton with a ball flail paces back and forth.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)A crude clay man stands upright here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 9)A wood woad stands here on its three spindly legs.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Axl says, 'that's eq and everything'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl starts searching for something...
Axl exposes Ashly's hiding spot!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'your too heavy'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: only 26 deaths, not very deathy

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl starts searching for something...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl starts searching for something...
Aaronr starts searching for something...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia stops using a bouquet of trillium.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'rip tep fooughunjyn' [displacement]
Mischief's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl hugs Ashly.
Aaronr starts searching for something...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'tenyaya pigquekil zeneng' [identify]
Aaronr starts searching for something...
Ashly cries.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'hi ger futao odius mal' [identify]
Axl says, 'it's my backpack,a sshole!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike runs up and screams, 'RAA' in your ear.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl grabs a pocket dimension, thrusts it into the air and shouts, 'RAA!'
Mischief awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia comforts Axl.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'pighizen lysca foofoomal tepwirvilpig' [undo]
Mischief's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr runs around in circles muttering 'raa raa raa'.
Ashly doesn't realize they are petting Tensor's floating disc.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa nod<
You say, 'nod'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl hugs Felonia.
Mischief utters the words, 'kil rekodiusborg borg ugzen' [stone skin]
Mischief's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 6)Mischief is here.
Mischief is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 0)A small candle sits on the ground, burning brightly.
( 6)A wicked looking scythe lies on the ground here.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rayden is lying here.
( 7)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)A skeletal mage with glowing red hands paces here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)A walking skeleton with a sword paces back and forth.
( 5)A skeletal mage with glowing red hands paces here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)A raised undead ghoul stands here sniffing for flesh.
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 5)A hastily assembled bone guardian stands here.
( 5)A walking skeleton with a ball flail paces back and forth.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)A crude clay man stands upright here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 9)A wood woad stands here on its three spindly legs.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'jyn vil cahikileng' [sanctuary]
Mischief is surrounded by a white aura.
Drg appears out of a flickering blue glow.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia hugs Axl.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Locke's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.
Locke's force shield slowly dissipates.
Drg flies south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly screams, 'RAA!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl sighs at you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia gallantly comes to your rescue, vowing to protect you from all harm.
Ashly utters the words, 'ata dikataop tepughixaata pigodius' [fly]
Ashly gently rises off the ground.
Jaide has entered the game.
(admin login) Jaide has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: all yours, you have a ton of people waiting, heh.
Ashly floats down as her fly spell wears out.

>fi axl<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Name: 'axl'
Fight string: Axl
Ground string: Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
Title:                                        {[-SHIFT-]}
Date of character creation: Fri Mar 21 14:01:34 2003
Personal homepage url:

Level       Mage:  32  Cleric:  26  Thief:  31  Warrior:  31  Necromancer:  15
Total levels in top four classes: 120
Ppk deaths:       14 low,   48 mid,   11 high
Ppk Kills:        34 low,    5 mid,    0 high
Mob deaths:   665
Ltype: 2   Banked Gold: 188000
God: 'Shift'   Favor: 10
Temp pk deaths:    115
Temp pk kills:     102
Recent arena wins:   2/12
Time of last access/finger: Fri Nov 26 19:43:14 2010
Time of last save: Fri Nov 26 19:40    2010

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly makes a horrid face and screams, "ACK!"

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'ten malleplyszen' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly utters the words, 'lep kilmalornium lephi malriplep irkmalmaltao' [fly]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'yadikata sufu' [identify]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'hique tao' [stone skin]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'fucaque ripenggerdo' [identify]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'ataquefoo fu hiwermalxairkdo ripfu' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, 'ahh...' in a sudden moment of understanding.
Felonia utters the words, 'dikfuca carekkil su foozen' [identify]
Ashly cries.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl passes you its peace pipe.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia wears a bouquet of trillium to protect her skull.
Axl grins evilly at you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia stops using a fig leaf skirt.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'jynteppig dozen su' [identify]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says to you, 'lets toke about it'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'do foosupig sukiltepque' [identify]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'odius pighunca dikeng' [identify]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly utters the words, 'kilquebar suodiusorniumug' [fly]
Ashly gently rises off the ground.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia wears a fig leaf skirt to protect her legs.
Aaronr utters the words, 'ripmaljyn vilnarxa caopgersu vilger' [fly]
Aaronr gently rises off the ground.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief flies south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly wanders aimlessly around singing 'lalala'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'spammy spammy spam'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>


[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly throws her head back and cackles with insane glee.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain slows down and returns to real time.
Watery gets the great big bag of everything from its storage locker.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Rain: raa, ?#$&$es!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth says, 'Heh a ronald raygun'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike screams, 'RAA!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Watery utters the words, 'rip gerlys' [word of recall]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Watery utters the words, 'ugvilirk hilepirkrek' [tensors floating disc]
Watery begins chanting and moving its hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before it.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Aaronr: wait, is it tot0 to tot99 then?
Ashly hops about the room like a little kid.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin help) Help page requested for 'march of death' by 'Drg'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Dirt: where

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Watery flies south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Aaronr: and that too

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Fehlan: can i get in on it anyways?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'lys lys zenirk' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'irkenghun jynwerhi queca' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide flies south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly runs around stabbing at shadows.
Maeve starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>fi fehlan<
Name: 'fehlan'
Fight string: Fehlan
Ground string: The scent of blood wafts from the shadows that are Fehlan.
Title: says, Whatever stupid CAN do, stupid WILL do.
Date of character creation: Thu Aug 12 02:31:59 2004
Personal homepage url:

Level       Mage:  25  Cleric:  31  Thief:  32  Warrior:  22  Necromancer:  11
Microlevel  Mage:   0  Cleric:   0  Thief:   7  Warrior:   0  Necromancer:   0

Total levels in top four classes: 110
Clan: damage incorporated
(clan elder)
Ppk deaths:        1 low,   18 mid,   34 high
Ppk Kills:        27 low,    5 mid,    5 high
Mob deaths:   667
Ltype: 2   Banked Gold: 383281
God: 'Shift'   Favor: 22
Temp pk deaths:    391
Temp pk kills:     399
Recent arena wins:   2/40
Time of last access/finger: Fri Nov 26 18:57:58 2010
Time of last save: Fri Nov 26 20:10    2010

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group maeve<
You add Maeve to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain's ice shield fades, then disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group aaror<
No-one by that name playing.
(see 'group set' for other group related commands)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Dirt has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl sighs somberly.
Dirt prays to the elder gods, and makes this place his new home.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group aaronr<
You add Aaronr to your group.
(note - the group will get more experience if you add more members)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Nool has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group fllowers<
No-one by that name playing.
(see 'group set' for other group related commands)
Drolkrad gossips, 'wat that'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Dirt starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group dirt<
You add Dirt to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl utters the words, 'lepengirk doodiusrip dikxasu fuvilxa' [clay man]
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Axl.
A clay man starts following Axl.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief appears in the middle of the room.
Axl will now try to protect A clay man in battle.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Muncher killed by The evil monk while in room [ 7013] Center Of Dungeon.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'kilwerhi barweryasu hun orniumrip' [teleport]
(admin help) Help page requested for 'march' by 'Drolkrad'
Aaronr tells the group, 'woah, that's a lot of hp!'
(admin death) (player) Kayzle killed by The evil monk while in room [ 7019] North Wall Of Dungeon.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Brynn: wish I could

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gropu thoth<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Merlinda killed by The evil monk while in room [ 7013] Center Of Dungeon.

>group kylar<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly hugs Axl.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr laughs out loud.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You add Kylar to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar thanks you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly hugs Kylar.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth utters the words, 'gerugeng nardo kilhi' [know alignment]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using apothecary's recipe book.
Mischief stops using a leaf-engraved silver anklet.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using amethyst plate leggings.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using a girdle of angel feathers.
Kylar hugs Ashly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using the dusky red robes of an Archmage.
The black aura about Mischief fades.
Mischief suddenly appears less trustworthy and attractive than a moment ago.
Mischief stops using a platinum threaded gown.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using an engraved fire opal ring.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using an engraved fire opal ring.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using a pair of satin gloves.
Mischief stops using a bracelet of angel feathers.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4776/4776 mn1309/1309 mv1182/1182] (leader)
[Kylar                 Lvl  30 Tw hp 730/730  mn 173/173  mv 389/389 ] 
[Dirt                  Lvl  12 N  hp  97/97   mn 162/162  mv  98/163 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 314/314  mn 334/334  mv 164/164 ] 
  A wood woad          Lvl  20 MC hp 776/776  mn   7/7    mv 355/355 ] 
  A ghoul              Lvl  21 MC hp 404/404  mn   9/9    mv 280/280 ] 
  A skeletal mage      Lvl  20 MC hp 187/187  mn   6/6    mv 237/237 ] 
  A skeletal mage      Lvl  20 MC hp 187/187  mn   7/7    mv 237/237 ] 
  A skeleton           Lvl  20 WM hp 293/293  mn   9/9    mv 258/258 ] 
  A skeleton           Lvl  20 WM hp 293/293  mn   9/9    mv 258/258 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 523/523  mv 146/146 ] 
  A bone guardian      Lvl   9 MC hp 152/152  mn   9/9    mv 230/230 ] 
Mischief stops using a bracelet of angel feathers.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using an ivory bound platinum armband.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using A silver chain medallion.
Thoth utters the words, 'pigzenopten kil malpig' [identify]
You feel the light touch of magic on you.
Mischief stops using a golden necklace.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief stops using a crown of the high priest.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You currently have no charmed companions or minions.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>help minion spam<
No help pages found for 'minion spam'.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Bladimir has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr releases A wood woad from his control.
A wood woad untwists, straightens, cracks and splits as it tries to return to its original form.
A wood woad has left the group.
Rain starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group  rain<
You add Rain to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Drg appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth says, 'Wow he is fat. 495lbs.'
Drg flies up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr laughs out loud.
Bladimir leaves south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly giggles.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Attributes/Levels  | Statistics   | Resistances  | Misc
Hp:  4776/4776+127 | Str:  25/25  | Spells:   0% | Experience:   15216367
Mana: 1309/1309+127 | Int:  25/25  | Fire:     0% | Gold:          1432296
Move: 1182/1182     | Wis:  25/25  | Cold:    35% | Practices:         299
                   | Dex:  25/25  | Zap:      0% | Playing time:    28265 hrs
Mage:   107        | Con:  25/25  | Breath:   0% | Age:           -191/77 yrs
Cler:   107        | Chr:  25/25  | Poison:   0% | Items carried:    9/16
Thie:   107        |              | Normal:   0% | Weight:        350/400
Warr:   107        |              | Magic:    0% | Encumbrance:        65%
Necr:    10 ( 29%) |              |              |
Armor:        -665   (you are very poorly armored for your level)
Hit Roll:        0   Attack speed: slowest
Damage Bonus:    0
Weapon: your fists, damage type 'punch (1)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth says, 'But tall 8ft 6in.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Attributes/Levels  | Statistics   | Resistances  | Misc
Hp:  4776/4776+127 | Str:  25/25  | Spells:   0% | Experience:   15216367
Mana: 1309/1309+127 | Int:  25/25  | Fire:     0% | Gold:          1432296
Move: 1182/1182     | Wis:  25/25  | Cold:    35% | Practices:         299
                   | Dex:  25/25  | Zap:      0% | Playing time:    28265 hrs
Mage:   107        | Con:  25/25  | Breath:   0% | Age:           -191/77 yrs
Cler:   107        | Chr:  25/25  | Poison:   0% | Items carried:    9/16
Thie:   107        |              | Normal:   0% | Weight:        350/400
Warr:   107        |              | Magic:    0% | Encumbrance:        65%
Necr:    10 ( 29%) |              |              |
Armor:        -665   (you are very poorly armored for your level)
Hit Roll:        0   Attack speed: slowest
Damage Bonus:    0
Weapon: your fists, damage type 'punch (1)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Mischief fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly says, 'I am 7 feet, 9 inches tall.'

>l shadowfax<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The elemental itself seems normal sized and of slight build, but blazes of
hot yellow fire conceal his true form and inflate his height to almost three
meters.  As the demonfire dances about him, it leaves a portion unshielded
for a moment.  All that can be seen is an ebony-skinned man laughing
maniacally as the flames rush to block your view once again.
You are in immaculate condition.

Shadowfax hovers ever so slightly above the ground.
A thin layer of magical flame covers Shadowfax.
Shadowfax is surrounded by a white aura.

<worn on head>       a crown of fire (light)
<worn on neck>       a Spork of the Gar
<worn on neck>       something ridiculous
<worn on finger>     the ring of prime evil
<worn on body>       a "got draak?" t-shirt
<worn on waist>      a shadowfax machine
<held>               a Ronald raygun
Shadowfax is obviously carrying:
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly mutters.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4776/4776 mn1309/1309 mv1182/1182] (leader)
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 568/616  mn 122/487  mv 274/298 ] 
[Kylar                 Lvl  30 Tw hp 730/730  mn 173/173  mv 389/389 ] 
[Dirt                  Lvl  12 N  hp  97/97   mn 162/162  mv 143/163 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 314/314  mn 334/334  mv 164/164 ] 
  A ghoul              Lvl  21 MC hp 404/404  mn   9/9    mv 280/280 ] 
  A skeletal mage      Lvl  20 MC hp 187/187  mn   6/6    mv 237/237 ] 
  A skeletal mage      Lvl  20 MC hp 187/187  mn   7/7    mv 237/237 ] 
  A skeleton           Lvl  20 WM hp 293/293  mn   9/9    mv 258/258 ] 
  A skeleton           Lvl  20 WM hp 293/293  mn   9/9    mv 258/258 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 523/523  mv 146/146 ] 
  A bone guardian      Lvl   9 MC hp 152/152  mn   9/9    mv 230/230 ] 

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group spam<
Spamolith is currently in a group consisting of:
  Spamolith            Lvl   0 M  hp10000/10000 mn  10/10   mv   0/0   ]x(leader)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr utters the words, 'jynmalatafoo' [strength]
Aaronr's muscles magically fill out as artificial strength courses through his body.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr utters the words, 'ya irk queya' [strength]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth says, 'And race is a Human...although he has a Holylight flag.'
Aaronr utters the words, 'orniumugfu ugpig kil vil' [strength]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>help group<
There is help available on the following topics:
[  1] groups grouping follow ungroup
[  2] group leaders
[  3] group summon join reject
[  4] group show groupshow groupwho grwho grshow
[  5] group tell grouptell gtell warn subgrouptell subgtell
[  6] group ditch
[  7] group followers
[  8] group where groupwhere grwhere gwhere
[  9] group lowmana lowhp lowmove low hphurt
[ 10] group tank grtank
[ 11] group rank grouprank rankings ratings rate
[ 12] group set groupset jobs command group
[ 13] group set groupset aim purpose flags
[ 14] group bots botting
[ 15] skill groupcasting gcasting
[ 16] spell area group refresh
[ 17] spell word of recall group
[ 18] oset composite groups

To pick a particular help page, add in the number of the page.
For example, 'help'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr utters the words, 'vilfuzen pig gerirksuborg' [strength]
Aaronr's muscles magically fill out as artificial strength courses through his body.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr utters the words, 'nardikfu atatenmal' [strength]
Aaronr's muscles magically fill out as artificial strength courses through his body.
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr utters the words, 'hiten irkvilsuya yasu' [strength]
Aaronr's muscles magically fill out as artificial strength courses through his body.
Thoth says, 'Must be catholic.'
The white aura around Lilmike fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly hugs Angelluhh.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr utters the words, 'narjyn gerripug tepvilvildik nar fuborg' [identify]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh vanishes into a flickering red glow.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia stops following Axl.
Felonia starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ok guys help me out here<
You tell the group, 'ok guys help me out here'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group felonia<
You add Felonia to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'with what'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'nod'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr gets the Scythe of Death.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt how to i gag minion spam?<
Thoth stops following you.
You tell the group, 'how to i gag minion spam?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr utters the words, 'gerhuntao xaque' [identify]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'spam min'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group thoth<
You add Thoth to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>spam min<
Only your minions will be displayed.
Your current spam flags are: 
swearing          - enabled
fighting          - disabled
gfighting         - disabled
damage            - disabled
getput            - disabled
wear              - disabled
player sneak      - disabled
mob sneak         - disabled
cast              - disabled
group cast        - disabled
minions           - display only your minions
socials           - disabled
miscellaneous     - disabled
spam probability  - 0%

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'hmm'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Only tanking minions will be displayed.
Your current spam flags are: 
swearing          - enabled
fighting          - disabled
gfighting         - disabled
damage            - disabled
getput            - disabled
wear              - disabled
player sneak      - disabled
mob sneak         - disabled
cast              - disabled
group cast        - disabled
minions           - display only minion tanks
socials           - disabled
miscellaneous     - disabled
spam probability  - 0%

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Aaronr tells the group, 'spam gminion'
No minion spam will be displayed.
Your current spam flags are: 
swearing          - enabled
fighting          - disabled
gfighting         - disabled
damage            - disabled
getput            - disabled
wear              - disabled
player sneak      - disabled
mob sneak         - disabled
cast              - disabled
group cast        - disabled
minions           - remove all minion spam
socials           - disabled
miscellaneous     - disabled
spam probability  - 0%

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr puts the Scythe of Death in his storage locker.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly utters the words, 'hunviltaooppig que yarip fuata' [identify]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt nod, thanks<
Ashly utters the words, 'hunjynop tep' [identify]
You tell the group, 'nod, thanks'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Available spam flags:
none      - no filtering
all       - all filtering enabled

swear     - you won't see swear or curse words in channels
fighting  - your dodge/parry/misses/annoys
gfighting - external dodge/parry/misses/annoys
damage    - external mob damage
getput    - external get/put with inventory container
wear      - external wear/remove
psneak    - player enter/leave
msneak    - non-player (mob) enter/leave
minions   - toggle display of minions
cast      - non-group player cast words
gcast     - group cast words
socials   - filters socials not specifically targeting you
misc      - earthquake and other miscellaneous sends

prob <percent> - allow through a percent of misc and cast spam

Your current spam flags are: 
swearing          - enabled
fighting          - disabled
gfighting         - disabled
damage            - disabled
getput            - disabled
wear              - disabled
player sneak      - disabled
mob sneak         - disabled
cast              - disabled
group cast        - disabled
minions           - remove all minion spam
socials           - disabled
miscellaneous     - disabled
spam probability  - 0%

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'welcome'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'np:)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Khadaji appears out of a flickering blue glow.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>spam all<
All spam flags toggled on.
Your current spam flags are: 
swearing          - disabled
fighting          - enabled
gfighting         - enabled
damage            - enabled
getput            - enabled
wear              - enabled
player sneak      - enabled
mob sneak         - enabled
cast              - enabled
group cast        - enabled
minions           - remove all minion spam
socials           - enabled
miscellaneous     - enabled
spam probability  - 0%

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Khadaji flies north.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>spam swear<
You will no longer see curse words.
Your current spam flags are: 
swearing          - enabled
fighting          - enabled
gfighting         - enabled
damage            - enabled
getput            - enabled
wear              - enabled
player sneak      - enabled
mob sneak         - enabled
cast              - enabled
group cast        - enabled
minions           - remove all minion spam
socials           - enabled
miscellaneous     - enabled
spam probability  - 0%

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Chingis has entered the game.
(admin help) Help page requested for 'spell dred' by 'Bonez'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 6)Mischief is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Dirt is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 0)A small candle sits on the ground, burning brightly.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rayden is lying here.
( 7)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4776/4776 mn1309/1309 mv1182/1182] (leader)
[Thoth                 Lvl  30 MW hp 665/665  mn 387/388  mv 399/399 ] 
[Felonia               Lvl  30 CM hp 571/571  mn 501/504  mv 238/238 ] 
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 612/616  mn 162/487  mv 298/298 ] 
[Kylar                 Lvl  30 Tw hp 732/732  mn 173/173  mv 397/399 ] 
[Dirt                  Lvl  12 N  hp  97/97   mn 162/162  mv 163/163 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 319/319  mn 297/334  mv 212/212 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 523/523  mv 146/146 ] 

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, '4776 hp 1309mn 1182 mv'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt heh<
You tell the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group killkill<
You add Killkill to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4776/4776 mn1309/1309 mv1182/1182] (leader)
[Killkill              Lvl  27 Mw hp 150/505  mn  14/279  mv   7/368 ] 
[Thoth                 Lvl  30 MW hp 665/665  mn 388/388  mv 399/399 ] 
[Felonia               Lvl  30 CM hp 571/571  mn 501/504  mv 238/238 ] 
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 616/616  mn 167/487  mv 298/298 ] 
[Kylar                 Lvl  30 Tw hp 732/732  mn 173/173  mv 399/399 ] 
[Dirt                  Lvl  12 N  hp  97/97   mn 162/162  mv 163/163 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 319/319  mn 306/334  mv 212/212 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 523/523  mv 146/146 ] 

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'that's a lot'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'you beat my woad'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>heal killkill<
Aaronr tells the group, 'its jellous now'
You begin healing Killkill.
Axl begins healing Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl heals Killkill.
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A clay man has arrived.
A ball of light has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'And he is a MC of all things...evilmage cleric'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You heal Killkill.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill is fully healed.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4776/4776 mn1108/1309 mv1182/1182] (leader)
[Killkill              Lvl  27 Mw hp 505/505  mn  19/279  mv  35/368 ] 
[Thoth                 Lvl  30 MW hp 665/665  mn 388/388  mv 399/399 ] 
[Felonia               Lvl  30 CM hp 571/571  mn 501/504  mv 238/238 ] 
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 616/616  mn 180/487  mv 298/298 ] 
[Kylar                 Lvl  30 Tw hp 732/732  mn 173/173  mv 399/399 ] 
[Dirt                  Lvl  12 N  hp  97/97   mn 162/162  mv 163/163 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 319/319  mn 331/334  mv 212/212 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 523/523  mv 146/146 ] 

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Rain floats down as its fly spell wears out.
(admin grestore) Autorestore followers for god 'shift',  1356 power used.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [18990] The Ejja teleported mob [18990] 'The Ejja' into room [18995] 'Standing upon a pile of bones.'.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Kliro: where do we go for mid lvl death march
Tharn sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'thank you shift!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Lilmike: unholy
[event] Aaronr: unholy

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Scryer appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro starts following you.
Scryer has left the game.
(admin logoff) Scryer has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'time to train exp.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth buys a practice.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Art has entered the game.
Thoth buys a practice.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth buys a practice.
Thoth buys a practice.

>group kliro<
Thoth buys a practice.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You add Kliro to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the subgroup, 'sanctuary in 1.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike says to Thoth, 'whoa there, buddy.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Subgroup tell turned off.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'heheheh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'so, are we gonna like group teleport somewhere or something?'
(admin logoff) Dagget has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'this should be fun'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'portal'


[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee stops following Stefen.
Kaylee starts following you.
Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4776/4776 mn1309/1309 mv1182/1182]x(leader)
[Kliro                 Lvl  30 CM hp 484/484  mn 528/528  mv 252/252 ] 
[Killkill              Lvl  27 Mw hp 505/505  mn 279/279  mv 368/368 ] 
[Thoth                 Lvl  30 MW hp 665/665  mn 388/388  mv 399/399 ] 
[Felonia               Lvl  30 CM hp 571/571  mn 501/504  mv 233/238 ] 
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 616/616  mn 201/487  mv 298/298 ] 
[Kylar                 Lvl  30 Tw hp 732/732  mn 173/173  mv 399/399 ] 
[Dirt                  Lvl  12 N  hp  97/97   mn 162/162  mv 163/163 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 319/319  mn 334/334  mv 212/212 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 523/523  mv 146/146 ] 

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kendell has entered the game.
(admin login) Kendell has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly says, 'I have 0 practices.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'ok people'
Killkill tells the group, 'I have 0 practices.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt yeah portal is easiest<
You tell the group, 'yeah portal is easiest'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'the chaos one?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Killkill fades.
Rain tells the group, 'shadowfax, do you have a list, or can I make suggestians'
Killkill warns the group, 'sanc out!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'please put the randomness on subgt'
Kliro tells the group, 'yo shadowfax, ima heal and blast and that alright?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike says, 'I have 4291353 experience.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, 'I have 1 practices.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'or w/e it is'

>gt i have a list, after which i will take suggestions<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly says, 'I have 128685 experience.'
You tell the group, 'i have a list, after which i will take suggestions'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Squiggles has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kendell starts following Tharn.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl starts rummaging around in Tensor's floating disc.
Axl sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'hey radon's corpse is here, and he has 7083 golds in it!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'is this like traditional or something?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar says, 'if you'd stop dying'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Kliro fades.
Stefen floats down as his fly spell wears out.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, 'I have died 665 times to mobs.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You will now attempt to tank in any groups you are in.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'oh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly says, 'I have died 472 times to mobs.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'one sec'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee says, 'I have died 40 times to mobs.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike says to Axl, 'one more, one more!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Warning - you WILL LEAVE BEHIND lagging group members.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'touch my corpse you die'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, 'I have been playing a total of 21198 hours.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear has entered the game.
(admin login) Tear has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'horribly'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly says, 'I have been playing a total of 923 hours.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'did you need an res'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike says, 'I have been playing a total of 8041 hours.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'tep odiusbarkilnar bar' [cure serious wounds]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt you need res?<
You tell the group, 'you need res?'
Art utters the words, 'kiltaoodius ya' [cure serious wounds]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'na thanks'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief begins healing Art.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief heals Art.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen says, 'Restriction 666 released.'
Thoth tells the group, 'Maybe you should donate it.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Rayden has entered the game.
Art is fully healed.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rayden has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rayden gets 7883 gold coins from the corpse of Rayden.
[anger] Fehlan: xp

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, 'bring in the  hounds.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'you sure are watching me'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rayden sacrifices the corpse of Rayden to Gandor.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rayden disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly goes away from her keyboard.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Rayden has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tharn stops resting, and stands up.
Watery has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'enghundik malpig' [stone skin]
Mischief's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'kil gerque' [sanctuary]
Mischief is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Mischief goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Cheetah has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group art<
You add Art to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)
Axl says, 'release the hounds!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'I have a fealing... my client is gonna like boot me lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [18990] The Ejja teleported mob [18990] 'The Ejja' into room [26846] 'Inside a shadow filled room.'.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Merlinda has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heh...shadowfax the immortal human is sanc'd'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Drg appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Drg flies east.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'hehe, yeah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.
River has entered the game.
(admin login) River has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Kayzle has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'ya funartep suop jyn wertencafu' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh starts following you.
Lilmike utters the words, 'ug hunwir' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'ripirkvil riptephun irk' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'odius tepvilten jynwirfutao rekzenborg hitendik' [sanctuary]
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth utters the words, 'diklysirkfoo xaripgerborgeng tenwerfu pig' [sanctuary]
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.

>group angelluhh<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You add Angelluhh to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'hi all'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Lina has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'hey'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The red in Locke's vision disappears.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River has lost her link.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'we probably could have just gcasted sanc'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Shaletty has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt your name is difficult to type in a hurry<
You tell the group, 'your name is difficult to type in a hurry'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
Aaronr goes to sleep.

>gc bles<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro is asleep.
Aaronr is asleep.
You now watch over Thoth.
You now watch over Maeve.
You now watch over Kylar.
You now watch over Rain.
You now watch over Dirt.
You now watch over Killkill.
You now watch over Art.
You now watch over Angelluhh.
You now watch over Shadowfax.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River has reconnected.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'hwo's'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: lina xp

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: don't trust it!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind merlin<
Kaylee utters the words, 'wir surektao kil orniumgercanarhinarca' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[ 7013] Merlin Lord of all Monks-> in room [ 7070] In The Office Of Lord Monk.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[anger] Jinx: where?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kevin: don't do it!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: he'll give you good exp!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt you guys ready?<
Killkill goes to sleep.
You tell the group, 'you guys ready?'
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'someone sanc me'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[anger] Fehlan: gr join

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kevin: fight the power!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'shadowfax, u assigning jobs?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'nod'
Kaylee's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gc sanc<
Rain tells the group, '?*&& yeah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill is asleep.
Thoth is already sanctified.
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.
Kylar is surrounded by a white aura.
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.
Dirt is surrounded by a white aura.
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.
Art is surrounded by a white aura.
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.
You are already sanctified.
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'leptep mal jyn irkatadikyaeng' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill sits down and rests.

>gt i tank<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'i tank'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'of course, your best tank'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol,'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heh'
Kliro tells the group, 'mind if i blast?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt you guys kill it<
You tell the group, 'you guys kill it'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River says, 'hwo do I join'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'heh'
Killkill's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'what's your ac'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'why doesn't the god tank?'

>talk river follow me<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You say to River, 'follow me'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike says, 'follow shadowfax'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'he is'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'ripdo foorek' [stone skin]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'surip maltenten su tao' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'i wonder if i can necr cast shadowfax when i need him.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn appears in the middle of the room.
Mischief goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group :river<
But they are not following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn utters the words, 'fumalhiug' [heal]
Kliro tells the group, 'killkill, the god is tanking'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, 'river is ignoring me'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl cries on your shoulder.
Brynn slowly lowers her defenses against the undead.

>group shaletty<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You add Shaletty to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'yamallys narsuvil' [sanctuary]
Felonia is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River starts following Shaletty.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn says, 'wish I could get in on this... drat my high level'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl gets up and starts discoing in true seventies fashion.  Fingers are pointing everywhere, and bell bottoms are a flyin'!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group river<
Mischief awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
But they are not following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn sits down and rests.
Mischief utters the words, 'ata cariphun taomal' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River stops following Shaletty.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group bryunn<
No-one by that name playing.
(see 'group set' for other group related commands)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group brynn<
But they are not following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group river<
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
You add River to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)
Thoth says, 'make a newbie then come to ralnoth'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'dikborghun hunataop' [undo]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'ca teplys' [undo]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear starts following you.
Stefen says, 'haha'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'hello'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'tao hunxa tepatairk' [undo]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group tear<
You add Tear to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'lephun ya' [undo]
The white aura around Mischief fades.
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [47544] 'The Southern Ocean'.
Brynn stops resting, and stands up.
Brynn utters the words, 'catao leprekpigten orniumxa' [heal]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'lo'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'ten cadiktep hundoata dikrek' [undo]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4776/4776 mn1309/1309 mv1182/1182]x(leader)(tank)
[Tear                  Lvl  30 Tm hp 578/578  mn 310/409  mv 295/295 ] 
[River                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 454/454  mn 292/386  mv 309/309 ] 
[Shaletty              Lvl  30 MC hp 588/588  mn 451/451  mv 259/259 ] 
[Angelluhh             Lvl  23 Wc hp 400/400  mn 198/238  mv 299/299 ] 
[Art                   Lvl  25 Nm hp 310/310  mn 350/350  mv 232/232 ] 
[Kliro                 Lvl  30 CM hp 484/484  mn 528/528  mv 252/252 ] 
[Killkill              Lvl  27 Mw hp 500/500  mn 202/279  mv 318/318 ] 
[Thoth                 Lvl  30 MW hp 665/665  mn 335/388  mv 399/399 ] 
[Felonia               Lvl  30 CM hp 571/571  mn 482/504  mv 147/238 ] 
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 616/616  mn 185/487  mv 298/298 ] 
[Kylar                 Lvl  30 Tw hp 732/732  mn  83/173  mv 399/399 ] 
[Dirt                  Lvl  12 N  hp  97/97   mn  61/162  mv 163/163 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 319/319  mn 329/334  mv 212/212 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 523/523  mv 146/146 ] 

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'hunkilengug' [undo]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'Hiya'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The magical flames protecting Kaylee flicker and go out.
Kaylee's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Kaylee shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
A clay man has become a member of the group.
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'rip cairkcazen' [stone skin]
Maeve's skin turns grey and granite-like.
Mischief utters the words, 'tepzen gerfoorekpig' [undo]
Art sets up a crude summoning circle and places a pale blue soulstone on the ground inside it.
Art begins summoning something...
Claws marks appear on the ground, then an ebony scaled demon climbs through into the circle.
An ebony scaled demon starts following Art.
an ebony scaled demon has become a member of the group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'hi lyshunger rekhi' [undo]
Kaylee is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Angelluhh.
A clay man starts following Angelluhh.
A clay man has become a member of the group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Bonez has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'hilys wertentep fuirkya vilhi' [undo]
Mischief's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve River.
A clay man starts following River.
A clay man has become a member of the group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt nice group<
You tell the group, 'nice group'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia gains a necromancer level!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'spamm'

>mfind merlin<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[ 7013] Merlin Lord of all Monks-> in room [ 7070] In The Office Of Lord Monk.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Dirt.
A clay man starts following Dirt.
A clay man has become a member of the group.
Brynn says, 'if you're headed for jade pyramid, there are a couple less zombies'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
(admin logoff) Drg has left the game.
Kaylee shimmers with a vague magical haze.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh utters the words, 'dikirkug ata' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'you care for minions?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro shimmers with a vague magical haze.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 7070<
Brynn awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn utters the words, 'diknarata cajyn lep irk' [heal]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent portal<
You enter a magical portal.

In The Office Of Lord Monk.
You are in the office of Lord Monk.  You notice two paintings, one of 
Lord Monk and one of his mother.  Do you suppose Lord Monk puts 
himself before his own mother?  Lord Monk is sitting behind his desk, doing 
paperwork.  It seems that Lord Monk has to make another round to the local 
cities.  That must be where he gets all his money.  Lord Monk is paid to 
make the commoners feel important.  The government of the town pays 
Lord Monk.  This way the town will not have riots.  This room has glasses 
spread around the room.  There must be more then a hundred of them.  
Each one of the glasses is filled with holy water.  When Lord Monk gets 
thirsty he just drinks some holy water.  This way Lord Monk will always 
stay holy.  Even though he is very greedy.  Lord Monk must have a treasure
room around here.  He sure does not share it with the other monks.  Maybe 
the door to the west leads some where important.  There is only one way to 
find out if it does. 
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)Merlin lord of all monks is sitting behide his desk counting his money.
Merlin Lord of all Monks glows with a bright light!
[Exits: none ]

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'minions are good'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Muncher killed by a Indira cityguard while in room [53221] The Mages' Guild Shop
You feel yourself getting younger...

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Thorerand has entered the game.

>kill lord<

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Your punch scratches Merlin Lord of all Monks.
Dirt arrives from a magical portal.
Your punch scratches Merlin Lord of all Monks.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'do we go port?'

>gt enter portal<

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'So...anyone wanna exp after? Shadow is tanking!'
You tell the group, 'enter portal'
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
River arrives from a magical portal.
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
River enters a magical portal and disappears.
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Dirt rushes to your side in battle!

>gt and uh<

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.
You tell the group, 'and uh'
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!
A clay man jumps to the aid of Dirt!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt assist me!<
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
You tell the group, 'assist me!'

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeleton.
A skeleton starts following Art.
A skeleton has become a member of the group.
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Merlin Lord of all Monks stands up.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Kylar goes berserk in battle!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike says to you, 'can you group me?'
A clay man jumps to the aid of Angelluhh!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeleton.
A skeleton starts following Art.
A skeleton has become a member of the group.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'huh? has this portal always been here?'
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.
A ghoul jumps at Merlin Lord of all Monks clawing and biting!
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Merlin Lord of all Monks!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
(admin login) Grass has entered the game.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.
River arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt i'm casting gate<
You tell the group, 'i'm casting gate'
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
Kaylee's force shield slowly dissipates.
The white aura around Thoth fades.
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill warns the group, 'sanc out!'
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Merlin Lord of all Monks from behind!
Merlin Lord of all Monks begins to shiver and shake with cold!

>gt blast away<
Merlin Lord of all Monks maims Kylar!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'blast away'
Merlin Lord of all Monks stands up.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike utters the words, 'gerlepfoo fudonar caoprek xaquefu su' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
River rushes to your side in battle!
A clay man jumps to the aid of River!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Merlin Lord of all Monks from behind!
Merlin Lord of all Monks begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
A bone guardian jumps to the aid of Maeve!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Merlin Lord of all Monks from behind!
Merlin Lord of all Monks begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Lilmike says to you, 'group me please'
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
You are carrying:
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia throws a ball of freezing unfire at Merlin Lord of all Monks!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee tells you, 'I can't join in?'
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Merlin Lord of all Monks is engulfed in flames!

Room: 7070  Zone: 700  Wizinvis: 0> 
Merlin Lord of all Monks is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Art casts a spell, and a dim white glow flows out of Merlin Lord of all Monks into a pale blue soulstone!

Your blood freezes as you hear Merlin Lord of all Monks's death cry!
Merlin Lord of all Monks is DEAD!
You receive 280000 experience.
Art gets 59 gold coins from the corpse of Merlin Lord of all Monks.
Art splits 59 gold coins with his group.
Kylar returns to his senses, the target of his aggression now gone.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>

>fi kaylee<
Name: 'kaylee'
Fight string: Kaylee
Ground string: Kaylee is here.
Title: the pink girl
Date of character creation: Mon Jun 15 16:53:12 2009

Level       Mage:  30  Cleric:  27  Thief:  17  Warrior:  22  Necromancer:  10
Total levels in top four classes: 96
Clan: shadow alliance
Mob deaths:    40
Ltype: 2   Banked Gold: 68632
God: 'Gandor'   Favor: 3
Temp pk deaths:      7
Temp pk kills:       1
Recent arena wins:   0/1
Time of last access/finger: Fri Nov 26 20:11:59 2010
Time of last save: Fri Nov 26 19:40    2010

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Lilmike says to you, 'darn'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'oh, its just the munks'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>

>trans kaylee<
Kaylee disappears in a mushroom cloud.
Kaylee arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>

>group kaylee<
Maeve scans the area to see who is around.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
You add Kaylee to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'guys'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>

>repl heh sorry<
You reply to Kaylee, 'heh sorry'
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of Merlin Lord of all Monks, drawing power from it.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'please don't soulsteal'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Lilmike says to you, 'you didn't gorup me heh'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'lys irk lep' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>

>group lilmike<
You add Lilmike to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I'm saccing corpses'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'why not?'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>

>sa sorry bro<
You say, 'sorry bro'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>

>sa a lot of spam<
Rain tells the group, 'it's a lame ##! way to get the final hit, and it takes away from our faming opps'
You say, 'a lot of spam'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh scans the area to see who is around.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'no'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'eq is split at end'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'don't sac'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
River tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Art fades.
Art floats down as his fly spell wears out.
The white aura around Kylar fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
The white aura around Angelluhh fades.
The white aura around Aaronr fades.
The white aura around Rain fades.
The white aura around Dirt fades.
Angelluhh tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Aaronr warns the group, 'sanc out!'
Felonia tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
River tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh warns the group, 'sanc out!'
Maeve tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
Angelluhh tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
River tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Thoth tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
Angelluhh tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
River tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Maeve tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
Kliro goes to sleep.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Aaronr goes to sleep.
Thoth tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
Felonia forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Felonia leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Felonia utters the words, 'ger opfutao' [sanctuary]
Dirt is surrounded by a white aura.
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Kylar is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.
Art is surrounded by a white aura.
Tear is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.
River is surrounded by a white aura.
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Kaylee tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
Thoth tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
River tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
Maeve tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
Killkill tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Thoth tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Maeve tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
Killkill tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
River tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Kaylee tries to pick the holy door, but fails.
Thoth tries to pick the holy door, but fails.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Maeve picks the holy door.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Kylar says, 'uh you know that goes back'

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Killkill opens the holy door.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<
You tell the group, 'recall'
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Lilmike scans the area to see who is around.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Sei'Saarak, the Time Dragon has summoned Kylar elsewhere to spread havoc!
Kylar disappears.
Lilmike prays to Mutt for transportation...
Lilmike disappears.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
Tear prays to Shift for transportation...
Tear disappears.
Thoth prays to Dentin for transportation...
Thoth disappears.

An unnatural presence appears and pulls Maeve into Oblivion.
Maeve disappears.

[In The Office Of Lord Monk.]
R:7070 Z:700 Wiz:0>
You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
A dark oubilette

[Exits: none ]

[A dark oubilette]
R:12871 Z:1030 Wiz:0>

>got 0<
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 6)Kliro is here.
( 5)Dirt is here.
Dirt glows with a bright light!
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
Felonia glows with a bright light!
( 5)River is here.
River glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 0)A small candle sits on the ground, burning brightly.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
The white aura around Felonia fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get gate<
You don't see anything by that name here.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get portal<
It's way too big and ethereal for that.
(picking up object anyway)
It's way too big and ethereal for that.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>eat portal<
You eat a glowing portal into the plane of chaos.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get portal<
You don't see anything by that name here.
Lilmike says, 'uh...'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Axl facepalms at you.  What'd you do?
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Dirt is here.
Dirt glows with a bright light!
( 6)Angelluhh is here, sound asleep.
Angelluhh glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 5)River is here, sound asleep.
River glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here, sound asleep.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 0)A small candle sits on the ground, burning brightly.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen says, 'OH nos.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar says to you, 'crunchy?'
(admin login) Yai has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'what the'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'we allwent back'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River's force shield slowly dissipates.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind milano<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[17100] Don Milano          -> in room [17144] A study

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'xa hitaowerdikrek hi ripmalbar tenya' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: aw, my staples epic black friday order was cancelled.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ok, ready to for next one?<
You tell the group, 'ok, ready to for next one?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn appears in the middle of the room.
A clay man cracks and crumbles, becoming a pile of dust and dirt.
A clay man has left the group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah'
Kylar tells the group, 'nod'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River stops resting, and stands up.
Lilmike tells the group, 'yep!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Yup'
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'nod'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn utters the words, 'maltepata eng' [heal]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'aye'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'yep'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind milano<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[17100] Don Milano          -> in room [17144] A study

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.
Dirt goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brynn flies down.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh says, 'I currently gain 70 hitpoints, 29 mana, and 52 movement while sleeping.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 17144;ent gate;c firef<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You enter a magical portal.

A study
A small den with gray walls.  The room is spartan, save the mahogany desk
and chair in the center of the room.  The place seems to have a serene,
calming feeling necessary for hours of concentration.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)A well-dressed Italian works at his desk.
Don Milano glows with a bright light!
[Exits: none ]
A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
River arrives from a magical portal.
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

>fi horo<

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Name: 'horo'
Fight string: Horo
Ground string: Horo is here, dying for your sins.
Title: would still die for you.
Date of character creation: Sat May  2 19:39:16 2009
Personal homepage url: Spookykid tells the group, 'i have no idea  what you guys are talking about but i want to see a blind chick with no arms or legs please'

Level       Mage:  30  Cleric:  22  Thief:  32  Warrior:  28  Necromancer:   5
Microlevel  Mage:   2  Cleric:   0  Thief:   4  Warrior:   0  Necromancer:   0

Total levels in top four classes: 112
Ppk deaths:        0 low,    3 mid,    0 high
Ppk Kills:         3 low,    2 mid,    0 high
Mob deaths:   426
Ltype: 2   Banked Gold: 0
God: 'Mutt'   Favor: 10
Temp pk deaths:    239
Temp pk kills:     241
Recent arena wins:   1/28
Time of last access/finger: Fri Nov 26 20:29:00 2010
Time of last save: Fri Nov 26 19:40    2010

Kylar arrives from a magical portal.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Art arrives from a magical portal.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
Horo arrives from a magical portal.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
A ghoul laughs mercilessly at Don Milano!

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Dirt arrives from a magical portal.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of A ghoul!
A clay man heroically rescues A ghoul!
Kylar rushes to aid A skeleton!

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
A ghoul jumps to the aid of A skeletal mage!

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Aaronr rushes to aid A ghoul!
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
Dirt rushes to aid A ghoul!
Kaylee floats down as her fly spell wears out.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Art rushes to aid Dirt!
A ghoul jumps at Don Milano clawing and biting!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Maeve rushes to aid Dirt!

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
A bone guardian jumps to the aid of Maeve!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike rushes to aid Dirt!

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Thoth rushes to aid Dirt!
You rush forward to defend A clay man!
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
A ghoul laughs mercilessly at Don Milano!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'dikpigten werwirata malengmallep' [fly]
Kaylee gently rises off the ground.
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
River rushes to your side in battle!
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!
A clay man jumps to the aid of River!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man jumps to the aid of Killkill!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Don Milano!
Don Milano stands up.
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
A ghoul laughs mercilessly at Don Milano!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'xalyswir do opnartaower' [dispel magic]
Kliro gestures towards Don Milano.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!
A ghoul rips and tears into Don Milano with filthy, diseased claws!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Don Milano from behind!
Don Milano begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Don Milano!
Kylar says, 'oh hi'

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
Don Milano is singed by a blue dart of flame.
Horo prays to Mutt for transportation...
Horo disappears.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Don Milano from behind!
Don Milano begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Don Milano is singed by a blue dart of flame.
Kliro utters the words, 'atadik ya' [dispel magic]
Kliro gestures towards Don Milano.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Don Milano!
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
A ghoul laughs mercilessly at Don Milano!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!
Don Milano is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Don Milano from behind!
Don Milano begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Don Milano!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Don Milano!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Don Milano stands up.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Don Milano from behind!
Don Milano begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
You feel less tired.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ghoul jumps at Don Milano clawing and biting!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Don Milano is engulfed in flames!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Don Milano from behind!
Don Milano begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Don Milano is singed by a blue dart of flame.
A ghoul bites Don Milano with diseased, razor sharp teeth!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [25261] 'A river'.
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 

>tell :horo this is for the mid-levels, horo<
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
You tell Horo, 'this is for the mid-levels, horo'
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
A ghoul laughs mercilessly at Don Milano!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Don Milano from behind!
Don Milano begins to shiver and shake with cold!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
A ghoul laughs mercilessly at Don Milano!
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Don Milano from behind!
Don Milano begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Don Milano stands up.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Don Milano!
Don Milano is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all his weaknesses.
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
A ghoul backs slowly away from Don Milano.
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Don Milano!
Don Milano invokes the power of his god to strike down the undead!
A ghoul laughs mercilessly at Don Milano!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Don Milano from behind!
Don Milano begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Don Milano is singed by a blue dart of flame.
A ghoul goes berserk in battle!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Don Milano!

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Don Milano is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Don Milano is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Don Milano is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Don Milano is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 17144  Zone: 1710  Wizinvis: 0> 
Don Milano is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Don Milano is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear Don Milano's death cry!
Don Milano is DEAD!
You receive 280000 experience.
Aaronr gets 71 gold coins from the corpse of Don Milano.
Aaronr splits 71 gold coins with his group.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
A ghoul returns to its senses, the target of its aggression now gone.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

You snicker softly.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Lilmike fades.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'vilirkfu hunodiusmal malxa' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>
Maeve blurs for a moment, then returns to normal.

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

>gt you guys need tougher stuff<
You tell the group, 'you guys need tougher stuff'

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

River is surrounded by a strong force shield.
A study
A small den with gray walls.  The room is spartan, save the mahogany desk
and chair in the center of the room.  The place seems to have a serene,
calming feeling necessary for hours of concentration.

( 6)The corpse of Don Milano is lying here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh glows with a bright light!
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)Dirt is here.
Dirt glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 5)River is here.
River glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: none ]

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<
You tell the group, 'recall'
Tear tells the group, 'rofl'
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.
Lilmike tells the group, 'heh'

[A study]
R:17144 Z:1710 Wiz:0>

Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah'
You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
A dark oubilette

[Exits: none ]

[A dark oubilette]
R:12871 Z:1030 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'lux'
Lilmike tells the group, 'yeah too many of us'

[A dark oubilette]
R:12871 Z:1030 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'zap dragon'

[A dark oubilette]
R:12871 Z:1030 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'rofl'

[A dark oubilette]
R:12871 Z:1030 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I agree'

[A dark oubilette]
R:12871 Z:1030 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'heh'

[A dark oubilette]
R:12871 Z:1030 Wiz:0>

>got 0<
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 5)River is here, sound asleep.
River glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here, sound asleep.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Dirt is here, sound asleep.
Dirt glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 6)*Mischief is here, sound asleep.
Mischief is surrounded with a dark black aura.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 1)A small pile of crumbled dirt and clay is on the ground here.
( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 0)A small candle sits on the ground, burning brightly.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
Aaronr tells the group, 'maybe a lev 34 place lol'
River tells the group, 'stupid ball lightning'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wtf'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'zap dragon, actually sounds like it'd be good for this group'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'yeah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'atayaorniumque ugopborgripug killepgertep' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'wow, so basically it transports us to rando  places?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'um the problem with that'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief utters the words, 'zenhiatajyn xaopodius' [undo]
Mischief's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'kind of'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River stops resting, and stands up.
Mischief utters the words, 'hundikmal caripbar ornium' [undo]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'no'
Kliro tells the group, 'no one has saves'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mischief goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [2010] 'In a heavily wooded lowland'.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'is how many of us how saving sets'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around River fades.
River's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.
The white aura around Tear fades.
The white aura around Art fades.
The white aura around Kylar fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
Maeve's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
The white aura around Killkill fades.
The white aura around Angelluhh fades.
The white aura around Rain fades.
The white aura around Thoth fades.
The white aura around Dirt fades.
Killkill warns the group, 'sanc out!'
Angelluhh warns the group, 'sanc out!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -8 (39%), cold at 1 (-5%), zap at 2 (-10%), breath at -4 (20%), poison at -2 (10%), and general spell resistance at 7%.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'who cares! its fun to die'
Aaronr tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -2 (10%), fire at -2 (10%), cold at -1 (5%), breath at -1 (5%), and poison at -1 (5%).'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'yeahkkliro'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'hehe'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind tumbao<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[18626] Tumbao the Grand Imperator-> in room [18686] The Imperator's Throneroom

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh says, 'I have saving throws for spells at -10 (47%), breath at 1 (-5%), and general spell resistance at 4%.'
Rain tells the group, 'most of them can ground'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Brynn killed by a lynx while in room [44259] In the Giftsmarsch
A bloody and battered Brynn appears in the middle of the room.
Axl begins healing Brynn.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'narrator is active lol what the'
Rain tells the group, 'plus zap is a panzy'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>got tumbao<
Stefen begins healing Brynn.
Axl begins healing Brynn.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia begins healing Brynn.
Aaronr shimmers with a vague magical haze.
Axl begins healing Brynn.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen heals Brynn.
River goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Going to character... 
The Imperator's Throneroom
You have finally reached the great throne room of the Imperator of the
Dargonesti people.  Beautifully carved statues and carefully crafted
paintings abound, decorating the entire length and height of the throne room.
Above you a huge sunroof allows the light from outside to enter and
illuminate the room, casting shadows round about and adding the majesty to
the premises.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 7)The leader of the Dargonesti stands before you.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator glows with a bright light!
[Exits: down ]

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>for tumbao rem all<
(admin god) Shadowfax forced non-godload mob [18626] 'Tumbao the Grand Imperator' to 'rem all'.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator stops using TideRipper.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator stops using a huge magical water ring.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>for tumbao drop all -force<
(admin god) Shadowfax forced non-godload mob [18626] 'Tumbao the Grand Imperator' to 'drop all -force'.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator drops a huge magical water ring.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator drops TideRipper.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator drops the Infinity Ball.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>get all<
You get the Infinity Ball.
You get TideRipper.
You get a huge magical water ring.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>got 0<
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 4)Brynn is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Angelluhh is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here, sound asleep.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)River is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here, sound asleep.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Dirt is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 7)Killkill is here, sound asleep.
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 6)*Mischief is here, sound asleep.
Mischief is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 0)A small candle sits on the ground, burning brightly.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I have died 124 times to mobs.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 18686;ent gate;kill tumbao<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You enter a magical portal.

The Imperator's Throneroom
You have finally reached the great throne room of the Imperator of the
Dargonesti people.  Beautifully carved statues and carefully crafted
paintings abound, decorating the entire length and height of the throne room.
Above you a huge sunroof allows the light from outside to enter and
illuminate the room, casting shadows round about and adding the majesty to
the premises.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 7)The leader of the Dargonesti stands before you.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator glows with a bright light!
[Exits: down ]
Your punch scratches Tumbao the Grand Imperator.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
River tells the group, 'I have died 26 times to mobs.'

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'Im ready'

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh tells the group, 'I have died 12 times to mobs.'

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'me too'

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 

>kill tumbao<
You do your best!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear tells the group, 'I have died 28 times to mobs.'

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
Killkill tells the group, 'ready'

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt come one<
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
Art rushes to your side in battle!
You tell the group, 'come one'
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt come all<
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Rain rushes to your side in battle!
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'come all'
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tumbao the Grand Imperator!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tumbao the Grand Imperator stands up.
A blood red winged demon claws at Tumbao the Grand Imperator!
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
River arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tumbao the Grand Imperator!
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr utters the words, 'vilnarodius ripsudo irklys taoornium dik' [cure serious wounds]
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tumbao the Grand Imperator!
The spear hits Tumbao the Grand Imperator with full force!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator is engulfed in flames!
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tumbao the Grand Imperator!
Tumbao the Grand Imperator stands up.

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator is engulfed in flames!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tumbao the Grand Imperator!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
River rushes to your side in battle!
A clay man jumps to the aid of River!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator is engulfed in flames!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tumbao the Grand Imperator!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ghoul goes berserk in battle!
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tumbao the Grand Imperator!

Room: 18686  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tumbao the Grand Imperator is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tumbao the Grand Imperator!
Tumbao the Grand Imperator is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A blood red winged demon is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
A blood red winged demon is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Tumbao the Grand Imperator is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear Tumbao the Grand Imperator's death cry!
Tumbao the Grand Imperator is DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Tear gets 38 gold coins from the corpse of Tumbao the Grand Imperator.
Tear splits 38 gold coins with its group.
Tear sacrifices the corpse of Tumbao the Grand Imperator to Shift.
A ghoul returns to its senses, the target of its aggression now gone.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
River invokes the power of her god to strike down the undead!

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>sa yeesh<
You say, 'yeesh'
Kylar tells the group, 'mmm'

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

The Imperator's Throneroom
You have finally reached the great throne room of the Imperator of the
Dargonesti people.  Beautifully carved statues and carefully crafted
paintings abound, decorating the entire length and height of the throne room.
Above you a huge sunroof allows the light from outside to enter and
illuminate the room, casting shadows round about and adding the majesty to
the premises.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)River is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: down ]

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

Angelluhh scans the area to see who is around.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Room number: 18686   Zone 1860
Move cost: 2  Carried weight: 6112
The Imperator's Throneroom
Long desc exists.
Exits are:
    up:            18687 -> A secret metal room
	door:      18607 -> sliding wall panel
    down:          18685 -> Before the Imperator's throneroom
Room flags:   NO_MOB 
FXYZ:    39.99,   298.00,   -31.00
XYZ: 40, 298, -31  Terrain: BUILDING  Firewood: 1/1  Forage: 1/1  Game: 1/1
Mana: 7770.03  R: 7478/0  G: 1525/0 E: 1336/0 Sink: 0
Temperature:  23.35C  Humidity: 23/34  Clouds: 24/100

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Dirt arrives from a magical portal.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'darganesty'

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
River scans the area to see who is around.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>dse edit 18607<
You are now editing door number 18607 'sliding wall panel'.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

To see door strings, use dsstat.
Name: 'wall'  Door vnum: 18607  Zone: 1860

Door zoneloads:  ZCLOSED  ZLOCKED

Door flags:
Key 1 is vnum 18616, the Infinity Ball.
Pick level: 0  Intelligence: 0
Default hidden: 99   Currently hidden: 97

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>dse key 1 0<
Key set.
Kylar tells the group, 'wow my spelling is awesome'

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>


Alas, you cannot go that way.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

The Imperator's Throneroom
You have finally reached the great throne room of the Imperator of the
Dargonesti people.  Beautifully carved statues and carefully crafted
paintings abound, decorating the entire length and height of the throne room.
Above you a huge sunroof allows the light from outside to enter and
illuminate the room, casting shadows round about and adding the majesty to
the premises.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 5)Dirt is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)River is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: down ]

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Maeve scans the area to see who is around.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>op door u<
You do not see that here.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Aaronr scans the area to see who is around.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

To see door strings, use dsstat.
Name: 'wall'  Door vnum: 18607  Zone: 1860

Door zoneloads:  ZCLOSED  ZLOCKED

Door flags:
Key 1 is vnum 1, one miserable gold coin.
Pick level: 0  Intelligence: 0
Default hidden: 99   Currently hidden: 95

Lilmike scans the area to see who is around.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'let's go down'

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh scans the area to see who is around.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Killkill scans the area to see who is around.

>op wall u<

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
It seems to be locked.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh starts searching for something...

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>unlock wall<
You dont have the proper key for that.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh finds and gathers up a small, soft potato.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>pick wall<
It does not appear to be possible to pick this lock.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Thoth scans the area to see who is around.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
River utters the words, 'suhi ripsuug quetep' [fly]


[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
To see door strings, use dsstat.
Name: 'wall'  Door vnum: 18607  Zone: 1860

Door zoneloads:  ZCLOSED  ZLOCKED

Door flags:
Key 1 is vnum 1, one miserable gold coin.
Pick level: 0  Intelligence: 0
Default hidden: 99   Currently hidden: 88

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
River utters the words, 'hivillys ugmal caengca irk' [fly]

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
River utters the words, 'jynrip borgya' [fly]

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Killkill gathers up a wooden branch and drops it on the ground.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kylar starts searching for something...

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>oload 1<
River utters the words, 'sufoower lysop vilsu' [fly]
You create one miserable gold coin with a strange magical gesture.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kylar starts searching for something...
(up) Kylar discovers something...

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>unlock wall<
River utters the words, 'vilugwir diknarnarhun' [fly]
You slide the Infinity Ball into the indentation in the center of the wall and hear a soft *click*.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>op wall<
River utters the words, 'werlepatadik' [fly]
You open the sliding wall panel.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

To see door strings, use dsstat.
Name: 'wall'  Door vnum: 18607  Zone: 1860

Door zoneloads:  ZCLOSED  ZLOCKED

Door flags:
Lock flags:  NOPICK
Key 1 is vnum 1, one miserable gold coin.
Pick level: 0  Intelligence: 0
Default hidden: 99   Currently hidden: 0

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
River utters the words, 'lysugxa ugeng' [fly]
River gently rises off the ground.

[The Imperator's Throneroom]
R:18686 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

A secret metal room
A plain metal room with rusting walls, ceiling and floor.  The magnetic
barrier below is the only way in and out.

( 6)A mechanical soldier lies in wait here.
[Exits: down ]
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
Art has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
An ebony scaled demon has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
Kylar has arrived.
A clay man has arrived.
A clay man has arrived.
A clay man has arrived.
A bone guardian has arrived.
The CyberWarrior suddenly stabs A skeleton in the back!
A clay man heroically rescues A skeleton!

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh gives a small, soft potato to River.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Aaronr rushes to aid A clay man!

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
A ball of blue-white lightning engulfs Aaronr!

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kylar rushes to aid A clay man!
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
A bone guardian heroically rescues Aaronr!

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
The CyberWarrior breathes a cloud of greenish, poisonous gas!

Your blood curdles as you hear Dirt's dying scream!
Dirt has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Dirt killed by the CyberWarrior while in room [18687] A secret metal room

Your blood curdles as you hear Aaronr's dying scream!
Aaronr has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Aaronr killed by the CyberWarrior while in room [18687] A secret metal room
A cloud of glowing purple gas billows forth from the hand of the CyberWarrior, highlighting everyone!
A bone guardian is momentarily revealed.
Maeve is momentarily revealed.
A clay man is momentarily revealed.
River is momentarily revealed.
A clay man is momentarily revealed.
Angelluhh is momentarily revealed.
Tear is momentarily revealed.
Kliro is momentarily revealed.
Lilmike is momentarily revealed.
A clay man is momentarily revealed.
Killkill is momentarily revealed.
Shaletty is momentarily revealed.
Thoth is momentarily revealed.
Kylar is momentarily revealed.
Rain is momentarily revealed.
A skeleton is momentarily revealed.
An ebony scaled demon is momentarily revealed.
A skeleton is momentarily revealed.
Art is momentarily revealed.
A ghoul is momentarily revealed.
A skeletal mage is momentarily revealed.
A skeletal mage is momentarily revealed.
A skeleton is momentarily revealed.
Kaylee is momentarily revealed.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
You rush forward to defend A skeleton!
A bone guardian heroically rescues A skeletal mage!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from the CyberWarrior's hand to engulf Kliro!
A clay man heroically rescues Kliro!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
The CyberWarrior's stab *** MASSACRES *** Tear!
A clay man heroically rescues Tear!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A bone guardian heroically rescues Kylar!
A clay man heroically rescues Thoth!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A magic missle launcher comes out from behind the CyberWarrior's back and fires a volley at Lilmike!
Lilmike is hit by a magic guided missile.
Lilmike is hit by a magic guided missile.
Lilmike is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man heroically rescues an ebony scaled demon!
Art utters the words, 'engugca zendik pigrekjyn' [cure serious wounds]
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from the CyberWarrior's hand to engulf Thoth!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
You rush forward to defend an ebony scaled demon!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 

>resc tear<
The CyberWarrior is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 


A clay man heroically rescues A skeleton!
But no-one is attacking it!
You rush forward to defend Maeve!
You gain 280000 experience!
Kliro utters the words, 'fooug ya malnar' [heal]
A cloud of glowing purple gas billows forth from the hand of the CyberWarrior, highlighting everyone!
A bone guardian is momentarily revealed.
Maeve is momentarily revealed.
A clay man is momentarily revealed.
River is momentarily revealed.
A clay man is momentarily revealed.
Angelluhh is momentarily revealed.
Tear is momentarily revealed.
Kliro is momentarily revealed.
Lilmike is momentarily revealed.
A clay man is momentarily revealed.
Killkill is momentarily revealed.
Shaletty is momentarily revealed.
Thoth is momentarily revealed.
Kylar is momentarily revealed.
Rain is momentarily revealed.
A skeleton is momentarily revealed.
An ebony scaled demon is momentarily revealed.
A skeleton is momentarily revealed.
Art is momentarily revealed.
Kaylee is momentarily revealed.

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
But no-one is attacking it!
A clay man heroically rescues Maeve!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
But no-one is attacking it!
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
A bone guardian heroically rescues Tear!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A clay man heroically rescues Killkill!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar goes berserk in battle!
A clay man heroically rescues Shaletty!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stands up.
A bone guardian heroically rescues Kliro!
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'
A clay man heroically rescues Rain!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
The CyberWarrior is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The CyberWarrior is engulfed in flames!
You rush forward to defend A skeleton!

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man heroically rescues Kliro!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A cloud of glowing purple gas billows forth from the hand of the CyberWarrior, highlighting everyone!
A bone guardian is momentarily revealed.
Maeve is momentarily revealed.
A clay man is momentarily revealed.
River is momentarily revealed.
A clay man is momentarily revealed.
Angelluhh is momentarily revealed.
Tear is momentarily revealed.
Kliro is momentarily revealed.
Lilmike is momentarily revealed.
A clay man is momentarily revealed.
Killkill is momentarily revealed.
Shaletty is momentarily revealed.
Thoth is momentarily revealed.
Kylar is momentarily revealed.
Rain is momentarily revealed.
A skeleton is momentarily revealed.
An ebony scaled demon is momentarily revealed.
A skeleton is momentarily revealed.
Art is momentarily revealed.
Kaylee is momentarily revealed.

Room: 18687  Zone: 1860  Wizinvis: 0> 
The CyberWarrior blasts Shaletty with a burst of his laser cannon!
Shaletty is hit by a blinding flash of brilliant colors!
A shower of bright yellow sparks suddenly engulfs Shaletty!
Shaletty appears to be blinded!

Your blood freezes as you hear the CyberWarrior's death cry!
The CyberWarrior is DEAD!
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Maeve'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'River'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Angelluhh'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Tear'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Kliro'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Lilmike'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Killkill'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Shaletty'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Thoth'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Kylar'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Rain'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Art'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Kaylee'.
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18600] 'Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.' on character 'Shadowfax'.
You gain 3432000 experience!
You feel your alignment shift toward good.
You get 2433 gold coins.
The red in the CyberWarrior's vision disappears.
You receive 560000 experience.
Rain gets 36 gold coins from the corpse of the CyberWarrior.
Rain splits 36 gold coins with its group.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Shaletty gets 1149 gold coins from the corpse of Aaronr.
Kliro utters the words, 'jynsuhi zentep' [heal]

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'jynfoosu borg' [cure serious wounds]
Kylar returns to his senses, the target of his aggression now gone.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Shaletty begins to regain her vision.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'ger malornium pig' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
You sense the death of your comrade Dirt!
(admin death) (player) Dirt killed by a Dargonesti palace guard while in room [18685] Before the Imperator's throneroom

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>gt hehe<
You tell the group, 'hehe'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

To see door strings, use dsstat.
Name: 'wall'  Door vnum: 18607  Zone: 1860

Door zoneloads:  ZCLOSED  ZLOCKED

Door flags:
Lock flags:  NOPICK
Key 1 is vnum 1, one miserable gold coin.
Pick level: 0  Intelligence: 0
Default hidden: 99   Currently hidden: 0

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'wow'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'hehe'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kliro calls upon Shadowfax to bring the corpse of Aaronr back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Aaronr, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Aaronr looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>osh infinity<
  R  Obj 18616: the Infinity Ball
O A  Obj 34818: Shroud of Infinity
Aaronr tells the group, 'rofl'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'double death'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
You sense the death of your comrade Dirt!
(admin death) (player) Dirt killed by a Dargonesti palace guard while in room [18685] Before the Imperator's throneroom

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kliro calls upon Shadowfax to bring the corpse of Dirt back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Dirt, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Dirt looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

Lilmike tells the group, 'wow'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
You will not leave behind lagging group members.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'er'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'rofl'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kliro's force shield slowly dissipates.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'werwernar jynodiusodius' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'taohun hunyaten ata' [cure serious wounds]

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'vilpigcaodiustep dik wirripxafu' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'oops cloud of evil now'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>dse key 18686<
Key set.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

To see door strings, use dsstat.
Name: 'wall'  Door vnum: 18607  Zone: 1860

Door zoneloads:  ZCLOSED  ZLOCKED

Door flags:
Lock flags:  NOPICK
Key 1 is uncreated object vnum 18686.
Pick level: 0  Intelligence: 0
Default hidden: 99   Currently hidden: 0

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
Art utters the words, 'foo foofoorek hidikodius' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Killkill warns the group, 'OOM'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>dse edit -1<
You stop editing door vnum [18607].
Kaylee utters the words, 'tenmal vilnarzen' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Killkill sits down and rests.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'shadowfax, get the stuff out of the corpse'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'orniumirkpigug do' [sanctuary]
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.
Kylar is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.
Tear is surrounded by a white aura.
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.
River is surrounded by a white aura.
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Dirt is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You get a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet from the corpse of the CyberWarrior.
You get a psionic blade from the corpse of the CyberWarrior.
You get a smattering of metal pieces from the corpse of the CyberWarrior.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kliro wakes up and starts resting.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>gt heh sorry<
You tell the group, 'heh sorry'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'nods'

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<
You tell the group, 'recall'
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

Art prays to Byung for transportation...
Art disappears.
Aaronr is enveloped by a frosted crimson & onyx wind and is whisked away!
Aaronr disappears.
Tear prays to Shift for transportation...
Tear disappears.
River prays to Morpheus for transportation...
River disappears.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>

Lilmike prays to Mutt for transportation...
Lilmike disappears.

[A secret metal room]
R:18687 Z:1860 Wiz:0>
You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
A dark oubilette

[Exits: none ]

[A dark oubilette]
R:12871 Z:1030 Wiz:0>

>got 0<
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Angelluhh glows with a bright light!
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Kylar glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 5)Dirt is resting here.
Dirt glows with a bright light!
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here, sound asleep.
Lilmike is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)River is here, sound asleep.
River is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
River glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
Tear is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is resting here.
Aaronr glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
Art is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>pray here<
You may now recall here.
Axl says, 'in accordance with His wishes'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A clay man has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind emperor<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27587] By a glacier
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27506] Along the icy shore
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27501] By a glacier
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27537] Boggy ground
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27585] By a glacier
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27509] Along the icy shore
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27511] Boggy ground
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27503] Along the icy shore
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27585] By a glacier
[27504] An emperor penguin  -> in room [27597] Along the icy shore
[17534] Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor-> in room [17571] The throne room
[ 6240] The lost emperor    -> in room [ 6250] Inside the glass coffin

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, 'Shadowfax did it.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'I currently gain 97 hitpoints, 55 mana, and 62 movement while sleeping.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: is it mean of me to be amused about that?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 17571<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: ?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You enter a magical portal.

The throne room
This cubical room is decorated fairly nicely for being a hole underground. A
large, multi-colored woven mat has been laid out on the floor in the middle
of the room before the emperor, so visitors won't have to walk on the bare
dirt. It's fairly large too--large enough to fit a nice group of people in. 
The throne is set against the northern wall.  It is a pretty simple
high-backed wooden chair, adorned with a few precious and semi-precious
stones.  Small, square mats are laid around the emperor's throne, probably
for the guards to stand on.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 5)An Aztec subchief visits his superior.
an Aztec subchief glows with a bright light!
( 6)An mean-looking Aztec guard stands behind the emperor's throne.
( 5)The Aztec emperor sits on his throne.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor glows with a bright light!
[Exits: none ]
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.
You rush forward to defend Kaylee!
You gain 280000 experience!
The emperor's bodyguard's punch wounds Kaylee.
An Aztec subchief's stab hits Kaylee.
An Aztec subchief's stab MUTILATES Kaylee!
The emperor's bodyguard's punch MUTILATES Kaylee!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c fire f<
Kaylee utters the words, 'wirdorek lysodiusdoger kilteplys ca' [heal]
You want to cast the spell where?

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
[gate] Kylar: well
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.
Kaylee pauses and looks about blankly.
A bone guardian heroically rescues Kaylee!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Fehlan: oh march?
The emperor's bodyguard's punch scratches Kaylee.
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
A bone guardian heroically rescues Kaylee!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c fire f<
You want to cast the spell where?
Killkill tells the group, 'let's fight thantos'

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

>c firef<

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
An Aztec subchief is engulfed in flames!
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
An Aztec subchief heroically rescues Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor!
A bone guardian pauses and looks about blankly.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor's skin turns grey and granite-like.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.
A bone guardian heroically rescues Aaronr!
You rush forward to defend A bone guardian!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol'
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
[gate] Kylar: sec
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor heroically jumps to the aid of an Aztec subchief!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!
Kaylee turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
River tells the group, 'um'

The bones splinter and shatter, leaving behind only broken pieces.
A bone guardian has left the group.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor's slash DISMEMBERS Maeve!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear tells the group, 'lame'
Rain rushes to your side in battle!
An Aztec subchief heroically rescues Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor!
Kaylee turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man heroically rescues Maeve!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor to A clay man!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
An Aztec subchief disarms Kylar and sends his weapon flying!
An Aztec subchief's stab MUTILATES Kylar!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'we'd murder him in like a second.'

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor from behind!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor begins to shiver and shake with cold!
An Aztec subchief's stab maims Kylar!

>gt ent gate guys<
A ghoul jumps at an Aztec subchief clawing and biting!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'ent gate guys'
A ghoul bites an Aztec subchief with diseased, razor sharp teeth!
An Aztec subchief heroically rescues Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An Aztec subchief is engulfed in flames!
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor from behind!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor begins to shiver and shake with cold!
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [42897] 'a rabbit' in room [42848] 'Plaza'.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
An Aztec subchief is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton tries to disarm Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor.
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [52259] 'The Southern Ocean'.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An Aztec subchief is engulfed in flames!
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor from behind!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
An Aztec subchief is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear an Aztec subchief's death cry!
An Aztec subchief is DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Maeve gets 32 gold coins from the corpse of an Aztec subchief.
Maeve splits 32 gold coins with her group.
Thoth stands up.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

The skeleton suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a fine white
dust before your eyes.
A skeleton has left the group.
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor's slash hits Kaylee.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor to Kaylee!
The emperor's bodyguard utters the words, 'taorek xataoornium hunnarodiusborg eng werlep' [cure critical wounds]
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor's kick mauls Kaylee.
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The pink fuzz around A skeleton disappears.
The pink fuzz around an ebony scaled demon disappears.
The pink fuzz around Shaletty disappears.
The pink fuzz around Tear disappears.
The pink fuzz around Art disappears.
Art's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
The pink fuzz around Kylar disappears.
The pink fuzz around Maeve disappears.
The pink fuzz around Kliro disappears.
Kliro's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.
The pink fuzz around A ghoul disappears.
The pink fuzz around A skeletal mage disappears.
The pink fuzz around A skeletal mage disappears.
The pink fuzz around A skeleton disappears.
The pink fuzz around Killkill disappears.
The pink fuzz around your body fades.
The pink fuzz around Lilmike disappears.
Lilmike's force shield slowly dissipates.
The fire in Kaylee's eyes apruptly lights back up as the feeblemind spell expires.
The pink fuzz around Kaylee disappears.
The pink fuzz around Rain disappears.
The pink fuzz around Thoth disappears.
Art stops using a gem encrusted staff.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The emperor's bodyguard heroically rescues Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor!
You rush forward to defend Killkill!
You gain 280000 experience!
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
River tells the group, 'outch'

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The emperor's bodyguard stands up.
Killkill is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all his weaknesses.
The emperor's bodyguard is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The emperor's bodyguard is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear the emperor's bodyguard's death cry!
The emperor's bodyguard is DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
You rush forward to defend A skeleton!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty gets 29 gold coins from the corpse of the emperor's bodyguard.
Shaletty splits 29 gold coins with her group.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor stands up.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty gets a blue metal chain from the corpse of the emperor's bodyguard.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor's slash DISMEMBERS Killkill!
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
You feel less tired.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor from behind!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'shality!'
(admin logoff) Lina has left the game.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor from behind!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
A ghoul goes berserk in battle!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is engulfed in flames!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor from behind!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 17571  Zone: 1750  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
A ghoul bites Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor with diseased, razor sharp teeth!

Your blood freezes as you hear Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor's death cry!
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is DEAD!
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Lilmike'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Tear'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Killkill'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Kylar'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Thoth'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Kliro'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Art'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Aaronr'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Shaletty'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Maeve'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Rain'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Kaylee'.
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [17501] 'Defeated Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor in battle' on character 'Shadowfax'.
Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor is dead!
You gain 343200 experience!
You feel your alignment shift toward good.
You get 2055 gold coins.
You receive 560000 experience.

       You receive a combat point!
You now have 1 combat point you can spend.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh gets 49 gold coins from the corpse of Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor.
Angelluhh splits 49 gold coins with her group.
A ghoul returns to its senses, the target of its aggression now gone.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'hunvilfu taoqueborg odiuskilvil rip' [heal]

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor, drawing power from it.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You get a chipped obsidian blade from the gutted carcass of Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor.
You get an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls from the gutted carcass of Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor.
You get a gold bracer from the gutted carcass of Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor.
You get a fur-lined leather pouch from the gutted carcass of Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor.
Rain tells the group, 'shality'

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>

>get all 2.corpse<
You get a ziff shield from the corpse of the emperor's bodyguard.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>

>get all 3.corpse<
You get a jar of atolli from the corpse of an Aztec subchief.
You get a jar of atolli from the corpse of an Aztec subchief.
You get a jaguar skin from the corpse of an Aztec subchief.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'don't %?!!ing loot corpses'

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: ok so we were in darkanesty
Art's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh sacrifices the gutted carcass of Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec emperor to the pantheon of gods.
Angelluhh splits 6 gold coins with her group.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh sacrifices the corpse of the emperor's bodyguard to the pantheon of gods.
Angelluhh splits 10 gold coins with her group.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh sacrifices the corpse of an Aztec subchief to the pantheon of gods.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh splits 10 gold coins with her group.
Rain tells the group, 'give that to shadowfax now'

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: or w/e

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'now'

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'no saccing'

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: so this like tot 22 person
[gate] Fehlan: yeah i saw that

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Felonia begins healing Rain.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
River arrives from a magical portal.
Felonia heals Rain.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Felonia heals Rain.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
Rain is fully healed.

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<
You tell the group, 'recall'
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
(admin death) (player) Muncher killed by the thieves' guild representative while in room [53242] The local thieves' hangout

[The throne room]
R:17571 Z:1750 Wiz:0>
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.

You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Light from the morning sun filters in from outside.

( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 5)Dirt is resting here.
Dirt glows with a bright light!
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'oh my hope we are doing evil shift to balance these out'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
River appears in the middle of the room.
Tear appears in the middle of the room.
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.
Kylar appears in the middle of the room.
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.
Art appears in the middle of the room.
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth's force shield slowly dissipates.
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Nool has left the game.
Rain tells the group, 'shality'

>gt we should be pretty balanced<
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: so you know what happened?
You tell the group, 'we should be pretty balanced'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'nod'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve goes to sleep.
Killkill goes to sleep.
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: no i saw the deed complete

>l shaletty<
River goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty is of average height and of light build, with grey
eyes. Her light red hair is long, but unkempt and messy. Her
heavily tanned skin has a very clear complexion, and you guess
her to be middle aged, perhaps around 35 years old.
Shaletty is in excellent condition.

<worn on head>       an ancient golden crown (glowing)
<worn on neck>       a brilliant dark amethyst necklace
<worn on neck>       a were-panther holy charm (glowing)
<worn on arms>       black metal arm plates
<worn around wrist>  an elflock
<worn around wrist>  an elflock
<worn on hands>      gloves of wit (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a teal stone ring
<worn on finger>     a rusty ring
<worn on body>       a chainmail sash
<worn about body>    a silver runed robe
<worn on waist>      a rotting belt of vines
<worn on legs>       valorite banded leggings (glowing)
<worn on feet>       red-laced leather combat boots
<held>               A filth covered book
<wielded>            the wizard's staff (glowing)
Shaletty is obviously carrying:
a blue metal chain
a robe of midnight silk
an older gray staff
a green goblin backpack
a bright blue flamed candle

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen raises his arms and begins to weave a powerful spell.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen calls upon Tarrant to sanctify this place.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You feel the powerful presence of life around you as Stefen completes his ritual.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: oh well

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'give that chain to shadowfax'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: what happened was

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'give that chain to shadowfax'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: the tot 22 dies

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
The pink fuzz around Killkill disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Jinx: no, it goes like this

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh awakens.
[gate] Kylar: he gets resed

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'He'll keep spamming if you dont'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt oh yeah lemme have loot<
You tell the group, 'oh yeah lemme have loot'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Jinx: what had happened was...
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River stops resting, and stands up.
Aaronr tells the group, 'to bad I can't soulsteal, cries'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i'll divide it up at the end<
You tell the group, 'i'll divide it up at the end'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'shality'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: and he dies because he drowns 5 seconds after he gets resed
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty tells the group, 'yeh?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around River fades.
The white aura around Tear fades.
The white aura around Art fades.
The white aura around Kylar fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Killkill fades.
The white aura around Angelluhh fades.
The white aura around Aaronr fades.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
Kaylee suddenly appears less trustworthy and attractive than a moment ago.
The white aura around Rain fades.
The white aura around Thoth fades.
The white aura around Dirt fades.
It is mid-morning.
Aaronr warns the group, 'sanc out!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I said a million $&$#ing times'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: so is it mean of me to be amsed?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'jynkilhi baryazen jyntep' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: amused
Kaylee utters the words, 'kiltaougxalep xaodiusborg' [sanctuary]

>gt sorry i should have said something earlier<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'sorry i should have said something earlier'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: no
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'tenripdo op wir' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.
Rain tells the group, 'don't loot corpses'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I turned autowan off!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 7)Killkill is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Kliro is resting here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Shaletty is here, sound asleep.
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
( 5)River is here.
( 6)Lilmike is resting here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Dirt is resting here.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'me to'
Rain tells the group, 'give that chain to shadowfax, right now'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'narlepvil tepdikeng tao' [undo]
The stench hovering about Kliro dissipates slightly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Slow has entered the game.
Shaletty awakens.
Kylar tells the group, 'calm down'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43500] 'a greater fire elemental' in room [43555] 'A blasted cliffside'.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43502] 'a hell hound' in room [43555] 'A blasted cliffside'.
Flynn has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'odius foo wirtepornium vil' [undo]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'who has it?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'seriously'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'wir odiusque' [undo]
The putrid stench of Kliro dissipates into the air.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'not me'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Angelluhh tells the group, 'who has the chain?'
You are carrying:
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River goes to sleep.

You are using:
<worn on head>       a crown of fire (light)
<worn on neck>       a Spork of the Gar
<worn on neck>       something ridiculous
<worn on finger>     the ring of prime evil
<worn on body>       a "got draak?" t-shirt
<worn on waist>      a shadowfax machine
<held>               a Ronald raygun

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>use gun shaletty<
(note - you are wearing a Ronald raygun)
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Shadowfax' into inventory of [-1] 'Shaletty' while in room [0] 'The Unholy Temple of Dentin'.

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get chain<
You get a blue metal chain.
Kliro tells the group, '*%!* the chain, lets roll'

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'shaletty'

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>

>got 0<
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 4)Flynn is here.
( 7)Killkill is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Kliro is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 5)River is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Lilmike is resting here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Dirt is resting here.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i got it<
You tell the group, 'i got it'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo replies to you, ':('

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'oh'
Angelluhh tells the group, 'ok'
Lilmike shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
Lilmike's displaced image abruptly rejoins its body.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'shality, give chain shadowfax, now'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 4)Flynn is here.
( 7)Killkill is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Kliro is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 5)River is here.
( 6)Lilmike is resting here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Dirt is resting here.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'he has it!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'lets go'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'he has it'
[event] Stefen: Typo in that
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa who just followed me?<
You say, 'who just followed me?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'I keep getting narrator chatting'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'he has it now lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'we got a bunch of winy *!$ baby's playing here now'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn says, 'me sorry'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>fi flynn<
Name: 'flynn'
Fight string: Flynn
Ground string: Flynn is here.
Title: the Daydreamer (Morpheus)
Date of character creation: Fri Jan  1 15:07:23 2010

Level       Mage:  22  Cleric:  17  Thief:  30  Warrior:  28  Necromancer:  11
Total levels in top four classes: 97
Mob deaths:   130
Ltype: 2   Banked Gold: 984642
God: 'Morpheus'   Favor: 10
Temp pk deaths:      0
Temp pk kills:       0
Arena battles:  (none)
Time of last access/finger: Fri Nov 26 17:56:15 2010
Time of last save: Fri Nov 26 19:40    2010

[event] Gandor: can retro fix
Stefen says, 'Flynn'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'lets roll'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group flynn<
You add Flynn to your group.
(warning:  Dirt is too low level, and might not get full experience in this group)
Killkill tells the group, 'let go somewhere'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'blarg'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'sasarac!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn says, 'I just showed up and didn't want to miss heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Lila: Thankgiving...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty tells the group, 'sorry it was a random'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The red in Art's vision disappears.
Thoth's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Stefen: hehe

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art's eyes glow red.
Killkill tells the group, 'oh yeah i should turn random hunting off'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'time dragon?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Gandor: fixed.
Killkill awakens.
Aaronr tells the group, 'turn off randoms'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, 'i want these @!*$ kids to get off my lawn!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msh zap dragon<
 Mob 45326: the zap dragon
WMob 45329: the Zap Dragon
2 mobs found by that name.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i wish<
You tell the group, 'i wish'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'uh we couldn't do time dragon'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.
Rain tells the group, '@&!$ yeah we could'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, '#?%% whippersnappers'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind 45326<
Kylar tells the group, 'heh wana bet?'
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[45326] the zap dragon      -> in room [45393] The darkness.
[45326] the zap dragon      -> in room [45391] The darkness.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'blizzard'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I could do it with two other mudders ice saves'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'tepirkger engyawireng' [stone skin]
Art tells the group, 'no'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'quequeborg odiusvilxa engvilwer borgxaengbar' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'ripataug odiusengrip rek vilwir' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'how do u create the portals?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 45393<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'ice saves, my friend'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You enter a magical portal.

The darkness.
This is a huge cavern that is cold, dark and damp. The darkness has made it
very hard to see anything. A light source would help one to figure out what
they have been stepping on. Scales, pieces of skin, bone and skulls of all
different sizes litter the ground.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
(34)The zap dragon is here, sound asleep.
[Exits: east west ]
(admin logoff) Dirt has left the game.
Dirt stops following you.
Dirt has left the group.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'only gods'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

>kil zap<
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
The zap dragon's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Kliro!
Your punch hits the zap dragon.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The zap dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You rush forward to defend Kliro!
You gain 280000 experience!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'rain'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The zap dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
River arrives from a magical portal.
Kliro utters the words, 'kil gerkil' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
Tear arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
Killkill tells the group, 'I have fire shield'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt ent gate<
You tell the group, 'ent gate'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'pig narrekwer vilatarek' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth is surrounded by a strong force shield.


Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The darkness.
This is a huge cavern that is cold, dark and damp. The darkness has made it
very hard to see anything. A light source would help one to figure out what
they have been stepping on. Scales, pieces of skin, bone and skulls of all
different sizes litter the ground.

( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)River is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
(34)The zap dragon is here, fighting YOU!
[Exits: east west ]
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'quewirengvilcavil' [heal]
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro shimmers with a vague magical haze.
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike shimmers with a vague magical haze.
Kylar tells the group, 'i'll bet you 50k you can't do it heh'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
A ghoul bites the zap dragon with diseased, razor sharp teeth!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.

>mst zap<
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
Mob number: 45326  Zone: 4530  LoadZones: 4530  Maxload: 2 Curr: 2  Total: 3
Loading percentage: 99  Long max: 99  Limit: 100
Name string: 'zap zaps dragon'
Special Mob Type: LIZARD ELECTRICAL  Race: evil dragon  Affiliation: (evil dragon)
Sex: neuter, 34'0" feet tall/long, 0/22542 weight
STR: 52    INT: 30    WIS: 30    DEX: 12    CON: 26    CHR: 26
SSp: -5    SFi: -5    SCo: -5    SZa:  0    SBr: -5    SPo: -5  Sn:  3

Mage: 26  Cleric: 26  Thief: 26  Warrior: 26  Necromancer: 26

2350/3250+200 hp, 450/500+750 mana, 336/336+250 movement
AC: -320 (-108)   Hitroll: 40 (-304)   Damroll: 20   Attacks: 36
Current dieroll:  4d50   Damage type: claw (6)
Dual dieroll:     2d50   Damage type: zapping tail (149) Probability: 25%
Alignment: -550  Gold: 645 (877)  Aggression: 50
Estimated Exp: 3900780 (182000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 90  (Current Exp: 5779916)

Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
Mob flags: GUARD NO_CHARM 
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'hipig malhifu eng fuhi do tao' [sanctuary]

>msp zap<

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A ghoul rips and tears into the zap dragon with filthy, diseased claws!
Mob number: 45326  Zone: 4530  Maxload: 2 Curr: 2  Total: 3
Loading percentage: 99
Name string: 'zap zaps dragon'
Current dieroll:  4d50   Damage type: claw (6)
Dual dieroll:     2d50   Damage type: zapping tail (149) Probability: 25%

Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
Mob flags: GUARD NO_CHARM 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 7. Targets (invis) tank. Triggers when fighting, 
         ball lightning (gap) (gap) (gap)
2 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 7. Targets self. Triggers when less than 25% hp, 
         heal (gap) (gap) <25>
3 :[ 6] dragonbreath lightning, rate 4. Targets attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
4 :[12] object load on death
	vnum [45304] 'a small piece of dragon skin'
	vnum [45304] 'a small piece of dragon skin'
	vnum [45305] 'a long piece of dragon skin'
	vnum [45354] 'a dragon shaped key'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The zap dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the zap dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve shimmers with a vague magical haze.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The zap dragon is engulfed in flames!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The zap dragon is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the zap dragon!
Kaylee's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The zap dragon is engulfed in flames!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the zap dragon!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the zap dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The zap dragon is engulfed in flames!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the zap dragon!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the zap dragon!
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The zap dragon is engulfed in flames!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the zap dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the zap dragon!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The zap dragon is engulfed in flames!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks the zap dragon from behind!
The zap dragon begins to shiver and shake with cold!
The zap dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear the zap dragon's death cry!
The zap dragon is DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Rain gets 119 gold coins from the corpse of the zap dragon.
Rain splits 119 gold coins with its group.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

The darkness.
This is a huge cavern that is cold, dark and damp. The darkness has made it
very hard to see anything. A light source would help one to figure out what
they have been stepping on. Scales, pieces of skin, bone and skulls of all
different sizes litter the ground.

(34)The corpse of the zap dragon is lying here.
( 0)A dragon shaped key slowly dissolves on the ground.
( 1)A small piece of dragon skin lays on the ground.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)River is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: east west ]

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Kaylee's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

>sa hrm<
You say, 'hrm'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

>trans zap dragon<
the Zap Dragon arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.
You rush forward to defend Lilmike!
You gain 280000 experience!
Tear tells the group, 'told you we could do zap dragon'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!
Aaronr is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
River utters the words, 'rippigatafoohun' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'hihunca caopborg' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!

Your blood curdles as you hear Aaronr's dying scream!
Aaronr has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Aaronr killed by the Zap Dragon while in room [45393] The darkness.
Rain panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, '!&!$it i should've accepted quest'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Stewie has left the game.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!
Aaronr tells the group, 'ow'
Art utters the words, 'fudo bar' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia puts one end of Staff of the Magus to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'rekhunlephundo' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
The Zap Dragon is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'sufu barataengxa' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'zenfugerdorekfoo suataodiusyawer lysca' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'pigirkdoborgborgca opcaque vilhiwir' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'pigxa dik' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia puts one end of Staff of the Magus to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'atajyn jyn kilorniumlep tao jynata doug nar' [heal]
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'xa suger op nar vilatafoo' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!
Angelluhh is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Maeve utters the words, 'ya malvil' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Art utters the words, 'suwerrek wirodiusrip malsu tenxapig fulepeng' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!
Kaylee utters the words, 'kilvildikger' [heal]
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast res corpse<
Maeve utters the words, 'odiuslysrek riplepfoo cateplep vilhiug lys' [heal]
You can't concentrate enough!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Kaylee utters the words, 'leptenirk su' [heal]
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Zap Dragon!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!

Your blood curdles as you hear Angelluhh's dying scream!
Angelluhh has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Angelluhh killed by the Zap Dragon while in room [45393] The darkness.

Your blood curdles as you hear River's dying scream!
River has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) River killed by the Zap Dragon while in room [45393] The darkness.
Maeve utters the words, 'irkzencajyndik maldowir' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'tao dik vil ripopsu' [cure serious wounds]
The Zap Dragon is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear prays to Shift for transportation...
Tear disappears.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Felonia utters the words, 'ornium vilfuger wir' [heal]
Kaylee utters the words, 'kilrekwirugrip' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
A clay man has become a member of the group.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Art utters the words, 'cataorekdo' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'gerpigten odiusugmaldik' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!
Shaletty panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'sugerzenxaten ger' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Aaronr tells the group, 'rofl!'
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon disarms Flynn and sends his weapon flying!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 

>mst zap<
River tells the group, 'oops'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 45329  Zone: 4530  LoadZones: 4530  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 3
Loading percentage: 98  Long max: 98  Limit: 100
Name string: 'zap dragon'
Special Mob Type: LIZARD ELECTRICAL  Race: evil dragon  Affiliation: (evil dragon)
Sex: neuter, 35'35" feet tall/long, 0/25000 weight
STR: 59    INT: 30    WIS: 30    DEX: 11    CON: 26    CHR: 26
SSp:-18    SFi: -5    SCo: -5    SZa:  0    SBr:-20    SPo: -5  Sn:-10

Mage: 40  Cleric: 32  Thief: 32  Warrior: 32  Necromancer: 36

9433/9999+175 hp, 875/975+500 mana, 336/336+250 movement
AC: -410 (-180)   Hitroll: 55 (-432)   Damroll: 55   Attacks: 55
Current dieroll:  3d99   Damage type: zapping claw (134)
Dual dieroll:     3d99   Damage type: zapping tail (149) Probability: 25%
Alignment: -550  Gold: 10 (758)  Aggression: 50
Estimated Exp: 35462504 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 157  (Current Exp: 14797045)

Position:  RESTING
Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
System flags: WIELDING 
[specp] [memory] 
The Zap Dragon stands up.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh tells the group, 'res?'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
The Zap Dragon turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'lepgerorniumdik mal ripmal' [heal]
Thoth tells the group, 'ow'
Thoth buys a practice.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
The Zap Dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.
Shaletty panics and attempts to flee!
Flynn is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Killkill panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 

The skeleton suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a fine white
dust before your eyes.
A skeleton has left the group.
Killkill utters the words, 'su caborg vil barodiusqueleprip' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'xaborgatakilzen' [heal]
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear tells the group, 'gay'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'rektep atagertao atafoohi' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
River tells the group, 'res me please'
Felonia utters the words, 'gerfooengbar wirxaborg jynvil tenugdo' [heal]
Kaylee utters the words, 'ataquedo hun camal' [cure light wounds]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'gerborgjyn barsuwer' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.
The Zap Dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!

Your blood curdles as you hear Shaletty's dying scream!
Shaletty has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Shaletty killed by the Zap Dragon while in room [45393] The darkness.

Your blood curdles as you hear Flynn's dying scream!
Flynn has been KILLED!
Flynn's muscles magically fill out as artificial strength courses through his body.
(admin death) (player) Flynn killed by the Zap Dragon while in room [45393] The darkness.

Your blood curdles as you hear Rain's dying scream!
Rain has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Rain killed by the Zap Dragon while in room [45393] The darkness.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'werten zen gertaolep op' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'hun foosuten ug' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar prays to Gandor for transportation...
Kaylee utters the words, 'dikrekugrekhunrekborgtep tep fubarhun' [cure light wounds]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Sei'Saarak, the Time Dragon has summoned Kylar elsewhere to spread havoc!
Kylar disappears.
Felonia utters the words, 'gerviljyn borgnarxa' [heal]

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'ouch!'

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon disarms Thoth and sends his weapon flying!

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Zap Dragon breathes and lightning suddenly fills the air!
Killkill panics and attempts to flee!
Thoth is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'carekpigborg' [cure light wounds]

>get zap<

Room: 45393  Zone: 4530  Wizinvis: 0> 
You get the Zap Dragon.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'heal'
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'que rekwerbarhixa malgervilkil' [cure serious wounds]

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'rofl'
Felonia sits down and rests.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'narmalger xatentep narnar' [cure serious wounds]

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

>restore room<
(admin god) Shadowfax called 'restore room', 10 characters restored.
(4831 power used)
10 characters restored.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

The darkness.
This is a huge cavern that is cold, dark and damp. The darkness has made it
very hard to see anything. A light source would help one to figure out what
they have been stepping on. Scales, pieces of skin, bone and skulls of all
different sizes litter the ground.

( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rain is lying here.
( 4)The disfigured corpse of Flynn is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Shaletty is lying here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of River is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Angelluhh is lying here.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Aaronr is lying here.
(34)The corpse of the zap dragon is lying here.
( 0)A dragon shaped key slowly dissolves on the ground.
( 1)A small piece of dragon skin lays on the ground.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Felonia is resting here.
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: east west ]

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'heh'
Killkill tells the group, 'thank you!'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Lilmike gossips, 'woo!'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
You cannot summon players to this place.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh gets 4866 gold coins from the corpse of Rain.
Maeve tells the group, 'Thank you!'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
The red in Kaylee's vision disappears.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'i could of finished him off'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I was at pretty urt'
[event] Stefen: There was some death right there.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
[event] Lilmike: oh yes

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

>gt heh<
[event] Bser: what the *&#* is a death march?

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
[event] Aaronr: heh

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'heh'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
[event] Bser: just a group

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heal'
Thoth tells the group, 'indeed'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

>at 26398 drop zap<
You drop the Zap Dragon.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Art is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

The darkness.
This is a huge cavern that is cold, dark and damp. The darkness has made it
very hard to see anything. A light source would help one to figure out what
they have been stepping on. Scales, pieces of skin, bone and skulls of all
different sizes litter the ground.

( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rain is lying here.
( 4)The disfigured corpse of Flynn is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Shaletty is lying here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of River is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Angelluhh is lying here.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Aaronr is lying here.
(34)The corpse of the zap dragon is lying here.
( 0)A dragon shaped key slowly dissolves on the ground.
( 1)A small piece of dragon skin lays on the ground.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is resting here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: east west ]
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
[event] Kendell: board 8

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

>get corpse<
[event] Fehlan: with a god tanking
You get the corpse of Rain.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

Thoth tells the group, 'lagged out'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
You get the corpse of Flynn.


[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
You get the corpse of Shaletty.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

You get the corpse of River.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

You get the corpse of Angelluhh.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

You get the corpse of Aaronr.
[event] Stefen: haha
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

You get the corpse of the zap dragon.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'where's everyone'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

You don't see anything by that name here.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'dead?'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
[event] Fehlan: and fighting &%!! they have no buisiness even thinkin about

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'the gate closed'
[event] Bser: so its a group....

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'most'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'recall'
River tells the group, 'I am unholy'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'well, other than who didn't die'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
Thoth scans the area to see who is around.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'I'm at unholy heh'

[The darkness.]
R:45393 Z:4530 Wiz:0>
Kliro prays to Shadowfax for transportation...
You are whisked away by a higher power!
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)Horo is here, dying for your sins.
( 5)Flynn is here, sound asleep.
( 4)Kylar is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 5)River is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Aaronr is resting here.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.
Art appears in the middle of the room.
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Kendell: essentially

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I managed to stay alive. JUst type in stop once you're pretty hurt'
Kylar tells the group, 'recalled heh'
Lilmike tells the group, 'recall?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'aha'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Stefen: You fight specific mobs.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa heh<
You say, 'heh'


[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn would be left behind.
River would be left behind.
Shaletty would be left behind.
Kylar would be left behind.
Aaronr would be left behind.
Kylar stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River stops resting, and stands up.
Shaletty stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'mana'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Warning - you WILL LEAVE BEHIND lagging group members.


[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
[Exits: north east south west up ]
A ghoul has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.
Kylar has arrived.
Horo has arrived.
Art has arrived.
An ebony scaled demon has arrived.
Rain tells the group, 'hey, shadowfax, can we get the quest?'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'I didn't die either, some how'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>drop corpse<
(carried by you)
You smell the stench of decay as the corpse of the zap dragon begins to decompose.
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Ashly)
You drop the corpse of the zap dragon.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get all zap<
You didn't find anything by that name.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'please'

>get all corpse<

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You get 2072 gold coins from the corpse of Aaronr.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'keep the spam down'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wtf, I didn't even lose hp... what?'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I jsut stayed out of the fight.'

>drop corpse<

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>




You drop the corpse of Aaronr.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo leaves north.


You drop the corpse of Angelluhh.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You drop the corpse of River.
You drop the corpse of Shaletty.
You drop the corpse of Flynn.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You drop the corpse of Rain.
You do not seem to be carrying anything with that name.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Fehlan tells you, 'you should do unnamed for them'
Aaronr tells the group, 'guys, please'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You focus on the corpse of Rain, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Rain, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Rain begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 140000 experience!
Rain looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia calls upon Shadowfax to bring the corpse of Flynn back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Flynn, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Flynn looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.


[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You focus on the corpse of Shaletty, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Shaletty, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Shaletty begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 140000 experience!
Shaletty looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of River, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of River, and it slowly rises off the ground!
River begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 53986 experience!
River looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen leaves north.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Angelluhh, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Angelluhh, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Angelluhh begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 37030 experience!
Angelluhh looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.
You focus on the corpse of Aaronr, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Aaronr, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Aaronr begins to fade and slowly disappears...
Aaronr looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.
Fehlan tells you, 'DEATH'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Angelluhh gives 4868 gold coins to Rain.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain buys a practice.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the corpse of the zap dragon back to life.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>repl cackle<
You reply to Fehlan, 'cackle'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)
The white aura around Art fades.
The white aura around Kliro fades.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'better at ressurrect'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'thanks'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Thoth tells the group, 'where is everyone?'

You ascend the stairs into the temple.
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 6)Thoth is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Horo is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Kylar has arrived.
Art has arrived.
An ebony scaled demon has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Fehlan replies to you, 'do it hehe'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'uholy now'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ok, back to temple of dentin<
Kliro tells the group, 'take on thandos?'
You tell the group, 'ok, back to temple of dentin'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh, yeah1'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Fehlan replies to you, 'i wish i ran the one earlier, gandor did pretty weak mobs all in all'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.
Stefen leaves south.
[event] Slow: so uh

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'he's a 7.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind dwarf king<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[19700] Khal-MinDur         -> in room [19779] The Throne Room
[14602] A long-dead dwarven king-> in room [14635] The Throne Room

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'he's a panzy'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 14635<
Kliro tells the group, 'he's a #**%&'
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You enter a magical portal.

The Throne Room
The throne room is small, dark and dank.  The buttresses and banners are
nice-looking, but everything is covered with a thin layer of slime.  You
guess that this room was quite quaint and cozy at one time, but that time
has since past.  Whew!  It stinks in here!  Almost like something died...

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 5)A long-dead dwarven king sits on his throne here.
[Exits: none ]

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

>kill king<
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
Your punch hits A long-dead dwarven king.
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
Art arrives from a magical portal.
Rain arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh tells the group, 'kill thantos'

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
River arrives from a magical portal.

(admin login) Indigo has entered the game.

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
You are using:
<worn on head>       a crown of fire (light)
<worn on neck>       a Spork of the Gar
<worn on neck>       something ridiculous
<worn on finger>     the ring of prime evil
<worn on body>       a "got draak?" t-shirt
<worn on waist>      a shadowfax machine
<held>               a Ronald raygun
Rain utters the words, 'lepjyn dotepxa rekxalep malquerip barya' [sanctuary]
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
[event] Stefen: Hehe. god resurrect is different.
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward A long-dead dwarven king!
The spear hits A long-dead dwarven king with full force!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'oo this mob is fun'

>gt thantos is a wimp<

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'thantos is a wimp'
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'engyataoten' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward A long-dead dwarven king!
The spear hits A long-dead dwarven king with full force!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
A ghoul rips and tears into A long-dead dwarven king with filthy, diseased claws!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks A long-dead dwarven king from behind!
A long-dead dwarven king begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward A long-dead dwarven king!
The spear hits A long-dead dwarven king with full force!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
River rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
A long-dead dwarven king stands up.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks A long-dead dwarven king from behind!
A long-dead dwarven king begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
A long-dead dwarven king's punch *** MASSACRES *** Art!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
A long-dead dwarven king is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward A long-dead dwarven king!
The spear hits A long-dead dwarven king with full force!
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward A long-dead dwarven king!
The spear hits A long-dead dwarven king with full force!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ghoul goes berserk in battle!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks A long-dead dwarven king from behind!
A long-dead dwarven king begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 14635  Zone: 1460  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
A long-dead dwarven king is engulfed in flames!
A long-dead dwarven king is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A long-dead dwarven king is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear A long-dead dwarven king's death cry!
A long-dead dwarven king is DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Maeve gets 178 gold coins from the corpse of A long-dead dwarven king.
Maeve splits 178 gold coins with her group.

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
A ghoul returns to its senses, the target of its aggression now gone.

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
[event] Slow: is um

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
Flynn's image blurs and shifts to one side.
You get a blood-stained steel crown from the corpse of A long-dead dwarven king.

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'rofl'

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
Killkill sacrifices the corpse of A long-dead dwarven king to Shift.

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>

>gt heh<
You tell the group, 'heh'

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I have 24 fame.'
Aaronr tells the group, 'hehh'

>gt recall<
You tell the group, 'recall'

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.


[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
[event] Lilmike: almost all of these have been double caps
Felonia begins healing Art.
You pray to your god for transportation...
Shadowfax does not immediately respond...

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
Kylar prays to Gandor for transportation...
Felonia heals Art.
Aaronr prays to Dentin for transportation...

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
Art prays to Byung for transportation...
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...
Killkill disappears.
Angelluhh utters the words, 'odiuslysnarwirlysca catepborgtaonar su do' [cure serious wounds]
Tear prays to Shift for transportation...

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
Flynn prays to Morpheus for transportation...
Kylar prays to Gandor for transportation...
Maeve prays to Shadowfax for transportation...
Art is fully healed.

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
Aaronr prays to Dentin for transportation...

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>
River prays to Morpheus for transportation...
Tear goes to sleep.
Art prays to Byung for transportation...

[The Throne Room]
R:14635 Z:1460 Wiz:0>

>got 0<
Tear prays to Shift for transportation...
Kylar prays to Gandor for transportation...
Kaylee prays to Gandor for transportation...
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 5)Horo is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.
River appears in the middle of the room.
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.
Art appears in the middle of the room.
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.
Kylar appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Slow: group join...shadowfax?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>fi slow<
Name: 'slow'
Fight string: Slow
Ground string: Slow is here.
Title: soreloserabuserinterferernaySAyerrulewhoregriefer
Date of character creation: Thu Apr  2 22:37:59 2009

Level       Mage:  28  Cleric:  20  Thief:  31  Warrior:  32  Necromancer:  10
Microlevel  Mage:   0  Cleric:   0  Thief:   5  Warrior:   0  Necromancer:   0

Total levels in top four classes: 111
Clan: shadow alliance
Mob deaths:    50
Ltype: 2   Banked Gold: 160000
God: 'Taran'   Favor: 1
Temp pk deaths:    508
Temp pk kills:    1162
Recent arena wins:  19/71
Time of last access/finger: Fri Nov 26 20:40:55 2010
Time of last save: Fri Nov 26 20:40    2010

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'so close toa n achievement'
The white aura around Lilmike fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill prays to the elder gods, and makes this place his new home.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'vilcacado' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Soldier: its for 99 and lowere levels
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'shadowfax, can we have a zap dragon redo, and get the quest?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'gcast sanc'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Soldier: high levels was earlier

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'we did'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'vilfuten tepsuengtep xazenugzen' [sanctuary]
Felonia is surrounded by a white aura.
Tear is surrounded by a white aura.
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.
Flynn is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
River is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Kylar is surrounded by a white aura.
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Slow: arg
Lilmike tells the group, 'at least, I got the quest'
Aaronr tells the group, 'not everyone'
Rain tells the group, 'if we sanc up we'll be fine'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'we killed?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt maybe later<
You tell the group, 'maybe later'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn's eyes glow red.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The red in Flynn's vision disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear utters the words, 'hi wirzentaopigwir' [stone skin]
Tear's skin turns grey and granite-like.

>mfind daiymo<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.
The red in Kliro's vision disappears.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Fehlan: ill run another death march for high levels if ya unofficial one
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind daimyo<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[ 9309] The mighty and merciful Daimyo-> in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'lepripdiklep werugugirkkil' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You rush forward to defend Angelluhh!
You gain 256800 experience!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'taodojyn barbarten cakil' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner throws Kliro against the wall in a fit of rage!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
Tear wakes from the noise and scuffle of the battle!

>mfind daimyo<

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[ 9309] The mighty and merciful Daimyo-> in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
Killkill wakes from the noise and scuffle of the battle!
A ghoul jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh panics and attempts to flee!
Thantos the Executioner throws A skeleton against the wall in a fit of rage!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
Thantos the Executioner is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all its weaknesses.
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>sa geez<
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thantos the Executioner is engulfed in flames!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner *** MASSACRES *** Art!
You say, 'geez'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thantos the Executioner is engulfed in flames!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!
Thantos the Executioner throws Kaylee against the wall in a fit of rage!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...
A ghoul jumps at Thantos the Executioner clawing and biting!
Thantos the Executioner stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thantos the Executioner is engulfed in flames!
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
[event] Slow: but if i were to get on a lower level guy i could join right now
Art utters the words, 'narop irkyabar atajynbar' [cure serious wounds]
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Stefen says, 'rofl'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner throws A ghoul against the wall in a fit of rage!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thantos the Executioner is engulfed in flames!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thantos the Executioner is engulfed in flames!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt hehe bloodlust<
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
You tell the group, 'hehe bloodlust'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ghoul rips and tears into Thantos the Executioner with filthy, diseased claws!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner throws Flynn against the wall in a fit of rage!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thantos the Executioner is engulfed in flames!
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
[event] Soldier: sure

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Killkill tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
[event] Fehlan: so do it

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
River rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner throws Angelluhh against the wall in a fit of rage!
Killkill tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Stefen says, 'Poor thantos.'
(admin logoff) Slow has left the game.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Thantos the Executioner!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>sa i know<
Thantos the Executioner throws Felonia against the wall in a fit of rage!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
You say, 'i know'
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Killkill tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!
(admin login) Antihero has entered the game.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!
Kylar tells the group, 'sword or player'
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Thantos the Executioner throws Kylar against the wall in a fit of rage!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Thantos the Executioner!
Felonia puts one end of Staff of the Magus to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Thantos the Executioner turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tries to disarm Thantos the Executioner.
Mischief appears in the middle of the room.
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Your blood freezes as you hear Thantos the Executioner's death cry!
Thantos the Executioner is DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Aaronr tells the group, 'won't we lose favor if we're followers of dentin?'

       You receive a combat point!
You now have 2 combat points you can spend.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of Thantos the Executioner, drawing power from it.
You get the Scythe of Death from the gutted carcass of Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind daimyo<
Stefen says, 'Jeeze.'
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[ 9309] The mighty and merciful Daimyo-> in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'rofl'
Art tells the group, 'nice spam'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Lilmike: wtf, double cap on thantos?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cat gate 9383<
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
Maeve shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
Kliro shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
Lilmike shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You do not see that here.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 9383<
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth enters a magical portal and disappears.

>ent gate<
Killkill tells the group, 'only blood sac!en port'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You enter a magical portal.

Daimyo's private reception & conference room
A large floor covered with gold-fringed straw mats stretches out from a
raised platform.  A few nobles have gathered to pay their respects to the
Daimyo, and they kneel on the mats closest to the platform.  Before them is the
Daimyo himself, who sits calmly and receives their tribute.

( 6)Thoth is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)The Daimyo sits calmly on a raised wooden platform, accepting the gifts with great courtesy but little interest.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo glows with a bright light!
[Exits: east ]
You rush forward to defend Thoth!
You gain 192600 experience!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike tells the group, 'wait'
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
River arrives from a magical portal.
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
A skeleton appears to be confused.
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Flynn appears to be confused.
A skeletal mage appears to be confused.
A skeleton appears to be confused.
A ghoul appears to be confused.
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art appears to be confused.
River appears to be confused.
Aaronr appears to be confused.
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill looks confused for an instant, but quickly recovers.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Passion has entered the game.

>gt ent gate<
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'ent gate'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!
A skeletal mage is engulfed in flames!
A skeleton is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
A skeletal mage is engulfed in flames!

A skeletal mage suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a
fine white dust before your eyes.
A skeletal mage has left the group.
A skeleton is engulfed in flames!
A ghoul is engulfed in flames!
An ebony scaled demon is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
River is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr is engulfed in flames!
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
Killkill is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ghoul looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Aaronr!
Tear arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
A ghoul looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
River looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
River stops resting, and stands up.
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Tear is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!
A skeletal mage is engulfed in flames!

A skeletal mage suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a
fine white dust before your eyes.
A skeletal mage has left the group.
A skeleton is engulfed in flames!

The skeleton suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a fine white
dust before your eyes.
A skeleton has left the group.
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
A skeleton is engulfed in flames!
A ghoul is engulfed in flames!
An ebony scaled demon is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
River is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr is engulfed in flames!
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
Killkill is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!
A ghoul looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
A ghoul looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Lilmike utters the words, 'himalwer huntao tep' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
River looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!
Flynn gets a frosty blue potion.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Tear is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Tear looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee looks confused for an instant, but quickly recovers.
Angelluhh is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Angelluhh looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Flynn is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Flynn looks confused, then sits down and rests.
A skeleton is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
A skeleton looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
A ghoul is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
A ghoul looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
River is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
River looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Aaronr is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Aaronr looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Killkill looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Art utters the words, 'su tepfoo' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
River stops resting, and stands up.
Angelluhh looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear stops resting, and stands up.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!
Felonia looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'odiusorniumque malugquevil' [cure serious wounds]
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Tear is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
A skeleton is engulfed in flames!
A ghoul is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A ghoul's death cry!
A ghoul is DEAD!
A ghoul has left the group.
An ebony scaled demon is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
River is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr is engulfed in flames!
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
Killkill is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia puts one end of Staff of the Magus to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia's spell rips up out of the ground and explodes in a harmless shower of frost.
River utters the words, 'xanarhunfooeng kilugzen odius gersukil nar' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'rekugornium foo wirhuncaque' [cure serious wounds]
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A small, soft potato no longer looks edible, and you throw it out. (carried by River)
Tear looks less confused.
Aaronr looks less confused.
Flynn looks less confused.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo turns blue and shivers with cold.
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
River looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Killkill.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia puts one end of Staff of the Magus to the ground and begins casting.
Art looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Felonia's spell rips up out of the ground and explodes in a harmless shower of frost.
Angelluhh looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'cavilya pig sudikrekxa' [sanctuary]
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
Someone has become a member of the group.
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Felonia puts one end of Staff of the Magus to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'foodoenghi werornium' [heal]
A clay man jumps to the aid of Killkill!
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!
Thoth tells the group, 'confused'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia's spell rips up out of the ground and explodes in a harmless shower of frost.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
A clay man is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
A clay man looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Rain appears to be confused.
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Tear is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Tear looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Angelluhh is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Angelluhh looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Flynn is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
A skeleton is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
A skeleton looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
River is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
River looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Aaronr is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Aaronr looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Killkill looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Aaronr taps his life, and a swarm of blood red demons fly quickly toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Thoth looks confused, then sits down and rests.
River looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia puts one end of Staff of the Magus to the ground and begins casting.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.
River stops resting, and stands up.
A clay man stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.
A blood red winged demon is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
A blood red winged demon is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man jumps to the aid of Killkill!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Angelluhh looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Killkill goes berserk in battle!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Kylar.
The white aura around Kylar fades.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia puts one end of Staff of the Magus to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
A clay man is engulfed in flames!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.
Rain is engulfed in flames!
Kliro is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Tear is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
A skeleton is engulfed in flames!
An ebony scaled demon is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
River is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr is engulfed in flames!
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
Killkill is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'barborgsu barug kildik' [cure serious wounds]
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear tells the group, 'OOM'
Kliro utters the words, 'tep hunop' [heal]
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A ball of light forms near Maeve's head.
Art utters the words, 'ger rekmal su werlepya doeng' [cure serious wounds]
A ball of light is engulfed in flames!

A ball of light collapses into nothing and is gone.
Rain is engulfed in flames!
Kliro is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Tear is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
A skeleton is engulfed in flames!

The skeleton suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a fine white
dust before your eyes.
A skeleton has left the group.
An ebony scaled demon is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
River is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Aaronr's dying scream!
Aaronr has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Aaronr killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
Killkill is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Felonia looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Aaronr warns the group, 'OOM'
Angelluhh looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'opop lepugkildo' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'hunsu foopig wirfuque gerhihi leprip irk' [heal]
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Tear.
The dim red flames on Tear's hands fade.
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Tear's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
The white aura around Tear fades.
Tear's displaced image abruptly rejoins its body.
Tear's force shield slowly dissipates.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'opleppiglyssu barug irktaorekvil' [heal]
River looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'hunfoofu fooca' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'dikmalnar ataop yatao' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth looks confused, then sits down and rests.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Kliro.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
Kliro floats down as his fly spell wears out.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'ow'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Art utters the words, 'doorniummal orniumdotao nartaoten queop killystep' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'lepzen tepborg tenwirodiusdohitepger' [heal]
You are carrying:
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Rain appears to be confused.
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia appears to be confused.
Tear is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Tear looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee looks confused!
Angelluhh is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Angelluhh looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Flynn is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
River is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
River looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Killkill looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.
Killkill leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'cayalyshi' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
River disappears.
Art utters the words, 'jyndiklepkil cataosu odius' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'que ata zen' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Angelluhh.
The white aura around Angelluhh fades.
Killkill looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'cagerjynjynborg wirmaltao odiuszen' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'fuyajyn tepvil' [cure serious wounds]
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Tear.

>mfind zap<

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[45329] the Zap Dragon      -> in room [26398] Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam
[54317] an animental gorilla-> in room [54369] Walking along a stone passage
[54343] an animental eagle  -> in room [54370] Walking along a stone passage
[54328] a giant statue      -> in room [54374] Standing in a large alcove
[54317] an animental gorilla-> in room [54370] Walking along a stone passage
[54343] an animental eagle  -> in room [54365] Walking along a stone passage
[48128] a yellow gargoyle   -> in room [48139] The crown!
[45326] the zap dragon      -> in room [45391] The darkness.
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Killkill.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'dik eng dikrek' [cure serious wounds]
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
Angelluhh looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'quesuzeneng' [heal]
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear stops resting, and stands up.
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Rain appears to be confused.
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia appears to be confused.
Tear is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Tear looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Angelluhh appears to be confused.
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Flynn is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Art looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Killkill looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Thoth looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.
Thoth stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ebony scaled demon looks less confused.
Shaletty looks less confused.
Art looks less confused.
The white aura around Art fades.
Kylar looks less confused.
Felonia looks less confused.
Maeve looks less confused.
Kliro looks less confused.
Killkill looks less confused.
Angelluhh looks less confused.
Lilmike looks less confused.
The white aura around Rain fades.
Thoth looks less confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia sits down and rests.
Angelluhh enters a magical portal and disappears.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain is engulfed in flames!
Kliro is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Tear is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
An ebony scaled demon is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
Killkill is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!
Tear looks confused, then sits down and rests.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'irkcaten hiborg' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'dikfuten fooodiusbarlep' [cure serious wounds]
Aaronr tells the group, 'am I the only one this time?'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The spear hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo with full force!
Art utters the words, 'cavilca fu' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The spear shatters as it hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, shards go flying!
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The spear hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo with full force!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Lilmike.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
Lilmike floats down as its fly spell wears out.
The red in Lilmike's vision disappears.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The spear shatters as it hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, shards go flying!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Rain appears to be confused.
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia appears to be confused.
Tear is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Tear looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Lilmike looks confused for an instant, but quickly recovers.
Flynn is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Flynn looks confused, then sits down and rests.
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Rain appears to be confused.
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia appears to be confused.
Tear is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Tear looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Flynn appears to be confused.
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art looks confused!
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Thoth looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Kylar leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
River tells the group, 'I used wored  recall'
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Thoth stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'whoa!'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn stops resting, and stands up.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.
Thoth stands up.
Art utters the words, 'atawerlep foolysrek su zentendo tep' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!
Rain is engulfed in flames!
Kliro is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Tear is engulfed in flames!
Tear panics and attempts to flee!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
An ebony scaled demon is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
Killkill is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero tells you, 'hi'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'dikodius pig' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'ug odiusodiusop lepfufoo' [heal]
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear prays to Shift for transportation...
Tear disappears.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Kylar.
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The spear hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo with full force!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>repl hai<
You reply to Antihero, 'hai'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Angelluhh is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Angelluhh looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Rain appears to be confused.
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia appears to be confused.
Shaletty looks confused!
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Flynn is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'tennarnar odius wer atamalwer lysgertaoya' [heal]
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
Someone has become a member of the group.
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man is engulfed in flames!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Angelluhh's dying scream!
Angelluhh has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Angelluhh killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
Rain is engulfed in flames!
Kliro is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
An ebony scaled demon is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
Kylar panics and attempts to flee!
Killkill is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Killkill's dying scream!
Killkill has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Killkill killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!
(admin logoff) Mischief has left the game.
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Sei'Saarak, the Time Dragon has summoned Kylar elsewhere to spread havoc!
Kylar disappears.
An ebony scaled demon looks less confused.
Art looks less confused.
Maeve looks less confused.
Kaylee looks less confused.
Rain looks less confused.
Flynn looks less confused.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Rain appears to be confused.
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Flynn appears to be confused.
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Thoth looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain gossips, 'restore'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'zenrekmalodiuslys tepopya' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'hiirklys wirtenhi taoop' [heal]
Art utters the words, 'zensujyn taodozen quefu' [cure serious wounds]
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Rain looks confused!
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Flynn is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
An ebony scaled demon appears to be confused.
Art appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Art.
The white aura around Art fades.
Antihero replies to you, 'can i come die wiv u?'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia looks confused, then sits down and rests.

>gc heal<

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You can't form a casting circle while fighting!
River tells the group, 'oh wow'
Lilmike tells the group, 'ouch'
The mighty and merciful Daimyo stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'ouch'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!
Rain is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Rain's dying scream!
Rain has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Rain killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
Kliro is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Lilmike's dying scream!
Lilmike has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Lilmike killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
An ebony scaled demon is engulfed in flames!

An ebony scaled demon quickly mutters something and vanishes.
an ebony scaled demon has left the group.
Art is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'i"m about to die heh'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'heal plz'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Art stops resting, and stands up.
Art utters the words, 'taoborgkil tao' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'pig quehiger' [cure critical wounds]
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol i died'
Rain warns the group, 'heal'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'fuirkhunsu' [cure serious wounds]
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!
Angelluhh panics and attempts to flee!
Kliro is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'lysyaodius ripfoohunten' [cure serious wounds]
Kaylee utters the words, 'yataoughisu orniumsubar cariptao yawerzen' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'hehehj'
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'bar quedo' [cure light wounds]
Art utters the words, 'fu lep pigpigornium lepodiusmal wirdobartenkiltep' [cure serious wounds]
A ball of light forms near Maeve's head.
Aaronr tells the group, 'hhehe'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Felonia warns the group, 'oooooom'
Angelluhh prays to the gods for transportation...

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia warns the group, 'ooooom'
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Kliro.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
Kliro's ice shield fades, then disappears.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking A ball of light!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh prays to the gods for transportation...
Art looks confused, and begins attacking A ball of light!
Shaletty utters the words, 'tennarquerip' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'atadodiksubar' [cure serious wounds]
Magical flames engulf Angelluhh as she is carried to safety on a column of fire!
Angelluhh disappears.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro disappears.
Kaylee utters the words, 'atafooug lepjynborgya lysatazen atawirfu' [cure light wounds]
Killkill tells the group, 'res'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of light is engulfed in flames!

A ball of light collapses into nothing and is gone.
Killkill is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Killkill's dying scream!
Killkill has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Killkill killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'hunsuwir dikhunsuughunnar zen' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'werpig hi dikpig mal' [cure serious wounds]
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Thoth)
Shaletty looks less confused.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
Felonia looks less confused.
The white aura around Felonia fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
Kaylee floats down as her fly spell wears out.
Thoth looks less confused.
The white aura around Thoth fades.
The white aura around Flynn fades.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty utters the words, 'pigzenug pigatalepeng' [heal]
Kaylee utters the words, 'xafueng rekop' [cure light wounds]
Aaronr tells the group, 'ow'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia appears to be confused.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Flynn appears to be confused.
Art is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Art looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'hi lysque pig' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
Kliro tells the group, 'fail'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Art.
Art's force shield slowly dissipates.
Art's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
Art stops using a gem encrusted staff.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.
(admin login) Draven has entered the game.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt hrm daimyo proving to be too much<
You tell the group, 'hrm daimyo proving to be too much'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'res'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'dikyakilca jyn lysdik' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Lilmike's dying scream!
Lilmike has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Lilmike killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Art is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'double res'
Aaronr taps his life, and a swarm of blood red demons fly quickly toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'ya jynfoo wer' [cure light wounds]
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Flynn.
Flynn's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.
Flynn's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn stops using Peacekeeper, sword of order.
A blood red winged demon bites The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Maeve utters the words, 'kilsutao irk jynodius' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'odiuswir kilorniumlys' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr prays to Dentin for transportation...
Felonia looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol oops'
Maeve utters the words, 'orniumpighizen borg' [heal]
Thoth tells the group, 'ow'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion arrives from a magical portal.
Art utters the words, 'pigfoo caopornium queodiusop' [cure serious wounds]
Kaylee utters the words, 'orniumpignar xairk' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Passion appears to be confused.
A blood red winged demon is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
A blood red winged demon looks confused, and begins attacking Thoth!
A blood red winged demon is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
A blood red winged demon looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Aaronr is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Aaronr looks confused, and begins attacking A blood red winged demon!
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia appears to be confused.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Flynn is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Flynn looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Art is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Art looks confused, then sits down and rests.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Thoth looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'orniumtaokilzen' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Art.
The red in Art's vision disappears.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art stops resting, and stands up.
Art utters the words, 'tepcaque opfumal pig' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
A blood red winged demon is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
A blood red winged demon looks confused, and begins attacking Shaletty!
Passion appears to be confused.
Aaronr is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Aaronr looks confused, and begins attacking A blood red winged demon!
Maeve appears to be confused.
Felonia appears to be confused.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Flynn is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Flynn looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Art appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast ball<
The spell fails utterly.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
Passion is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Felonia panics and attempts to flee!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty panics and attempts to flee!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Flynn is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Flynn's dying scream!
Flynn has been KILLED!
Flynn's muscles magically fill out as artificial strength courses through his body.
(admin death) (player) Flynn killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
Art is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Art's dying scream!
Art has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Art killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo's punch MASSACRES Aaronr!

Your blood curdles as you hear Aaronr's dying scream!
Aaronr has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Aaronr killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'irkya taobarfutenodiushun tenzenenghi ug' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You throw a large ball of pent-up electricity at The mighty and merciful Daimyo.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!

Felonia prays to Shadowfax for transportation...

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The spell fails utterly.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'nar dikxayakilca tenmal' [sanctuary]
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

Shaletty utters the words, 'vilzenpig pigopata engtenzenhi' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The spell fails utterly.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
Passion looks less confused.
Felonia looks less confused.
Maeve looks less confused.
Kaylee looks less confused.
Passion starts following you.
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Felonia into Oblivion.
Felonia disappears.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Passion appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.


Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The spell fails utterly.
Maeve utters the words, 'ornium ripirklys zenata' [stone skin]
Maeve's skin turns grey and granite-like.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Passion appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.


Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The spell fails utterly.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'rofl'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'xadikpigten yarek rip' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast fireweb<
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Passion appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty utters the words, 'atarekzen ya yakil jyntenhiripripug zen' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'irkodiusborg wer zenxaodius' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Thoth.
Thoth's force shield slowly dissipates.
The stench hovering about Thoth dissipates slightly.
Thoth floats down as his fly spell wears out.
Thoth's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
Thoth stops using Peacekeeper, sword of order.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Passion appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Passion appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Thoth appears to be confused.
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Kaylee utters the words, 'narfutao orniumhunhunca' [cure light wounds]
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'shadowfax, hit up something  like the mud wirm'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty's eyes glow red.
[gate] Kylar: wow


Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'oweyowe!'
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Passion is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth looks confused, then sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'kilkilvil atajynborg jynhikil teporniumtao su' [cure light wounds]
Passion looks less confused.
Shaletty looks less confused.
Thoth looks less confused.
The putrid stench of Thoth dissipates into the air.


Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

[gate] Kylar: that was erm
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Kaylee utters the words, 'barborghi leppigwerxa' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'hehe'
Passion is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty panics and attempts to flee!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Thoth's dying scream!
Thoth has been KILLED!
Thoth's muscles magically fill out as artificial strength courses through his body.
Thoth gently rises off the ground.
(admin death) (player) Thoth killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'jynriprek pigugodiustao' [cure light wounds]
Passion is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Shaletty's dying scream!
Shaletty has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Shaletty killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Kliro tells the group, 'at the end of river'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'foovilvilsu foosuwir' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

(admin death) (player) Grass killed while in room [20307] A branching of the path
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Passion is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Passion looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Kaylee utters the words, 'tenxabar gerhixadooprekwirhunhun' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'died'
Maeve utters the words, 'hizenpig ca' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'rek pig jynlys' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Passion.
Passion's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'dikhifoo lep teporniumdo' [cure light wounds]
[gate] Kylar: another 2 go boom

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Killkill tells the group, 'res me'
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Gandor imms: woah, now that's death.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Passion appears to be confused.
Maeve looks confused!
Kaylee appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'taoengten malfoohihun rek' [cure light wounds]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn tells the group, 'dead'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Aaronr tells the group, 'heheh'
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.
Passion is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Passion stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'I'm going to come back and pone him'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Thoth tells the group, 'and me'
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Passion appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion flies away in a U.F.O.
Passion disappears.
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Kaylee's dying scream!
Kaylee has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Kaylee killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'rek ca kilirkripkilfu' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Rain tells the group, 'once I get regenned'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

[gate] Bser: so weak
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
[gate] Kylar: 1 more:(

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Aaronr tells the group, 'I'm going in!'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Bser: not even an event
Aaronr tells the group, 'in a sec'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Maeve appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'shadowfax need res'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Maeve looks less confused.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Maeve buys a practice.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve buys a practice.

Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Maeve is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Maeve appears to be confused.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!

Your blood curdles as you hear Maeve's dying scream!
Maeve has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Maeve killed by The mighty and merciful Daimyo while in room [ 9383] Daimyo's private reception & conference room
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
Aaronr tells the group, 'ow!'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.


Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
[gate] Kylar: one more!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.


Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!


Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Bser: lets go slay mobs that most of us slay alread
Thoth tells the group, 'res yet?'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear tells the group, 'brb'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve tells the group, '!??#, I stayed in for a while though'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'where aer you?'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Bser: then again maybe im just different

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Bser has left the game.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c firef<
A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'i am at unholy right now'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'lots 75% of my exp on that dimyo!'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'cor is in that place tho'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Kylar: it's like... like... bowling pins

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gate it's underwhelming if you're high level<
[gate] Shadowfax: it's underwhelming if you're high level
Aaronr tells the group, 'I'm going in, lol'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c firef<
Aaronr tells the group, 'jk'
A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[event] Gandor: For those who care, the homeless thanksgiving deed is still going on.

A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!
[gate] Stefen: hehe

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is engulfed in flames!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Kylar: no it's not that heh

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c fireweb<
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Kliro tells the group, 'shadowfax, port closed'
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Soldier: thats why there are different levels of it

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[event] Gandor: till midnight. 

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.


Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, setting him on fire!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn tells the group, 'I'm following Shadowfax'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'come back'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'can you res me twice? heh.'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast gate 0<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Kylar: you just here so many pinging sounds
[event] Westie: heh they do love lots of turkey!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'I need double res'
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve tells the group, 'Res me please'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt come on through gate, he's almost dead<
You tell the group, 'come on through gate, he's almost dead'
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards you.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Aaronr tells the group, 'if 2 mroe people go, I'm int'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, then sits down and rests.
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr tells the group, 'in'

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Killkill looks confused for an instant, but quickly recovers.
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The spear shatters as it hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo, shards go flying!
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
Maeve is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee is engulfed in flames!
Rain is engulfed in flames!
Shaletty is engulfed in flames!
Art is engulfed in flames!
Angelluhh is engulfed in flames!
Thoth is engulfed in flames!
Felonia is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr is engulfed in flames!
Killkill is engulfed in flames!
Lilmike is engulfed in flames!
Kylar is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo gestures towards Art.
The white aura around Art fades.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The spear hits The mighty and merciful Daimyo with full force!
Kaylee utters the words, 'odiusnarya ata gerornium malhun baratavil irk' [heal]

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo throws a handful crushed leaves into the air, and a sudden gust of wind blows them all around you!
Kliro appears to be confused.
Maeve appears to be confused.
Kaylee appears to be confused.
Rain appears to be confused.
Shaletty appears to be confused.
Art is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Art looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Angelluhh is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Angelluhh looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Thoth is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Felonia is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Felonia looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Aaronr is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Aaronr looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Killkill is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Killkill looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
Lilmike appears to be confused.
Kylar is confused, and goes berserk in battle!
Kylar looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
You are momentarily confused, but quickly regain your senses.
Art stops resting, and stands up.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'ataopdokilkil' [sanctuary]
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of glowing purple gas billows forth from the hand of Kliro, highlighting everyone!
Maeve is momentarily revealed.
Kaylee is momentarily revealed.
Rain is momentarily revealed.
Shaletty is momentarily revealed.
Art is momentarily revealed.
Angelluhh is momentarily revealed.
Thoth is momentarily revealed.
Felonia is momentarily revealed.
Aaronr is momentarily revealed.
Killkill is momentarily revealed.
Lilmike is momentarily revealed.
Kylar is momentarily revealed.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is momentarily revealed.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Aaronr looks confused, then sits down and rests.
Passion arrives from a magical portal.
Maeve utters the words, 'pig borgorniumlepwirkil atadolys ornium' [stone skin]
Maeve's skin turns grey and granite-like.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Art utters the words, 'foo kil killysfoo lys irkxamalxa' [cure serious wounds]
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Art rushes to your side in battle!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Thoth looks confused, and begins attacking The mighty and merciful Daimyo!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
River tells the group, 'who needs a res '
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The mighty and merciful Daimyo from behind!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo begins to shiver and shake with cold!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 9383  Zone: 930  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear The mighty and merciful Daimyo's death cry!
The mighty and merciful Daimyo is DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Angelluhh gets 136 gold coins from the corpse of The mighty and merciful Daimyo.
Angelluhh splits 136 gold coins with her group.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Shaletty gets 4534 gold coins from the corpse of Thoth.
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.

>get all corpse<
Thoth tells the group, 'i do'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of The mighty and merciful Daimyo, drawing power from it.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
The last of the spikes melt and the water flows away, leaving behind
only a small disturbed spot on the ground.
The last of the spikes melt and the water flows away, leaving behind
only a small disturbed spot on the ground.
A small candle disappears in a blinding flash of light! (carried by Passion)
Shaletty looks less confused.
Maeve looks less confused.
Kliro looks less confused.
Angelluhh looks less confused.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the gutted carcass of The mighty and merciful Daimyo back to life.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr scans the area to see who is around.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
River arrives from a magical portal.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

>cast res 2.corpse<
You focus on the corpse of Maeve, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Maeve, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Maeve begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 140000 experience!
Maeve looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Kaylee, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Kaylee, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Kaylee begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 140000 experience!
Kaylee looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Shaletty, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Shaletty, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Shaletty begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 127699 experience!
Shaletty looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Thoth, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Thoth, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Thoth begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 13251 experience!
Thoth looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Flynn says, 'I do I suppose if my corpse is sill here'
Passion says, 'please group me?'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Aaronr, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Aaronr, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Aaronr begins to fade and slowly disappears...
Aaronr looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'awesome1'
Felonia goes to sleep.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Art, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Art, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Art begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 83167 experience!
Art looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Flynn, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Flynn, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Flynn begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 105156 experience!
Flynn looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Lilmike, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Lilmike, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Lilmike begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 140000 experience!
Lilmike looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.
Thoth tells the group, 'inded'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Killkill, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Killkill, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Killkill begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 71771 experience!
Killkill looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

(notify) (new character) Ajye has entered the game in [50099] the Sloe newbie quest.
You focus on the corpse of Lilmike, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Lilmike, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Lilmike begins to fade and slowly disappears...
Lilmike looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Rain, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Rain, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Rain begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 21266 experience!
Rain looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Killkill, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Killkill, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Killkill begins to fade and slowly disappears...
Killkill looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.
River calls upon Morpheus to bring the corpse of Angelluhh back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Angelluhh, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Angelluhh begins to fade and slowly disappears...
Angelluhh looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Aaronr, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Aaronr, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Aaronr begins to fade and slowly disappears...
Aaronr looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

You want to cast the spell where?

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

Daimyo's private reception & conference room
A large floor covered with gold-fringed straw mats stretches out from a
raised platform.  A few nobles have gathered to pay their respects to the
Daimyo, and they kneel on the mats closest to the platform.  Before them is the
Daimyo himself, who sits calmly and receives their tribute.

( 5)Aaronr is here.
Aaronr is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 6)Art is here.
Art is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)River is here.
( 6)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of The mighty and merciful Daimyo.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Felonia is here, sound asleep.
Felonia is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
[Exits: east ]

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

>sa group who?<
You say, 'group who?'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
The last of the spikes melt and the water flows away, leaving behind
only a small disturbed spot on the ground.
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)
Art looks less confused.
Kylar looks less confused.
Felonia looks less confused.
Felonia's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
Killkill looks less confused.
Aaronr looks less confused.
Lilmike looks less confused.
Kaylee looks less confused.
Rain looks less confused.
Thoth looks less confused.
Felonia stops using Staff of the Magus.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'shadow'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.
Art utters a short invocation over some teeth, then quickly swallows them.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'you get both of my corpses ress?'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Art doubles over in pain!

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Art manages to remove a spider kimono before collapsing to the ground.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Spikes and plates of bone burst forth from Art's body!

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
The bone plates solidify and merge, forming a protective armor over Art's torso.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

>gt should have<
You tell the group, 'should have'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Art stops resting, and stands up.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'back'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Art dips a tooth into some of his blood, and utters a short invocation...
A pinkish mass appears in Art's hands, which he quickly pulls and shapes into a bone shield.
Art quickly places a hand on the inside of a bone shield to bind it.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.
Rain says, 'I am Rain the Grunt, and have 101 fame.'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'ouch'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<
You tell the group, 'recall'
Angelluhh tells the group, 'can someone res mine?'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>

Aaronr is enveloped by a frosted crimson & onyx wind and is whisked away!
Aaronr disappears.
Daimyo's private reception & conference room
A large floor covered with gold-fringed straw mats stretches out from a
raised platform.  A few nobles have gathered to pay their respects to the
Daimyo, and they kneel on the mats closest to the platform.  Before them is the
Daimyo himself, who sits calmly and receives their tribute.

( 1)A twisted bone shield with streaks of red lies on the ground here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 7)Art is here.
Art is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)River is here.
( 6)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of The mighty and merciful Daimyo.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Felonia is here, sound asleep.
Felonia is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: east ]

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Felonia awakens.
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Maeve into Oblivion.
Maeve disappears.
Thoth tells the group, 'heh i was confuse....i had a frosted sandwhich'

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Sei'Saarak, the Time Dragon has summoned Kylar elsewhere to spread havoc!
Kylar disappears.
River prays to Morpheus for transportation...
River disappears.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Shadows drift and swirl around Kaylee, completely engulfing her.
Kaylee disappears.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Art gets a bone shield.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Art prays to Byung for transportation...
Art disappears.

[Daimyo's private reception & conference room]
R:9383 Z:930 Wiz:0>
Kliro prays to Shadowfax for transportation...
Angelluhh disappears.
Killkill disappears.
Lilmike disappears.
Flynn disappears.
Thoth disappears.
Shaletty disappears.
Felonia disappears.
You are whisked away by a higher power!
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)Felonia is here.
Felonia is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 7)Art is here.
Art is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)River is here.
( 4)Kylar is here, sound asleep.
Kylar is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
Aaronr is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 6)Bladimir is resting here.
( 0)A ball of light hovers peacefully here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 6)Antihero is here.
( 7)Gandor is here.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
Stefen is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You feel yourself getting younger...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are already in your recall.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'That was fun'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'all my spells and skills'll be at poor, lol'
Antihero stops following Gandor.
Antihero starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero says, 'hi shadowfax'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>fi antihero<
Antihero says, 'uh'
Name: 'antihero'
Fight string: Antihero
Ground string: Antihero is here.
Title: the newbie
Date of character creation: Mon Nov  1 01:11:49 2010

Level       Mage:  25  Cleric:  16  Thief:  10  Warrior:  28  Necromancer:   5
Total levels in top four classes: 79
Mob deaths:     4
Ltype: 2   Banked Gold: 32000
God: 'Dentin'   Favor: 1
Temp pk deaths:      0
Temp pk kills:       0
Arena battles:  (none)
Time of last access/finger: Fri Nov 26 20:45:33 2010
Time of last save: Fri Nov 26 20:40    2010

Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah, it was'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group antihero<
You add Antihero to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide starts following you.
Kaylee is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Ajye has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'that was fun, shad'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor hugs you.
Kaylee utters the words, 'rek narata pig cawer tep tenrekhun' [fly]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'lost aobut 4 mil'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'do lepcatep odius' [fly]
Antihero tells the group, 'thanks'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>fi jaide<
Name: 'jaide'
Fight string: Jaide
Ground string: Jaide is here.
Title: Can Fit In Gordan's Pocket
Date of character creation: Sun Oct 24 03:11:32 2010

Level       Mage:  22  Cleric:  30  Thief:  15  Warrior:  25  Necromancer:   7
Total levels in top four classes: 92
Mob deaths:    17
Ltype: 2   Banked Gold: 19255
God: 'Dentin'   Favor: 1
Temp pk deaths:      2
Temp pk kills:       0
Arena battles:  (none)
Time of last access/finger: Fri Nov 26 20:15:29 2010
Time of last save: Fri Nov 26 20:40    2010

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn goes to sleep.
Maeve goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'narjyn engdougteptaofu' [sanctuary]
Aaronr tells the group, 'awesome'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group jaide<
Lilmike goes to sleep.
You add Jaide to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'killyswir eng wirdobarca' [stone skin]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'dude, this isn't about xp'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'ugwir lyskilbarque' [stone skin]
Lilmike wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
Jaide goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'this is about poning epic mobs'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'why isn't it?'
Jaide awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
(admin logoff) Kylette has left the game.
Jaide utters the words, 'hihunvil irkkil' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen stops resting, and stands up.
Stefen utters the words, 'opfooxa borg' [stone skin]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [2146] 'Near the water'.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The black aura about Stefen fades.
Stefen suddenly appears less trustworthy and attractive than a moment ago.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Rain, your spelling fails'
Thoth tells the group, 'back at unholy'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion tells you, 'i am following you may I be grouped?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'is it over?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'if you don't want to do it, go xp or something alone..... in the high level death march, I lost 55 mill'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear is surrounded by a strong force shield.

>gt k, gonna do atlantian elite royal guards next<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Bladimir stops resting, and stands up.
You tell the group, 'k, gonna do atlantian elite royal guards next'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group passion<
You add Passion to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'and I had the time of my life'
Tear utters the words, 'weroptao ata nar gerhunvil irk quehixa' [stone skin]
Tear's skin turns grey and granite-like.
Kylar tells the group, 'oo fuun'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'rofl'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>repl sorry, got a lot of spam<
Kliro tells the group, 'their pussies'
You reply to Passion, 'sorry, got a lot of spam'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'rofl'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'zen su pigca' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The pink fuzz around Shaletty disappears.
The pink fuzz around Art disappears.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The red in Jaide's vision disappears.
The pink fuzz around Kylar disappears.
The pink fuzz around Felonia disappears.
The pink fuzz around Maeve disappears.
The pink fuzz around Killkill disappears.
The pink fuzz around your body fades.
The pink fuzz around Angelluhh disappears.
The pink fuzz around Aaronr disappears.
The pink fuzz around Lilmike disappears.
The pink fuzz around Kaylee disappears.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
The pink fuzz around Rain disappears.
The pink fuzz around Thoth disappears.
Jaide utters the words, 'barcasuhivilhun opmal gerbarirkpig' [sanctuary]
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'might get some fame and cpgt '

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'nartenirkya' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'borgxa killepopfoo' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.
Jaide utters the words, 'fukilmal orniumnardojyn' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'
Kylar tells the group, 'heh for higher level they are nod'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion thanks you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve buys a practice.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve buys a practice.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve buys a practice.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve buys a practice.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn's eyes glow red.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The red in Flynn's vision disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero tells the group, 'heh gc bless?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

>gc bles<
Kliro refuses to participate.
Felonia is asleep.
Killkill is asleep.
River is asleep.
You now watch over Antihero.
You now watch over Jaide.
You now watch over Tear.
You now watch over Rain.
You now watch over Aaronr.
You now watch over Maeve.
You now watch over Kylar.
You now watch over Kaylee.
You now watch over Art.
You now watch over Angelluhh.
You now watch over Lilmike.
You now watch over Flynn.
You now watch over Thoth.
You now watch over Shaletty.
You now watch over Passion.
You now watch over Shadowfax.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt good idea<
You tell the group, 'good idea'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro yells, '.'
Felonia is awakened by the noise.
Killkill is awakened by the noise.
River is awakened by the noise.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Brandonw has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.
Thoth's image blurs and shifts to one side.
River stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind royal guard<
Art is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[ 4729] The elite royal guard-> in room [ 4797] Royal Pathway.
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39150] The Courtyard
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39149] The Courtyard
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39145] The Courtyard
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39151] The Courtyard
[53733] A royal dwarven sentinel-> in room [53739] Surrounded by small rock teeth
[53733] A royal dwarven sentinel-> in room [53739] Surrounded by small rock teeth
[48722] The elven royal guard-> in room [48794] A well built hut
[48722] The elven royal guard-> in room [48794] A well built hut
[48722] The elven royal guard-> in room [48793] A well built hut
[48722] The elven royal guard-> in room [48793] A well built hut
[48722] The elven royal guard-> in room [48792] A well built hut
[48722] The elven royal guard-> in room [48792] A well built hut
[48722] The elven royal guard-> in room [48791] A well built hut
[48722] The elven royal guard-> in room [48791] A well built hut
[45320] A royal throne guard-> in room [45327] A grand hallway.
[42563] a Royal Army Guard  -> in room [42523] The Kings' Highway outside the Core
[39614] A Malitad royal guard-> in room [39679] Before a large door
[39614] A Malitad royal guard-> in room [39679] Before a large door
[39209] a drow royal guard  -> in room [39224] Before a strange magical gate.
[39106] A Royal Army Gateguard-> in room [39156] The Gate-house of the Castle
[39106] A Royal Army Gateguard-> in room [39156] The Gate-house of the Castle
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39152] The Courtyard
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39150] The Courtyard
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39136] The Courtyard
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39148] The Courtyard
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39147] The Courtyard
[39105] A Royal Army Palace Guard-> in room [39151] The Courtyard
[39040] the royal guard     -> in room [39020] In the sitting room.
[38916] an Empiricist royal guard-> in room [38945] Before the White Tower
[34618] a royal bodyguard   -> in room [34684] Masters chamber
[25450] The captain of the royal guard-> in room [25031] Entering the throne room.
[25440] A royal guard       -> in room [25032] Walking the eastern hallway.
[25440] A royal guard       -> in room [25020] In the northeastern corner of the main hallway.
[25440] A royal guard       -> in room [25024] Walking the eastern hallway.
[25440] A royal guard       -> in room [25040] Walking down the eastern hallway.
[25440] A royal guard       -> in room [25036] Entering the chapel.
[20720] An elite guard      -> in room [20725] Elite Guards!!!
[20720] An elite guard      -> in room [20725] Elite Guards!!!
[ 9205] The royal kobold guard-> in room [ 9264] The royal foyer
[ 9205] The royal kobold guard-> in room [ 9264] The royal foyer
[ 8597] Chaka's Royal Guard -> in room [ 8597] Royal Guardpost
[ 8597] Chaka's Royal Guard -> in room [ 8597] Royal Guardpost
Angelluhh shouts a ferocious warcry!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'brandonw wants to come'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia goes to sleep.
Horo has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh shouts a ferocious warcry!
Felonia is awakened by the noise.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero says, 'sweet'

>mfind 4729<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[ 4729] The elite royal guard-> in room [ 4797] Royal Pathway.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brandonw starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'atalepzen tendikorniumya' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River's image blurs and shifts to one side.
Tear appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'xaripata lep yasu pig' [sanctuary]
Antihero is surrounded by a white aura.
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Kylar is surrounded by a white aura.
River is surrounded by a white aura.
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.
Flynn is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Felonia is surrounded by a white aura.
Passion is surrounded by a white aura.
Tear is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt k found one<
You tell the group, 'k found one'
Thoth enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(notify) Killkill has registered for player killing.

>get portal<
Art tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
It's way too big and ethereal for that.
(picking up object anyway)
It's way too big and ethereal for that.
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Stefen: rofl

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>at 26398 drop portal<
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You drop a glowing portal into the plane of chaos.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Aaronr: lol

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike says to you, 'did you group brandonw?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'what we doing'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo leaves north.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brandonw's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[event] Bladimir: you fame stealer

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn sits down and rests.

>cast gate 4797<
Thoth tells the group, 'waiting'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You enter a magical portal.

Royal Pathway.
You venture further into the royal pathway.  More elites are coming after
you with intent to kill.  Perhaps it was a great idea to sneak in here
after all.  From the corner of your eyes, you spot the Grand Gate.  If
you can survive a bit longer, maybe you will catch a glimpse of it before
your departure from this world.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)*The elite royal guard is here to whip your butt.
[Exits: east west ]

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'on?'

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
You rush forward to defend Kylar!
You gain 128400 experience!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 

>kill royual<
Killkill tells the group, 'let's pk'

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
Attack who?  You do not see that person here.
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

>kill royal<
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
You do your best!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion arrives from a magical portal.
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.
Antihero arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.
Killkill tells the group, 'lol'

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Brandonw arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 

>group brandonw<
Antihero says, 'woot'
You add Brandonw to your group.

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Brandonw rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr says, 'you can't touch me!'

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The elite royal guard!
The spear hits The elite royal guard with full force!
Killkill tells the group, 'just ype in pk your name!'

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of light is engulfed in flames!

A ball of light collapses into nothing and is gone.
You receive 5 experience.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The elite royal guard is engulfed in flames!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The elite royal guard is engulfed in flames!
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

Room: 4797  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
The elite royal guard's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
Brandonw leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Your blood freezes as you hear The elite royal guard's death cry!
The elite royal guard is DEAD!
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
The guard falls and dies - but more are on the way, you can hear them
You receive 88759 experience.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
Kaylee utters the words, 'jyn quebar vilsuorniumtao' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Gandor has left the game.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Shaletty's eyes glow red.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
(admin login) Gandor has entered the game.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Brandonw utters the words, 'wireng borg' [sanctuary]
Brandonw is surrounded by a white aura.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>

Royal Pathway.
You venture further into the royal pathway.  More elites are coming after
you with intent to kill.  Perhaps it was a great idea to sneak in here
after all.  From the corner of your eyes, you spot the Grand Gate.  If
you can survive a bit longer, maybe you will catch a glimpse of it before
your departure from this world.

( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 6)The corpse of The elite royal guard is lying here.
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)Brandonw is here.
Brandonw glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
Felonia glows with a bright light!
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Antihero is here.
Antihero glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Flynn is here.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
Aaronr glows with a bright light!
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: east west ]

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'nothing, never mind lol'

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Tear arrives from a magical portal.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>

>sa nice<
You say, 'nice'

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>

Maeve scans the area to see who is around.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
You scan the surrounding area...
West      5 -       The Imperial Guard

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'ah didn't assist'

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Aaronr scans the area to see who is around.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'bartaoya do' [fly]
Kliro gently rises off the ground.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4797 Z:420 Wiz:0>

The Grand Palace Gate.
Here is THE GATE.  Standing some 150 feet in the air, it's as impressive 
to behold as the Dome.  Jewelled and gold plated on every possible surface,
it's the ultimate symbol of the mighty Atlantis.  Before you can enjoy the
magnificent sight any longer, the Elite guards send out a bone crushing war
cry and attack you.  Goodbye cruel world.

[Exits: east west ]
Kylar has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.
Antihero has arrived.
Art has arrived.

[The Grand Palace Gate.]
R:4796 Z:420 Wiz:0>

Royal Pathway.
You venture further into the Royal Pathway.  More elite guards are coming 
after you with intent to take you into custody.  Maybe it wasn't a great idea
to come here after all.  The Jewelled Front Gate is just east, if you can stay 
alive for a bit longer, you might get a glimpse of it.

[Exits: east west ]
Kylar has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.
Antihero has arrived.
Art has arrived.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4795 Z:420 Wiz:0>

Royal Pathway.
You decide to ignore King's explicit order and venture into the Royal Pathway.
The golden pavement reflects the glow brightly into your eyes as you spot 
several stone faced mermen coming toward you.  It WOULD be a great idea to
FLEE now.  They give out a battle cry and start swinging their huge fists
at you.

[Exits: east west ]
Kylar has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.
Antihero has arrived.
Art has arrived.
Kliro's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Rain's ice shield fades, then disappears.

[Royal Pathway.]
R:4794 Z:420 Wiz:0>

Intersection Between Falls Dr. And Royal Pathway.
A four way intersection dominates your attention here.  To your east is the 
Royal Pathway that goes before the Palace Gate.  The King recently ordered
the street off-limits to all but selected few.  If you try to sneak by, the 
consequences can be grave.  To your west is the enterprising business 
district, and Falls Dr. continues south.

[Exits: north east south west ]
Kylar has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.
Antihero has arrived.
Art has arrived.

[Intersection Between Falls Dr. And Royal Pathway.]
R:4788 Z:420 Wiz:0>

Capital Way Ends.
Smells of exotic herbs and strange magic are thick in the air.  Looking 
around you see a potion shop just to your south.  After checking your little
pile of magic stocks in your inventory, you think it might be a good idea 
to get some fresh stocks.  Capital Way ends here and widens to merge with  
Falls Dr. to the east.

(10)An impressive looking imperial guard is here, enforcing the King's law.
[Exits: east south west ]
Kylar has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.
Antihero has arrived.
Art has arrived.
You rush forward to defend Tear!
You gain 64200 experience!
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Brandonw rushes to your side in battle!
Kliro tells the group, 'someone was running here'

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Imperial Guard!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Imperial Guard!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
The Imperial Guard turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'fehlan'

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Imperial Guard!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt seems so<
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
You tell the group, 'seems so'

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Imperial Guard!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Imperial Guard!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Imperial Guard is engulfed in flames!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Imperial Guard!

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a frosty blue potion.

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 

>mst guard<
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Imperial Guard!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Imperial Guard is engulfed in flames!
Mob number: 4753  Zone: 420  LoadZones: 420  Maxload: 5 Curr: 4  Total: 7
Loading percentage: 93  Long max: 97  Limit: 100
Name string: 'imperial guard'
Special Mob Type: HUMANOID  Race: merman  Affiliation: (merman)
Sex: neuter, 10'0" feet tall/long, 0/250 weight
Magic_res: 20  
STR: 50    INT: 40    WIS: 40    DEX: 40    CON: 40    CHR: 50
SSp:-20    SFi:-14    SCo:-10    SZa:-10    SBr:  0    SPo:  0

Mage: 40  Cleric: 25  Thief: 30  Warrior: 40  Necromancer: 32

202/2500+200 hp, 500/500+0 mana, 500/500+200 movement
AC: -310 (-180)   Hitroll: 25 (-208)   Damroll: 55   Attacks: 30
Current dieroll:  5d9   Damage type: punch (1)
Alignment: 1000  Gold: 0 (49)  Aggression: 22
Estimated Exp: 805751 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 157  (Current Exp: 1730575)

System flags: LIGHT GLOW 

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Imperial Guard is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Imperial Guard is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Imperial Guard turns blue and shivers with cold.
The Imperial Guard is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Killkill stands up.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Imperial Guard from behind!
The Imperial Guard begins to shiver and shake with cold!
The Imperial Guard is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 4789  Zone: 420  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Imperial Guard is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Imperial Guard is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear The Imperial Guard's death cry!
The Imperial Guard is DEAD!
You receive 190579 experience.

[Capital Way Ends.]
R:4789 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of The Imperial Guard, drawing power from it.

[Capital Way Ends.]
R:4789 Z:420 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[Capital Way Ends.]
R:4789 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Maeve's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
Jaide utters the words, 'pigengxa foovil cahunsu tao geropzen' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.

[Capital Way Ends.]
R:4789 Z:420 Wiz:0>

>gt heh there's some fame at least<
You tell the group, 'heh there's some fame at least'
Aaronr scans the area to see who is around.

[Capital Way Ends.]
R:4789 Z:420 Wiz:0>
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'

[Capital Way Ends.]
R:4789 Z:420 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<

You tell the group, 'recall'

[Capital Way Ends.]
R:4789 Z:420 Wiz:0>
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.
You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River appears in the middle of the room.
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.
Tear appears in the middle of the room.
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.
Art appears in the middle of the room.
Brandonw appears in the middle of the room.
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.
Passion appears in the middle of the room.
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.
Kylar appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh says, 'I have 22 fame.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brandonw prays to Dentin for transportation...
Brandonw disappears.
Kylar tells the group, '4 fame heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
Killkill tells the group, 'I have 24 fame.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind yuri<
River tells the group, 'I am River the Innocent, and have 41 fame.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'I am Kylar the Plain, and have 79 fame.'
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[42547] General Yuriyuki Thief-taker-> in room [42599] The top of the taller tower
Kliro tells the group, 'I am Kliro the Prominent, and have 175 fame.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly says, 'I am Ashly the Distinguished, and have 207 fame.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain says, 'I am Rain the Grunt, and have 101 fame.'
Horo prays to Mutt for transportation...
Horo disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'I am Maeve the Plain, and have 90 fame.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'I am Lilmike the Plain, and have 81 fame.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'I am Felonia the Plain, and have 83 fame.'
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar gains a necromancer level!

>msp yuri<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 42547  Zone: 4250  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'haughty snake general yuriyuki yuri yuki thief-taker thief taker thieftaker naga'
Magic_res: 10  
Current dieroll:  6d4   Damage type: slice (5)
Dual dieroll:    10d4   Damage type: bite (14) Probability: 25%

Set flags: FEMALE BRIEF 
System flags: WIELDING LIGHT 
Spell flags: INFRA DETECTI 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[30] parse random, rate 4. Targets self. Triggers when fighting, 
[ 1] 15% say haha!
[ 2] 20% say interloper!
[ 3] 20% say fool!
[ 4] 20% say die!!
[ 5] 20% say muwahahaha!
[ 6]  5% combine We've got hostiles in Grand Ridge! Hostiles in Grand Ridge!
2 :[16] special attack, rate 20. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when less than 0% hp, 
Casts at mob level: (gap) (gap) <0>
id -> string
1  -> %1 says to you, 'NOW YOU DIE!!!'%n%1 swings at you with all %3 might!
2  -> %1 says to %2, 'NOW YOU DIE!!!'%n%1 swings at %2 with all %3 might!
3  -> You say to %2, 'NOW YOU DIE!!!'%nYou swing at %2 with all your might!
10 -> 1d5 +500 punch
3 :[12] object load on death
	(load into corpse)
	vnum [42226] 'a mirror of vanity'
	vnum [42227] 'a staff of domination'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'lephitao diknar hi' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth tells the group, 'I am Thoth the Angel, and have 191 fame.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo leaves north.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brandonw prays to the elder gods, and makes this place his new home.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'nice'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn buys a practice.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 42599<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Skeeter newbies, 'Drolkrad did you get through the door while I was fighting the guard?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You enter a magical portal.

The top of the taller tower
The tower ends at the top landing in what is a lavishly decorated room. 
Crimson ribbons and scarfs hang on all the walls.  A canopied, king-sized
bed with gold-trimmed maroon satin sheets, drapes and pillows is set
against the north wall, opposite the large window with matching curtains in
the south wall.  The window is huge--it is three meters wide (almost half
of the room) and runs from the floor to nearly the top of the tower.  It is
fitted with thick, crystal-clear glass and provides an excellent view of
the town to the south.  The town square, with its enormous clocktower,
stands out the most from the mostly ruined structures.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 9)A huge ogre shambles towards you!
an ogre warrior glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)A plump turkey wobbles about without a care in the world.
( 5)A naga officer paces the tower floor worriedly.
( 6)A haughty snake-woman leans against the tower wall.
[Exits: down ]

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.
You rush forward to defend Kylar!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
River arrives from a magical portal.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker heroically jumps to the aid of an ogre warrior!
Colonel Belldandy heroically jumps to the aid of an ogre warrior!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero arrives from a magical portal.
Art arrives from a magical portal.
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
Colonel Belldandy says, 'how's about this!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'muwahahaha!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Passion arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Brandonw arrives from a magical portal.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'what are you doing here? Intruder! DIE!!!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and this!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior turns blue and shivers with cold.
The white aura around Passion fades.
The white aura around Antihero fades.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around River fades.
The white aura around Tear fades.
The white aura around Art fades.
The white aura around Kylar fades.
The white aura around Felonia fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Killkill fades.
The white aura around Aaronr fades.
The white aura around Flynn fades.
It is noon.
Rain arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
An ogre warrior turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero tries to disarm an ogre warrior.
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and this!'
Brandonw rushes to your side in battle!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
A plump turkey is engulfed in flames!

A plump turkey lets out its final cluck, and is still.
You receive 5 experience.
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!
An ogre warrior says, 'STOMP! SMASH! CRUSH!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'muwahahaha!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero tries to disarm an ogre warrior.
River rushes to your side in battle!
Colonel Belldandy says, 'take that!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Colonel Belldandy throws a giant yellow fireball at you!
The flames wash over and pass through you without effect!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'stay behind me, Belldandy, and cover me whilst I deal with this rabble!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium stops following you.
Flynn tries to disarm an ogre warrior.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!
Antihero tries to disarm an ogre warrior.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and that!'
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
You are blinded and scorched by a brilliant blast of colored light! 

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'fool!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!
Flynn tries to disarm an ogre warrior.
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and that!'
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Brandonw tries to disarm an ogre warrior.
Colonel Belldandy says, 'eat this!'
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!
Antihero stands up.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn tries to disarm an ogre warrior.
Passion rushes to your side in battle!
Antihero goes berserk in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Brandonw tries to disarm an ogre warrior.
Antihero tries to disarm an ogre warrior.
Colonel Belldandy says, 'second course!'
Flynn tries to disarm an ogre warrior.
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'die!!'
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to General Yuriyuki Thief-taker but seems to lose power as it touches her.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior deflects Antihero's attempt to disarm him.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn disarms an ogre warrior and sends his weapon flying!
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and dessert!'
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker gets an iron greatsword.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to Colonel Belldandy but seems to lose power as it touches her.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A confusing field of color fills your vision, then you are thrown back several feet by a strong force!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
An ogre warrior says, 'ME CRUSH, ME KILL!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy says, 'how's about this!'
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

>group delirium<
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear an ogre warrior's death cry!
An ogre warrior is DEAD!
You receive 214991 experience.
Shaletty gets 2 gold coins from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
Shaletty splits 2 gold coins with her group.
Delirium is currently in a group consisting of:
[Delirium              Lvl  30 Tw hp 896/896  mn 228/228  mv 333/333 ] (leader)
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to Colonel Belldandy but seems to lose power as it touches her.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'haha!'
An ogre warrior's slice *** OBLITERATES *** Rain!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to Colonel Belldandy but seems to lose power as it touches her.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Rain starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion rushes to your side in battle!
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior says, 'STOMP! SMASH! CRUSH!'
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker disarms Antihero and sends her weapon flying!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Antihero!
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and this!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Antihero!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and this!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

>at delirium group delirium<
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Colonel Belldandy from behind!
Colonel Belldandy begins to shiver and shake with cold!
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
But they are not following you.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Maeve utters the words, 'tenjynlephiatatepriphieng werornium' [heal]
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tries to disarm Colonel Belldandy.
Flynn gets a frosty blue potion.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker gets the corpse of a plump turkey.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Colonel Belldandy from behind!
Colonel Belldandy begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'rekengxasu' [heal]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy says, 'take that!'
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Colonel Belldandy!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Passion!
Felonia utters the words, 'hun cakil' [heal]
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tries to disarm Colonel Belldandy.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
Colonel Belldandy throws a giant yellow fireball at you!
The flames wash over and pass through you without effect!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'jyn wirwirjyn opgernar kilhunornium' [heal]
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Rain stands up.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior's slice *** DEVASTATES *** Rain!
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Felonia utters the words, 'zenjynugjynnar xasulep' [heal]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright flash of red fire scorches Colonel Belldandy!
The dim red flames on Tear's hands fade.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts Colonel Belldandy!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Kylar tries to disarm Colonel Belldandy.
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and that!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy turns blue and shivers with cold.
Antihero stands up.
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Antihero disarms General Yuriyuki Thief-taker and sends her weapon flying!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Brilliant waves of color and light blind you! 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tries to disarm Colonel Belldandy.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and that!'
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
A clay man has become a member of the group.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'die!!'
An ogre warrior's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Rain!
Rain stands up.
Brandonw rushes to your side in battle!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts Colonel Belldandy!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
A clay man heroically rescues Rain!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
An ogre warrior says, 'STOMP! SMASH! CRUSH!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain stands up.
Art utters the words, 'zenmaldik bar ca zenrip dohiirk' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.
Colonel Belldandy says, 'eat this!'
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker stands up.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

>resc rain<

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
You heroically rescue Rain!
You gain 280000 experience!
Kylar tries to disarm Colonel Belldandy.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts Colonel Belldandy!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Colonel Belldandy says, 'second course!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker gets a wicked scimitar.
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
A clay man has become a member of the group.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright flash of red fire scorches Colonel Belldandy!
The dim red flames on Tear's hands fade.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts Colonel Belldandy!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'muwahahaha!'
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker's claw DISEMBOWELS Felonia!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks General Yuriyuki Thief-taker from behind!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Colonel Belldandy's pound *** MASSACRES *** Flynn!
A clay man jumps to the aid of Killkill!
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and dessert!'
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks General Yuriyuki Thief-taker from behind!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

>resc felonia<

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 


But no-one is attacking her!
An ogre warrior says, 'ME CRUSH, ME KILL!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
But no-one is attacking her!
But no-one is attacking her!
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!
A confusing field of color fills your vision, then you are thrown back several feet by a strong force!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar disarms Colonel Belldandy and sends her weapon flying!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'barnarsu kil hun lepmal' [heal]
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks General Yuriyuki Thief-taker from behind!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'wirca rekger xajynrek' [heal]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior's slice *** OBLITERATES *** Rain!
Tear's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Angelluhh's force shield slowly dissipates.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Enoch has entered the game.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Colonel Belldandy says, 'how's about this!'
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
An orc warrior is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Tear!
A clay man heroically rescues Tear!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'muwahahaha!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 

>resc tear<
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and this!'

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Antihero!
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.


But no-one is attacking it!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
An ogre warrior says, 'STOMP! SMASH! CRUSH!'
But no-one is attacking it!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
But no-one is attacking it!
Maeve stands up.
Rain tells the group, 'res'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'res'
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Antihero!
Maeve utters the words, 'quekil atawerwerug' [heal]
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'haha!'
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and this!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'res'
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
An orc warrior is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An ogre warrior is engulfed in flames!
Colonel Belldandy is engulfed in flames!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is engulfed in flames!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Antihero!
Maeve utters the words, 'tepwir orniumvilornium kilsu' [heal]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 

>resc rain<

But no-one is attacking it!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
But no-one is attacking it!
A raging magical blizzard turns all you see to ice!
Aaronr tells the group, 'ugh, bet this guy has like a white soulstone or something...'
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker stands up.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An orc warrior's pound DISEMBOWELS Antihero!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy says, 'take that!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Antihero!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'fool!'
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to Colonel Belldandy but seems to lose power as it touches her.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy throws a giant yellow fireball at you!
The flames wash over and pass through you without effect!
Antihero tells the group, 'hi'

>!resc antihero<

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 

But no-one is attacking it!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
But no-one is attacking it!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy says, 'and that!'
An orc warrior's pound *** MASSACRES *** Antihero!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker stands up.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker gets an iron skull mace.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth goes berserk in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on her body!
An ogre warrior says, 'ME CRUSH, ME KILL!'
You are hit by a blinding flash of brilliant colors! 
Colonel Belldandy is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Colonel Belldandy is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Antihero stands up.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero tells the group, 'res'
Kliro sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear stands up.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Kaylee, then flows outward to surround you.
You feel less tired.
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Colonel Belldandy is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Colonel Belldandy is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Killkill tells the group, 'I got the obtained 25 fame acieve!'
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker disarms Thoth and sends his weapon flying!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'fool!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero says, 'heh'
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Antihero!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts an orc warrior!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 

Colonel Belldandy falls forward, coughing up blood.
You receive 560000 experience.
Flynn gets 320 gold coins from the corpse of Colonel Belldandy.
Flynn splits 320 gold coins with his group.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.
Rain tells the group, 'heal'
An orc warrior tries to disarm Killkill.
Shaletty gets a black velvet cape from the corpse of Colonel Belldandy.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty gets vermilion cloth gloves from the corpse of Colonel Belldandy.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts an orc warrior!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'unfortunate'
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'heal maeve'
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Antihero!

Your blood curdles as you hear Antihero's dying scream!
Antihero has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Antihero killed by an orc warrior while in room [42599] The top of the taller tower
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Rain!

Your blood curdles as you hear Rain's dying scream!
Rain has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Rain killed by an orc warrior while in room [42599] The top of the taller tower
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Maeve!

>get all corpse<

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
You get 4907 gold coins from the corpse of Rain.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior's slice *** DEVASTATES *** Flynn!
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Maeve!
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The white aura around Brandonw fades.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'wernarjyn rekwir lystenmalzen malbar vilorniumca' [heal]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Maeve!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'die!!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An orc warrior's pound *** DEMOLISHES *** Maeve!
Maeve stands up.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero tells the group, 'heh'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries an ogre warrior!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion disarms General Yuriyuki Thief-taker and sends her weapon flying!
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
A cloud of glowing purple gas billows forth from the hand of Kliro, highlighting everyone!
An orc warrior is momentarily revealed.
An ogre warrior is momentarily revealed.
Thoth is momentarily revealed.
Jaide is momentarily revealed.
Felonia is momentarily revealed.
Tear is momentarily revealed.
Brandonw is momentarily revealed.
Kaylee is momentarily revealed.
Ashly is momentarily revealed.
Passion is momentarily revealed.
Killkill is momentarily revealed.
Lilmike is momentarily revealed.
Maeve is momentarily revealed.
Angelluhh is momentarily revealed.
Shaletty is momentarily revealed.
Flynn is momentarily revealed.
Art is momentarily revealed.
River is momentarily revealed.
Aaronr is momentarily revealed.
Kylar is momentarily revealed.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is momentarily revealed.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
An orc warrior's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Maeve!
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear an orc warrior's death cry!
An orc warrior is DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Shaletty gets 16 gold coins from the corpse of an orc warrior.
Shaletty splits 16 gold coins with her group.
Maeve utters the words, 'vilmalop lepwirtep' [heal]

>resc maeve<


But no-one is attacking her!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
Angelluhh stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
But no-one is attacking her!
An ogre warrior says, 'ME CRUSH, ME KILL!'
But no-one is attacking her!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve tells the group, 'res'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 

The top of the taller tower
The tower ends at the top landing in what is a lavishly decorated room. 
Crimson ribbons and scarfs hang on all the walls.  A canopied, king-sized
bed with gold-trimmed maroon satin sheets, drapes and pillows is set
against the north wall, opposite the large window with matching curtains in
the south wall.  The window is huge--it is three meters wide (almost half
of the room) and runs from the floor to nearly the top of the tower.  It is
fitted with thick, crystal-clear glass and provides an excellent view of
the town to the south.  The town square, with its enormous clocktower,
stands out the most from the mostly ruined structures.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 0)A sharp shard of crystal lies here.
( 5)The corpse of an orc warrior is lying here.
( 2)A nasty little curved sword is stuck in the ground here.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rain is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Antihero is lying here.
( 5)The corpse of Colonel Belldandy is lying here.
( 9)An ogre warrior is here, fighting YOU!
an ogre warrior is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
an ogre warrior glows with a bright light!
( 9)The corpse of an ogre warrior is lying here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 6)Thoth has gone totally berserk!
Thoth is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Jaide is here, fighting an ogre warrior.
Jaide is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here, fighting General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Felonia is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Tear is here, fighting an ogre warrior.
Tear is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Brandonw is here, fighting General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Brandonw is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 5)Passion is here, fighting General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Passion is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Lilmike is here, fighting an ogre warrior.
Lilmike is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Maeve is resting here.
Maeve is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Shaletty is here, fighting an ogre warrior.
Shaletty is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Flynn is here, fighting an ogre warrior.
Flynn is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 7)Art is here.
Art is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)River is here, fighting an ogre warrior.
River is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Aaronr is here, fighting General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Aaronr is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 4)Kylar is here, fighting General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Kylar is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is here, fighting YOU!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
[Exits: down ]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker stands up.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'haha!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'tenkiljynfoo' [heal]
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker gets a wicked scimitar.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts an ogre warrior!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'irkopvil lyslyswir queodius' [heal]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Thoth!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin teleport) Mob [18990] The Ejja teleported mob [18990] 'The Ejja' into room [26841] 'Before a pair of engraved oaken doors.'.
Kliro sits down and rests.
An orc warrior heroically jumps to the aid of an ogre warrior!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'fool!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts an ogre warrior!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Aaronr says, 'hahaha'
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Thoth!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'die!!'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks an ogre warrior from behind!
An ogre warrior begins to shiver and shake with cold!
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
An ogre warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Your blood freezes as you hear an ogre warrior's death cry!
An ogre warrior is DEAD!
You receive 280000 experience.
Kliro gets 14 gold coins from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
Kliro splits 14 gold coins with his group.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get a lightweight axe from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get a lightweight axe from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get a throwing star from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get an iron greatsword from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get a black skull helmet from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get a troll tusk necklace from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get spiked plate gauntlets from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get spiked plate armor from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get a black skull belt from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get spiked plate poleyns from the corpse of an ogre warrior.
You get a Death Legion Tower Shield from the corpse of an ogre warrior.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of an ogre warrior, drawing power from it.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'ger uglysya leptepjyndonarxa odiusengten wir' [heal]
(admin login) Faedryn has entered the game.
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Flynn!
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker slowly stops shivering.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of an orc warrior, drawing power from it.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An orc warrior's punch *** DEVASTATES *** River!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'kil dofoolep odiustenbar' [heal]
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero tells the group, 'so are we getting res'd or anything'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'zenorniumkiltepqueorniumfoozenodiusfoo' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Brandonw stands up.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker says, 'muwahahaha!'
An orc warrior's punch *** MASSACRES *** Aaronr!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks an orc warrior from behind!
An orc warrior begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Passion tries to disarm General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
River sacrifices the gutted carcass of an ogre warrior to Morpheus.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'hunripeng op' [cure serious wounds]
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Thoth!
River splits 4 gold coins with her group.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks an orc warrior from behind!
An orc warrior begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Felonia utters the words, 'ornium narborgdik' [heal]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt can't do it while fighting<
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'can't do it while fighting'
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks an orc warrior from behind!
An orc warrior begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia warns the group, 'oooooom'
Felonia warns the group, 'ooooom'

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'zenhiya op orniumata' [heal]
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at General Yuriyuki Thief-taker!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks General Yuriyuki Thief-taker from behind!
General Yuriyuki Thief-taker begins to shiver and shake with cold!

General Yuriyuki Thief-taker screams in rage, then falls to the ground, DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Art gets 499 gold coins from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
Art splits 499 gold coins with his group.
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 

>get all corpse<
You get a staff of domination from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get a mirror of vanity from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get an iron skull mace from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get the corpse of a plump turkey from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get an iron greatsword from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get a letter from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get a wicked scimitar from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get a black skull helmet from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get a black velvet cape from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get iron skull pauldrons from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get fur-lined plate armor from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get a welded mail cloak from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get a black skull belt from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You get iron skull greaves from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at an orc warrior!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Brandonw utters the words, 'que teptaoata tenug' [refresh]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker, drawing power from it.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve River.
A clay man starts following River.
A clay man has become a member of the group.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Brandonw utters the words, 'xaripfoo vilirkfu quehunquepig odius' [refresh]

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man jumps to the aid of River!

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts an orc warrior!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
An orc warrior is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 42599  Zone: 4250  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear an orc warrior's death cry!
An orc warrior is DEAD!
You receive 214901 experience.
Jaide gets 3 gold coins from the corpse of an orc warrior.
Jaide splits 3 gold coins with her group.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Brandonw utters the words, 'bar irkorniumdikca' [refresh]
The white aura around Kliro fades.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.
Felonia sits down and rests.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife from the corpse of an orc warrior.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
River sacrifices blood from the corpse of an orc warrior, drawing power from it.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'quetenborgripop quelys' [heal]

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
River sacrifices the gutted carcass of an orc warrior to Morpheus.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
River splits 4 gold coins with her group.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'I"m alive'

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

>give crystal flyn<
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'shadowfax, man, I called for rescue for like 2 minutes'

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

>give crystal flynn<
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.





[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide begins healing Thoth.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
You don't seem to have that object.
You don't seem to have that object.
Killkill tells the group, 'didn't die!'

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals Thoth.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals Thoth.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals Thoth.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals Thoth.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Flynn thanks you.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals Thoth.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

>gt i rescued you twice<
You tell the group, 'i rescued you twice'

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals Thoth.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

The top of the taller tower
The tower ends at the top landing in what is a lavishly decorated room. 
Crimson ribbons and scarfs hang on all the walls.  A canopied, king-sized
bed with gold-trimmed maroon satin sheets, drapes and pillows is set
against the north wall, opposite the large window with matching curtains in
the south wall.  The window is huge--it is three meters wide (almost half
of the room) and runs from the floor to nearly the top of the tower.  It is
fitted with thick, crystal-clear glass and provides an excellent view of
the town to the south.  The town square, with its enormous clocktower,
stands out the most from the mostly ruined structures.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 6)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
( 5)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of an orc warrior.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rain is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Antihero is lying here.
( 5)The corpse of Colonel Belldandy is lying here.
( 9)The corpse of an ogre warrior is lying here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Kliro is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Felonia is resting here.
Felonia is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Tear is here.
Tear is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Brandonw is here.
Brandonw is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Flynn is here.
Flynn is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 7)Art is here.
Art is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)River is here.
River is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
Aaronr is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
[Exits: down ]

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals Thoth.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'yes!'

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals Thoth.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Jaide has reached the limits of her abilities, and stops healing Thoth.

>get corpse<

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
You get the gutted carcass of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

You get the gutted carcass of an orc warrior.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

You get the corpse of Rain.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'It just liked you, Rain'

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

You get the corpse of Antihero.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
River utters the words, 'doquesuhiger wer lyshun' [cure critical wounds]
Kaylee utters the words, 'odiusteptep catep' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

Felonia tells the group, 'i tried to heal people'
You get the corpse of Colonel Belldandy.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

You get the corpse of an ogre warrior.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

You don't see anything by that name here.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

You don't see anything by that name here.

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'it really hated me'

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<
You tell the group, 'recall'

[The top of the taller tower]
R:42599 Z:4250 Wiz:0>

Killkill utters the words, 'ripugop pig irkripnar queop hi quelysque' [sanctuary]
You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 6)Antihero is here, sound asleep.
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 5)Enoch is here.
( 6)Rain is resting here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.
Passion appears in the middle of the room.
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.
Tear appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Brandonw appears in the middle of the room.
Art appears in the middle of the room.
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.


[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

(34)The bleaching skeleton of the zap dragon is lying here.
( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
[Exits: north east south west up ]
Kylar has arrived.
Art has arrived.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'but if you dont shout i cant help youi '

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>drop corpse<
You drop the corpse of an ogre warrior.







[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You drop the corpse of Colonel Belldandy.
You drop the corpse of Antihero.
You drop the corpse of Rain.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You drop the gutted carcass of an orc warrior.
You drop the gutted carcass of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
You drop the corpse of a plump turkey.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh, you prayed to yourself lol'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
a throwing star
a lightweight axe
a lightweight axe
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>drop corpse<
Brandonw has left the game.
(admin logoff) Brandonw has left the game.
Brandonw stops following you.
Brandonw has left the group.
You do not seem to be carrying anything with that name.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I am Killkill the Commoner, and have 25 fame.'
Rain tells the group, 'shadowfax, how about the indestructable battle machine?'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Kaylee's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'o yeah'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'zen odiusmalpigpig lyshimal gercaca dobar' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.


[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 0)The corpse of a plump turkey is lying here.
( 6)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
( 5)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of an orc warrior.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rain is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Antihero is lying here.
( 5)The corpse of Colonel Belldandy is lying here.
( 9)The corpse of an ogre warrior is lying here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
Art is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
Tear is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
Aaronr is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
( 4)Kylar is here.
Kylar is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
(34)The bleaching skeleton of the zap dragon is lying here.
( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
[Exits: north east south west up ]

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'I am River the Innocent, and have 41 fame.'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heh...turkey'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'we gotta do that one'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'shadowfax, ashly wants to join'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the corpse of a plump turkey back to life.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ok<
You tell the group, 'ok'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly stops following you.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'that one will not be pretty'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

>group ashly<

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly is currently in a group consisting of:
[Ashly                 Lvl  29 Wm hp 708/708  mn 271/271  mv 245/324 ] (leader)

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'death here and there'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'lolol'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group ashly<
Ashly is currently in a group consisting of:
[Ashly                 Lvl  29 Wm hp 708/708  mn 271/271  mv 268/324 ] (leader)

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'what can the battle machine do?'
[gate] Kylar: this should be fun

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The pink fuzz around Tear disappears.
The pink fuzz around Art disappears.
The white aura around Art fades.
The pink fuzz around Kylar disappears.
The pink fuzz around Felonia disappears.
The pink fuzz around your body fades.
The pink fuzz around Aaronr disappears.
The pink fuzz around Lilmike disappears.
The pink fuzz around Kaylee disappears.
The pink fuzz around Thoth disappears.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 0)The corpse of a plump turkey is lying here.
( 6)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
( 5)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of an orc warrior.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rain is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Antihero is lying here.
( 5)The corpse of Colonel Belldandy is lying here.
( 9)The corpse of an ogre warrior is lying here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
(34)The bleaching skeleton of the zap dragon is lying here.
( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
[Exits: north east south west up ]

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'whip your little newbie &@@?'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'pigten ug odiusfu teptenjyn engbar borgdikop' [fly]
Art gently rises off the ground.

>cast res 3.corpse<

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the gutted carcass of an orc warrior back to life.
Lilmike gets the corpse of a plump turkey.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast res 2.corpse<
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'
Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the gutted carcass of an orc warrior back to life.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast res 4.corpse<
You focus on the corpse of Antihero, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Antihero, and it slowly rises off the ground!
You gain 15039 experience!
Antihero looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the corpse of Colonel Belldandy back to life.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'free corpse?'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero tells the group, 'thanks'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'lol'

>cast res 5.corpse<

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the corpse of an ogre warrior back to life.
Rain tells the group, 'battle machine? he is pretty beast'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero awakens.

>cast res 6.corpse<

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the bleaching skeleton of the zap dragon back to life.
Flynn tells the group, 'oops shoudl I recall ?'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 6)Antihero is here.
( 6)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
( 5)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of an orc warrior.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Rain is lying here.
( 5)The corpse of Colonel Belldandy is lying here.
( 9)The corpse of an ogre warrior is lying here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
(34)The bleaching skeleton of the zap dragon is lying here.
( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
[Exits: north east south west up ]
You smell the stench of decay as the gutted carcass of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker begins to decompose.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast res 3.corpse<
Rain tells the group, 'lots of fire, ice and zap'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You focus on the corpse of Rain, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Rain, and it slowly rises off the ground!
You gain 19911 experience!
Rain looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Soldier has left the game.


[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
( 6)Rain is resting here.
( 6)Antihero is here.
( 6)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of General Yuriyuki Thief-taker.
( 5)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of an orc warrior.
( 5)The corpse of Colonel Belldandy is lying here.
( 9)The corpse of an ogre warrior is lying here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
(34)The bleaching skeleton of the zap dragon is lying here.
( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
[Exits: north east south west up ]

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee gives 4580 gold coins to Stefen.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'mmm'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Bladimir: woo fehlan

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen leaves north.
Antihero tells the group, 'ice?'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I'll put my fire, ice shiled and ground on'

>purge obj<

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
All objects purged from room.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 6)Rain is resting here.
( 6)Antihero is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
[Exits: north east south west up ]
Tear awakens.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'heh'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Kylar: !

Kaylee is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

You ascend the stairs into the temple.
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)Flynn is here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 5)*Enoch is here.
( 5)Passion is resting here.
( 5)Felonia is here, sound asleep.
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Kliro is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Maeve is here, sound asleep.
( 5)River is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Jaide is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Angelluhh is here, sound asleep.
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Kylar has arrived.
Art has arrived.
Antihero has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion stops resting, and stands up.
Kaylee is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'won't be enough'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion's force shield slowly dissipates.
Flynn's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group ashly<
Killkill is surrounded by a strong force shield.
Ashly starts following you.
You add Ashly to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee shimmers with a vague magical haze.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Faedryn has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh says, 'I have 3544 gold coins, with 34685 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River says, 'I have 4261 gold coins, with 44381 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero's eyes glow red.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I have 4648 gold coins, with 31380 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Enoch shimmers with a vague magical haze.
Felonia awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt indestructible?<
Ashly says, 'I have 0 gold coins, with 2473 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'indestructible?'
Lilmike is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Delirium starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'I have 4602 gold coins, with 171 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty awakens.
Lilmike shimmers with a vague magical haze.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'lol'
Killkill tells the group, 'hey' gonna dep the gold'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group delirium<
You add Delirium to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River gives 400 gold coins to Ashly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'I have 1769 gold coins, with 413011 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'ye, he's fun'
Kliro tells the group, 'its not indestructable'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'zen caxaque foo rip' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'yes but i'm saying it won't go well heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'subarsu barataodiusop' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind battle<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[ 6678] Sir Lior the Battle Commander-> in room [ 6678] The Practice Room.
[15306] a battle wight      -> in room [15323] A bone staircase
[15306] a battle wight      -> in room [15320] A dark hallway
[56176] Corporal Mcvitie    -> in room [56151] 3rd company barracks
[42712] Lord Kenji, the Battle Master-> in room [42712] The Gold Room
[42532] a Combine battlemage-> in room [42590] The base of a guard tower
[42532] a Combine battlemage-> in room [42539] The Core kitchen
[42100] Captain Jaolina Spellslinger-> in room [42147] A class room
[40152] the shade of Battle Master Roshin-> in room [40181] A tunnel entrance
[39800] The Indestructible Battle Machine-> in room [39858] In a workshop
[39807] The Battle Master   -> in room [39855] The private chamber of the Battle Master
[39801] a battle golem      -> in room [39825] A rubble-strewn crossroads
[39801] a battle golem      -> in room [39828] Nearing a mighty temple
[39801] a battle golem      -> in room [39847] On a ruined street
[26707] The champion        -> in room [26774] Inside a secluded stairwell.
[15306] a battle wight      -> in room [15324] A dark corner

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.
Delirium is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty shimmers with a vague magical haze.
Flynn stops resting, and stands up.
Flynn leaves south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'o no it won't'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion recites a scroll of magic protection on Passion.
Passion is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Passion is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Passion shimmers with a vague magical haze.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'he isn't, I own him when I group'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty is surrounded by a strong force shield.
Aaronr tells the group, 'spam!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium utters the words, 'nar fuwer' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
River tells the group, 'oh my'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide is surrounded by a strong force shield.
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium utters the words, 'xaquewer foojynca engger' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium utters the words, 'jynfooxa lysfoo yabarrip ata' [sanctuary]
Delirium is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Allexis has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar tells the group, 'ok'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'I'll jsut regen so I won't get all these things'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt nod battle machine hurts<
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'sleep'
Angelluhh goes to sleep.
Jaide goes to sleep.
Killkill goes to sleep.
Ashly goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes to sleep.
Tear tells the group, 'you ppl need to be a little more optomistic'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.
Kliro tells the group, 'we should do guy at top of tower of power'
Jaide shimmers with a vague magical haze.
You tell the group, 'nod battle machine hurts'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide goes to sleep.
Delirium awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn goes to sleep.
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'but he hurts in a fun way!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide awakens.
An arkanite breastplate glows in the sun as Delirium straps it on.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msp battle machine<
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Magic_res: 100  
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%

Position:  SLEEPING
System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[16] special attack, rate 4. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, more than 20% hp, 
Casts at mob level: (gap) (gap) <20>
id -> string
1  -> You look up in time to see %1's left arm weapon fire at you!%nYou are scorched by a powerful lightning bolt!
2  -> %1's left arm follows %2 until it is perfectly lined up with %6...%nA searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down %2!
3  -> 0001011 Tracking . . . Tracking . . .*target acquired*  *** FIRE ***
10 -> 4d50 +50 zapping magic zap
2 :[16] special attack, rate 4. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, more than 20% hp, 
Casts at mob level: (gap) (gap) <20>
id -> string
1  -> You look up in time to see %1's right arm weapon discharge at you!%n%1 throws a brilliant yellow fireball at you!
2  -> %1's right arm follows %2, until it is perfectly lined up with %6...%n%1 throws a brilliant yellow fireball at %2!
3  -> 1110100 Tracking . . . Tracking . . .*target acquired*  *** FIRE ***
10 -> 5d40 +40 magic fire
3 :[16] special attack, rate 2. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, less than 25% hp, 
Casts at level 20  chain lightning (gap) <25>
id -> string
1  -> %1 attempts to discharge its left arm weapon at you!
2  -> %1's left arm weapon malfunctions, discharging its energy randomly!
3  -> 0001101 cannot shut down . . . parity error 1024
4 :[16] special attack, rate 2. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, less than 25% hp, 
Casts at level 20  firefield (gap) <25>
id -> string
1  -> %1 attempts to discharge its right arm weapon at you!
2  -> %1's right arm weapon malfunctions, spraying liquid fire all around!
3  -> 1110010 cannot shut down . . . parity error 2048
5 :[30] parse random, rate 1. Targets self. Triggers when less than 25% hp, 
[ 1] 33% emote staggers and throws off a shower of sparks!
[ 2] 34% emote shudders horribly and falters.
[ 3] 33% emote overbalances itself with a wide swing, and nearly falls.
6 :[35] complete on kill, quest [39800] 'Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine.'
7 :[12] object load on death
	vnum [39853] 'The smashed wreck of the Battle Machine'
	(load into first object)
	vnum [39851] 'a mechanism of tubes'
	vnum [39852] 'a mechanism of rods'
	vnum [39899] 'a giant green orb'
8 :[12] object load on death
	vnum [39854] 'glowing green shards'
	vnum [39854] 'glowing green shards'
	vnum [39854] 'glowing green shards'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
Thoth utters the words, 'kilfu wirlyspig zen ophinar xaug' [sanctuary]
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Masochistic?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'we ready?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Enoch flies east.
Art tells the group, 'baron the great'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art's force shield slowly dissipates.
The white aura around Killkill fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'how about that'
Lilmike tells the group, 'not quite'
Tear tells the group, 'lets do the sphere of annihilation'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'fuengataborg werborgya ger leptepirk' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'res, shadowfax, pls'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'almost heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind battle machine<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[39800] The Indestructible Battle Machine-> in room [39858] In a workshop
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt didn't i res you?<
You tell the group, 'didn't i res you?'

>l s<
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
In the next room you see:
Neebla, high priest of Os

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'how about the test of the body and mind and stuff with mr moto?'
Felonia tells the group, 'where is your corpse'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'nah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ofind 2<
 [    2] the corpse of Grass in room [20307] A branching of the path
 [    2] the corpse of Muncher in room [53242] The local thieves' hangout
 [    2] the corpse of Dirt in room [18685] Before the Imperator's throneroom
 [    2] the corpse of Dirt in room [18685] Before the Imperator's throneroom
 [    2] the corpse of Brynn in room [44259] In the Giftsmarsch
 [    2] the corpse of Merlinda in room [ 7013] Center Of Dungeon.
 [    2] the corpse of Kayzle in room [ 7019] North Wall Of Dungeon.
 [    2] the corpse of Muncher in room [ 7013] Center Of Dungeon.
 [    2] the corpse of A terrible winged Demon in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Cargo in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Tyro in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Dex in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Boa in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [10805] tapestry 2 in room [10817] A horseshoe shaped room
14 objects by that name found.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'master of void? lolol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'no more shift crap'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind battle machine<
Jaide utters the words, 'su zennarque lysdofuger naryajyn' [fly]
Delirium gently rises off the ground.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[39800] The Indestructible Battle Machine-> in room [39858] In a workshop
Rain tells the group, 'I did get ressed actually'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Enoch has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'any con 10 things?'

>cast gate 39858<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'l'
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You enter a magical portal.

In a workshop
The first noticeable thing is the smell of clay. This is a huge workshop,
with lots of floorspace for numerous artisans to work.  Benches and pottery
wheels clue you into the use of this place, as well as the few remaining
statues.  Magic also clings to this place:  potent, life-springing magic.
Everything  in the room feels like it is alive and attentive, watching and
waiting for some future event.  It's an uneasy, opressive feeling.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 3)Thick plates of silvery metal are scattered around the workshop.
( 5)An unfinished clay statue stands here, covered in dust.
( 5)A clay statue stands here, covered with dust.
( 5)An unfinished clay statue stands here, covered in dust.
( 5)A clay statue stands here, covered with dust.
( 5)An unfinished clay statue stands here, covered in dust.
( 5)An unfinished clay statue stands here, covered in dust.
(30)A massive golem lays in repose here.
[Exits: east ]

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>

>kill machine<
A clay serving-golem heroically jumps to the aid of The Indestructible Battle Machine!
A clay serving-golem heroically jumps to the aid of A clay serving-golem!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion arrives from a magical portal.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kliro, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River arrives from a magical portal.
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Aaronr until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Aaronr!
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.

>gt jump in<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!
Flynn tells the group, 'soul tree? is that too big?'
Antihero arrives from a magical portal.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An unfinished golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
An unfinished golem is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
You tell the group, 'jump in'
An unfinished golem's pound MUTILATES Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'shadowfax,  roar'
A clay man heroically rescues Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Tear, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
A clay man heroically rescues Tear!
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An unfinished golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
An unfinished golem is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
An unfinished golem is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear an unfinished golem's death cry!
An unfinished golem is DEAD!
You receive 223291 experience.
Tear gets 4 gold coins from the corpse of an unfinished golem.
Tear splits 4 gold coins with its group.
Tear sacrifices the corpse of an unfinished golem to Shift.
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
An unfinished golem is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion rushes to your side in battle!
A clay serving-golem's pound maims Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro shimmers with a vague magical haze.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Shaletty until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Shaletty!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'tepornium lepdikug yaornium maldo su dikfumal' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
An unfinished golem is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
An unfinished golem is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
An unfinished golem is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear an unfinished golem's death cry!
An unfinished golem is DEAD!
You receive 149473 experience.
Tear gets 4 gold coins from the corpse of an unfinished golem.
Tear splits 4 gold coins with its group.
Tear sacrifices the corpse of an unfinished golem to Shift.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Art until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Art!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Art, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c firef<
A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Antihero blurs and begins to move with supernormal speed.
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Kylar!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Maeve shimmers with a vague magical haze.


Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!
A clay serving-golem is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A clay serving-golem is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A clay serving-golem's death cry!
A clay serving-golem is DEAD!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear A clay serving-golem's death cry!
A clay serving-golem is DEAD!
You receive 3509 experience.
Tear gets 9 gold coins from the corpse of A clay serving-golem.
Tear splits 9 gold coins with its group.
Tear sacrifices the corpse of A clay serving-golem to Shift.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide gets 9 gold coins from the corpse of A clay serving-golem.
Jaide splits 9 gold coins with her group.
River is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Jaide until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Jaide!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

A blazing ring of yellow fire forms around you as you complete the spell!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'ugop opteppig hun lyssuzen' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
A clay man has become a member of the group.
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man jumps to the aid of Killkill!
Kylar goes berserk in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'diktepfoo tentepzen' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(notify) Antihero has registered for player killing.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Aaronr until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Aaronr!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Aaronr utters the words, 'narmalata odiusger tepsubar' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Statting first character in room besides you.
Mob number: 20  Zone: -1  LoadZones: 0  Maxload: 1 Curr: 5  Total: 162
Loading percentage: 90  Long max: 90  Limit: 100
Name string: 'clayman clay'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL HUMANOID EARTH  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 6'0" feet tall/long, 0/150 weight
STR: 15    INT: 15    WIS: 15    DEX: 15    CON: 15    CHR: 30
SSp:  0    SFi:  0    SCo:  0    SZa:  0    SBr:  0    SPo:-10

Mage: 4  Cleric: 4  Thief: 4  Warrior: 4  Necromancer: 4

83/83+13 hp, 6/6+0 mana, 216/216+54 movement
AC: 52 (68)   Hitroll: 3 (32)   Damroll: 2   Attacks: 20
Current dieroll:  2d4   Damage type: punch (1)
Dual dieroll:     2d4   Damage type: pound (2) Probability: 25%
Alignment: 0  Gold: 0 (0)  Aggression: 0
Estimated Exp: 677 (1222)  TotLvl Cutoff: 7  (Current Exp: 8032)

Player flags:  SUBGT 
System flags: MINION 
Aggro flags: NOGET 

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Killkill!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
A clay man heroically rescues Killkill!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'kilorniumvil borgmal' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kaylee, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kaylee!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Aaronr until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Aaronr!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.
Killkill utters the words, 'xataoquelys' [cure serious wounds]
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Killkill!

Your blood curdles as you hear Killkill's dying scream!
Killkill has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Killkill killed by Antihero while in room [39858] In a workshop

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Aaronr utters the words, 'malten fuquecaengirk' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>mst battle<
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  LoadZones: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 30'0" feet tall/long, 0/15750 weight
Magic_res: 100  
STR: 50    INT: 20    WIS:  5    DEX: 15    CON: 10    CHR: 40
SSp:-20    SFi:-20    SCo:-20    SZa:  6    SBr:-20    SPo:-20  Sn:-20

Mage: 10  Cleric: 10  Thief: 40  Warrior: 50  Necromancer: 10

19239/20000+0 hp, 0/0+0 mana, 1000/1000+10 movement
AC: -350 (-220)   Hitroll: 42 (-368)   Damroll: 100   Attacks: 38
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%
Alignment: 900  Gold: 196 (103)  Aggression: 32
Estimated Exp: 25156354 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 207  (Current Exp: 48066750)

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 
[strings] [specp] [interactive] 
Felonia's force shield slowly dissipates.
Kaylee's force shield slowly dissipates.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr utters the words, 'borgyatao foo riptenhun barrekriphi' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'I died'
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'xatep lysvillep taolys' [cure critical wounds]
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'hiugvil barwirata wir' [cure serious wounds]
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Art, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Thoth until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Thoth!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr utters the words, 'lysborgata vil' [cure serious wounds]
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'rip bartaohi dohiwirya' [sanctuary]
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
River is surrounded by a white aura.
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'caquedikirk' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man has left the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Aaronr utters the words, 'ugzenirkborgrip cavilger queodius' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'dohiger bar irk' [cure serious wounds]
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kaylee, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kaylee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'ten ripwer borg lepvilkiljyn taouglep' [cure serious wounds]
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Kylar returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'zenxaornium doodius dikhunrip' [cure serious wounds]
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Thoth!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'jyn teprekfu xalepjyn queirk barvil' [heal]
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'kil lyskil ten ophun' [cure serious wounds]
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Tear, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'hun ug doophi hiborg malkilpig' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'orniumjyn dik' [heal]
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!
River puts one end of The Staff of Understanding to the ground and begins casting.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero's leaping attack *** DESTROYS *** Killkill!
Killkill panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4776/4776 mn1309/1309 mv1182/1182]x(leader)(tank)
[Delirium              Lvl  30 Tw hp 819/819  mn 104/228  mv 313/313 ] 
[Ashly                 Lvl  29 Wm hp 681/681  mn 254/254  mv  29/327 ] 
[Passion               Lvl  25 Tc hp 618/632  mn 294/294  mv  73/307 ] 
[Jaide                 Lvl  30 Cw hp 537/537  mn 177/441  mv 272/272 ] 
[Antihero              Lvl  28 WM hp 596/596  mn 143/217  mv 335/438 ] 
[Flynn                 Lvl  30 TW hp 759/788  mn 153/239  mv 442/452 ] 
[Lilmike               Lvl  30 MC hp 487/487  mn  99/442  mv 212/212 ] 
[Kaylee                Lvl  30 MC hp 538/538  mn 141/445  mv 258/258 ] 
[Tear                  Lvl  30 Tm hp 547/582  mn   6/415  mv 306/306 ] 
[River                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 454/454  mn  94/386  mv 304/304 ] 
[Shaletty              Lvl  30 MC hp 588/588  mn 282/451  mv 259/259 ] 
[Angelluhh             Lvl  23 Wc hp 400/400  mn 220/238  mv 299/299 ] 
[Art                   Lvl  25 Nm hp 310/310  mn 214/350  mv 232/232 ] 
[Kliro                 Lvl  30 CM hp 416/484  mn 195/528  mv 252/252 ] 
[Killkill              Lvl  27 Mw hp  43/500  mn   8/279  mv  63/318 ] 
[Thoth                 Lvl  30 MW hp 546/665  mn 240/388  mv 399/399 ] 
[Felonia               Lvl  30 CM hp 573/573  mn 326/507  mv 239/239 ] 
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 614/614  mn 150/472  mv 267/267 ] 
[Kylar                 Lvl  30 Tw hp 612/735  mn 176/176  mv  24/400 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 314/314  mn 185/334  mv 124/164 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 295/535  mv 146/146 ] 

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear tells the group, 'OOM'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'hehe'
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Flynn, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.
Killkill sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Antihero's leaping attack *** DESTROYS *** Killkill!

Your blood curdles as you hear Killkill's dying scream!
Killkill has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Killkill killed by Antihero while in room [39858] In a workshop

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
Tear's force shield slowly dissipates.
Jaide floats down as her fly spell wears out.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(notify) Draven has registered for player killing.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River puts one end of The Staff of Understanding to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Antihero until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Antihero!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River puts one end of The Staff of Understanding to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr dips a tooth into some of his blood, and utters a short invocation...
A pinkish mass appears in Aaronr's hands, which he quickly pulls and shapes into a bone shield.
Aaronr quickly places a hand on the inside of a bone shield to bind it.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Jaide utters the words, 'footenug dikirktao' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Flynn, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Rain until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Rain!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River puts one end of The Staff of Understanding to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Aaronr utters a short invocation over some teeth, then quickly swallows them.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
Aaronr doubles over in pain!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kylar until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kylar!
Aaronr collapses to the ground!
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Spikes and plates of bone burst forth from Aaronr's body!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Antihero's leaping attack *** DESTROYS *** Killkill!

Your blood curdles as you hear Killkill's dying scream!
Killkill has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Killkill killed by Antihero while in room [39858] In a workshop
The bone plates solidify and merge, forming a protective armor over Aaronr's torso.
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Shaletty, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Shaletty!
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
River puts one end of The Staff of Understanding to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** MASSACRES *** Art!
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Art, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Art!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kliro until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Grisly undead hands reach up from the underworld and pull the corpse of Killkill into the ground, leaving no trace save a foul stench.
River's force shield slowly dissipates.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Aaronr utters the words, 'rek ata nar zencager' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
Art utters the words, 'opvil tep cawer' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'kilvillep ya geryazeneng' [cure serious wounds]
Kaylee utters the words, 'jynquexa queodius fuborg' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'narjyn yasujyn yatepdik' [cure serious wounds]
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'taotepeng xa lepdo' [cure serious wounds]
Kaylee is surrounded by a strong force shield.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'hizentep eng ornium' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Killkill!

Your blood curdles as you hear Killkill's dying scream!
Killkill has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Killkill killed by Antihero while in room [39858] In a workshop
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'borg irkquepigrek hunwerrek rek' [cure serious wounds]
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Art utters the words, 'atamalyaodius' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'xa ataata vil' [heal]
(admin help) Help page requested for 'gpc' by 'Skeeter'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Kliro tells the group, 'oom'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Art, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Shaletty until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Shaletty!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'wtf'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

>gt uh<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(notify) Angelluhh has registered for player killing.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
You tell the group, 'uh'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Killkill!

Your blood curdles as you hear Killkill's dying scream!
Killkill has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Killkill killed by Antihero while in room [39858] In a workshop
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kliro until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'stop killing him in pk'
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Thoth, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Thoth!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide tells the group, 'crystal spear doesn't work on it'
Grisly undead hands reach up from the underworld and pull the corpse of Killkill into the ground, leaving no trace save a foul stench.
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
The red in Delirium's vision disappears.
The white aura around Thoth fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt why is antihero killing killkill<
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'why is antihero killing killkill'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!

Your blood curdles as you hear Angelluhh's dying scream!
Angelluhh has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Angelluhh killed by Antihero while in room [39858] In a workshop

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kylar until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kylar!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!


Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
[MA CL TH WA NC]   New Players --------------
[ 0  7  0  0  0]   Nylanice the newbie 
[12  7  0  2  0]   Muncher the newbie 
[ 3  8  0  0 14]   Tharn Shadow of Vecna 
[10  4  0  0 15]   Acrene the newbie 
[ 9  1  4 15  0]   Kendell eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 
[16  5  0 11  0]   (afk)Thorerand the newbie 
[ 0  6 11 16  0]   Skeeter the newbie 
[11 17  0  6  1]   Drolkrad the newbie 
[ 7  0 12 17  2]   Sikanda wanders alone 
[13  7  0  4 18]   (afk)Kelsier of the mists 
[ 6 23 11 17  2]   Chingis the newbie 
[13 18  8 23  3]   (pk)Angelluhh out of these ashes i will sing 
[18 13  7  2 25] e Art  
[12 21 25 17  1]   Passion My passion: an arrogant Newbie in a clan! 
[26 26 26 26 14] E Indigo  Quadruple the Damage  <Byung> 
[18  8  3 13 27]   Aaronr the necro lord! 
[21 16  9 11 27]   Ulquiorra the newbie 
[27 14 18 23  6]   (pk)Killkill The berserk missile launcher 
[25 16 10 28  5]   (pk)Antihero the newbie 
[25 16 21 29  6]   Ashly apologizes for her general retardedness 

[MA CL TH WA NC]   Active Players -----------
[11 22  6 16 30]   Arcane Dreadcaller, phenomenon of the night.       *M* 
[30 24 15 19  4] g River thankgiving is full of sleep 
[19 15 30 25  5]   Kylar the newbie 
[25 15 30 20  3] E Tear the newbie 
[15 20 30 26 10] E Delirium I could never again be an angel 
[30 26 20 15 12]   Maeve loves it when it Rains. 
[22 30 15 25  7]   Jaide Can Fit In Gordan's Pocket 
[17 21 26 30  5]   Yai needs to think of a new title! 
[27 30 17 22 10]   Kliro nobody can do things for others 
[30 27 17 22 10]   Kaylee the pink girl 
[30 27 18 22 11]   Shaletty the magic strangen :) 
[30 22 17 28  6] g Thoth I am a blabberer. 
[30 27 18 22  7]   Lilmike **anarchy** 
[22 17 30 28 11] G Flynn the Daydreamer (Morpheus) 
[30 24 26 17  8]   Rain Needs to train dex 
[28 22 18 30  5] G Bunny the bob tailed rabbit. 
[29 30 22 17  8]   Felonia I Love You! Please Don't DIE!! 
[24 18 30 30  0]   Khadaji wakka wakka 
[30 30 19 24  9]   Jinx la la la la la 
[31 24 29 20 11] G Brynn is a shoplifter! 
[31 19 31 24  4]   (pk)Draven is lookin to wreck 
[31 30 20 28 13] G Stefen the soul thief 
[25 31 32 22 11] E Fehlan says, Whatever stupid CAN do, stupid WILL do. 
[27 32 20 32 12] G Cheetah is using your wood woad for a scratching post! 
[30 22 32 28  5] e Horo would still die for you. 
[32 22 27 31 10]  *Enoch death blooms  
[27 22 32 31 14] G Natalie has been at it again! *havoc* 
[26 30 31 32 17] G Westie -K- 
[32 26 31 31 15] G Axl                                        {[-SHIFT-]} 
[31 26 32 32 12] e Mathayas somebody tell me how to change my title! 
[22 27 32 33 16]   Bladimir stab, zerk, leap, kick, trip, bash. 
[33 32 33 32 15]  *Smith -K- 
[34 32 31 23 10]   Storm Didn't do It.  
[34 32 34 32 21] E Watery the newbie 
[   BUILDER    ]   Gandor thinks that time flies too fast. 
[     PYRO     ]   Shadowfax - prepare for the MARCH OF DEATH - Nov. 26 - *FIRE* 

[MA CL TH WA NC]   Idle Players -------------
[28 19 31 24 10] E Lila You take the veil, You'll take the DIve 
[34 30 31 30 15]   Grass loveS lAmp 
[32 31 19 25  4]   Kevin ||K||E||V||I||N|| 
[20 13 30 27  6] e Locke  
[   CREATOR    ]   Dentin 
[31 21 32 26  9]   (afk)Mexx, mastermind behind Columbine. Aha! 
[32 24 29 32 12]   (afk)Alchemy Life Is A Lie, Death Conquers All! -K- 
[   INFOBOT    ]   Email is here to serve, `tell :email help' for details. 
Mortals: 60 (66) 49.218    Gods: 4 (6) 4.366  Ticks: 1255

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'to mach ac!'
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Rain, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Rain!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'

>c fae<
Kliro sits down and rests.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Tear, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The spell fails utterly.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Art until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

>mst golem<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'hiwirhun engfooodius fuop' [cure serious wounds]
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  LoadZones: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 30'0" feet tall/long, 10/15760 weight
Magic_res: 100  
STR: 50    INT: 20    WIS:  5    DEX: 15    CON: 10    CHR: 40
SSp:-20    SFi:-20    SCo:-20    SZa:  6    SBr:-20    SPo:-20  Sn:-20

Mage: 10  Cleric: 10  Thief: 40  Warrior: 50  Necromancer: 10

15451/20000+0 hp, 0/0+0 mana, 1000/1000+10 movement
AC: -350 (-220)   Hitroll: 42 (-368)   Damroll: 100   Attacks: 38
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%
Alignment: 900  Gold: 196 (103)  Aggression: 32
Estimated Exp: 25156354 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 207  (Current Exp: 48066750)

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 
[strings] [specp] [interactive] 

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Rain, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Rain!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide sits down and rests.
Antihero utters the words, 'odiusatakil que' [refresh]
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Grisly undead hands reach up from the underworld and pull the corpse of Killkill into the ground, leaving no trace save a foul stench.
The corpse of A clay serving-golem decays into nothingness.
You feel yourself getting younger...
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
Antihero utters the words, 'irkengrek barvillepeng su' [refresh]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'gerirkborg orniumfuvil lepxaodius malataornium' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.
Antihero utters the words, 'fuirkwirzen' [refresh]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Felonia, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Felonia!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Jaide until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Jaide!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt machine is at 75%<
Tear stops resting, and stands up.
You tell the group, 'machine is at 75%'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Antihero, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Antihero!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'haha'
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Rain until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Rain!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'tephunjyngermalweropfubar' [refresh]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows River, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at River!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'what hppened to the portal?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'op malodiusdik ataata rip' [refresh]
Kaylee creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast gate 0<
A golden glow surrounds Jaide, then flows outward to surround you.
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.
Rain sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'crystal spears aren't effective'
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kylar until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kylar!
Aaronr tells the group, 'its cause the blasters are using a spell that's not even hurting'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kaylee, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kaylee!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt it's back<
Ashly creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The spear shatters as it hits The Indestructible Battle Machine, shards go flying!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'it's back'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'stop using crystal spear'
Thoth goes berserk in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Passion!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'blast with frostbite'
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Antihero until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Antihero!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill's leaping attack *** DEVASTATES *** Antihero!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'xaopnar hi' [cure light wounds]
Grisly undead hands reach up from the underworld and pull the corpse of Killkill into the ground, leaving no trace save a foul stench.
Grisly undead hands reach up from the underworld and pull the corpse of Killkill into the ground, leaving no trace save a foul stench.
Antihero slows down and returns to real time.
Kaylee floats down as her fly spell wears out.
The white aura around Rain fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt gate times out fast<
You tell the group, 'gate times out fast'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A rune of return crumbles to dust as Antihero invokes its power.
Antihero disappears.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'zen engtepirk lep barborg vildoxa quetep' [fly]
Kaylee gently rises off the ground.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kylar, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kylar!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide tells the group, 'don't use crystal spear anymore'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Maeve until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Maeve!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Thoth returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

>c m<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

River sits down and rests.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Passion, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Passion!
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kliro until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'heal pls'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.


Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh rushes to aid Ashly!


Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows River, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at River!
Maeve utters the words, 'jynrekzenlyskil que ca bardo' [heal]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Angelluhh until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Angelluhh!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide tells the group, 'Use something else that will burn or pierce.'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Maeve utters the words, 'irkbarodiusmalzen hiyatao' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
A raging magical blizzard turns all you see to ice!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>mst golem<
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  LoadZones: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 30'0" feet tall/long, 10/15760 weight
Magic_res: 100  
STR: 50    INT: 20    WIS:  5    DEX: 15    CON: 10    CHR: 40
SSp:-20    SFi:-20    SCo:-20    SZa:  6    SBr:-20    SPo:-20  Sn:-20

Mage: 10  Cleric: 10  Thief: 40  Warrior: 50  Necromancer: 10

14734/20000+0 hp, 0/0+0 mana, 1000/1000+10 movement
AC: -350 (-220)   Hitroll: 42 (-368)   Damroll: 100   Attacks: 38
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%
Alignment: 900  Gold: 196 (103)  Aggression: 32
Estimated Exp: 25156354 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 207  (Current Exp: 48066750)

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 
[strings] [specp] [interactive] 

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
River sits down and rests.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Grisly undead hands reach up from the underworld and pull the corpse of Angelluhh into the ground, leaving no trace save a foul stench.
Tear's displaced image abruptly rejoins its body.
The white aura around Art fades.
Art's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
The magical flames protecting Kaylee flicker and go out.
Kaylee's ice shield fades, then disappears.
The white aura around Flynn fades.
Art stops using a gem encrusted staff.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Felonia tells the group, 'better at bash'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Kaylee is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'I taught antihero something'
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Angelluhh until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Angelluhh!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kylar, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kylar!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
(admin logoff) Bunny has left the game.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, '?!?#, I can't cast anything!'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Rain stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Passion until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Passion!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River stops resting, and stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Aaronr until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Aaronr!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Angelluhh, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Angelluhh!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Maeve until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Maeve!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'foo dikgerque op' [cure critical wounds]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt magic missile will work<
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'magic missile will work'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Flynn, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River puts one end of The Staff of Understanding to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh prays to the gods for transportation...
Ashly puts one end of a ruby staff to the ground and begins casting.
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows River until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down River!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Angelluhh prays to the gods for transportation...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around River fades.
River's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
Lilmike shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
The magical flames protecting Lilmike flicker and go out.
Lilmike's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Kaylee shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh prays to the gods for transportation...
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Brynn has left the game.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Flynn's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'magic misslile!'
Flynn hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Flynn's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly puts one end of a ruby staff to the ground and begins casting.

>mst machine<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  LoadZones: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 30'0" feet tall/long, 10/15760 weight
Magic_res: 100  
STR: 50    INT: 20    WIS:  5    DEX: 15    CON: 10    CHR: 40
SSp:-20    SFi:-20    SCo:-20    SZa:  6    SBr:-20    SPo:-20  Sn:-20

Mage: 10  Cleric: 10  Thief: 40  Warrior: 50  Necromancer: 10

13062/20000+0 hp, 0/0+0 mana, 1000/1000+10 movement
AC: -350 (-220)   Hitroll: 42 (-368)   Damroll: 100   Attacks: 38
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%
Alignment: 900  Gold: 196 (103)  Aggression: 32
Estimated Exp: 25156354 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 207  (Current Exp: 48066750)

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 
[strings] [specp] [interactive] 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Flynn, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide sits down and rests.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Flynn's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Flynn's hands fades.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Felonia until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Felonia!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Flynn's hands.
Killkill sits down and rests.
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Gandor has left the game.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Flynn's hands fades.
(admin backstab) The Ejja backstabbed Lorm for 8536 damage, freak 2.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Tear, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Art utters the words, 'opdodo rekorniumpig' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

>cast m<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Felonia utters the words, 'yaop tao vilwirhi' [heal]
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!


Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Felonia utters the words, 'taoirkfu fudik' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill warns the group, 'OOM'
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Flynn's hands.
Flynn hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Flynn's hands fades.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to The Indestructible Battle Machine but seems to lose power as it touches it.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Art until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'rek wirwir' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Jaide stops resting, and stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Lilmike, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Lilmike!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'narmalodius jyneng riplystep' [heal]
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.


Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
(admin login) Crawl has entered the game.
Killkill has lost his link.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'kil jyntepbar jynugdo' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'taohun nar' [heal]
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Flynn's hands.
Flynn hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Flynn's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'we should rerun this when everyone gets quest'
Tear stops resting, and stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Felonia until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Felonia!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to The Indestructible Battle Machine but seems to lose power as it touches it.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to The Indestructible Battle Machine but seems to lose power as it touches it.
Antihero arrives from a magical portal.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Passion shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
The magical flames protecting Passion flicker and go out.
Passion's ice shield fades, then disappears.
The magical flames protecting Shaletty flicker and go out.
Shaletty shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
Thoth's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to The Indestructible Battle Machine but seems to lose power as it touches it.
Antihero's leaping attack *** DESTROYS *** Killkill!
Killkill panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River stops resting, and stands up.
(admin logoff) Killkill has left the game.
Killkill stops following you.
Killkill has left the group.
Kylar tells the group, 'heal pls? this beeping is annoying'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Felonia utters the words, 'tepopger odius orniumborgwer fuwirwir hifoo' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Killkill has entered the game.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to The Indestructible Battle Machine but seems to lose power as it touches it.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Ashly puts one end of a ruby staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Felonia utters the words, 'malwerborg nar' [heal]
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Passion, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Passion!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to The Indestructible Battle Machine but seems to lose power as it touches it.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Lilmike until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Lilmike!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'thank you'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River puts one end of The Staff of Understanding to the ground and begins casting.
Antihero scans the area to see who is around.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Passion, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Passion!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kylar until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kylar!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Felonia utters the words, 'malquefoo jyncarek tepmal' [heal]
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Kliro sits down and rests.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is struck by shards of crystal from Angelluhh!
Kaylee utters the words, 'vil dikoplep' [cure light wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Rain, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Rain!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is struck by shards of crystal from Angelluhh!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Killkill sits down and rests.
River sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Rain until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Rain!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>mst machine<
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  LoadZones: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 30'0" feet tall/long, 10/15760 weight
Magic_res: 100  
STR: 50    INT: 20    WIS:  5    DEX: 15    CON: 10    CHR: 40
SSp:-20    SFi:-20    SCo:-20    SZa:  6    SBr:-20    SPo:-20  Sn:-20

Mage: 10  Cleric: 10  Thief: 40  Warrior: 50  Necromancer: 10

12547/20000+0 hp, 0/0+0 mana, 1000/1000+10 movement
AC: -350 (-220)   Hitroll: 42 (-368)   Damroll: 100   Attacks: 38
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%
Alignment: 900  Gold: 196 (103)  Aggression: 32
Estimated Exp: 25156354 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 207  (Current Exp: 48066750)

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 
[strings] [specp] [interactive] 
Lilmike utters the words, 'jynxairkirkop' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Delirium, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Delirium!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c m<
Shaletty warns the group, 'OOM'
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43501] 'a fiery chimera' in room [43590] 'A giant ash dune'.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43501] 'a fiery chimera' in room [43590] 'A giant ash dune'.
Jaide shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
Delirium's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
Rain's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.


Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Angelluhh until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Angelluhh!
Thoth sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'rekquesu hi tepug suriprek rektep' [cure serious wounds]

[event] Stefen: That was amusing. PK during a death march.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
A raging magical blizzard turns all you see to ice!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
Antihero says, 'i see'
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Angelluhh prays to the gods for transportation...

The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Tear, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Tear!
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Angelluhh prays to the gods for transportation...
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Ashly puts one end of a ruby staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Aaronr until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Aaronr!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Angelluhh prays to the gods for transportation...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [12921] 'A dead petrified forest'.
Magical flames engulf Angelluhh as she is carried to safety on a column of fire!
Angelluhh disappears.

The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Flynn, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Ashly puts one end of a ruby staff to the ground and begins casting.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Kylar!

Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'tenpig vilsubar vilorniumriprekhique rek' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Thoth until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Thoth!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is struck by shards of crystal from Jaide!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Kylar grabs the hilt of the Sword of Strength and is quickly engulfed in a radiant aura of blue.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!
Felonia sits down and rests.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Flynn, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh warns the group, 'OOM'
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is struck by shards of crystal from Jaide!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon bites The Indestructible Battle Machine!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
A blood red winged demon bites The Indestructible Battle Machine!
Ashly warns the group, 'OOM'
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon bites The Indestructible Battle Machine!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
Jaide sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Maeve utters the words, 'wir vilborgxa rip su' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Thoth, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Thoth!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Aaronr taps his life, and a swarm of blood red demons fly quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
A blood red winged demon bites The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Maeve until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Maeve!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the spikes melt and the water flows away, leaving behind
only a small disturbed spot on the ground.
The last of the spikes melt and the water flows away, leaving behind
only a small disturbed spot on the ground.
The last of the spikes melt and the water flows away, leaving behind
only a small disturbed spot on the ground.
Jaide's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Maeve utters the words, 'hiripbar quepigya wirtaotepriprekpig opengrip' [heal]
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
A blood red winged demon bites The Indestructible Battle Machine!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
River stops resting, and stands up.
River puts one end of The Staff of Understanding to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEVASTATES *** Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr taps his life, and a swarm of blood red demons fly quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
A blood red winged demon bites The Indestructible Battle Machine!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'jynwirwerhiengugkil ger yado' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'narengkil eng ripsu' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'docapig tenquelepxa lys' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
(notify) Killkill has registered for player killing.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium's eyes glow red.
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Delirium until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Delirium!
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'tenlysya dofoo' [heal]
River sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Art utters the words, 'kilborgwir rekdorekpigodius' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.
Passion utters the words, 'malrip rek' [cure serious wounds]
A blood red winged demon claws at The Indestructible Battle Machine!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr taps his life, and a swarm of blood red demons fly quickly toward The Indestructible Battle Machine!
Kylar tells the group, 'heh what  is it?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'vilornium yawir wer' [heal]
Killkill's leaping attack DISEMBOWELS Antihero!
Art utters the words, 'piggertep taoornium viljynxa' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man jumps to the aid of Killkill!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon claws at The Indestructible Battle Machine!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kaylee, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kaylee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'fuquetep rekbartep ripwirdoodiusornium pig' [cure serious wounds]
[combine] Little Washu: Come to Little Washu's Bargain Basement in West Naginag for the best deal on magical items in the realm. You can't beat our prices!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Aaronr utters the words, 'odiusvildikkilkil' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'kil foo orniumkilbar tepfoolys ripbar' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'ata queirkjyn suzenyazen' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth sits down and rests.
Jaide utters the words, 'cafooornium tep tensuque donarrek' [cure critical wounds]

>mst machine<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  LoadZones: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 30'0" feet tall/long, 10/15760 weight
Magic_res: 100  
STR: 50    INT: 20    WIS:  5    DEX: 15    CON: 10    CHR: 40
SSp:-20    SFi:-20    SCo:-20    SZa:  6    SBr:-20    SPo:-20  Sn:-20

Mage: 10  Cleric: 10  Thief: 40  Warrior: 50  Necromancer: 10

12579/20000+0 hp, 0/0+0 mana, 1000/1000+10 movement
AC: -350 (-220)   Hitroll: 42 (-368)   Damroll: 100   Attacks: 38
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%
Alignment: 900  Gold: 196 (103)  Aggression: 32
Estimated Exp: 25156354 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 207  (Current Exp: 48066750)

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 
[strings] [specp] [interactive] 

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Jaide sits down and rests.
Aaronr utters the words, 'piggerop dikopten wir' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'percent even'
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Flynn, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'borgsuxa atabar quetaodo xaxa wirlep' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows River until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down River!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Thoth, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Thoth!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...
The Indestructible Battle Machine is struck by shards of crystal from Shaletty!
Aaronr utters the words, 'atanarrip engdikrekdo' [cure serious wounds]
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'xa wer engxa' [heal]

>gt 60%<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, '60%'
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
Antihero's chop *** DEVASTATES *** Killkill!
Killkill panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is struck by shards of crystal from Shaletty!
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain sits down and rests.
Passion's force shield slowly dissipates.
The white aura around Antihero fades.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'sigh'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero flies east.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Ashly, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Ashly!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Antihero has arrived.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Tear until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Tear!
Art sits down and rests.
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol!'
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'wir taocanar kiltao' [heal]
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Felonia until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Felonia!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kaylee, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kaylee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Crawl has left the game.
Flynn sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Art until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Art!
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...
Antihero disappears.
Kaylee utters the words, 'malyazenborg' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Delirium, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Delirium!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Passion until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Passion!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Gandor has entered the game.
Art sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'borg wirfooata zen borg' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt you guys need to hit it harder<
You tell the group, 'you guys need to hit it harder'
Kaylee utters the words, 'tep odiusfulys tenpig' [cure light wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide sits down and rests.
Angelluhh tells the group, 'thanks guys'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Aaronr, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Aaronr!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Ashly until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Ashly!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c m<
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly tells the group, 'heal plz'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kylar, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kylar!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'shality'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'fire?'
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Flynn until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'maltenrip ripkil pigborgxa' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'engkillepbar' [heal]
The magical flames protecting River flicker and go out.
River's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Maeve's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Maeve shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
The magical flames protecting Kliro flicker and go out.
Kliro shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
Kliro's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Rain shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
The magical flames protecting Rain flicker and go out.
Rain's ice shield fades, then disappears.

Kylar tells the group, 'i'll get rayden!'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Lilmike, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Lilmike!

Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia warns the group, 'oooooom'
Felonia warns the group, 'ooooom'
Rain tells the group, 'stop being a fag, use a spell that hurts'
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'yaborg yaorniumtepvilvilug' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Your magic missile hits The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Ashly, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Ashly!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Art until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'geroplep vilornium zenxaug riprek' [cure serious wounds]
Thoth tells the group, 'fireweb'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'teplep ugtep' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Maeve, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Maeve!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'hunirkrekirk' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'zenlep odiushijyntao jyn' [heal]
Art utters the words, 'rekpigatadikgerodius tao' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kliro until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to The Indestructible Battle Machine but seems to lose power as it touches it.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'and its percent now?'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'hihunreknar gerbar' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
Thoth tells the group, 'thats what i been through mana twice'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Passion utters the words, 'lys narmaldik borg' [cure light wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'lyspigwir werzenughi' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeleton.
A skeleton starts following Art.
A skeleton has become a member of the group.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Shaletty, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Shaletty!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

>mst machine<
Delirium's force shield slowly dissipates.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  LoadZones: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 30'0" feet tall/long, 10/15760 weight
Magic_res: 100  
STR: 50    INT: 20    WIS:  5    DEX: 15    CON: 10    CHR: 40
SSp:-20    SFi:-20    SCo:-20    SZa:  6    SBr:-20    SPo:-20  Sn:-20

Mage: 10  Cleric: 10  Thief: 40  Warrior: 50  Necromancer: 10

11486/20000+0 hp, 0/0+0 mana, 1000/1000+10 movement
AC: -350 (-220)   Hitroll: 42 (-368)   Damroll: 100   Attacks: 38
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%
Alignment: 900  Gold: 196 (103)  Aggression: 32
Estimated Exp: 25156354 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 207  (Current Exp: 48066750)

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 
[strings] [specp] [interactive] 

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art sits down and rests.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Tear until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'pig pignar orniumlys' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'ger zengerbareng' [stone skin]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia sits down and rests.

>gt 50%<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, '100 probabally'
You tell the group, '50%'
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kylar until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kylar!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'surek orniumugmal' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Tear, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Aaronr tells the group, 'wow'
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kaylee until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kaylee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'yadikkil barlys yabarvil narata vilorniumbar' [cure light wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Aaronr, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Aaronr!
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'thought so'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'malreklep ripsu dik' [cure light wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Flynn until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'wait if it throws fire what about cone?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
River stops resting, and stands up.
River disappears.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'hicawir suyaorniumdik' [cure light wounds]

>gt slowly but surely, you guys are killing it<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'slowly but surely, you guys are killing it'
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Passion, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Passion!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'anyone got cone?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Aaronr tells the group, 'I would love a soulstone from a mob like this'
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows A skeleton until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down A skeleton!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'area'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art stops resting, and stands up.
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeleton.
A skeleton starts following Art.
A skeleton has become a member of the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Jaide, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Thoth, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Thoth!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
The white aura around Art fades.
Felonia tells the group, 'only ice cream'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Flynn until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'pignarya teppigwerkil' [stone skin]
Maeve's skin turns grey and granite-like.
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'someone use CONE OF COLD'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Passion, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Passion!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art sits down and rests.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Shaletty until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Shaletty!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'pigripger ugfuten' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'werque borgrekjynkilcaeng' [heal]
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
Jaide sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Cria has entered the game.
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee tells the group, 'not working'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'lysopdo do wertep malirkeng lyspigata' [heal]
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Art stops resting, and stands up.
Lilmike tells the group, 'someone get one of those demon potions'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
(admin logoff) Sikanda has left the game.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeletal mage.
A skeletal mage starts following Art.
A skeletal mage has become a member of the group.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Rain, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Rain!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Felonia warns the group, 'oooooom'
Felonia warns the group, 'ooooom'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Gandor has left the game.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Aaronr, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Aaronr!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

>oload staff inferno<
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You create the Staff of the Inferno with a strange magical gesture.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Amaru has entered the game.
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero tells the group, 'someone use nonorm bash'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Aaronr tells the group, 'don't have a stupid soulstone'

>wield staff<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You wield the Staff of the Inferno.
You are zapped by the ring of prime evil and instantly remove it.
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Maeve.
A clay man starts following Maeve.
A clay man has become a member of the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Passion until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Passion!
A clay man jumps to the aid of Maeve!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'yabarirk vilorniumrip' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast frostbite<
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.
You do not know of any spell by that name.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Lilmike until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Lilmike!
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast frost<
Passion utters the words, 'lepatazenfutaoger engwer yatepodiusfoodik' [cure serious wounds]
You're too busy defending yourself to cast that right now!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'tao ugwer rip doatahi' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Ashly until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Ashly!
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'lys zentenbarger' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'teptenhi ata dikzen fooripkil nar' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Thoth until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Thoth!
Passion utters the words, 'wer kil do' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) River has left the game.
River stops following you.
River has left the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows A clay man until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down A clay man!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
[gate] Kylar: rofl this is the longest fight

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast frost bi<
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You're too busy defending yourself to cast that right now!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Lilmike, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Lilmike!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'dikkilbar pignarata' [heal]
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kaylee until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kaylee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'guys, earthquake'
[gate] Kylar: i've ever seen

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>rem staff<
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
You stop using the Staff of the Inferno.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Jaide until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Jaide!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kylar, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kylar!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'dikfoovillys' [cure light wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>eat staff<
You eat the Staff of the Inferno.
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows A skeleton until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down A skeleton!
Aaronr tells the group, 'area'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.

>msp golem<
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Magic_res: 100  
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[16] special attack, rate 4. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, more than 20% hp, 
Casts at mob level: (gap) (gap) <20>
id -> string
1  -> You look up in time to see %1's left arm weapon fire at you!%nYou are scorched by a powerful lightning bolt!
2  -> %1's left arm follows %2 until it is perfectly lined up with %6...%nA searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down %2!
3  -> 0001011 Tracking . . . Tracking . . .*target acquired*  *** FIRE ***
10 -> 4d50 +50 zapping magic zap
2 :[16] special attack, rate 4. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, more than 20% hp, 
Casts at mob level: (gap) (gap) <20>
id -> string
1  -> You look up in time to see %1's right arm weapon discharge at you!%n%1 throws a brilliant yellow fireball at you!
2  -> %1's right arm follows %2, until it is perfectly lined up with %6...%n%1 throws a brilliant yellow fireball at %2!
3  -> 1110100 Tracking . . . Tracking . . .*target acquired*  *** FIRE ***
10 -> 5d40 +40 magic fire
3 :[16] special attack, rate 2. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, less than 25% hp, 
Casts at level 20  chain lightning (gap) <25>
id -> string
1  -> %1 attempts to discharge its left arm weapon at you!
2  -> %1's left arm weapon malfunctions, discharging its energy randomly!
3  -> 0001101 cannot shut down . . . parity error 1024
4 :[16] special attack, rate 2. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, less than 25% hp, 
Casts at level 20  firefield (gap) <25>
id -> string
1  -> %1 attempts to discharge its right arm weapon at you!
2  -> %1's right arm weapon malfunctions, spraying liquid fire all around!
3  -> 1110010 cannot shut down . . . parity error 2048
5 :[30] parse random, rate 1. Targets self. Triggers when less than 25% hp, 
[ 1] 33% emote staggers and throws off a shower of sparks!
[ 2] 34% emote shudders horribly and falters.
[ 3] 33% emote overbalances itself with a wide swing, and nearly falls.
6 :[35] complete on kill, quest [39800] 'Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine.'
7 :[12] object load on death
	vnum [39853] 'The smashed wreck of the Battle Machine'
	(load into first object)
	vnum [39851] 'a mechanism of tubes'
	vnum [39852] 'a mechanism of rods'
	vnum [39899] 'a giant green orb'
8 :[12] object load on death
	vnum [39854] 'glowing green shards'
	vnum [39854] 'glowing green shards'
	vnum [39854] 'glowing green shards'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Aaronr's hands.
(admin logoff) Draven has left the game.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Aaronr's hands.

>mst golem<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  LoadZones: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 30'0" feet tall/long, 10/15760 weight
Magic_res: 100  
STR: 50    INT: 20    WIS:  5    DEX: 15    CON: 10    CHR: 40
SSp:-20    SFi:-20    SCo:-20    SZa:  6    SBr:-20    SPo:-20  Sn:-20

Mage: 10  Cleric: 10  Thief: 40  Warrior: 50  Necromancer: 10

8376/20000+0 hp, 0/0+0 mana, 1000/1000+10 movement
AC: -350 (-220)   Hitroll: 42 (-368)   Damroll: 100   Attacks: 38
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%
Alignment: 900  Gold: 196 (103)  Aggression: 32
Estimated Exp: 25156354 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 207  (Current Exp: 48066750)

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 
[strings] [specp] [interactive] 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows A skeleton, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at A skeleton!

The skeleton suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a fine white
dust before your eyes.
A skeleton has left the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.
Aaronr's hands take on a sickly green tint.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Ashly!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'Look it throws fire.....if it throws fire then ice anything should work.'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Felonia sits down and rests.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kaylee until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kaylee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly tells the group, 'heal plz'
Angelluhh tells the group, 'brb'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain stops resting, and stands up.
Rain utters the words, 'dikfooirkodius cahunbar vil' [sanctuary]
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Delirium, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Delirium!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Delirium until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Delirium!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'borg zenfufu engrek' [heal]
Aaronr hits, and a bright flash of red fire scorches The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The dim red flames on Aaronr's hands fade.
Aaronr hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Indestructible Battle Machine!
The flickering blue-white glow on Aaronr's hands fades.
The Indestructible Battle Machine suddenly looks sick as Aaronr hits it!
The aura of sickness on Aaronr's hands fades.
The Indestructible Battle Machine looks sick.
Kaylee utters the words, 'barhunbar rekbarwir barteplep vilirk' [cure light wounds]
Rain utters the words, 'irkpigornium eng' [sanctuary]
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'dikyawirop' [cure light wounds]
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia sits down and rests.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'tenwerkilten' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'how much now?'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Amaru has left the game.
Kaylee utters the words, 'dikhunjyn pig kiljyn' [cure light wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Shaletty, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Shaletty!
Jaide utters the words, 'malhi wirborgzen lepop narrekwergerhica irk' [heal]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain sits down and rests.
Maeve sits down and rests.
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'vilya pigyajyn quepigjyn' [cure light wounds]
Thoth sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Kaylee utters the words, 'borgnarata gerhun' [cure light wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt about 40%<
(admin login) Vandarth has entered the game.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
You tell the group, 'about 40%'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'precent?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kaylee, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kaylee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'nod'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'zenborgfu borgquebarvil' [cure critical wounds]
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Jaide's force shield slowly dissipates.
The red in Kaylee's vision disappears.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Antihero' into room [39882] 'A waystation on the highway'.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike puts one end of an older gray staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Ashly, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Ashly!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Passion!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Lilmike until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Lilmike!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Aaronr tells the group, 'do you have to get a quest fort his one?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'gerjyn irkodiusfoo borgbarornium' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'kil lysodiusbarlystep dikquehunten openg' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'quedikdik tenhunatager eng dikcager quedik' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Tear until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn recites a scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire on The Indestructible Battle Machine.
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire suddenly appears and wraps around The Indestructible Battle Machine, setting it on fire!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'jynata nardotaozen' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Aaronr, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Aaronr!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'lepfoo hunodiusug doque' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows A skeletal mage until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down A skeletal mage!

A skeletal mage suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a
fine white dust before your eyes.
A skeletal mage has left the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'borgopca yamal vildo engvilfu bar' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'ger ger optendo' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeletal mage.
A skeletal mage starts following Art.
A skeletal mage has become a member of the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'malatapig orniumfoo xafooxa pigmal' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'reminf me to learn cone of cold when i get a chance'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'foolysya ripquegerger' [heal]
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'hey, fax'
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Aaronr, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Aaronr!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'lep borg caug irk ugorniumkilkil hiborgvil' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Rain tells the group, 'can I bring in my hitter and own this?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt yeah<
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
You tell the group, 'yeah'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells you, 'can you summon me? my game crashed, and it logged me out.'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'he's tot 105'
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'but'
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Shaletty until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Shaletty!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows A skeletal mage, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at A skeletal mage!

A skeletal mage suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a
fine white dust before your eyes.
A skeletal mage has left the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero has arrived.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Passion utters the words, 'ugtepfoo taoborgeng' [cure light wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeletal mage.
A skeletal mage starts following Art.
A skeletal mage has become a member of the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Rain until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Rain!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!
Lilmike utters the words, 'irkmal hiornium' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Tear, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Tear!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear stands up.
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
Thoth stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows A skeletal mage until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down A skeletal mage!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

>gt no, he'll be dead soon enough<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'no, he'll be dead soon enough'
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kylar, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kylar!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'dikatahun teppigca' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Aaronr tells the group, 'I feel like an ant'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Kliro, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Kliro!
Antihero's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
The magical flames protecting Kaylee flicker and go out.
Antihero stops using a massive steel axe.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin help) Help page requested for 'icesheield' by 'Thorerand'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'I feel like we're all little flies'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Thoth, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Thoth!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

>mst golem<
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 39800  Zone: 3980  LoadZones: 3980  Reboot Only: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'battle machine golem'
Special Mob Type: MAGICAL MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 30'0" feet tall/long, 10/15760 weight
Magic_res: 100  
STR: 50    INT: 20    WIS:  5    DEX: 15    CON: 10    CHR: 40
SSp:-20    SFi:-20    SCo:-20    SZa:  6    SBr:-20    SPo:-20  Sn:-20

Mage: 10  Cleric: 10  Thief: 40  Warrior: 50  Necromancer: 10

4440/20000+0 hp, 0/0+0 mana, 1000/1000+10 movement
AC: -350 (-220)   Hitroll: 42 (-368)   Damroll: 100   Attacks: 38
Current dieroll:  3d10   Damage type: nonorm claw (1030)
Dual dieroll:    30d10   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 6%
Alignment: 900  Gold: 196 (103)  Aggression: 32
Estimated Exp: 25156354 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 207  (Current Exp: 48066750)

System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_GOOD 
[strings] [specp] [interactive] 

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kaylee until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kaylee!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Angelluhh stops following you.
Angelluhh has left the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'irkbardohi' [heal]
Maeve sits down and rests.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee shimmers with a vague magical haze.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Felonia, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Felonia!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Tear sits down and rests.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kliro until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kliro!
Kliro is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar tells the group, 'heal?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt 20%<
You tell the group, '20%'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'yes!'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Ashly, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Ashly!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Mathayas has left the game.
Felonia utters the words, 'hi irkten caatairk pig' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly tells the group, 'heal '

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'gerug kilhunkilfu' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Art, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Art!
Killkill tells you, 'I need to be summoned again'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'vil quemalya pig' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
The last of the spikes melt and the water flows away, leaving behind
only a small disturbed spot on the ground.
The last of the spikes melt and the water flows away, leaving behind
only a small disturbed spot on the ground.
Shaletty's force shield slowly dissipates.
Thoth's force shield slowly dissipates.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh tells you, 'where are you all?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'narbarborgodius hunwirug' [cure serious wounds]
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Kliro utters the words, 'tenengsu caodiustep tepwerpignarodius vil' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'taorekwir kil taodoya' [heal]
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast gate 0<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.
Kliro utters the words, 'cavillys lep' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Art until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Art!
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Flynn goes berserk in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.
Thoth tells the group, 'how much to go?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Maeve until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Maeve!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain puts one end of a bright blue lightning staff to the ground and begins casting.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Flynn!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
Art utters the words, 'fu odius yazen atahitepya jynwir' [cure serious wounds]
Kliro utters the words, 'pigfuquesuzenya odiuscawir quebar' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>at 0 l<
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 6)Cria is here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 0)A number of dancing lights hover in the air before you.
( 4)Natalie is here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'irkdo odius pig rekwir' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Kliro utters the words, 'orniumodiusriprekvilorniumodius sunar' [heal]
A warm feeling fills your body, and your wounds knit and heal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Passion, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Passion!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Vandarth has left the game.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeleton.
A skeleton starts following Art.
A skeleton has become a member of the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Maeve until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Maeve!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Ashly, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Ashly!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Gandarth has entered the game.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly puts one end of a ruby staff to the ground and begins casting.
Antihero grabs the hilt of the Sword of Strength and is quickly engulfed in a radiant aura of blue.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth sits down and rests.
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn's force shield slowly dissipates.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh starts following you.
Art utters the words, 'hunirkfoo kilfoodo' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'wer nardo borgfudoten' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Antihero, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Antihero!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Kliro until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'odiuscagerugweratairk' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'does this thing have 100% magic res?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Nylanice has left the game.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Lilmike, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Lilmike!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Ashly until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Ashly!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

>gt nod<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'nod'
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Art, until it is perfectly lined up with him...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Art until it is perfectly lined up with him...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Art!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'how much?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear stops resting, and stands up.
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'barxawir engwirca engornium' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly puts one end of a ruby staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'dohixavil' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
Thoth tells the group, 'to go i mean'
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows A skeletal mage, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at A skeletal mage!

A skeletal mage suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a
fine white dust before your eyes.
A skeletal mage has left the group.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero goes berserk in battle!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Shaletty until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Shaletty!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Aaronr!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Jaide, until it is perfectly lined up with her...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Jaide!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'ow'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Lilmike until it is perfectly lined up with it...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Lilmike!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.
Flynn's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!
Aaronr utters the words, 'fooyalys narugdo irkop' [cure serious wounds]
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art sits down and rests.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows Tear, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at Tear!
Aaronr utters the words, 'wirwiruglys' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn goes berserk in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'kilugjyn suhicamalirkirk' [cure serious wounds]
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Indestructible Battle Machine is engulfed in flames!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly goes berserk in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.
Aaronr utters the words, 'caborg caleprekornium pig wirgerirk lyseng' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Gandarth has left the game.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear sits down and rests.
Aaronr utters the words, 'tep fugertaopigbarwirxa borgmalya' [cure serious wounds]
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Felonia until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Felonia!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'percent?'
Aaronr utters the words, 'barnarrip pigque' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>slap machine<
You slap The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

You slap The Indestructible Battle Machine.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine's left arm follows Ashly until it is perfectly lined up with her...
A searing blue-white lightning bolt strikes down Ashly!
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Indestructible Battle Machine stands up.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.

>mst machine<
The Indestructible Battle Machine's right arm follows A skeleton, until it is perfectly lined up with it...
The Indestructible Battle Machine throws a brilliant yellow fireball at A skeleton!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

The Indestructible Battle Machine staggers and falls, throwing off showers of green sparks!
The air rings with a great metallic crash!
The Battle Machine is DEAD!
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
So much 'Indestructible', eh?
You gain 3432000 experience!
You get 11474 gold coins.
You receive 560000 experience.
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 26801  Zone: 2680  LoadZones: 0  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'warmech war mech machine'
Special Mob Type: MECHANICAL  Race: none  Affiliation: (none)
Sex: neuter, 25'0" feet tall/long, 0/9375 weight
STR: 45    INT: 35    WIS: 35    DEX: 15    CON: 35    CHR: 35
SSp: -5    SFi:-15    SCo:-50    SZa: 10    SBr:  0    SPo:-50  Sn:-10

Mage: 20  Cleric: 20  Thief: 20  Warrior: 85  Necromancer: 20

25000/25000+10 hp, 10/10+0 mana, 0/0+0 movement
AC: -175 (-356)   Hitroll: 50 (-496)   Damroll: 300   Attacks: 5
Current dieroll:  5d75   Damage type: bash (16)
Dual dieroll:    10d75   Damage type: stomp (22) Probability: 15%
Alignment: 0  Gold: 0 (0)  Aggression: 50
Estimated Exp: 5902875 (280000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 382  (Current Exp: 43393062)

Aggro flags: MOB_MEMORY 
[strings] [specp] 
Ashly tells the group, 'heal plz'
Flynn returns to his senses, the target of his aggression now gone.
Angelluhh stops resting, and stands up.
Antihero returns to her senses, the target of her aggression now gone.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'englep pigviltep' [heal]

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'anyone have an ice dagger?'

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Lilmike gets 29 gold coins.
Lilmike splits 29 gold coins with its group.
Art stops resting, and stands up.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh's chop decimates Antihero!

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Angelluhh's chop wounds Antihero.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Tyro has entered the game.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!
Angelluhh is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Antihero's slice DISEMBOWELS Angelluhh!

Your blood curdles as you hear Angelluhh's dying scream!
Angelluhh has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Angelluhh killed by Antihero while in room [39858] In a workshop

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>

>l in corpse<
(on ground) the corpse of Angelluhh contains:

>l in 2.corpse<

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Jaide utters the words, 'ataxafuborglep ornium' [cure critical wounds]

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
The smashed wreck of the Battle Machine twitches, throwing up a shower of green sparks.
The last of the spikes melt and the water flows away, leaving behind
only a small disturbed spot on the ground.
The white aura around Rain fades.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
You do not see that here.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

Your blood freezes as you hear an unfinished golem's death cry!
An unfinished golem is DEAD!
You receive 97050 experience.

Your blood freezes as you hear an unfinished golem's death cry!
An unfinished golem is DEAD!
You receive 65672 experience.
You rush forward to defend Kliro!
You gain 280000 experience!
A clay serving-golem's pound DISMEMBERS Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
A clay serving-golem's pound MASSACRES Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'um...'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
A clay serving-golem's pound DISMEMBERS Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay serving-golem's pound MASSACRES Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, '...?'

>resc kliro<

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You fail the rescue!
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!


Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You fail the rescue!
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
A clay serving-golem's pound MASSACRES Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin teleport) Mob [18990] The Ejja teleported mob [18990] 'The Ejja' into room [26819] 'Before the great hall.'.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'borgtaodowirsuborg' [heal]
A clay serving-golem's pound *** MASSACRES *** Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries A clay serving-golem!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay serving-golem's pound *** MASSACRES *** Kliro!
Kliro utters the words, 'irkhunlys foo' [heal]

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr tells the group, 'pk while death march?'

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt heh repop<
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
Passion stands up.
A clay serving-golem's pound MASSACRES Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'heh repop'


Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
In a workshop
The first noticeable thing is the smell of clay. This is a huge workshop,
with lots of floorspace for numerous artisans to work.  Benches and pottery
wheels clue you into the use of this place, as well as the few remaining
statues.  Magic also clings to this place:  potent, life-springing magic.
Everything  in the room feels like it is alive and attentive, watching and
waiting for some future event.  It's an uneasy, opressive feeling.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)The corpse of an unfinished golem is lying here.
( 5)The corpse of an unfinished golem is lying here.
( 5)A clay serving-golem is here, fighting Kliro.
( 5)A clay serving-golem is here, fighting YOU!
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Angelluhh is lying here.
( 0)Shards of some brightly glowing green substance are burning into the ground.
( 0)Shards of some brightly glowing green substance are burning into the ground.
(30)The Battle Machine lies in ruined heap before you.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 6)Antihero is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 7)Ashly is here, fighting A clay serving-golem.
( 6)Thoth is here, fighting A clay serving-golem.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 5)Felonia is here, fighting A clay serving-golem.
( 5)Passion is here, fighting A clay serving-golem.
( 5)Aaronr is here, fighting A clay serving-golem.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Tear is resting here.
( 7)Art is here.
( 6)Kliro is here, fighting A clay serving-golem.
( 3)Thick plates of silvery metal are scattered around the workshop.
( 5)An unfinished clay statue stands here, covered in dust.
( 5)An unfinished clay statue stands here, covered in dust.
[Exits: east ]
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries A clay serving-golem!
A clay serving-golem's pound MASSACRES Kliro!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay serving-golem is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay serving-golem is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear A clay serving-golem's death cry!
A clay serving-golem is DEAD!
You receive 2157 experience.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
You rush forward to defend Kliro!
You gain 256800 experience!
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 

>resc kliro<
But no-one is attacking him!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 39858  Zone: 3980  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kylar rushes to your side in battle!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries A clay serving-golem!

Your blood freezes as you hear A clay serving-golem's death cry!
A clay serving-golem is DEAD!
You receive 25542 experience.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Felonia sits down and rests.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43502] 'a hell hound' in room [43550] 'Barren magma fields'.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43502] 'a hell hound' in room [43550] 'Barren magma fields'.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43502] 'a hell hound' in room [43550] 'Barren magma fields'.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>

You snicker softly.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...
Antihero disappears.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>

In a workshop
The first noticeable thing is the smell of clay. This is a huge workshop,
with lots of floorspace for numerous artisans to work.  Benches and pottery
wheels clue you into the use of this place, as well as the few remaining
statues.  Magic also clings to this place:  potent, life-springing magic.
Everything  in the room feels like it is alive and attentive, watching and
waiting for some future event.  It's an uneasy, opressive feeling.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)The corpse of A clay serving-golem is lying here.
( 5)The corpse of A clay serving-golem is lying here.
( 5)The corpse of an unfinished golem is lying here.
( 5)The corpse of an unfinished golem is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Angelluhh is lying here.
( 0)Shards of some brightly glowing green substance are burning into the ground.
( 0)Shards of some brightly glowing green substance are burning into the ground.
(30)The Battle Machine lies in ruined heap before you.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 7)Ashly is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 5)Felonia is resting here.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 7)Art is here.
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 3)Thick plates of silvery metal are scattered around the workshop.
( 5)An unfinished clay statue stands here, covered in dust.
( 5)An unfinished clay statue stands here, covered in dust.
[Exits: east ]

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'yafu ripca' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Sei'Saarak, the Time Dragon has summoned Kylar elsewhere to spread havoc!
Kylar disappears.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>
Tear prays to Shift for transportation...
Tear disappears.

[In a workshop]
R:39858 Z:3980 Wiz:0>

You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 6)Tear is here.
( 4)Kylar is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is resting here.
( 6)Tyro is here.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 6)Cria is here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 0)A number of dancing lights hover in the air before you.
( 4)Natalie is here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly appears in the middle of the room.

>gt recall<
Passion appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art appears in the middle of the room.
Antihero has arrived.
You tell the group, 'recall'
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.
Kylar tells the group, 'think i'm out thanks shadowfax:)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.
Rain appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.
Antihero goes to sleep.
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tyro has left the game.
(admin logoff) Tyro has left the game.
Lilmike goes to sleep.
Kliro tells the group, 'regen please'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Gandor has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar stops following you.
Kylar has left the group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kylar has left the game.
(admin logoff) Kylar has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow that was intense'
Stefen stops resting, and stands up.
Jaide goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen raises his arms and begins to weave a powerful spell.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen calls upon Tarrant to sanctify this place.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen frowns in disgust and stops casting.
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [44362] 'The Top of the Tree.'.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero grabs the hilt of the Sword of Strength and is quickly engulfed in a radiant aura of blue.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
Passion's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
Antihero floats down as her fly spell wears out.
Maeve's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
The healing properties of this place diminish as a powerful spell expires.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin help) Help page requested for 'typoshow' by 'Skeeter'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee buys a practice.
(admin login) Rayden has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen raises his arms and begins to weave a powerful spell.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msp soul tree<
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 3308  Zone: 330  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 2
Loading percentage: 99
Name string: 'mystical soul tree'
Magic_res: 50  

Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
Spell flags: INFRA DETECTI 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 3] intrinsic cast, rate 4. Targets tank. Triggers when fighting, 
         dispel magic  faerie fire  peace (gap)
2 :[12] object load on death
	vnum [ 3314] 'The dead husk of the soul tree'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
3 :[21] object trade Finished items given back.
	vnum [15550] 'a silver circlet of souls' for vnum [15551] 'the mace of the ancient'
	(this trade slot not yet configured)
4 :[16] special attack, rate 1. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when self fighting, less than 25% hp, 
Casts at mob level: (gap) (gap) <25>
id -> string
1  -> A bright light fills the boughs of the tree and your vision, immediately a warm glow is all about and you begin to burn.
2  -> A bright white light suddenly radiates within the boughs of the great tree.%n %n A lancing beam stabs downward to engulf %2 and %7 begins to burn.
10 -> 8d50 +200 100 1024

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen calls upon Tarrant to sanctify this place.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You feel the powerful presence of life around you as Stefen completes his ritual.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'i got the deed'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Muncher killed by Helga the Baker while in room [53216] Helga's Bakery

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'guys, I have a question'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'what's with the pk in the middle of a battle like that'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'wirvilxa xasu' [cure serious wounds]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'tenrek foo odiuszen xafubar rek' [cure serious wounds]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'for real'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee gives 11475 gold coins to Stefen.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>c haven<
Antihero tells the group, 'what do you mean'
You begin to cast the spell...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You raise your arms and begin the rituals required by the spell.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth stops resting, and stands up.
You call upon Shadowfax to sanctify and make this a place of healing.
Maeve tells the group, 'Surprise attack'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'anithero is a douche'
Existing magic interferes with your spell.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group killkill<
You add Killkill to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'yeah what is with that.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'yeah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'what do I mean? you kids pk leaping each other while we're trying to kill a mob'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero tells the group, 'i slipped'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'my program crashed, and it auto-recalled me and looged meout'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'its not cool'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Enoch has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'antihero killed me like 4 times in a row'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'wish I hadn't thrown that blessed robe potion or whatever it was'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero tells the group, 'dunno, killkill went pk so i took that as an invitation to kill killkill'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'we could do thantos again, lol'
Ashly awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee is surrounded by a strong force shield.


[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)Passion is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 5)Jaide is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Felonia is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 6)Kliro is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 4)Flynn is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Maeve is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Antihero is here, sound asleep.
( 7)Art is here.
( 6)Ashly is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Angelluhh is resting here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 6)Cria is here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 0)A number of dancing lights hover in the air before you.
( 4)Natalie is here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Password fail for 'simplicity'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'stfu about thantos'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'im ready'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'we could take on time dragon'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'that was long before we ever did the battle machine'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero tells the group, 'killkillkill'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'oh wow'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Simplicity has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'killkill, antihero, log and drop the pk flags'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.
(admin login) Gordan has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'rekengug barleplepjyn' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind gariath<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[56815] Gariath the Shadowlord-> in room [56870] Before a sacrificial altar

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill has left the game.
(admin logoff) Killkill has left the game.
Killkill stops following you.
Killkill has left the group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'quekilfookilop' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero tells the group, 'why's that'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art floats down as his fly spell wears out.
Killkill has entered the game.
(admin login) Killkill has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'because'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Lex has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group killkill<
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [18990] The Ejja teleported mob [18990] 'The Ejja' into room [18924] 'Inside a large room.'.
You add Killkill to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'then there'll be distractions'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'furipsu ug' [fly]
Art gently rises off the ground.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Rayden has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'that's not the point of this to pk'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'if you want to pk, get an areana'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Bser has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero utters the words, 'foomal fu pigborg' [fly]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero utters the words, 'queatawerya' [fly]
Antihero gently rises off the ground.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i think it's ejja time<
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'i think it's ejja time'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The candy no longer looks any good so you discard it. (carried by Passion)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'niiiiice!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'again?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'sounds fun'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah'
Flynn is surrounded by a strong force shield.
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'you're on crack, but I'm game'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Shaletty awakens.
Flynn's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'moar evil '

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn utters the words, 'jynpigrip irk taodoque' [sanctuary]
Flynn is surrounded by a white aura.

>gt 1 s everybody<
Kliro's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [42743] 'Umjul's House of Squid'.
You tell the group, '1 s everybody'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'tendo narxanar foo' [stone skin]
Kliro's skin turns grey and granite-like.


[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You stand up.
The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
[Exits: north east south west up ]
Art has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
Antihero has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.
Delirium has arrived.
Antihero flies south.
Art flies south.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'orniumoppig engataug xahiwirfu' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.
Art has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero has arrived.
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'xaca nar wir orniumhun irkirk' [sanctuary]
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'rekopsu tenbar' [sanctuary]
Tear is surrounded by a white aura.
Ashly is surrounded by a white aura.
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.
Felonia is surrounded by a white aura.
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.
Delirium is surrounded by a white aura.
Art is surrounded by a white aura.
Antihero is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>trans ejja;kill ejja<
The Ejja arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.
Your punch scratches The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A stinking cloud of greenish gas surrounds you, causing you to choke and gag!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Lilmike!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Kliro wakes from the noise and scuffle of the battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
A shimmering distortion surrounds Rain for a moment.
Rain slows down.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Antihero for a moment.
Antihero slows down.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeletal mage.
A skeletal mage starts following Art.
A skeletal mage has become a member of the group.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear utters the words, 'viltenwerkil irk tao' [stone skin]
Tear's skin turns grey and granite-like.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee's eyes glow red.
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Rain!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
The Ejja gestures towards you.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Neebla, high priest of Os is engulfed in flames!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Rain!
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Thoth!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots is engulfed in flames!
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards A skeleton.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero returns to normal time.
Kaylee shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
Kaylee's ice shield fades, then disappears.
The magical flames protecting Kaylee flicker and go out.
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Aaronr!
A mass of tangling roots hits Aaronr.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Thoth is freed as the roots holding him retreat back into the earth.
A mass of tangling roots is engulfed in flames!
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr is freed as the roots holding him retreat back into the earth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds A skeleton for a moment.
A skeleton slows down.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Tear!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Antihero!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The Ejja!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Grass has arrived.
Cria has arrived.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
-*BOOM*- Maeve's lightning bolt strikes a ball of lightning, causing an explosion near The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Shaletty!
Neebla, high priest of Os arrives from A portal to Ralnoth..

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Cria says, 'wwtf'
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The Ejja!
Ashly leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
-*BOOM*- Maeve's lightning bolt strikes a ball of lightning, causing an explosion near The Ejja!
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
The Ejja gestures towards Tear.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Shaletty is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Ashly!
A mass of tangling roots hits Ashly.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Axl sacrifices shards and pieces of crystal to Shift.
Axl sacrifices shards and pieces of crystal to Shift.
Axl sacrifices shards and pieces of crystal to Shift.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Lilmike!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Grass's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Rain returns to normal time.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Ashly!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'use electricity'
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
-*BOOM*- Maeve's lightning bolt strikes a ball of lightning, causing an explosion near The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A shimmering distortion surrounds Flynn for a moment.
Flynn slows down.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Grass flies south.
Cria has arrived.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots scratches Ashly.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.
Cria flies north.
The Ejja's kick *** MASSACRES *** Tear!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Antihero for a moment.
Antihero slows down.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Doka has entered the game.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
-*BOOM*- Maeve's lightning bolt strikes a ball of lightning, causing an explosion near The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!
Stefen leaves north.
Cria has arrived.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A shimmering distortion surrounds Art for a moment.
Art slows down.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A mass of tangling roots hits Ashly.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
-*BOOM*- Maeve's lightning bolt strikes a ball of lightning, causing an explosion near The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria flies north.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Cria has arrived.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria flies south.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Kliro!
Killkill rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Khadaji has arrived.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
Rain looks slightly sick.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards A skeletal mage.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A mass of tangling roots scratches Ashly.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Tear!
A mass of tangling roots scratches Tear.
A mass of tangling roots scratches Kliro.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Ejja from behind!
The Ejja begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts a mass of tangling roots!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a mass of tangling roots!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Grass has arrived.
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Tear!
Killkill warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a mass of tangling roots!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria has arrived.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Killkill sits down and rests.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja disarms Felonia and sends her weapon flying!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a mass of tangling roots!
The Ejja moves out of the range of Tear's attack.
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art returns to normal time.
Ashly is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.
The Ejja gestures towards Shaletty.
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!
The fog creeps up to Neebla, high priest of Os but seems to lose power as it touches it.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all its weaknesses.
Kliro is freed as the roots holding him retreat back into the earth.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a mass of tangling roots!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
The Ejja moves out of the range of Tear's attack.
Felonia stands up.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!
The fog creeps up to Neebla, high priest of Os but seems to lose power as it touches it.
The fog creeps up to The Ejja but seems to lose power as it touches it.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
A raging magical blizzard turns all you see to ice!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear is freed as the roots holding it retreat back into the earth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Art for a moment.
Art slows down.
Khadaji flies north.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A shimmering distortion surrounds A skeletal mage for a moment.
A skeletal mage slows down.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'vil queengyairk' [sanctuary]
Cria is surrounded by a white aura.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards Kliro.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Killkill!
Killkill quickly moves out of the reach of the grasping roots.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Stefen flies north.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Killkill!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Lilmike!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Horo has arrived.
The Ejja gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'too bad I'm not strong enough to control it, I could be beast lol'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!
A stinking cloud of greenish gas surrounds you, causing you to choke and gag!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria's eyes glaze over as it places the bracelet upon its wrist, filling its mind with a lost knowledge.
Cria's eyes glaze over as it places the bracelet upon its wrist, filling its mind with a lost knowledge.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards Thoth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'ug barfoomal tephitao yaten tennar' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'yado hun bartaodik' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Neebla, high priest of Os arrives from A portal to Ralnoth..

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Cria utters the words, 'rekrektep op hun' [dispel magic]

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
The embroidered runes flare to life as Grass dons her robes.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'op ata yadik' [dispel magic]

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero returns to normal time.
Art returns to normal time.
Delirium floats down as her fly spell wears out.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Rain to The Ejja!
Horo stops following you.
Horo starts following Cria.
Cria utters the words, 'doirklysirkatawir' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
The Ejja's force shield slowly dissipates.
The Ejja's displaced image abruptly rejoins its body.
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Art!
A mass of tangling roots hits Art.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja moves out of the range of Art's attack.
Grass utters the words, 'werrip ugrippig irktepatavilrip' [dispel magic]
Grass gestures towards The Ejja.
The magical flames protecting The Ejja flicker and go out.
The white aura around The Ejja fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Ashly to The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Cria utters the words, 'pigirktao do rek opwerwirtao' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
The Ejja's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!
Kaylee utters the words, 'xaengengug ripengpiglepmal lys pigatahun' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.
The Ejja moves out of the range of Art's attack.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'suyazen su ger' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Grass utters the words, 'rekkilorniumornium lysriplys vil' [dispel magic]
Grass gestures towards The Ejja.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'fuenghi dik ugger' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
The Ejja suddenly appears less trustworthy and attractive than a moment ago.
The Ejja shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Shaletty!
A mass of tangling roots hits Shaletty.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.
Cria utters the words, 'kileng werger wer' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Grass says, 'i got his sanc :P'
The Ejja moves out of the range of Art's attack.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'lysbarrek tepqueborg irk' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
The Ejja's ice shield fades, then disappears.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards you.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Rayden has entered the game.
Cria utters the words, 'taoata orniumfurekbar' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'gerdiktep hi lep lepten' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Grass utters the words, 'rektaofoo sutenmal eng wirfoo' [dispel magic]
Grass gestures towards The Ejja.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
The Ejja moves out of the range of Art's attack.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'fuwir suripwir hun dolepop' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a mass of tangling roots!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Ashly to The Ejja!
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Killkill!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'rekjyntepborg opzenfu' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Grass utters the words, 'wirzenfoo pigten tao' [dispel magic]
Grass gestures towards The Ejja.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
The Ejja moves out of the range of Art's attack.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>sa hehe<
A mass of tangling roots hits Art.
You say, 'hehe'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'odiusdoya tenmal' [dispel magic]
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Grass utters the words, 'ugodiusvil borghiripirk opdoca irkhun' [dispel magic]
Lilmike utters the words, 'atatentaoodius lyswirmal riphunbar do' [dispel magic]
Lilmike gestures towards The Ejja.
A shimmering distortion surrounds Antihero for a moment.
Antihero slows down.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
Cria utters the words, 'pig lep suripop yaorniumcaborgborg' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
A mass of tangling roots scratches Shaletty.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja moves out of the range of Art's attack.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Cria utters the words, 'foowir germal dikkil atavilgerfoo jynrip' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Ashly to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth sits down and rests.
Cria utters the words, 'caatahunfoosu doodiussu' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear tells the group, 'use lightning your fire is healing it'
The Ejja gestures towards A skeletal mage.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain sits down and rests.
A golden glow surrounds Kaylee, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
-*BOOM*- Maeve's lightning bolt strikes a ball of lightning, causing an explosion near The Ejja!
Cria utters the words, 'rek yadik rekug rek' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Stefen slips from the shadows.
Stefen flies north.
Cria utters the words, 'atabarodiuswir lepyasuhi barfuripodius' [dispel magic]

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Rain!
A mass of tangling roots decimates Rain!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'uglepkil rek ger gerripsu irklepmalodius' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots scratches Art.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja moves out of the range of Art's attack.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Cria utters the words, 'kil orniumorniumxa' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.
Tear tells the group, 'or so it looks'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'dohun wirborgfu dikdodo' [dispel magic]
Kliro gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'oh'
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Ashly to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Antihero!
A mass of tangling roots hits Antihero.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Grass starts following you.
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around A skeleton!
A mass of tangling roots hits Art.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Ashly!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Ashly to The Ejja!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A skeletal mage returns to normal time.
The magical flames protecting Grass flicker and go out.
Flynn returns to normal time.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja moves out of the range of A skeleton's attack.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja's stab MUTILATES Art!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A shimmering distortion surrounds Thoth for a moment.
Thoth slows down.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'well, it regens quickly to'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria utters the words, 'irkvildo quefuborg ataughunrip lysfuhunop' [dispel magic]
Cria gestures towards The Ejja.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja moves out of the range of Art's attack.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots injures Rain.
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Aaronr!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A mass of tangling roots hits Antihero.
The Ejja moves out of the range of A skeleton's attack.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.
The Ejja moves out of the range of Art's attack.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Felonia for a moment, then disappears.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve warns the group, 'oom'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Passion tells the group, 'o wehre is everybody?'
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to a mass of tangling roots!

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art is freed as the roots holding him retreat back into the earth.
The Ejja gestures towards Flynn.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria flies north.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Flynn!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at The Ejja!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!
Rain sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Aaronr for a moment.
Aaronr slows down.
Rain is freed as the roots holding it retreat back into the earth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gate hrm you guys do ejja?<
Kliro sits down and rests.
[gate] Shadowfax: hrm you guys do ejja?
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Antihero!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Kaylee!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
[gate] Rayden: oh yeah
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards Shaletty.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Fehlan: second run did
Aaronr looks slightly sick.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Antihero leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!
The white aura around Killkill fades.
A skeleton is freed as the roots holding it retreat back into the earth.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around Tear fades.
The white aura around Art fades.
The white aura around Felonia fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
The white aura around Ashly fades.
The white aura around Delirium fades.
The white aura around Aaronr fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around A skeleton!
Aaronr warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'
A skeleton is freed as the roots holding it retreat back into the earth.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gate nod<
[gate] Shadowfax: nod

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards you.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.
A shimmering distortion surrounds A skeleton for a moment.
A skeleton slows down.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around A skeleton!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'south of unholy'
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at The Ejja!
The Ejja gets a lightweight axe.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'can I please soulsteal? lol'
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards A skeletal mage.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'no'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at The Ejja!
Stefen slips from the shadows.
Stefen flies north.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'no'
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn stands up.
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Shaletty!
Shaletty quickly moves out of the reach of the grasping roots.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'if its even alive'
Maeve tells the group, 'nuuu'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Lilmike tells the group, 'oh nvm'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Rayden: no offence but they probably would've got stabbed

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Rayden: including me
Aaronr tells the group, 'I'm not'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Ashly for a moment.
Ashly slows down.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)
Antihero returns to normal time.
The white aura around Antihero fades.
Aaronr returns to normal time.
Thoth returns to normal time.
The white aura around Thoth fades.
The white aura around Flynn fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Antihero!
Antihero quickly moves out of the reach of the grasping roots.
Tear sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja gestures towards A skeleton.
A skeleton is freed as the roots holding it retreat back into the earth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Passion tells the group, 'may i please get a sum?'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The Ejja!
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf A skeletal mage!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The Ejja!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja's stab *** MASSACRES *** Antihero!
Thoth sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Thoth!
A mass of tangling roots wounds Thoth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
Art tells the group, 'so how about a high level noxious cloud?'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'foocahun dikmalrek' [summon]

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Killkill for a moment.
Killkill slows down.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Shaletty!
A mass of tangling roots hits Shaletty.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>l ejja<
The Ejja stands up.
This creature is known only as an Ejja.  It towers over 10 feet tall and
cares only about killing.
The Ejja has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

The Ejja is obviously carrying:
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
a throwing star
a throwing star
a lightweight axe
a throwing star
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
a flaming lance
Maeve utters the words, 'borg cajynirk taoirk' [summon]
The Ejja gestures towards Tear.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear tells the group, '1 south of unholy'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Stefen: haahahah
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja's stab MASSACRES Art!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Antihero!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards you.
Thoth is freed as the roots holding him retreat back into the earth.
Passion rushes to your side in battle!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The Ejja!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'queatalep hunsuhitepopjynvil barlepbardoodiusug' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!
(admin teleport) Mob [18310] The Mandrill Shaman teleported mob [18310] 'The Mandrill Shaman' into room [44335] 'The South East Corner of Tirgoth'.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'irkorniumhun gerorniumzenborg' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Maeve!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots hits Shaletty.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to a mass of tangling roots!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth sits down and rests.
Killkill sits down and rests.
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Felonia!
A mass of tangling roots hits Felonia.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to a mass of tangling roots!

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!
Kaylee goes berserk in battle!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43500] 'a greater fire elemental' in room [43550] 'Barren magma fields'.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43500] 'a greater fire elemental' in room [43550] 'Barren magma fields'.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43500] 'a greater fire elemental' in room [43550] 'Barren magma fields'.
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)
The pink fuzz around The Ejja disappears.
Ashly returns to normal time.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
(admin logoff) Slicer has left the game.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
Shaletty is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots wounds Antihero.
A shimmering distortion surrounds Maeve for a moment.
Maeve slows down.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Tear stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
[gate] Rayden: wait i evaded death! except for those 3 or 4 times

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to a mass of tangling roots!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Ejja from behind!
The Ejja begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to a mass of tangling roots!

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Rayden: i evaded it!
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around A skeleton!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Ejja from behind!
The Ejja begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!
The Ejja gestures towards Flynn.
Passion leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.
The Ejja's kick *** DEMOLISHES *** Kaylee!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Ejja from behind!
The Ejja begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Rain!
A mass of tangling roots wounds Rain.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gate heh<
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
Passion leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to Neebla, high priest of Os but seems to lose power as it touches it.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!
[gate] Shadowfax: heh

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth sits down and rests.
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Kliro!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!
The fog creeps up to Neebla, high priest of Os but seems to lose power as it touches it.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A skeleton is freed as the roots holding it retreat back into the earth.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
A mass of tangling roots stands up.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain is freed as the roots holding it retreat back into the earth.
Kaylee returns to her senses, the target of her aggression now gone.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill warns the group, 'OOM'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The sun shines brightly overhead.

( 5)Passion is here.
( 6)Tear is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
( 6)An ancient herb fumigates the area, turning the Grass greener on the other side.
Grass glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Antihero is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 7)Killkill is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Kliro is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Flynn is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Maeve is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Ashly is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
[Exits: north east south west up ]
Lilmike scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve looks slightly sick.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: i soulstole lux muahahaha

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43500] 'a greater fire elemental' in room [43550] 'Barren magma fields'.
The white aura around Grass fades.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Rayden: rofl
Kliro looks slightly sick.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>trans ejja<
The Ejja arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.
The Ejja suddenly stabs Tear in the back!

Your blood curdles as you hear Tear's dying scream!
Tear has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Tear killed by The Ejja while in room [    3] The Dark Temple Square

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The Ejja recognizes A skeletal mage as a murderer!
The Ejja jumps to attack A skeletal mage!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of A skeletal mage!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A shimmering distortion surrounds Shaletty for a moment, then disappears.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You rush forward to defend A skeletal mage!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of A skeletal mage!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium leaves north.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Flynn quaffs a clear potion of poison antidote.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr tells the group, 'hhe'

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium has arrived.
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art sets up a crude summoning circle and places a pale blue soulstone on the ground inside it.
A column of black smoke appears in the middle of the summoning circle.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
A wispy tendril of smoke reaches out from a column of black smoke toward Art...
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards Flynn.
Flynn's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.
Ashly stands up.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Jaide for a moment.
Jaide slows down.
You hear a whispered chorus of chanting from a column of black smoke...
The air in front of a column of black smoke begins to shimmer.
Rain rushes to your side in battle!
Kaylee goes berserk in battle!
The Ejja stands up.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around A skeleton!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!
Art's eyes glow red.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Killkill sits down and rests.
Grass flies north.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c firew<
Ashly stands up.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The Ejja, setting it on fire!
You hear the shriek of a thousand voices as a column of black smoke is sucked into itself and vanishes.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.


[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
They are no longer here.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
Kaylee returns to her senses, the target of her aggression now gone.
A skeleton is freed as the roots holding it retreat back into the earth.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>trans ejja<
The Ejja arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.
The Ejja suddenly stabs Felonia in the back!

Your blood curdles as you hear Felonia's dying scream!
Felonia has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Felonia killed by The Ejja while in room [    3] The Dark Temple Square

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The Ejja says to Passion, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
The Ejja says to Killkill, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
The Ejja recognizes A skeletal mage as a murderer!
The Ejja recognizes A skeleton as a murderer!
The Ejja recognizes Maeve as a murderer!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>c firew<
Killkill sits down and rests.
A skeleton returns to normal time.
The red in Shaletty's vision disappears.
Kliro's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
They are no longer here.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'borgfoofu tep teporniumlysfoo' [sanctuary]
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>trans ejja;c firew ejja<
Rain tells the group, 'hehehee'
The Ejja arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The Ejja, setting it on fire!
The Ejja suddenly stabs Rain in the back!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'higertep vil zenenghiwir' [stone skin]
Maeve's skin turns grey and granite-like.
The Ejja's stab *** MASSACRES *** Rain!
The Ejja gestures towards you.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Rain tells the group, 'hehehehehehee'
Delirium rushes to aid Rain!
Thoth rushes to aid Delirium!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly rushes to aid Delirium!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero rushes to aid Delirium!
A shimmering distortion surrounds you for a moment, then fades.
You rush forward to defend Rain!
You gain 280000 experience!
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja disappears in a mushroom cloud.
The Ejja arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The Ejja, setting it on fire!
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Aaronr!

Room: 3  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve sits down and rests.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Kliro sits down and rests.
The Ejja arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.
The Ejja suddenly stabs Thoth in the back!
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The Ejja, setting it on fire!
Felonia scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
Neebla, high priest of Os is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Thoth rushes to aid Tear!
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Delirium leaves north.
The Ejja arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You want to cast the spell where?

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Ejja arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.
Jaide quickly avoids The Ejja's backstab.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing yellow fire bursts forth from your hands and hits The Ejja, setting it on fire!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'op irkbarzen' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear gets 13245 gold coins from the corpse of Felonia.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A skeleton returns to normal time.
The red in Antihero's vision disappears.
Jaide returns to normal time.
Kaylee floats down as her fly spell wears out.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Ejj is south'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
You focus on the corpse of Felonia, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Felonia, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Felonia begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 110495 experience!
Felonia looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Tear, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Tear, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Tear begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 72807 experience!
Tear looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You sense the death of your comrade Thoth!
(admin death) (player) Thoth killed by The Ejja while in room [10116] Center Street

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [18990] The Ejja teleported mob [18990] 'The Ejja' into room [52446] 'A path around a mountain's base'.


[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
You want to cast the spell where?
Killkill warns the group, 'OOM'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill sits down and rests.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Neebla, high priest of Os arrives from A portal to Ralnoth..

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Cria has arrived.
Horo has arrived.
Antihero scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium has arrived.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, '$!#*...died'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Cria scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Cria flies north.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'ty'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'now where did that beasty go'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt no it keeps fleeing<
You tell the group, 'no it keeps fleeing'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill returns to normal time.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt need to trap it somewhere<
You tell the group, 'need to trap it somewhere'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion scans the area to see who is around.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i have an idea<
Aaronr tells the group, 'I know'
Kliro tells the group, 'where is it'
You tell the group, 'i have an idea'


[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You ascend the stairs into the temple.
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)Horo is here, dying for your sins.
( 6)Cria is here.
( 6)Rayden is here.
( 6)An ancient herb fumigates the area, turning the Grass greener on the other side.
( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
( 3)Khadaji is here.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 6)Gordan is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 0)A number of dancing lights hover in the air before you.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Flynn has arrived.
Art has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.
Antihero has arrived.
Delirium has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'didwe win?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>at 26398 l<
Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam
This room padded with black foam that absorbs all light, sound and heat.

(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
(35)The Zap Dragon is here, sound asleep.
[Exits: down ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>at 26398 purge all<
Aaronr tells the group, 'is it aggro?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero flies south.
All mobs and objects purged from room.
Lilmike tells the group, 'yes'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 26398<
Kliro tells the group, 'yes'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You enter a magical portal.

Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam
This room padded with black foam that absorbs all light, sound and heat.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: down ]
Tear tells the group, 'will stab you'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'uh oh'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>trans ejja<
The Ejja arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
The Ejja suddenly stabs Lilmike in the back!
Lilmike is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>kill ejja<
Your punch hits The Ejja.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja's stab MASSACRES Lilmike!

Your blood curdles as you hear Lilmike's dying scream!
Lilmike has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Lilmike killed by The Ejja while in room [26398] Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
The Ejja recognizes Maeve as a murderer!
The Ejja jumps to attack Maeve!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
You rush forward to defend Maeve!
You gain 280000 experience!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds you for a moment, then fades.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'it'll kill everyone, lol'

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Maeve!
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'ouch'

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Flynn!
A mass of tangling roots scratches Flynn.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Flynn!
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
Antihero rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots hits Flynn.
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt ent gate guys<
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Ashly!
The Ejja moves out of the range of Flynn's attack.
You tell the group, 'ent gate guys'

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Antihero leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja's stab MASSACRES Aaronr!

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
Flynn is freed as the roots holding him retreat back into the earth.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Shaletty!
A mass of tangling roots injures Shaletty.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill warns the group, 'OOM'
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
Tear arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards you.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to a mass of tangling roots!
Kaylee stands up.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja gestures towards Kliro.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to a mass of tangling roots!

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Lilmike!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'maybe a restore heh.'
Maeve returns to normal time.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
A shimmering distortion surrounds Killkill for a moment.
Killkill slows down.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Cria flies down.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Kaylee for a moment, then disappears.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee goes berserk in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
A shimmering distortion surrounds Ashly for a moment.
Ashly slows down.
Killkill sits down and rests.
Passion arrives from a magical portal.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards A skeleton.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly goes berserk in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja's stab DISMEMBERS Kaylee!
Passion rushes to your side in battle!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Ejja from behind!
The Ejja begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Thoth tells the group, 'can i get a res?'

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Kliro sits down and rests.
Antihero leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Killkill!
A mass of tangling roots wounds Killkill.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 

>ofind 2<
Killkill warns the group, 'OOM'
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Lilmike to The Ejja!
 [    2] the corpse of Lilmike in room [26398] Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam
 [    2] the corpse of Muncher in room [53216] Helga's Bakery
 [    2] the corpse of Muncher in room [53242] The local thieves' hangout
 [    2] the corpse of Dirt in room [18685] Before the Imperator's throneroom
 [    2] the corpse of Dirt in room [18685] Before the Imperator's throneroom
 [    2] the corpse of Brynn in room [44259] In the Giftsmarsch
 [    2] the corpse of A terrible winged Demon in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Cargo in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Tyro in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Dex in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Boa in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [10805] tapestry 2 in room [10817] A horseshoe shaped room
12 objects by that name found.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Ejja from behind!
The Ejja begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Ejja from behind!
The Ejja begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A shimmering distortion surrounds Antihero for a moment.
Antihero slows down.
The Ejja stands up.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Passion leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero goes berserk in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium stops following you.
Delirium has left the group.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Kaylee!
A mass of tangling roots injures Kaylee.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots wounds Killkill.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!
The Ejja gestures towards Kliro.
The stench hovering about Kliro dissipates slightly.
Killkill is freed as the roots holding him retreat back into the earth.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja moves out of the range of Kaylee's attack.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to The Ejja!
-*BOOM*- Shaletty's lightning bolt strikes a ball of lightning, causing an explosion near The Ejja!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
Felonia calls upon Shadowfax to bring the corpse of Lilmike back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Lilmike, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Lilmike begins to fade and slowly disappears...
Lilmike looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots injures Kaylee.
A mass of tangling roots is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
A shimmering distortion surrounds Lilmike for a moment.
Lilmike slows down.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf A skeleton!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Killkill returns to normal time.
Antihero returns to normal time.
Ashly returns to normal time.
Lilmike returns to normal time.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja's stab *** OBLITERATES *** Tear!
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Rain for a moment.
Rain slows down.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds A skeletal mage for a moment.
A skeletal mage slows down.

A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam
This room padded with black foam that absorbs all light, sound and heat.

( 6)Lilmike is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Rain is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Passion is here, fighting The Ejja.
( 6)Thoth is here, fighting The Ejja.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 6)Tear is here, fighting The Ejja.
( 7)Art is here, fighting The Ejja.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Antihero has gone totally berserk!
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Aaronr is here, fighting The Ejja.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Ashly is here, fighting The Ejja.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Flynn is here, fighting The Ejja.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Kliro is resting here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 7)Killkill is resting here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Maeve is resting here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
(12)*The Ejja is here, fighting YOU!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: down ]
Kaylee utters the words, 'que dik rekya' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Jaide leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Jaide utters the words, 'lys quedo lepborg orniumug' [heal]
A warm feeling fills your body, and your wounds knit and heal.
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
A shimmering distortion surrounds Felonia for a moment.
Felonia slows down.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Simplicity has left the game.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shimmering distortion surrounds Shaletty for a moment, then disappears.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Ejja from behind!
The Ejja begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The Ejja from behind!
The Ejja begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee goes berserk in battle!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A circle of roots and vines burst forth from the ground around Felonia!
A mass of tangling roots injures Felonia.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly goes berserk in battle!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Shaletty!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Felonia returns to normal time.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A cloud of greenish gas billows forth from The Ejja's hand to engulf Art!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A mass of tangling roots is engulfed in flames!
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
A mass of tangling roots is engulfed in flames!

Your blood freezes as you hear a mass of tangling roots's death cry!
A mass of tangling roots is DEAD!
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
The Ejja's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja gestures towards Felonia.
The Ejja panics and attempts to flee!
Felonia is freed as the roots holding her retreat back into the earth.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The Ejja!

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts The Ejja!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Ejja is engulfed in flames!
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to The Ejja!
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The Ejja is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 26398  Zone: 4711  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear The Ejja's death cry!
The Ejja is DEAD!
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Lilmike'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Rain'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Passion'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Thoth'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Jaide'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Tear'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Art'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Felonia'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Antihero'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Aaronr'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Kaylee'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Ashly'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Shaletty'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Flynn'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Kliro'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Killkill'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Maeve'.
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18999] 'Stopped the Ejja, for now.' on character 'Shadowfax'.
You seem to have put an end to the Ejja, for now.
You gain 1196481 experience!
You feel your alignment shift toward good.
You get 9 gold coins.
You receive 560000 experience.
Antihero gets 308 gold coins from the corpse of The Ejja.
Antihero splits 308 gold coins with her group.
Kliro sits down and rests.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Antihero returns to her senses, the target of her aggression now gone.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get a throwing star from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get a throwing star from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get a lightweight axe from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get a throwing star from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of The Ejja.
You get a flaming lance from the corpse of The Ejja.
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of The Ejja, drawing power from it.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Shaletty looks slightly sick.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>gt woah<
You tell the group, 'woah'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>gt whose knives?<
You tell the group, 'whose knives?'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, '!$#*it'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'whoa what?'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'how much can you carry shadow?'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'res plz?'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
The white aura around Art fades.
Rain returns to normal time.
(admin logoff) Cargo has left the game.
Flynn tells the group, 'hehe me'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam
This room padded with black foam that absorbs all light, sound and heat.

(12)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of The Ejja.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Rain is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 7)Art is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Antihero is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Ashly is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Flynn is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Kliro is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 7)Killkill is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Maeve is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
[Exits: down ]

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, '1000 items'
Kliro goes to sleep.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'way too many good shift deeds'
Felonia tells the group, 'where is your corpse'
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'raa'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Art looks slightly sick.

>ofind 2<

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'now magmos?'
 [    2] the corpse of Muncher in room [53216] Helga's Bakery
 [    2] the corpse of Muncher in room [53242] The local thieves' hangout
 [    2] the corpse of Dirt in room [18685] Before the Imperator's throneroom
 [    2] the corpse of Dirt in room [18685] Before the Imperator's throneroom
 [    2] the corpse of Brynn in room [44259] In the Giftsmarsch
 [    2] the corpse of A terrible winged Demon in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Cargo in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Tyro in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Dex in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [    2] the corpse of Boa in object [    5] Tensor's floating disc
 [10805] tapestry 2 in room [10817] A horseshoe shaped room
11 objects by that name found.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'at aura now -_-'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'lols and it killed my other char'
Rain tells the group, 'that was a good job, guys'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You feel yourself getting younger...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells you, 'all of those will respond to the keyword throwing'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'hi dik hunten' [stone skin]

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'suxakil hikil wirkil' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Maeve looks slightly sick.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Shaletty utters the words, 'odiuswer ripfunar atataosu' [undo]

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Tear prays to Shift for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Killkill sits down and rests.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'opwir orniumpig' [fly]
Tear prays to Shift for transportation...
Tear disappears.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Maeve prays to Shadowfax for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...

>give throwing flynn<

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...
Killkill disappears.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.










[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...
Aaronr prays to Dentin for transportation...
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Maeve into Oblivion.
Maeve disappears.
Passion prays to Heart for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
Aaronr prays to Dentin for transportation...
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>






Aaronr prays to Dentin for transportation...
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give a throwing star to Flynn.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You give a lightweight axe to Flynn.
Aaronr prays to Dentin for transportation...
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...
Antihero disappears.
You give a throwing star to Flynn.
Flynn can't carry that many items.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Shaletty prays to Dentin for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Passion prays to Heart for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Ashly prays to Shadowfax for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'We should do this every friday!'
Lilmike prays to Mutt for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Aaronr prays to Dentin for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Passion flies away in a U.F.O.
Passion disappears.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Aaronr prays to Dentin for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Lilmike disappears.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Rain prays to Shadowfax for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Aaronr is enveloped by a frosted crimson & onyx wind and is whisked away!
Aaronr disappears.
Art prays to Byung for transportation...


[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'lol'
Flynn can't carry that many items.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'heh'


[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Art prays to Byung for transportation...
Rain prays to Shadowfax for transportation...
Flynn can't carry that many items.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Drolkrad newbies, 'how do i get out the stone dragons but'
Thoth prays to Dentin for transportation...
[combine] Little Washu: Come to Little Washu's Bargain Basement in West Naginag for the best deal on magical items in the realm. You can't beat our prices!

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Art prays to Byung for transportation...
Rain prays to Shadowfax for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Jaide prays to Dentin for transportation...
Thoth prays to Dentin for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Art prays to Byung for transportation...
Rain prays to Shadowfax for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Thoth prays to Dentin for transportation...
Thoth disappears.
Art prays to Byung for transportation...
Art disappears.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'
Ashly prays to Shadowfax for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Felonia into Oblivion.
Felonia disappears.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah'
Ashly prays to Shadowfax for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kaylee prays to Gandor for transportation...
(admin logoff) Doka has left the game.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>gt we'll do a good one next for evil align<
You tell the group, 'we'll do a good one next for evil align'


[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Ashly prays to Shadowfax for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Jaide prays to Dentin for transportation...
Jaide disappears.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Ashly prays to Shadowfax for transportation...
You are carrying:
a flaming lance
a throwing star
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
a throwing star
a lightweight axe
a lightweight axe
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'woo!'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kendell newbies, 'if all else fails recall heh'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'we need zap draong'
Kaylee prays to Gandor for transportation...

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Shadows drift and swirl around Kaylee, completely engulfing her.
Kaylee disappears.
Kliro tells the group, 'dragon'
Thoth tells the group, 'did someone grab my cor?'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'what's better, good or evil?'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'i'm neut so '

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'dude, I want zap dragon'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'we never killed zap'

>give throwing flynn<
Aaronr tells the group, 'depends'
Flynn can't carry that many items.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'really bad'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'yeah we did'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'for quest'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'kill an angel ?'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Shaletty disappears.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a flaming lance
a throwing star
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
a throwing star
a lightweight axe
a lightweight axe
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I'll pass out crystal shields zap res'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
A bone guardian has become a member of the group.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>cast tensor<
You chant while moving your hands in a circular pattern parallel to the ground.
A floating blue-tinted disc slowly solidifies and hovers before you.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'if you have it can i get a res?'

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>put throwing tensor<
You put a throwing star in Tensor's floating disc.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>






You put crystal throwing knife in Tensor's floating disc.
You put crystal throwing knife in Tensor's floating disc.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You put crystal throwing knife in Tensor's floating disc.
Rain tells the group, 'and we can do it'
You put crystal throwing knife in Tensor's floating disc.
You put crystal throwing knife in Tensor's floating disc.
You put crystal throwing knife in Tensor's floating disc.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>




You put a throwing star in Tensor's floating disc.
You put a lightweight axe in Tensor's floating disc.
You put a lightweight axe in Tensor's floating disc.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You do not seem to have that item.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>give tensor flynn<
You give Tensor's floating disc to Flynn.

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
You smell the stench of decay as the gutted carcass of The Ejja begins to decompose.
Flynn's force shield slowly dissipates.

>got 0<
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)Maeve is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Shaletty is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 7)Art is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 6)Antihero is here, sound asleep.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 7)Killkill is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Cria is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 5)Horo is here, dying for your sins.
Horo is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 6)Rayden is here.
( 6)An ancient herb fumigates the area, turning the Grass greener on the other side.
( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
( 3)Khadaji is here.
( 6)Two guards struggle with Axl Rose to get him back into his straight jacket.
( 6)Gordan is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'orniumkilhi jyn' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'no we didn't'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'ugpigorniumdik' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters a short invocation over some teeth, then quickly swallows them.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Drolkrad newbies, 'theres an entrance but its too small'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'no one got quest'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art doubles over in pain!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art collapses to the ground!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Spikes and plates of bone burst forth from Art's body!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt k regen a min<
You tell the group, 'k regen a min'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The bone plates solidify and merge, forming a protective armor over Art's torso.
Antihero tells the group, 'i did'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'shadowfax just wimped out'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.
Art stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain goes to sleep.
Art goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'k'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A clay man has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium's eyes glow red.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Cria throws down a handful of teeth to create A tall prison of jagged bone teeth, trapping Horo inside!
Lilmike tells the group, 'hmm, well I heard it die, so that's weird'
Maeve's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kendell newbies, 'hmm'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt heh you guys were losing horribly<
You tell the group, 'heh you guys were losing horribly'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'ah, so that's it then?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind zap dragon<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[45326] the zap dragon      -> in room [45393] The darkness.
[45326] the zap dragon      -> in room [45391] The darkness.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero tells the group, 'i got last hit i think'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'where'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I like loozing horribly though'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain stops resting, and stands up.

>gt at the zap dragon<
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'at the zap dragon'
Art awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'he, yeah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kendell newbies, 'not sure then sry'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind gariath<
Killkill tells the group, 'there's no portal for it'
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[56815] Gariath the Shadowlord-> in room [56870] Before a sacrificial altar

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill scans the area to see who is around.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A tall prison of jagged bone teeth cracks and shatters as Horo breaks free!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn goes to sleep.
Antihero's eyes glow red.
Kaylee's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.
Delirium goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Lexie has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind preta<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[56809] a ravenous preta    -> in room [56878] A hidden burial chamber

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'wait'
Tear is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen says, 'woopsy'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia awakens.
Killkill starts searching for something...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Skeeter newbies, 'Try straining!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'lets plan this'
Tear's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh stops following you.
Kaylee is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear utters the words, 'nartepger ten orniumripten opnarlys quelepata' [stone skin]
Antihero goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear utters the words, 'pigjynxavil' [stone skin]
Tear's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
With considerable effort, Rain chants and pulls a light crystal shield seemingly out of thin air.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group angl<
Rayden starts following you.
No-one by that name playing.
(see 'group set' for other group related commands)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group angel<
You add Angelluhh to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rayden stops following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>fi rayden<
Name: 'rayden'
Fight string: Rayden
Ground string: Rayden is here.
Title: is a spellcaster who abuses his powers
Date of character creation: Thu Jul  2 04:55:53 2009

Level       Mage:  31  Cleric:  30  Thief:  22  Warrior:  26  Necromancer:  11
Total levels in top four classes: 109
Clan: havoc
Mob deaths:   726
Ltype: 2   Banked Gold: 324611
God: 'Gandor'   Favor: 25
Temp pk deaths:    730
Temp pk kills:     736
Recent arena wins:  10/67
Time of last access/finger: Fri Nov 26 21:18:52 2010
Time of last save: Fri Nov 26 21:10    2010

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A skeletal mage returns to normal time.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.
Antihero awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero flies north.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt k preta real quick<
You tell the group, 'k preta real quick'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind preta<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[56809] a ravenous preta    -> in room [56878] A hidden burial chamber

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain shimmers with a vague magical haze.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -1 (5%), fire at -2 (10%), cold at -2 (10%), zap at -12 (58%), and breath at -2 (10%).'
Angelluhh goes to sleep.
Lilmike shimmers with a vague magical haze.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve sits down and rests.
Thoth is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly tells the group, 'I am not currently more or less resistant to anything.'
Rayden leaves west.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'uh shadowfax?'
Thoth's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'nice zp save'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Thoth utters the words, 'su xaorniumhifooophi borgugirkrip tensuxa' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -2 (10%), cold at 1 (-5%), zap at 2 (-10%), breath at -3 (15%), poison at -1 (5%), and general spell resistance at 7%.'

>gt what?<
Drolkrad newbies, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen raises his arms and begins to weave a powerful spell.
You tell the group, 'what?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh says, 'I have saving throws for spells at -4 (20%), breath at 1 (-5%), and general spell resistance at 4%.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth utters the words, 'ug pigdik hilys do' [sanctuary]
Stefen calls upon Tarrant to sanctify this place.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn awakens.
You feel the powerful presence of life around you as Stefen completes his ritual.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'im in time out'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
(admin grestore) Autorestore followers for god 'shift',   336 power used.
Flynn's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly says, 'I am not currently more or less resistant to anything.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth utters the words, 'foo maldo atamal' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth utters the words, 'wer vilya gersulysmal' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt eh?<
You tell the group, 'eh?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth utters the words, 'ugdikten foo kilorniumxatep' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth utters the words, 'gerengxa fuwer' [sanctuary]
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>l kliro<
You do not see that here.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'go to unholy'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind kliro<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[   -1] Kliro               -> in room [14661] The Time-Out Room
Thoth sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn utters the words, 'subar kil' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.
Kliro tells the group, 'yeah'
Antihero has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero goes to sleep.
Flynn utters the words, 'atadikya dikdoca' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>trans kliro<
Kliro arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'kinda stuck'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero awakens.
Antihero flies north.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'so we ready?'
Flynn goes to sleep.
Rain stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'ah'

>mfind preta<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[56809] a ravenous preta    -> in room [56878] A hidden burial chamber

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero has arrived.
A twisted bone shield fractures, splits, and abruptly crumbles to dust! (worn by Art)
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium stops following Jaide.
Delirium starts following you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 56878<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion recites a scroll of magic protection on Passion.
Passion is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Passion is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Passion shimmers with a vague magical haze.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'zenlepop borgquetep quevilorniumlepfoo jyn' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art dips a tooth into some of his blood, and utters a short invocation...
A pinkish mass appears in Art's hands, which he quickly pulls and shapes into a bone shield.
Art quickly places a hand on the inside of a bone shield to bind it.

>ent gate<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You enter a magical portal.

A hidden burial chamber
This is an ancient hidden burial chamber. Shards of pottery cover the
ground. The stone walls are decorated with crude drawings that may depict
whomever was buried here in life. A large coffin sits in the middle of the

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)A ravenous shadow-like preta floats here, moaning loudly.
( 8)An ornate wooden coffin lies in the center of the room.
[Exits: none ]

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero tells the group, 'bless again plz?'
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
A ravenous preta's flail maims Tear!
You rush forward to defend Tear!
You gain 280000 experience!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 

>kill preta<
You do your best!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 

>group delirium<
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'ger atacavil hiodiusfu odiusvil jynborgug' [sanctuary]
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.
Delirium is currently in a group consisting of:
[Delirium              Lvl  30 Tw hp 819/819  mn   2/228  mv 316/313 ] (leader)
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks a ravenous preta from behind!
A ravenous preta begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a ravenous preta!
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Jaide utters the words, 'wirlepcaleprek barya wergerca subarborg ten' [sanctuary]

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill rushes to your side in battle!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks a ravenous preta from behind!
A ravenous preta begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a ravenous preta!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts a ravenous preta!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 

An ethereal hand appears and attacks a ravenous preta from behind!
A ravenous preta begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.
Delirium is currently in a group consisting of:
[Delirium              Lvl  30 Tw hp 819/819  mn   3/228  mv 313/313 ] (leader)
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts a ravenous preta!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
A ravenous preta is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
A ravenous preta is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
A ravenous preta is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 56878  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 

A ravenous preta moans in ecstasy. It's torment is finally over.
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
The preta will no longer have to suffer in constant hunger and misery. 
You gain 1716000 experience!
You receive 65982 experience.
Kliro gets 25 gold coins from the corpse of a ravenous preta.
Kliro splits 25 gold coins with his group.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Passion arrives from a magical portal.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>at delirium group delirium<
You add Delirium to your group.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

Killkill tells the group, 'better at icebolt!'
You nod solemnly.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>


The stone door is closed.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Maeve scans the area to see who is around.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>op door<
It seems to be locked.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: that things a *!!#& lol

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

Passion utters the words, 'ugtaoirkdo' [sanctuary]
Passion is surrounded by a white aura.
Room number: 56878   Zone 5680
Room exists on plane 7.
Move cost: 2  Carried weight: 8100
A hidden burial chamber
Long desc exists.
Exits are:
    north:         56869 -> In a crypt
	door:      56806 -> stone door
Room flags:   
FXYZ:   704.03, 10084.49,     3.00
XYZ: 704, 10084, 3  Terrain: BUILDING  Firewood: 1/1  Forage: 1/1  Game: 1/1
Mana: 9460.05  R: 6842/0  G: 315/0 E: 6525/0 Sink: 0
Temperature: -18.01C  Humidity: 2/3  Clouds: 3/100

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>dst 56806<
To see door strings, use dsstat.
Name: 'stone door'  Door vnum: 56806  Zone: 5680

Door zoneloads:  ZCLOSED  ZLOCKED

Door flags:
Key 1 is vnum 56855, a dark metal key.
Pick level: 0  Intelligence: 0

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'nice'

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>oload 56855<
[gate] Fehlan: take em to unnamed!!

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
You create a dark metal key with a strange magical gesture.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>


The stone door is closed.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh utters the words, 'taoborgxariprip opatagerhi opwerten odiusquefu' [sanctuary]
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>unlock door<

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Lilmike fades.

>op door<

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

You open the stone door.

[A hidden burial chamber]
R:56878 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
A shiver runs through your spine as you pass through the doorway.
In a crypt
It is eerily quiet here. Everything is dead and still as if nothing has
been in this place for a very long time. A large statue of a man riding a
horse sits in the middle of the room. Something looks odd about the
southern wall, however you just cannot make it out. The distinctive odor of
blood wafts in from the north.

(10)A large statue of a man riding a horse occupies the center of the room.
[Exits: north east south west ]
Art has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A bone guardian has arrived.
A clay man has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.

[In a crypt]
R:56869 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

Maeve scans the area to see who is around.

[In a crypt]
R:56869 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Before a sacrificial altar
Before you stands a large sacrificial altar. It is covered in blood.
Sacrificial tools can be seen throughout the room. Blood drips from the
walls and covers the floor. The putrid odor of death lingers heavily in
this room. You can only assume that whatever comes in this room, does not
easily get out without being sacrificed to whatever god these shadow
creatures worship.

( 7)Gariath the Shadowlord stands here, plotting his escape.
Gariath the Shadowlord glows with a bright light!
(12)A blood-stained sacrificial altar sits against the northern wall.
[Exits: south ]
Art has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A bone guardian has arrived.
A clay man has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.
Angelluhh scans the area to see who is around.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>kill gariath<
Art tells the group, 'ah i need a satchel'

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'he is sancd'

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'then we split the eq?'

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c dis<
You gesture towards Gariath the Shadowlord.

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr tells the group, 'dispel'
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 

Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
Gariath the Shadowlord throws a huge ball of pitch black energy at Jaide.
You gesture towards Gariath the Shadowlord.
The white aura around Gariath the Shadowlord fades.
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
A bone guardian jumps to the aid of Maeve!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 

Gariath the Shadowlord throws a huge ball of pitch black energy at Jaide.

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gariath the Shadowlord is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all his weaknesses.
Angelluhh rushes to aid Ashly!
Lilmike utters the words, 'yadoodius odiusfooque fooborgzen gerugmal wer' [dispel magic]
Lilmike gestures towards Gariath the Shadowlord.

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man jumps to the aid of Angelluhh!
You are carrying:
a dark metal key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'pigrip villys ripborgdik' [dispel magic]

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts Gariath the Shadowlord!
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.
Thoth tells the group, 'IF you can dispel it'

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Felonia: how is the oother felan doing

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Gariath the Shadowlord is engulfed in flames!
Maeve utters the words, 'fookillys xacavil ornium tensuvilxaxaquevil' [dispel magic]
Maeve gestures towards Gariath the Shadowlord.
Gariath the Shadowlord throws a huge ball of pitch black energy at Angelluhh.

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Gariath the Shadowlord!
Thoth tells the group, 'lol'

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 

>eat key<
Killkill rushes to your side in battle!
Gariath the Shadowlord turns blue and shivers with cold.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Gariath the Shadowlord is engulfed in flames!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'sunarger engkilborg suugeng ripmalfu' [dispel magic]
Maeve gestures towards Gariath the Shadowlord.
You eat a dark metal key.

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
The putrid stench of Rain dissipates into the air.
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Gariath the Shadowlord throws a huge ball of pitch black energy at A bone guardian.

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Gariath the Shadowlord!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Gariath the Shadowlord is engulfed in flames!

>l gariath<
Maeve utters the words, 'cadik jyn' [dispel magic]

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
He is indeed a demonic looking creature. He looks like a human in most
aspects, but flickers in and out of the shadows at will. He wears a mask to
cover his face. His eyes are still visible, they are pure black holes that
seem to be able to stare into the depths of your soul. He is wearing little
equipment but what he does wear seems to fade in and out of the shadows
with him. A feeling of evil simply radiates off of him.
Gariath the Shadowlord has quite a few wounds.

<worn on head>       a hideous black mask
<worn on finger>     a ring of shadows
<used as shield>     a shield of shadows

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Gariath the Shadowlord is engulfed in flames!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gate hehe<
Maeve utters the words, 'zenpigorniumfurekzen taohun atarek bar orniumger' [dispel magic]
[gate] Shadowfax: hehe
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Gariath the Shadowlord!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Gariath the Shadowlord is engulfed in flames!
Gariath the Shadowlord throws a huge ball of pitch black energy at Ashly.
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
Maeve utters the words, 'irkodius vilirktenten' [dispel magic]
Maeve gestures towards Gariath the Shadowlord.

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Gariath the Shadowlord is engulfed in flames!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'borgrekripbar' [dispel magic]
Maeve gestures towards Gariath the Shadowlord.
Gariath the Shadowlord is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
[gate] Fehlan: pretty good, how you been stranger?:)

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [11513] 'The outer wall road'.

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero has arrived.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Gariath the Shadowlord is engulfed in flames!
Gariath the Shadowlord is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 56870  Zone: 5680  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gariath the Shadowlord is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!

Gariath the Shadowlord mutters with his last breath, 'this cannot be happeni..'.
You receive 84293 experience.
Rain gets 23 gold coins from the corpse of Gariath the Shadowlord.
Rain splits 23 gold coins with its group.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
A clay man heroically rescues Angelluhh!

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Angelluhh's hands.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!

Your blood curdles as you hear Angelluhh's dying scream!
Angelluhh has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Angelluhh killed by Antihero while in room [56870] Before a sacrificial altar

>get all corpse<

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>get all 2.corpse<
You get an ancient key from the corpse of Gariath the Shadowlord.
You get a hideous black mask from the corpse of Gariath the Shadowlord.
You get a ring of shadows from the corpse of Gariath the Shadowlord.
You get a shield of shadows from the corpse of Gariath the Shadowlord.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'ow'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heh'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'antihero, out'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

Killkill tells the group, 'ouchyu'
Before a sacrificial altar
Before you stands a large sacrificial altar. It is covered in blood.
Sacrificial tools can be seen throughout the room. Blood drips from the
walls and covers the floor. The putrid odor of death lingers heavily in
this room. You can only assume that whatever comes in this room, does not
easily get out without being sacrificed to whatever god these shadow
creatures worship.

( 5)The disfigured corpse of Angelluhh is lying here.
( 7)The corpse of Gariath the Shadowlord is lying here.
( 6)Antihero is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Flynn is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 7)Killkill is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Maeve is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 7)Art is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Tear is here.
(12)A blood-stained sacrificial altar sits against the northern wall.
[Exits: south ]

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'go to an arena'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'res anyone plz?'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
(notify) Tear has registered for player killing.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'angela, out'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'antihero stop killing people lmao'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
The putrid stench of Killkill dissipates into the air.
The putrid stench of Antihero dissipates into the air.
Art's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
The white aura around Rain fades.
Art stops using a gem encrusted staff.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'i don't have a nonnorm weapon'
Antihero is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero's chop *** MASSACRES *** Tear!

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Tear!

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Tharn has left the game.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Tear!
Antihero is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Tear!

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero is engulfed in flames!
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
Antihero's chop MUTILATES Tear!
Tear is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>who t<
[MA CL TH WA NC]   New Players --------------
[16  6  0 11  0]   Thorerand the newbie 

[MA CL TH WA NC]   Active Players -----------
[25 15 30 20  3] e (pk)Tear the newbie 
[30 22 17 28  6] G Thoth I am a blabberer. 
Mortals: 3 (66) 49.481    Gods: 0 (6) 4.339  Ticks: 1313
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Tear!

Your blood curdles as you hear Tear's dying scream!
Tear has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Tear killed by Antihero while in room [56870] Before a sacrificial altar

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
[gate] Stefen: Heh. I know what a preta is, but it sounds Klingon.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'oh great'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>gt why are you guys pk to begin with?<
You tell the group, 'why are you guys pk to begin with?'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '...'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'can you guys all take of your pk flags?'
(admin logoff) Kendell has left the game.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero tells the group, 'heh ok'
(admin login) Jamelle has entered the game.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Dagget has entered the game.
Aaronr tells the group, 'no idea'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

Killkill tells the group, 'the dummy signs up for pk '

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Before a sacrificial altar
Before you stands a large sacrificial altar. It is covered in blood.
Sacrificial tools can be seen throughout the room. Blood drips from the
walls and covers the floor. The putrid odor of death lingers heavily in
this room. You can only assume that whatever comes in this room, does not
easily get out without being sacrificed to whatever god these shadow
creatures worship.

( 6)The disfigured corpse of Tear is lying here.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Angelluhh is lying here.
( 7)The corpse of Gariath the Shadowlord is lying here.
( 6)Antihero is here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Flynn is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Maeve is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 7)Art is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
(12)A blood-stained sacrificial altar sits against the northern wall.
[Exits: south ]

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Flynn sits down and rests.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the corpse of Tear back to life.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

>cast res 2.corpse<
Shadowfax is not interested in helping you bring the corpse of Angelluhh back to life.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'recall?'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'this isn't an arena'

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>

You pray to your god for transportation...
Shadowfax does not immediately respond...

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Aaronr is enveloped by a frosted crimson & onyx wind and is whisked away!
Aaronr disappears.
(admin logoff) Tear has left the game.
Tear stops following you.
Tear has left the group.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Lilmike prays to Mutt for transportation...

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...
Jaide prays to Dentin for transportation...
Jaide disappears.

[Before a sacrificial altar]
R:56870 Z:5680 Wiz:0>
Kliro prays to Shadowfax for transportation...
Antihero disappears.
Flynn disappears.
Shaletty disappears.
Passion disappears.
Rain disappears.
Felonia disappears.
Kaylee disappears.
Thoth disappears.
Ashly disappears.
Killkill disappears.
Maeve disappears.
Lilmike disappears.
Art disappears.
You are whisked away by a higher power!
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 7)Art is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Maeve is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Kaylee is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Flynn is resting here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 6)Antihero is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)You feel a Dagget in your back and fall forward into a pool of your own blood.
Dagget glows with a bright light!
( 1)A small pile of crumbled dirt and clay is on the ground here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
Delirium glows with a bright light!
( 6)An ancient herb fumigates the area, turning the Grass greener on the other side.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 3)Khadaji is here.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Antihero prays to Dentin for transportation...
Antihero disappears.
Delirium tells the group, 'where are u guys?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'shadowfax, can you loot the corpse,'
Antihero has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'we'll make an arena right after this is done'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear has entered the game.
(admin login) Tear has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear starts following you.
The white aura around Dagget fades.
Killkill's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
Antihero floats down as her fly spell wears out.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Rain slows down and returns to real time.
Rain shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
The white aura around Thoth fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'there was some ok eq in it... oh you did, good'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty awakens.
Rain goes to sleep.
Angelluhh tells the group, 'i need some major xp lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I'llmake it myself, and not allow anyone above l29 to joi it'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group tear<
You add Tear to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'we shoul run control undead, lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'should'


[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4522/4522 mn 801/801  mv1182/1182]x(leader)(tank)
[Tear                  Lvl  30 Tm hp 582/582  mn  62/395  mv 290/306 ] 
[Delirium              Lvl  30 Tw hp 819/819  mn  34/228  mv 313/313 ] 
[Angelluhh             Lvl  23 Wc hp 400/400  mn   0/238  mv 299/299 ] 
[Killkill              Lvl  27 Mw hp 500/500  mn 161/279  mv 336/318 ] 
[Ashly                 Lvl  29 Wm hp 681/681  mn   9/254  mv 327/327 ] 
[Passion               Lvl  25 Tc hp 634/634  mn 184/294  mv 317/317 ] 
[Jaide                 Lvl  30 Cw hp 527/527  mn 399/440  mv 272/272 ] 
[Antihero              Lvl  28 WM hp 582/624  mn  41/217  mv 442/454 ] 
[Flynn                 Lvl  30 TW hp 788/788  mn  64/232  mv 452/452 ] 
[Lilmike               Lvl  30 MC hp 487/487  mn 417/442  mv 212/212 ] 
[Kaylee                Lvl  30 MC hp 538/538  mn 445/445  mv 258/258 ] 
[Shaletty              Lvl  30 MC hp 588/588  mn 451/451  mv 259/259 ] 
[Art                   Lvl  25 Nm hp 305/305  mn 345/345  mv 184/184 ] 
[Kliro                 Lvl  30 CM hp 484/484  mn 528/528  mv 252/252 ] 
[Thoth                 Lvl  30 MW hp 665/665  mn 388/388  mv 399/399 ] 
[Felonia               Lvl  30 CM hp 573/573  mn 380/507  mv 239/239 ] 
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 626/626  mn 252/487  mv 298/298 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 406/406  mn 334/334  mv 164/164 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 441/535  mv 145/145 ] 

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A clay man cracks and crumbles, becoming a pile of dust and dirt.
A clay man has left the group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol so is this the end?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msp mist dragon<
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 25001  Zone: 2500  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 2
Loading percentage: 99
Name string: 'mist dragon '
Magic_res: 50  
Current dieroll:  4d50   Damage type: claw (6)
Dual dieroll:     7d50   Damage type: bite (14) Probability: 15%

Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
Aggro flags: AGGRO 
Mob flags: NO_CORPSE 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[16] special attack, rate 1. Targets tank. Triggers when fighting, 
Casts at mob level: (gap) (gap) (gap)
id -> string
1  -> The mist dragon sucks the breath out of your lungs with a large cloud of vapor.
2  -> The mist dragon calls forth a large cloud of vapor and pushes it into %2's lungs.
10 -> 1d400 +100 100 cold
2 :[12] object load on death
	(load into corpse)
	vnum [25030] 'a misty, white stone'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
3 :[35] complete on kill, quest [25000] 'Defeated the Mist Dragon of Avalon.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.
The white aura around Killkill fades.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Delirium fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
The white aura around Flynn fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'hope not'

>gt mist dragon next<
Ashly goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'mist dragon next'
Cria has arrived.
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Rayden: heh i still don't understand why those 2 were pking in the middle of the battle machine fight heh

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'yay'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'cooool!'
Aaronr tells the group, 'yay'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'woot'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'i was gonna ask that'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Kaylee utters the words, 'yaquelephun yaborgrek ata' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'susu queyaya pig' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Merlinda has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
[gate] Cria: P2W

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro shimmers with a vague magical haze.
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'borg tepfoojyn' [sanctuary]
Cria scans the area to see who is around.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'vil queborglepzen' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'tensusupigataata barfoo domalbar ata' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.
The white aura around Passion fades.
Antihero slows down and returns to real time.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
With considerable effort, Kliro chants and pulls a light crystal shield seemingly out of thin air.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'barfooorniumger' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'ugrippigirk' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn awakens.
Flynn leaves south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh awakens.
Lilmike goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>restore all MARCH OF DEATH!<
(admin god) Shadowfax called 'restore all', 58 players restored.
Sent to all: MARCH OF DEATH!
(3865 power used)
58 characters restored.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh shimmers with a vague magical haze.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen says, 'haha'
Lilmike gossips, 'woo!'
Antihero says, 'woot'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'thanks'
Aaronr gossips, 'thanks'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind mist dragon<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[25001] The mist dragon     -> in room [25495] Standing in the mist.
[33515] Mist Dragon         -> in room [33587] Mist Dragon Lake
[13239] the mist dragon     -> in room [13294] Overlooking a small, underground lake.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly gossips, 'raaaaaaaaaa!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'ripirkwir rek' [sanctuary]
Passion is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium utters the words, 'atafoower wercaataeng' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'gcast sanc'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium utters the words, 'irk werirkmal ugrekirkfu' [sanctuary]
Delirium is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear's image blurs and shifts to one side.
Rain tells the group, 'I have died 158 times to mobs.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'zen ata germalfu yalysjyn kilfoo' [sanctuary]
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Felonia is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.
Ashly is surrounded by a white aura.
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.
Antihero is surrounded by a white aura.
Tear is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art floats down as his fly spell wears out.
The putrid stench of Kaylee dissipates into the air.
The healing properties of this place diminish as a powerful spell expires.

>cast gate 25495<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You enter a magical portal.

Standing in the mist.
You now stand in the center of a large, misty cave.  Off in the distance you
can make out the faint sounds of battle. 

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
(++)*A large pool of mist gathers into the form of a dragon and attacks.
[Exits: down ]
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [1892] 'A desolate path to the tower'.

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
[bovine] Dentin: ride the wings of death
Ashly tells the group, 'I have died 472 times to mobs.'

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>

>kill mist<
Your punch hits The mist dragon.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Passion arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

>msp mist<

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 25001  Zone: 2500  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 2
Loading percentage: 99
Name string: 'mist dragon '
Magic_res: 50  
Current dieroll:  4d50   Damage type: claw (6)
Dual dieroll:     7d50   Damage type: bite (14) Probability: 15%

Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
Aggro flags: AGGRO 
Mob flags: NO_CORPSE 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[16] special attack, rate 1. Targets tank. Triggers when fighting, 
Casts at mob level: (gap) (gap) (gap)
id -> string
1  -> The mist dragon sucks the breath out of your lungs with a large cloud of vapor.
2  -> The mist dragon calls forth a large cloud of vapor and pushes it into %2's lungs.
10 -> 1d400 +100 100 cold
2 :[12] object load on death
	(load into corpse)
	vnum [25030] 'a misty, white stone'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
3 :[35] complete on kill, quest [25000] 'Defeated the Mist Dragon of Avalon.'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve tells the group, 'I have died 137 times to mobs.'
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[anger] Fehlan: whos not in march and wats to xp?

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
Antihero arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[bovine] Fehlan: woo
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt ent gate<
You tell the group, 'ent gate'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!
Felonia tells the group, 'I have died 109 times to mobs.'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero's leaping attack DISEMBOWELS Angelluhh!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'I have died 110 times to mobs.'
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.
Delirium arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero's leaping attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!
Angelluhh panics and attempts to flee!
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
A bone guardian jumps to the aid of Maeve!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[bovine] Fehlan: im stuck xpin cause i cant be in this one:(

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero leaves down.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'oh wtf'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'oh great'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
You sense the death of your comrade Angelluhh!
(admin death) (player) Angelluhh killed by Antihero while in room [26499] Into the mists.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'pk again?'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[gate] Rayden: anyways night guys heh

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[bovine] Lexie: I don't like riding the wings. how bout riding the neck or the back?
Antihero has arrived.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The putrid stench of Kliro dissipates into the air.
Aaronr tells the group, 'no spells'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'will you stop killing?'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Rayden has left the game.
Killkill tells the group, 'remove anithero'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'shadowfax, can you just set their pk flag?'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[bovine] Fehlan: or riding the lap? lawl
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt antihero<
You tell the group, 'antihero'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[bovine] Lexie: nod or that. you dirty old man
Antihero tells the group, 'yes'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt what is your problem, dude?<
You tell the group, 'what is your problem, dude?'
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
(notify) (new character) Katey has entered the game in [51201] dclient demo mode.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero tells the group, 'nothing'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'area'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Antihero tells the group, 'i'll stop'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia's force shield slowly dissipates.
The putrid stench of Ashly dissipates into the air.
The putrid stench of Aaronr dissipates into the air.
Lilmike's ice shield fades, then disappears.
The magical flames protecting Lilmike flicker and go out.
Lilmike shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
[bovine] Fehlan: :(

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>boot antihero<
You give them the boot, and they are no more.
(admin logoff) Antihero has left the game.
Antihero stops following you.
Antihero has left the group.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve tells the group, 'It's nocast. D:'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'area ref~!'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia tells the group, 'cant cast spells it would seem'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt yeah you will<
You tell the group, 'yeah you will'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly goes berserk in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[bovine] Lexie: don't make dirty old man comments if you don't wanna be called one you dirty old man

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[anger] Fehlan: xpxpxpxpxpxpxpxp

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[anger] Fehlan: glade

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
[anger] Fehlan: NAO

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Slow has entered the game.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion's force shield slowly dissipates.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, '@$#@, can't even detect invis'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
An arkanite breastplate glows in the sun as Tear straps it on.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gc det i<
You can't form a casting circle while fighting!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro goes berserk in battle!
Aaronr tells the group, 'I feel so weak without my magic'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Maeve!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'leaps zerks'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh rushes to aid Ashly!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Maeve!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Kaylee goes berserk in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.
The magical flames protecting Passion flicker and go out.
Passion's ice shield fades, then disappears.
The white aura around Rain fades.
The putrid stench of Flynn dissipates into the air.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide tells the group, 'Me too. No area here.'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Killkill goes berserk in battle!
The mist dragon's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Kaylee!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn goes berserk in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike violently shakes a rattling gourd, invoking its powers.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.
Passion leaps and lands, but only hits empty air!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast area ref<
Your surroundings inhibit your ability to cast spells.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly tells the group, 'area'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike donates the outer shell of the Deep Dragon.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth goes berserk in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike donates a brightly glowing crystal.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

The mist dragon stands up.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Room number: 25495   Zone 2500
Move cost: 6  Carried weight: 32840
Standing in the mist.
Long desc exists.
Exits are:
    down:          26499 -> Into the mists.
FXYZ:     0.00,     0.00,     0.50  [unmapped]  Terrain: CAVE  Firewood: 1/1  Forage: 0/0  Game: 2/2
Mana: 0.00  R: 0/0  G: 0/0 E: 0/0 Sink: 0
Temperature:  16.87C  Humidity: 0/21  Clouds: 0/100

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'use your move wisely'
Lilmike donates a rusted metal knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon stands up.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Kliro quaffs a Draught of Draak.
Kliro suddenly looks stronger and refreshed.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>rse flag nomagic;cast area ref;rse flag nomagic<
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
The putrid stench of Maeve dissipates into the air.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The area this room belongs to is marked finished.  You must unlock
the area with the 'aset unlock' command before you can modify it.
Your surroundings inhibit your ability to cast spells.
The area this room belongs to is marked finished.  You must unlock
the area with the 'aset unlock' command before you can modify it.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Thoth!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain screams a blood-chilling roar!
The mist dragon's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Rain!
Thoth tells the group, 'i think if everyone zerked we could nail it'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro quaffs a Draught of Draak.
Kliro suddenly looks stronger and refreshed.
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt kill it<
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
You tell the group, 'kill it'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon's bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Felonia!
Rain stands up.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain stands up.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'we're trying'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The white aura around Tear fades.
The white aura around Killkill fades.
The white aura around Passion fades.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around Art fades.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Felonia fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Ashly fades.
The white aura around Delirium fades.
Delirium's force shield slowly dissipates.
The white aura around Aaronr fades.
The white aura around Thoth fades.
Rain stands up.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr warns the group, 'sanc out!'
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike violently shakes a rattling gourd, invoking its powers.
Rain stands up.
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia tells the group, 'gt better at bash'

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 

>l dragon<
It is a great, cloudy white serpentine mass:  the mist dragon has four
legs, two giant wings, and short, stubby tail.  She appears to actually be
made of mist, which churns and bellows so as to make her feature
The mist dragon is in an awful condition.

The mist dragon is obviously carrying:
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
a throwing star
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve points a flaming ruby wand at The mist dragon.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The mist dragon is engulfed in flames!
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 25495  Zone: 2500  Wizinvis: 0> 
The mist dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

With a mighty cry of pain the mist dragon dies.  It's body vanishes into the
mist surrounding the cave.  You take a quick glance around, hoping that there
are no more of them.
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
You have ended the life of the Mist Dragon of Avalon.  Their great
protector is dead, and now nothing will save them from the evil of the
You gain 1287000 experience!
You feel your alignment shift toward evil.
You get 4841 gold coins.
You receive 560000 experience.
Aaronr tells the group, 'die!'

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
Lilmike gets 421 gold coins.
Lilmike splits 421 gold coins with its group.

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets a throwing star.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Flynn gets a throwing star.
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>

>gt heh<
You tell the group, 'heh'
Killkill tells the group, 'vp!'

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops using the staff of mending.

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
The putrid stench of A skeletal mage dissipates into the air.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
Rain slows down and returns to real time.

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>

Standing in the mist.
You now stand in the center of a large, misty cave.  Off in the distance you
can make out the faint sounds of battle. 

( 1)A small cloud hovers above the ground here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 5)Flynn is here.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 5)Maeve is resting here.
( 7)Art is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Tear is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
A horrid stench assails your nostrils.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
[Exits: down ]

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>

>l s<
Nothing special there.

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>

>l d<
Kliro tells the group, 'hey shadowfax'
In the next room you see:

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'baron the great next?'

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<
You tell the group, 'recall'

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'uh oh'

An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.
Flynn casually walks over to a misty, white stone and picks it up, thinking no one saw him.

[Standing in the mist.]
R:25495 Z:2500 Wiz:0>
You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)You feel a Dagget in your back and fall forward into a pool of your own blood.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Slow is here.
( 6)Cria is here.
( 6)An ancient herb fumigates the area, turning the Grass greener on the other side.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 3)Khadaji is here.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
Tear appears in the middle of the room.
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'enghun ten dik' [heal]
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.
Ashly appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'gerrip hunorniumhilysvilten rekmalfu hunodiustep' [heal]
Tear awakens.
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'did you lute the chest?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.
Slow bows to you, how very noble.
Lilmike goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt hey kliro?<
You tell the group, 'hey kliro?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn leaves south.

>gt i didn't bother lilmike<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'i didn't bother lilmike'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee gives 4894 gold coins to Stefen.
Felonia starts healing herself.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl begins healing Felonia.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia heals herself.
Axl heals Felonia.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'ah'
The putrid stench of Lilmike dissipates into the air.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia heals herself.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl heals Felonia.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia is fully healed.
Felonia is fully healed.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'are u mad at me for using god potions to kill dragon?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen begins healing Kaylee.
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Drg has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen heals Kaylee.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee is fully healed.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro donates a light crystal shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'yes, he hates you'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt should i be?<
You tell the group, 'should i be?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'nod, we all hate you'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'no we dont'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The putrid stench of A skeleton dissipates into the air.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
You feel less tired.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt if i should be, then i will<
You tell the group, 'if i should be, then i will'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
You feel less tired.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt whatever you want<
You tell the group, 'whatever you want'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
You feel less tired.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'u should give me more'

>hug kliro<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth sits down and rests.
You hug Kliro.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'smite him!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Aaronr tells the group, 'mememe!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lila appears in the middle of the room.
[gate] Lexie: you know I always wanna punch Westie in the face and everytime he says something that feeling grows and grows

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'a potion?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'jynnarque wirzenirk irknar' [fly]
Art gently rises off the ground.
Jaide is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt k, somebody said baron the great?<
You tell the group, 'k, somebody said baron the great?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Password fail for 'decayn'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt that good?<
You tell the group, 'that good?'
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'nod'
Lilmike utters the words, 'huntep villep' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.
Felonia tells the group, 'they did '

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Lexie: I"m not sure why

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'cawerdik do' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'a blast of fire comes from the sky! You hear Kliros dying scream!'
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'lets do that'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind baron<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36127] Before a stone staircase
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35132] A bend in the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35156] A four way intersection
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36396] A bend in the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35930] Before a stone staircase
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35358] Before a stone staircase
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36561] Before a stone staircase
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35211] A four way intersection
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35463] A four way intersection
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35896] A bend in the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35432] A bend in the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36392] A three way intersection
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35121] Following the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35619] A bend in the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35193] Following the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36596] A bend in the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35893] Following the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36392] A three way intersection
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36337] Before a stone staircase
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35042] Before a stone staircase
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35402] Following the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36007] Following the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36186] Before a stone staircase
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35585] A bend in the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36532] Following the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35302] A bend in the tunnel
[53218] Baron Wayne         -> in room [53236] The banquet hall
[49512] The Bog Baron       -> in room [49576] Blocked once again
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35727] Before a stone staircase
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [36348] Following the tunnel
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35601] Before a stone staircase
[35005] A baron of hell     -> in room [35945] Following the tunnel
[25704] Baron the Great     -> in room [25710] Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Jaide leads the group in the casting of a spell...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Decayn has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'tepzenxapig' [heal]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 25710<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion is surrounded by a strong force shield.

>ent gate<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You enter a magical portal.

Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great
On top of this Great Western Tower, Baron the Great slowly sharpens his
finely hand-crafted dagger.  The walls are lined with daggers of all kind,
obviously Baron's personal collection.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)Baron the Great rests here sharpening his dagger.
Baron the Great glows with a bright light!
[Exits: down ]
(admin logoff) Decayn has left the game.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

>kill baron<
Your punch scratches Baron the Great.
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion arrives from a magical portal.
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'jynlepodius xawiratataotaowirvil pigjyn fu' [sanctuary]
Passion is surrounded by a white aura.
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.

>gt into the breach<
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
You tell the group, 'into the breach'
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
(admin login) Althor has entered the game.
Passion rushes to your side in battle!
Felonia tells the group, 'the sun come out and drys up the rain'

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton tries to disarm Baron the Great.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art stands up.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Baron the Great!
The spear hits Baron the Great with full force!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Baron the Great stands up.

>l baron<
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Baron the Great is a master thief and has spent the
past few years, here in the Great Western Tower,
studying and crafting weapons of his design.

Baron the Great has a few scratches.

<wielded>            A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Baron the Great!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Kylette has entered the game.
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Baron the Great!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
A bone guardian jumps to the aid of Maeve!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
Art taps his life, and a swarm of blood red demons fly quickly toward Baron the Great!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Baron the Great!
Shaletty creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Baron the Great!
The spear hits Baron the Great with full force!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'is this a good alignment?'

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon claws at Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Baron the Great's stab *** MASSACRES *** Passion!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Baron the Great!
The spear hits Baron the Great with full force!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Baron the Great is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all his weaknesses.
Delirium arrives from a magical portal.

>mst baron<

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 25704  Zone: 2570  LoadZones: 2570  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'baron great thief man'
Special Mob Type: HUMANOID  Race: human  Affiliation: (human)
Sex: male, 6'0" feet tall/long, 20/170 weight
STR: 30    INT: 27    WIS: 27    DEX: 44    CON: 27    CHR: 27
SSp:  0    SFi:  0    SCo:  0    SZa:  0    SBr:  0    SPo:  0

Mage: 28  Cleric: 28  Thief: 30  Warrior: 28  Necromancer: 28

3040/5000+28 hp, 482/482+28 mana, 187/191+28 movement
AC: -80 (-140)   Hitroll: 91 (-712)   Damroll: 106   Attacks: 56
Current dieroll:  5d5   Damage type: pierce (10)
Dual dieroll:     2d5   Damage type: stab (9) Probability: 50%
Alignment: -945  Gold: 283 (137)  Aggression: 26
Estimated Exp: 889349 (216000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 107  (Current Exp: 8073957)

Set flags: MALE BRIEF 
Aggro flags: SPARE_ZONE 
Spell flags: SANC FAERIE_FIRE 
[spells] [specp] 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Baron the Great!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh rushes to aid Passion!
A skeleton tries to disarm Baron the Great.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Baron the Great!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Art utters the words, 'foomalwirfucayado' [cure serious wounds]
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Baron the Great's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
Baron the Great's pierce *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!
Baron the Great stands up.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Baron the Great!
Art utters the words, 'zenug bar eng jyn rek' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A skeleton disarms Baron the Great and sends his weapon flying!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Baron the Great!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'bar cabar' [cure serious wounds]
Baron the Great's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Baron the Great!
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Art utters the words, 'queque orniumvillys' [cure serious wounds]
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 25710  Zone: 2570  Wizinvis: 0> 
Baron the Great is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear Baron the Great's death cry!
Baron the Great is DEAD!
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Killkill'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Rain'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Kaylee'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Jaide'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Flynn'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Shaletty'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Thoth'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Maeve'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Ashly'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Kliro'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Passion'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Art'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Angelluhh'.
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Aaronr'.
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
(notify) Warning, align change of -100 for quest [26500] 'Brutally slew Baron the Great' on character 'Shadowfax'.
Baron the Great stumbles to his knees, and whispers, 'You have succeeded in defeating me... I shall be avenged.

You gain 1287000 experience!
You feel your alignment shift toward evil.
You get 1053 gold coins.
You receive 280000 experience.
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.
Jaide gets 46 gold coins from the corpse of Baron the Great.
Jaide splits 46 gold coins with her group.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Wiese has entered the game.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

>get dagger corpse<
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Jaide utters the words, 'tep vil ugjynata' [fly]

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

>l in corpse<
(on ground) the corpse of Baron the Great contains:

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

>get dagger<
You get A dagger of chaos and destruction.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'took flask?'

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

>l in corpse<
(on ground) the corpse of Baron the Great contains:

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great
On top of this Great Western Tower, Baron the Great slowly sharpens his
finely hand-crafted dagger.  The walls are lined with daggers of all kind,
obviously Baron's personal collection.

( 6)The corpse of Baron the Great is lying here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Felonia is here.
Felonia glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 5)Flynn is here.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: down ]
Flynn's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

You shrug.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

>l d<
In the next room you see:
The Assassin Spider

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'aah'

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

>l d<
In the next room you see:
The Assassin Spider

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh utters the words, 'rekpigtaoya rekwer rek gerugornium' [cure serious wounds]

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Felonia begins healing Angelluhh.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh utters the words, 'werhun odius leppig' [cure serious wounds]

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Felonia heals Angelluhh.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'no more tendancies twards good'

>gt hrm<
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of Baron the Great, drawing power from it.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'hrm'

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh is fully healed.

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'no more good'

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'fallen magi anyone heh'

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, '!!&@ good'

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'no evil!'

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'heh'

[Inside The Chambers of Baron The Great]
R:25710 Z:2570 Wiz:0>

You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 3)Khadaji is here.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Kliro tells the group, 'yay magi'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt hehe<
You tell the group, 'hehe'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
Rain appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.
Passion appears in the middle of the room.
Felonia tells the group, 'mmmm'
Killkill tells the group, 'no good! I want to get to my align goal'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<
Art appears in the middle of the room.
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'recall'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
You feel less tired.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'dik gersuzen pig' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve goes to sleep.

>gt fallen magi sounds good<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'whew doing bad things to my alignment heh'
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'fallen magi sounds good'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty tells the group, 'lol'

>mfind fallen magi<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'is that good?'
Rain appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[41404] The last of the fallen magi-> in room [41496] A hidden cavern

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'jade dragon ?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'we should do tir rasha'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'don't want evil lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I got double xp for baron'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'mmm'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 41496;ent gate<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.
You enter a magical portal.

A hidden cavern
Entering this part of the cavern you realize that this is different, it is
very bright, and a large mage stands here.  The room is rather large and is
elaborate compared to the previous parts of the cavern. 

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 4)A small wooden board stands towards the back of the room.
( 6)The leader of the league of the magi stands here.
The last of the fallen magi glows with a bright light!
[Exits: none ]

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Passion arrives from a magical portal.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>kill magic<
Art arrives from a magical portal.
Attack who?  You do not see that person here.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>kill magi<
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Tear arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear tells the group, 'bless?'
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all his weaknesses.
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward A skeleton!
The spear hits A skeleton with full force!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!
The last of the fallen magi's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Rain!
The spear hits Rain with full force!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The last of the fallen magi!
The spear shatters as it hits The last of the fallen magi, shards go flying!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt heh jade dragon would kill you all<
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.
Killkill tells the group, 'gcast bless'
You tell the group, 'heh jade dragon would kill you all'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'riphitaobar' [refresh]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The last of the fallen magi!
The spear shatters as it hits The last of the fallen magi, shards go flying!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
Aaronr tells the group, 'no crystal spear'
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!
Delirium utters the words, 'narirk hi tepripug wir' [refresh]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr utters the words, 'tao pigtaower hunyazen' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A hidden cavern
Entering this part of the cavern you realize that this is different, it is
very bright, and a large mage stands here.  The room is rather large and is
elaborate compared to the previous parts of the cavern. 

( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Flynn is here, fighting The last of the fallen magi.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 6)Ashly is here, fighting The last of the fallen magi.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 5)Delirium is here, fighting The last of the fallen magi.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here, fighting The last of the fallen magi.
( 6)Rain is here, fighting The last of the fallen magi.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here, fighting The last of the fallen magi.
Felonia glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here, fighting The last of the fallen magi.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)Passion is here, fighting The last of the fallen magi.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here, fighting The last of the fallen magi.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 4)A small wooden board stands towards the back of the room.
( 6)The last of the fallen magi is here, fighting YOU!
The last of the fallen magi is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
The last of the fallen magi glows with a bright light!
[Exits: none ]
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Passion!
The spear hits Passion with full force!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art throws a ball of freezing unfire at The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'ger tepirkwirata yapigvil caborgengxa' [cure serious wounds]
The last of the fallen magi's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!
Aaronr utters the words, 'domalqueug que doeng' [cure serious wounds]
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Felonia!
The spear hits Felonia with full force!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!
Aaronr utters the words, 'tendo tepmaltao gerdo kilengfu rekopten' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'zenzententaolep reklys suxadik' [cure serious wounds]
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Passion!
The spear hits Passion with full force!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Kliro!
The spear hits Kliro with full force!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Thoth tells the group, 'wow you killed my align'
Killkill tells the group, 'gcast sanc'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve tells the group, 'Where is everyone?'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.
You feel less tired.
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

>gt ent gate<
Aaronr utters the words, 'tao ugsu tenorniumbar' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'ent gate'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
A skeleton is weakened by The last of the fallen magi's curse.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'go gate'
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'ripten lepgerten atafoo' [sanctuary]
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!
Aaronr utters the words, 'quenarger doquefu' [cure serious wounds]
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'wirugodiuszenten' [sanctuary]
Tear is surrounded by a white aura.
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'irktenornium jynxawer pigmalopwir hido' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'jyn jynop borgopca hikilkil do' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'nar borgdowir pig werqueop ya' [heal]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'lep kil oplys' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Flynn!
The spear hits Flynn with full force!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The last of the fallen magi!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A bone guardian jumps to the aid of Maeve!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 

>msp magic<
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 28056  Zone: 2800  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 2
Loading percentage: 95
Name string: 'radio black box metal magic'
Magic_res: 100  

Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[31] parse ordered, rate 15. Targets self. Triggers when not fighting, 
	Curr: 0  Count: 5
[ 1] Delay:  0 say guitarrero
[ 2] Delay:  0 say guitarrero
[ 3] Delay:  0 say come and touch me, feel the ritmo de mi cuerpo
[ 4] Delay:  0 say guitarrero
[ 5] Delay:  0 say guitarrero
[ 6] Delay:  0 say come and kiss me and me dice que te quiero
[ 7] Delay:  0 say matar, matar-tar, matar, matar... queremos
[ 8] Delay:  0 say matar, matar-tar, matar, matar
[ 9] Delay:  0 say nananeenanananananananeenananana
[10] Delay:  0 say nananeenanananananananeenananana
[11] Delay:  0 say esta noche, vamos a bailar
[12] Delay:  0 say esta noche, vamos a bailar
[13] Delay:  0 say esta noche, vamos a bailar
[14] Delay:  0 say esta noche, vamos a bailar
[15] Delay:  0 emote plays a little bit of techno music.
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.

>msp magi<

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 41404  Zone: 4140  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'last fallen magi'
Mage_clev: 1  

Set flags: MALE BRIEF 
System flags: GLOW 

Is affected by:
Spell 'tarrants spectral hand', 1 ticks (3 minutes), level 24
Spell 'faerie fire', 1 ticks (3 minutes), level 24
Spell 'infravision', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 100
Spell 'detect invisibility', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 100
Spell 'displacement', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50
Spell 'shield', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50
Spell 'armor', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50
Spell 'stone skin', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50
Spell 'sanctuary', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 45. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
         icebolt (gap) (gap) (gap)
2 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 27. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
         crystal spear (gap) (gap) (gap)
3 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 16. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
         weaken (gap) (gap) (gap)
4 :[35] complete on kill, quest [41496] 'Found and defeated The last of the fallen magi'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin death) (player) Thorerand killed by An armored kobold while in room [50413] A small camp in the hills
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a swarm of blood red demons fly quickly toward The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 

A skeletal mage suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a
fine white dust before your eyes.
A skeletal mage has left the group.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!
The last of the fallen magi's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
A skeleton has left the group.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeleton.
A skeleton starts following Art.
A skeleton has become a member of the group.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi stands up.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'hundik cawir' [heal]
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
Felonia utters the words, 'lep dik nardolys tenlysxa ripzen' [heal]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'atatepkil gerornium ripborgpiglyslys malrek' [cure serious wounds]
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Lilmike!
The spear hits Lilmike with full force!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton becomes stronger as the spells weakening it wear off.
The white aura around Passion fades.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Felonia fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
The white aura around Ashly fades.
The white aura around Rain fades.
The white aura around Thoth fades.
The white aura around Flynn fades.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'jynug yafuwer op hun' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [42577] 'An abandoned block'.
Aaronr warns the group, 'OOM'
Passion throws a ball of freezing unfire at The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Killkill!
The spear hits Killkill with full force!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
The last of the fallen magi is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Delirium!
The spear hits Delirium with full force!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'my align was almost 700 and now its more like 650'

>msp magi<
Passion stands up.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 41404  Zone: 4140  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'last fallen magi'
Mage_clev: 1  

Position:  RESTING
Set flags: MALE BRIEF 
System flags: GLOW 

Is affected by:
Spell 'tarrants spectral hand', 0 ticks (0 minutes), level 24
Spell 'faerie fire', 0 ticks (0 minutes), level 24
Spell 'infravision', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 100
Spell 'detect invisibility', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 100
Spell 'displacement', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50
Spell 'shield', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50
Spell 'armor', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50
Spell 'stone skin', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50
Spell 'sanctuary', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 50

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 45. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
         icebolt (gap) (gap) (gap)
2 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 27. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
         crystal spear (gap) (gap) (gap)
3 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 16. Targets (invis) attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
         weaken (gap) (gap) (gap)
4 :[35] complete on kill, quest [41496] 'Found and defeated The last of the fallen magi'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi stands up.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Rain!
The spear hits Rain with full force!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi is struck by shards of crystal from Ashly!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 

>qst 41496<
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward The last of the fallen magi!
The spear shatters as it hits The last of the fallen magi, shards go flying!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Quest: 41496
Public description of this quest (used for web pages):
(none set)

Deed short string:  Found and defeated The last of the fallen magi

Deed complete string:
You have defeated the last of the fallen magi!

Global times completed:   251
Global max per char:        1
Global max:             (unlimited)

Completed this boot:        0
Completed this boot:        0
Difficulty                  2
Rarity                      2
Approximate tot level      97  (minimum 16)

Gain on completion - Exp: 3560/lvl  Gold: 2451/34000  Alignment: 0
Time to complete: (no limit)
Maeve is weakened by The last of the fallen magi's curse.
Maeve stops using a brilliant dark amethyst necklace.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'heh'
Ashly warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward The last of the fallen magi!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
A bone guardian heroically rescues Kliro!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion throws a ball of freezing unfire at The last of the fallen magi!
The last of the fallen magi creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Lilmike!
The spear hits Lilmike with full force!
A bone guardian jumps to the aid of Maeve!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'do zenkilwer' [heal]
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'ouch'

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast clay<
The last of the fallen magi's blast maims Art!
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve you.
A clay man starts following you.
You add A clay man to your group.
The last of the fallen magi stands up.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks The last of the fallen magi from behind!
The last of the fallen magi begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'tenxa vilquebar odiusfoo' [cure serious wounds]
A clay man jumps to your side in battle!

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi stands up.
Lilmike utters the words, 'tenorniumhun ger odius' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Bloody bone armor suddenly cracks, breaks, and splits, then falls off in
large chunks. (worn by Aaronr)
The last of the fallen magi slowly stops shivering.
The pink fuzz around The last of the fallen magi disappears.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 41496  Zone: 4140  Wizinvis: 0> 
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The last of the fallen magi is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear The last of the fallen magi's death cry!
The last of the fallen magi is DEAD!
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
You have defeated the last of the fallen magi!

You gain 1527240 experience!
You get 2451 gold coins.
You receive 280000 experience.
Rain gets 68 gold coins from the corpse of The last of the fallen magi.
Rain splits 68 gold coins with its group.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Flynn gets a throwing star.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Flynn leaves down.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Flynn has arrived.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Flynn gets a lightweight axe from the corpse of The last of the fallen magi.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
Killkill tells the group, 'I used to be near my alingment goal of -300 now I'm just neutral'
Rain gets A bracelet of the fallen magi from the corpse of The last of the fallen magi.
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of The last of the fallen magi, drawing power from it.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'oopse!'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: weeeaak
Kliro tells the group, 'rain'

>poke rain<

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
You poke Rain in the ribs.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Thorerand gossips, 'hate lag just hate it'
Rain tells the group, 'sorry!'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'lots of gold down'
Kliro tells the group, 'wtf'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: :(

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'u looted the !%%!ing bracelet'
Rain tells the group, 'was an accident'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...
Killkill disappears.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'god bless?'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'bull!%%! it was'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 6)Rain is here.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 3)Khadaji is here.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.
Thorerand gossips, 'death my lag is not good'
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'we should regen a bit'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly appears in the middle of the room.
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'that is not an accident it is a binding object'
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.

>l rain<
Maeve goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.
Rain is of average height and of stocky build, with dull hazel
eyes. Its light red hair is shoulder length, but unkempt and
messy. Its heavily tanned skin is freckled, and you guess it to
be middle aged, perhaps around 50 years old.
Rain has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<worn on head>       the royal crown of Vandar (glowing)
<worn on neck>       a brilliant dark amethyst necklace
<worn on neck>       a brilliant dark amethyst necklace
<worn on arms>       unholy armguards of the forsaken
<worn around wrist>  an elflock
<worn around wrist>  an elflock
<worn on hands>      a pair of vampire claws
<worn on finger>     the royal seal of Avalon
<worn on finger>     the royal seal of Avalon
<worn on body>       green silk dress
<worn about body>    a flowing white robe (glowing)
<worn on waist>      a crimson sash
<worn on legs>       a fig leaf skirt
<worn on feet>       a dark adamantine anklet
<held>               the idol of dreams (glowing)
<wielded>            a brilliant dark amethyst necklace
Rain is obviously carrying:
A bracelet of the fallen magi
a light crystal shield
The Key to the Gates of Olympus
a brightly glowing crystal
a rainbow case
a dark green duffle bag
Stefen stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen raises his arms and begins to weave a powerful spell.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen calls upon Tarrant to sanctify this place.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You feel the powerful presence of life around you as Stefen completes his ritual.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide begins healing Ashly.

>use gun rain<
Axl begins healing Ashly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(note - you are wearing a Ronald raygun)
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Shadowfax' into inventory of [-1] 'Rain' while in room [0] 'The Unholy Temple of Dentin'.

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Felonia: We love you fehlan

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'shadowfax, what happens with bracelet'

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get bracelet<
You get A bracelet of the fallen magi.

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>

>got 0<
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)Passion is here.
( 6)Tear is here.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 6)Lilmike is resting here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Ashly is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here, sound asleep.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 3)Khadaji is here.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly is fully healed.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i got it<
You tell the group, 'i got it'
[gate] Fehlan: <3

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'no u didn't'
Felonia goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'rain did'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.
Jaide begins healing Delirium.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl begins healing Delirium.
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals Delirium.
Axl heals Delirium.
A twisted bone shield fractures, splits, and abruptly crumbles to dust! (worn by Aaronr)
The white aura around Art fades.
The red in Delirium's vision disappears.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.
[gate] Cria: WE WANT BLOOD

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium is fully healed.
Delirium is fully healed.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>pat bracelet<
You pat A bracelet of the fallen magi, happy that it is safe.
Aaronr tells the group, 'what about a good alignment now?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I love all my gold'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium flies south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'hm i was hoping the &!*% for necklace for loaded'
Thorerand gossips, 'lost over 22 thousand xp kicking my dls connection'
[gate] Lexie: we want beer

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Lexie: we're obviously superior beings.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Cria: we have beer

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr goes to sleep.
[gate] Jinx: There will be blood.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'shadowfax, what do u do about that'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'was even'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn leaves south.
[gate] Jinx: There will be beer.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Skeeter newbies, 'Anybody know what the highest one can attain in Hp Int Wis etc?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Lexie: give us beer or there'll be more blood

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Passion is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Tear is here.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Lilmike is resting here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Felonia is here, sound asleep.
( 6)Ashly is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here, sound asleep.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Shaletty is here, sound asleep.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 3)Khadaji is here.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear gains a necromancer level!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'I suppose you can unbind it?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'it was an accedint, believe me'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'bull?*&?'
[gate] Jinx: Why not both?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide's ice shield fades, then disappears.
The magical flames protecting Jaide flicker and go out.
(admin grestore) Autorestore followers for god 'dentin aris',  1175 power used.
Jaide is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Althor appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Wiese newbies, '25 in each skill'
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'jynhunlep odiusfupigca bar' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr gossips, 'thanks!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i took the bracelet from rain<
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.
You tell the group, 'i took the bracelet from rain'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Lexie: %!%# blood and beer. let's get pizza

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Althor has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'o'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Grass stops following you.

>gt i have it now, no worries<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Wiese newbies, '30 if augmented magically'
You tell the group, 'i have it now, no worries'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'rofl'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Spookygirl has entered the game.
(admin login) Spookygirl has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.
[gate] Jinx: Beer can bring on lots of blood.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: go big or go home and make em die :D

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Decayn has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Wiese newbies, 'idk about HP though'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion giggles at you.  Hope it's not contagious!

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.
Rain tells the group, 'good! glad'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msh beer monster<
No mobs found by that name.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Tear fades.
The white aura around Killkill fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Skeeter newbies, 'Thanks'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.
[gate] Jinx: that's what she said

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Aaronr tells the group, 'we should go do some good alignment stuff now'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Lex: noooo beeer

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: so does acid.....i cant mud when im trippin, but i think i can heh

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'tir rasha?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'magmos?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lexie newbies, 'hp can range fairly high. I've seen at least one person who could get more than 1800 hp'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Wiese newbies, 'you're welcome'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee gives 1056 gold coins to Stefen.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind tir<
Tear tells the group, 'we already did 3 good shift deeds twit'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[37309] Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master-> in room [37358] In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'how about all neut stuff from here on in?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I have 6 quests completed just in this march'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'brb, gotta deposit gold'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'nice'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'woah!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt prolly due for more evil align<
You tell the group, 'prolly due for more evil align'
Kliro tells the group, 'nod'
Flynn awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn leaves south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'that's a lot of gold!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'gonna deposit some'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art flies south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A ball of light has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear's force shield slowly dissipates.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ah stone dragon would do it<
You tell the group, 'ah stone dragon would do it'
Delirium enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'gerxanar lep hunjynfu' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A bone guardian has arrived.
Flynn's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'tengerwerodiusop' [sanctuary]
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msp stone dragon<
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 10591  Zone: 1050  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 2
Loading percentage: 99
Name string: 'thendulomassar stone dragon'
Current dieroll:  6d75   Damage type: crush (3)
Dual dieroll:     8d75   Damage type: bite (14) Probability: 15%

Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
Mob flags: GUARD NO_CHARM 

Is affected by:
Spell 'dexterity', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 75
Spell 'shield', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 30
Spell 'displacement', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 30
Spell 'armor', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 30
Spell 'protection from evil', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 30

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 6] dragonbreath poison, rate 5. Targets tank. Triggers when fighting, 
id -> string
1  -> The stone dragon spins around frantically and brings its massive tail crashing down on top of you!!
2  -> frantically thrashes about and brings its massive tail crashing down on %2!
2 :[35] complete on kill, quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.'
3 :[16] special attack, rate 1. Targets attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
Casts at mob level: (gap) (gap) (gap)
id -> string
1  -> The stone dragon spins around frantically and brings it's massive tail crashing down ontop of you!!
2  -> %1 frantically thrashes about and brings it's massive tail crashing down on %2!
10 -> 6d55 +300 1000 slap

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.
Flynn is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'oo, ait'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly prays to the elder gods, and makes this place her new home.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art is surrounded by a strong force shield.
Kliro tells the group, 'u think this grou pcan do?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>qst 18901<
Quest: 18901
Public description of this quest (used for web pages):
(none set)

Comments by builder about this quest (god only):
To enter deep into the stone rose cathedral and slay the eternal beast, the
Stone Dragon.

Deed short string:  Vanquished the Stone dragon.

Deed complete string:
Poor stone dragon, he never even saw it comming.

Global times completed:   131
Global max per char:        1
Global max:             (unlimited)

Completed this boot:        4
Completed this boot:        4
Difficulty                  3
Rarity                      3
Approximate tot level     107  (minimum 26)

Gain on completion - Exp: 2000/lvl  Gold: 10309/75321  Alignment: 100
Time to complete: (no limit)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'wir xaodiusxa opgerdo mal rekwerborg' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Don't waste your mana on sancing, I'll gc it'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Tear's hands.
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear is surrounded by a strong force shield.
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'lys foo rek dikwirop' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.
Spookygirl has left the game.
(admin logoff) Spookygirl has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The glowing crystal abruptly shatters, leaving behind only shards. (carried by Rain)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt we'll gc slow poison<
You tell the group, 'we'll gc slow poison'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth's image blurs and shifts to one side.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'and bless please'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gc bles<
Kliro refuses to participate.
Killkill is asleep.
Felonia is asleep.
You now watch over Rain.
You now watch over Shaletty.
You now watch over Tear.
You now watch over Kaylee.
You now watch over Angelluhh.
You now watch over Lilmike.
You now watch over Thoth.
You now watch over Flynn.
You now watch over Aaronr.
You now watch over Maeve.
You now watch over Art.
You now watch over Ashly.
You now watch over Jaide.
You now watch over Passion.
You now watch over Shadowfax.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh hugs you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'good i don't have many spells at all ehre'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gc slow p<
Kliro refuses to participate.
Killkill is asleep.
Felonia is asleep.
Rain looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Shaletty looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Tear looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Kaylee looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Angelluhh looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Lilmike looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Thoth looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Flynn looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Aaronr looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Maeve looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Art looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Ashly looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Jaide looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Passion looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
Delirium looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.
You feel slightly sick for a moment as a 'slow poison' spell takes hold.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh bows to you, how very noble.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro looks sick for a moment as a slow poison spell takes hold.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'do nar yaengugsu cairkeng diktephun wer' [sanctuary]
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Tear is surrounded by a white aura.
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.
Flynn is surrounded by a white aura.
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Art is surrounded by a white aura.
Ashly is surrounded by a white aura.
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.
Passion is surrounded by a white aura.
Delirium is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion sits down and rests.

>restore room<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin god) Shadowfax called 'restore room', 29 characters restored.
(2504 power used)
29 characters restored.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'thanks'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain blurs and begins to move with supernormal speed.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'pigjyncaya' [stone skin]
Kliro's skin turns grey and granite-like.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind stone dragon<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[10591] the Stone Dragon    -> in room [10594] Inside an enormous cavern.
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Axl says, 'dude'
Flynn utters the words, 'zen tepvilengque' [sanctuary]
Kliro's image blurs and shifts to one side.
Lilmike blurs for a moment, then returns to normal.
Maeve sits down and rests.
Delirium's eyes glow red.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly tells the group, 'woo!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike blurs for a moment, then returns to normal.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'I have 47 hitroll, 35 damroll, and my attack speed is normal.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 10594<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
Killkill awakens.
You enter a magical portal.

Inside an enormous cavern.
You now stand inside an enormous cavern.  The walls are crafted from well
polished marble and they reflect the light quite well.  Off to the north you
make out a small doorway with no door. 

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
(50)An enormous stone dragon stands before you.
[Exits: none ]

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

>kill dragon<
Your punch scratches the Stone Dragon.
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
A clay man jumps to your side in battle!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

>gt enter gate<

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
You tell the group, 'enter gate'
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.
Angelluhh enters a magical portal and disappears.
Killkill enters a magical portal and disappears.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.
The Stone Dragon breathes a cloud of greenish, poisonous gas!
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!
Delirium arrives from a magical portal.
The Stone Dragon frantically thrashes about and brings it's massive tail crashing down on Aaronr!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
Passion arrives from a magical portal.
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!
The Stone Dragon breathes a cloud of greenish, poisonous gas!
Felonia panics and attempts to flee!
The Stone Dragon blocks Felonia's path, preventing them from passing.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.
The Stone Dragon breathes a cloud of greenish, poisonous gas!

Your blood curdles as you hear Felonia's dying scream!
Felonia has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Felonia killed by the Stone Dragon while in room [10594] Inside an enormous cavern.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'ugripdo pig tepornium kilfooeng su' [cure serious wounds]
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
The Stone Dragon's crush *** DEMOLISHES *** Passion!
Aaronr utters the words, 'irkque quekildolyslys uglys yatephirekrip' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'dikhilys quetep' [cure serious wounds]
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'wer zen bargerdik suatataopig' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
The Stone Dragon breathes a cloud of greenish, poisonous gas!

Your blood curdles as you hear Killkill's dying scream!
Killkill has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Killkill killed by the Stone Dragon while in room [10594] Inside an enormous cavern.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'tenugataborg lepopfusu' [cure serious wounds]
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks the Stone Dragon from behind!
The Stone Dragon begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
Aaronr utters the words, 'lysataorniumbar ata zenrek' [cure serious wounds]
An ethereal hand appears and attacks the Stone Dragon from behind!
The Stone Dragon begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down the Stone Dragon!
The Stone Dragon frantically thrashes about and brings it's massive tail crashing down on Lilmike!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'barkilirkwer' [cure serious wounds]
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks the Stone Dragon from behind!
The Stone Dragon begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly looks slightly sick.
The Stone Dragon breathes a cloud of greenish, poisonous gas!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man stops following you.
A clay man has left the group.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'wow...'
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries the Stone Dragon!

Your blood freezes as you hear the Stone Dragon's death cry!
The Stone Dragon is DEAD!
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Flynn'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Maeve'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Kaylee'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Angelluhh'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Passion'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Thoth'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Delirium'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Rain'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Art'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Ashly'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Kliro'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Shaletty'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Lilmike'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Jaide'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Tear'.
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Aaronr'.
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
(notify) Warning, align change of 100 for quest [18901] 'Vanquished the Stone dragon.' on character 'Shadowfax'.
Poor stone dragon, he never even saw it comming.
You gain 858000 experience!
You feel your alignment shift toward good.
You get 10309 gold coins.
You receive 560000 experience.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Aaronr utters the words, 'tenhunirk zen maleng' [cure serious wounds]

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'jyn rip engrekwir ya' [heal]

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
The flickering blue-white glow on Tear's hands fades.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I need res'

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You see nothing in it for you to get.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

Inside an enormous cavern.
You now stand inside an enormous cavern.  The walls are crafted from well
polished marble and they reflect the light quite well.  Off to the north you
make out a small doorway with no door. 

( 5)Felonia is here.
(50)The corpse of the Stone Dragon is lying here.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Killkill is lying here.
( 5)Flynn is here.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Felonia is lying here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh glows with a bright light!
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Delirium is here.
Delirium glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
Aaronr glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: none ]

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'woohoo!'

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 're me'

>sac corpse<

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Shadowfax appreciates your sacrifice.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, '10k gold'

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
You focus on the corpse of Killkill, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Killkill, and it slowly rises off the ground!
You gain 50699 experience!
Killkill looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Felonia, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Felonia, and it slowly rises off the ground!
Felonia begins to fade and slowly disappears...
You gain 92141 experience!
Felonia looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

You want to cast the spell where?

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

Inside an enormous cavern.
You now stand inside an enormous cavern.  The walls are crafted from well
polished marble and they reflect the light quite well.  Off to the north you
make out a small doorway with no door. 

( 5)Felonia is here.
( 7)Killkill is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Flynn is here.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh glows with a bright light!
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Delirium is here.
Delirium glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
Aaronr glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: none ]

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'xahunca do rek' [heal]

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'kilkilbartaoxarek odiusxaug caornium' [heal]

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Killkill enters a magical portal and disappears.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Tear's displaced image abruptly rejoins its body.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
The red in Kaylee's vision disappears.
The white aura around Rain fades.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

>gt meh seranik<
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
You tell the group, 'meh seranik'

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'ugdik lepjynyaata' [heal]

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

>trans seranik<
Seranik arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.

[Inside an enormous cavern.]
R:10594 Z:1050 Wiz:0>

>kill seranik<
Your punch hits Seranik.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
Angelluhh enters a magical portal and disappears.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 10594  Zone: 1050  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!
Kliro prays to Shadowfax for transportation...
Angelluhh disappears.
Killkill disappears.
Felonia disappears.
Flynn disappears.
Maeve disappears.
Kaylee disappears.
Passion disappears.
Thoth disappears.
Delirium disappears.
Art disappears.
Ashly disappears.
Shaletty disappears.
Lilmike disappears.
Jaide disappears.
Tear disappears.
Aaronr disappears.
You are whisked away by a higher power!
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)Aaronr is here, fighting Seranik.
Aaronr glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here, fighting Seranik.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)Delirium is here.
Delirium glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 5)Flynn is here, fighting Seranik.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
Angelluhh glows with a bright light!
( 6)Bladimir is here.
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 3)Khadaji is here.
( 6)Axl is resting here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'Ali Baba!'
Killkill tells the group, 'lost 3.1 mil, and only got 626K back, well too bad'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'yeah ali bab!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh enters a magical portal and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'nah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'pigdiknar tenhiya do borg dozennar' [undo]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide's force shield slowly dissipates.
The healing properties of this place diminish as a powerful spell expires.
Kliro tells the group, 'dorian'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'barzenlystao' [undo]
Lilmike slows down and returns to real time.
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee gives 10309 gold coins to Stefen.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'ice dragon!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'can I go deposit'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn leaves south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion stops resting, and stands up.

>gt well i was killing seranik<
Delirium flies south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'well i was killing seranik'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill enters a magical portal and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh, so was I'
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt but uh<
Lilmike sits down and rests.
You tell the group, 'but uh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'just a sec'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>trans seranik;kill seranik<
Seranik arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.
Tear wakes from the noise and scuffle of the battle!
Your punch hits Seranik.
Passion appears in the middle of the room.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro wakes from the noise and scuffle of the battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Everything around you suddenly speeds up, happening in a blur of motion.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Stefen says, 'oh boy'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt wake up and kill him<
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!
You tell the group, 'wake up and kill him'
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
You are surrounded with a pink halo.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Seranik!
The spear hits Seranik with full force!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
A bone guardian jumps to the aid of Maeve!
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!
Stefen says, 'Fun stuff.'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik's slash decimates Passion!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A bone guardian heroically rescues Killkill!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
Seranik's slash decimates Passion!
Aaronr tells the group, 'rofl!'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

The bones splinter and shatter, leaving behind only broken pieces.
A bone guardian has left the group.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
The white aura around Tear fades.
The white aura around Passion fades.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around Art fades.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Ashly fades.
The white aura around Delirium fades.
The white aura around Angelluhh fades.
The white aura around Aaronr fades.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Rain slows down and returns to real time.
The white aura around Thoth fades.
The white aura around Flynn fades.
The red in Flynn's vision disappears.
Seranik stands up.
Aaronr warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
Thantos the Executioner says to Killkill, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Seranik's knee decimates Felonia!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
Angelluhh rushes to aid Killkill!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion stands up.
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

>snod stefen<

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!
You nod solemnly at Stefen.
Seranik stands up.
You are hit by a blinding flash of brilliant colors! 

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
Seranik's slash DISMEMBERS Passion!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Seranik's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee goes berserk in battle!
Seranik stands up.
You are blinded and scorched by a brilliant blast of colored light! 

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Seranik!
Delirium enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.
Seranik turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik's slash DISEMBOWELS Passion!
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Seranik!
The spear hits Seranik with full force!
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Seranik!
The spear hits Seranik with full force!
Seranik's slash MUTILATES Ashly!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik is struck by shards of crystal from Angelluhh!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'ripwerzen borgdik hiophun hunvil bar' [heal]

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik's slash DISEMBOWELS Kaylee!
Seranik stands up.
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
Thantos the Executioner says to Killkill, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
Thantos the Executioner says to Killkill, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
A clay man has become a member of the group.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 

>l seranik<
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik is quite old, even by today's standards.  In his prime, he must have
stood well over six feet tall, but all that is left now is a withered old
Seranik has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<worn on body>       robe of the immortal
<held>               a golden scythe (glowing)
Seranik is obviously carrying:
a wardstone
A clay man jumps to the aid of Killkill!
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner says to Killkill, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Seranik from behind!
Seranik begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art throws a ball of freezing unfire at Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
Thantos the Executioner says to Killkill, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art throws a ball of freezing unfire at Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art throws a ball of freezing unfire at Seranik!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Axl stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro puts one end of the staff of mending to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art throws a ball of freezing unfire at Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.
Art throws a ball of freezing unfire at Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner says to Killkill, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art throws a ball of freezing unfire at Seranik!
Seranik's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner says to Killkill, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel yourself getting younger...
The magical flames protecting Jaide flicker and go out.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik turns blue and shivers with cold.
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik stands up.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin death) (player) Katey killed by A big hairy beast while in room [50045] Wandering the stony field

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Seranik!
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 0  Zone: 1  Wizinvis: 0> 
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Seranik is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear Seranik's death cry!
Seranik is DEAD!
You receive 280000 experience.
Aaronr gets 133 gold coins from the corpse of Seranik.
Aaronr splits 133 gold coins with his group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee returns to her senses, the target of her aggression now gone.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You get a wardstone from the corpse of Seranik.
You get robe of the immortal from the corpse of Seranik.
You get a golden scythe from the corpse of Seranik.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of Seranik, drawing power from it.
Stefen says, 'That's amusing since this room is havened.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thantos the Executioner says to Killkill, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thantos the Executioner says to Rain, 'lowlife thugs like you are not welcome here'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>slay thantos<
You slay Thantos the Executioner in a single blow!

Your blood freezes as you hear Thantos the Executioner's death cry!
Thantos the Executioner is DEAD!
Maeve goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa shaddup<
You say, 'shaddup'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen says, 'youch'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve cheers you on.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt regen a bit<
You tell the group, 'regen a bit'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'please don't hurt me like that!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i'm gonna hunt down ice dragon<
Kaylee goes to sleep.
You tell the group, 'i'm gonna hunt down ice dragon'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr goes to sleep.
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind ice dragon<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[38005] Blizzard, the Dragon of Ice-> in room [38081] A Prison of fire.
[ 5415] The ice dragon      -> in room [ 5448] Back of a blue ice cave

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'woot'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium floats down as her fly spell wears out.
The world abruptly slows down around you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>at 5448 msp ice<
Kaylee awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Mob number: 5415  Zone: 540  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'white ice dragon wings frost'
Current dieroll:  1d100   Damage type: claw (6)
Dual dieroll:     2d100   Damage type: bite (14) Probability: 20%

Position:  SLEEPING
Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
Aggro flags: AGGRO SPARE_ZONE 
Spell flags: INFRA DETECTI 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 6] dragonbreath ice, rate 15. Targets attackers. No trigger defined.
2 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 40. Targets self. Triggers when less than 67% hp, 
         cure critical wounds (gap) (gap) <67>
3 :[35] complete on kill, quest [5400] 'Slew the fearsome Dragon of the Ice Realm'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen says, 'That rocked.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'heh, yeah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.
Thoth says, ' rocked.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)
Kliro's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
The red in Stefen's vision disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium goes to sleep.
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'that was quite a bit of gold we got'
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'yep'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Katey killed by A big hairy beast while in room [50050] A path through the stony field
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'didn't get any for serenig'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'wasn't much'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'nor for the stone dragon'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'i got 7 gold'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'i went up from around 2k to 36k'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh says, 'I have 0 gold coins, with 56924 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Arcane has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly says, 'I have 10602 gold coins, with 22473 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I have 64 gold coins, with 44380 in the bank.'

>mfind ice dragon<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[38005] Blizzard, the Dragon of Ice-> in room [38081] A Prison of fire.
[ 5415] The ice dragon      -> in room [ 5448] Back of a blue ice cave

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'I have 260 gold coins, with 31358 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'I have 70 gold coins, with 48000 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'I have 7 gold coins, with 36327 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ok, ready for ice dragon?<
You tell the group, 'ok, ready for ice dragon?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'I have 7360 gold coins, with 413011 in the bank.'
Kliro tells the group, 'I have 877 gold coins, with 335028 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth stops resting, and stands up.
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'mmmmmmmmmmmmm'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'ugtenborg irk irkugodius rekwirvil borgsu' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth tells the group, 'nod'
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah!'
Lilmike is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Ashly prays to the elder gods, and makes this place her new home.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin help) Help page requested for 'fwho' by 'Skeeter'
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'oh wait'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike utters the words, 'ornium barzentao pig hunhun' [stone skin]
Lilmike's skin turns grey and granite-like.
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'quehiya narmalzen huntennarger' [sanctuary]
Felonia is surrounded by a white aura.
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.
Flynn is surrounded by a white aura.
Passion is surrounded by a white aura.
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.
Ashly is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gc fire sh<
Only cleric spells may be cast in this fashion.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'never mind, ready'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'ice dragon, that's a quest for me!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'I have 889 gold coins, with 1008642 in the bank.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You smell the stench of decay as the gutted carcass of Seranik begins to decompose.
You suddenly feel better, but realize that your protection from poison has worn off.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt fire shield up<
You tell the group, 'fire shield up'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'sec'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'let me res'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Khadaji flies west.

Angelluhh enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You are Shadowfax - prepare for the MARCH OF DEATH - Nov. 26 - *FIRE*
You are level 107 with 299 practices  (28267 hours)
You are carrying 59/16 items with weight 916/400 pounds.  Encumbrance:  1200%
You have 4522/4522 hit, 801/801 mana, 1182/1182 movement.

Str: 25  Int: 25  Wis: 25  Dex: 25  Con: 25  Chr: 25
Your levels are:  Ma 107  Cl 107  Th 107  Wa 107  Nc 10
You have 57842352 experience points, and 1473900 gold coins.
Hitroll: 17  Damroll: 0
Armor: -473    (you are very poorly armored for your level)
You are neutral.
You are affected by:
Spell 'fly', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 99 NOSAVE
Spell 'fire shield', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 32 NOSAVE
Spell 'sanctuary', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 100 NOSAVE
Spell 'faerie fire', 4 ticks (12 minutes), level 91
Spell 'bless', 15 ticks (45 minutes), level 168

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Khadaji has arrived.
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Khadaji flies east.
Rain is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'can we get quest first?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Kliro is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 9)The corpse of Thantos the Executioner is lying here.
( 6)The bleaching skeleton of Seranik is lying here.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)Delirium is here, sound asleep.
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
( 6)Tear is here, sound asleep.
( 5)Flynn is here.
Flynn glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
Felonia glows with a bright light!
( 6)Bladimir is here.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Art enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'kiljynrekmalfoo' [sanctuary]
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
With considerable effort, Rain chants and pulls a light crystal shield seemingly out of thin air.
Kliro utters the words, 'enghihi naroplep borg dikque' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'pssh I wish I had fire shield'
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
Tear is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Ashly enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -2 (10%), cold at -5 (25%), zap at 2 (-10%), breath at -3 (15%), poison at -1 (5%), and general spell resistance at 7%.'

>gc sanc<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro is asleep.
Kaylee is already sanctified.
Shaletty is already sanctified.
Rain is already sanctified.
Thoth is already sanctified.
Lilmike is already sanctified.
Flynn is already sanctified.
Tear is surrounded by a white aura.
Passion is already sanctified.
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.
Delirium is surrounded by a white aura.
Jaide is already sanctified.
Maeve is already sanctified.
Angelluhh is already sanctified.
Art is already sanctified.
You are already sanctified.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -9 (43%), fire at -10 (50%), cold at -5 (25%), zap at -1 (5%), and breath at -2 (10%).'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Khadaji has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'quecager rippigrip vilca' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'gerodiusnarfu' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'pig wirxalys lephun' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Khadaji has left the game.
(admin logoff) Khadaji has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind ice dragon<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[38005] Blizzard, the Dragon of Ice-> in room [38081] A Prison of fire.
[ 5415] The ice dragon      -> in room [ 5448] Back of a blue ice cave

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain donates a light crystal shield.
Flynn utters the words, 'sulys dolep taoorniumten zentepirk' [sanctuary]
Aaronr tells the group, 'why is everyone going throught eh portal'
Art sets up a crude summoning circle and places a pale blue soulstone on the ground inside it.
A demonic alchemist appears in the middle of the summoning circle.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'I have 50% resistance to cold damage.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A demonic alchemist searches through its many pockets.
A demonic alchemist says, 'now where did I put that potion?'
Stefen stops resting, and stands up.
Stefen utters the words, 'funarsuyabarrek' [sanctuary]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Passion enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly appears in the middle of the room.
With considerable effort, Rain chants and pulls a light crystal shield seemingly out of thin air.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A demonic alchemist says, 'oh yes, here it is'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>qst 5400<
Jaide enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.
Quest: 5400
Public description of this quest (used for web pages):
(none set)

Deed short string:  Slew the fearsome Dragon of the Ice Realm

Deed complete string:
(none set)

Global times completed:   160
Global max per char:        1
Global max:             (unlimited)

Completed this boot:        0
Completed this boot:        0
Difficulty                  2
Rarity                      2
Approximate tot level     103  (minimum 19)

Gain on completion - Exp: 5000/lvl  Gold: 1926/25000  Alignment: 0
Time to complete: (no limit)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A demonic alchemist carefully pulls a volatile demonic potion out of a very well padded pocket.
A demonic alchemist carefully gives a volatile demonic potion to Art.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.
A demonic alchemist says, 'that should be used quickly, make sure you keep sufficient distance'
A demonic alchemist says, 'as always, our shop can be relied on for your exotic needs and we look forward to doing business with you in the future'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -9 (43%), fire at -13 (62%), cold at -2 (10%), zap at -1 (5%), and breath at -2 (10%).'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A demonic alchemist bows deeply and its robes drag the ground.
A demonic alchemist vanishes in a puff of smoke.
Khadaji has entered the game.
(admin login) Khadaji has entered the game.
With considerable effort, Kliro chants and pulls a light crystal shield seemingly out of thin air.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Ashly tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -8 (39%), fire at -1 (5%), zap at 2 (-10%), and breath at -1 (5%).'
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 5448<
Rain is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Tear says, 'I have saving throws for spells at -8 (39%), and cold at -10 (50%).'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -9 (43%), fire at -13 (62%), cold at -10 (50%), zap at -1 (5%), and breath at -2 (10%).'

>ent gate<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You enter a magical portal.

Back of a blue ice cave
This smaller, secluded section of the cave is much colder than the rest, and
seems to be inhabited!  A sort of bedding spot has been dug into a large heap
of ice boulders and chunks, and massive claw marks have razed the ice again and
again all around you.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 3)A large white shield with a red cross pokes out of a mound of ice chunks.
(65)You see a huge form nestled into a nook in the back of the cave.
[Exits: south ]

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>

>kill ice<
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

>gt enter gate<
You tell the group, 'enter gate'
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.
The ice dragon's claw *** MASSACRES *** Art!
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -2 (10%), fire at -6 (30%), cold at -5 (25%), zap at 2 (-10%), breath at -3 (15%), poison at -1 (5%), and general spell resistance at 7%.'
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
Art throws something small and deadly looking at The ice dragon!
A black cloud with lightning crackling around its edges engulfs The ice dragon!
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.
Art utters the words, 'capig riplysata op ataxa wir' [cure serious wounds]
Tear arrives from a magical portal.
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The ice dragon!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!
Aaronr utters the words, 'bar nargervilug wirugborg' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'diksu lepjynhi dikorniumornium su' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The ice dragon!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast clay<
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries The ice dragon!
Aaronr utters the words, 'killysdikhun riplyslepwir' [cure serious wounds]
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve you.
A clay man starts following you.
You add A clay man to your group.

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'pigdikzen kil irkjynzenmaleng vil kil' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'vil werdikque lyskilug cahi' [cure serious wounds]
A clay man jumps to your side in battle!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The ice dragon!
Kaylee utters the words, 'sunarnarvil' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'jyn jyn pig' [cure serious wounds]
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The ice dragon is engulfed in flames!
A shower of bright green sparks suddenly engulfs The ice dragon!
The ice dragon appears to be blinded!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'wirtao engkilnar gerqueirk wir pig' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon begins to regain its vision.

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The ice dragon!
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

Your blood curdles as you hear Aaronr's dying scream!
Aaronr has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Aaronr killed by The ice dragon while in room [ 5448] Back of a blue ice cave

The skeleton suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a fine white
dust before your eyes.
A skeleton has left the group.
Maeve blurs for a moment, then returns to normal.
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The ice dragon is engulfed in flames!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Aaronr warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'borgfooatarekjynirk nartepborg wiruglys do tep' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down The ice dragon!

>gt try not to die<
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!
Angelluhh panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'cahiwer jynborg' [heal]
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The ice dragon is engulfed in flames!
The ice dragon utters the words, 'hizenhunxafoo ata zenxadolepca irkborgfoo' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'dikhilys hicataobar su orniumcaripdikcaya' [cure serious wounds]
You tell the group, 'try not to die'

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'ow!'
Maeve utters the words, 'teprip yawerdo cavillep hun' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The flames pass silently through you without any effect.
The ice dragon is engulfed in flames!
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man stops following you.
A clay man has left the group.

Your blood curdles as you hear Flynn's dying scream!
Flynn has been KILLED!
Flynn's muscles magically fill out as artificial strength courses through his body.
(admin death) (player) Flynn killed by The ice dragon while in room [ 5448] Back of a blue ice cave
The ice dragon utters the words, 'bar enghi' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'orniumrip gerya' [cure serious wounds]
Killkill utters the words, 'lepjynweropdo dojyn wer' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

The skeleton suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a fine white
dust before your eyes.
A skeleton has left the group.

Your blood curdles as you hear Art's dying scream!
Art has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Art killed by The ice dragon while in room [ 5448] Back of a blue ice cave
Kliro utters the words, 'riporniumhun lepfooyamal' [heal]
The ice dragon utters the words, 'borgeng querip ya' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly utters the words, 'rekirk dikhunque xa doengdik orniumwir' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'zenrekorniumornium cafuata' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'opbar werteneng engdikca' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon utters the words, 'lys sujyn lysquevil' [cure critical wounds]
Ashly utters the words, 'ugxager hi odius lepfunar dorip' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'queger irk engtenwer pigwir dokillep' [heal]
Kaylee utters the words, 'barhinar sudoger xafootendik' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro utters the words, 'foowerborg hi' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly utters the words, 'kilenghiata' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'pigrekirkkilca zen' [heal]
Kaylee utters the words, 'ten narripkilnar atadikirkborg rek ripsuzen' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve buys a practice.
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly utters the words, 'nartep taomalornium kil hiwirwir xaengtep' [cure serious wounds]
The ice dragon utters the words, 'reksuhunatakilque' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'rekfupig tepengataten' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly utters the words, 'taoirkwir yawerripop ornium' [cure serious wounds]
Lilmike utters the words, 'borgbarnarjynsu engjynkiljynhun ca' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'
The ice dragon utters the words, 'ger ripfutenwir' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty utters the words, 'eng kilgertaoengatanarnarwir' [heal]
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly utters the words, 'barnardik lepnarrekwirlepdik quehunug' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'jynhundo ya' [heal]
The ice dragon utters the words, 'lysop pigwervil' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'germalwer ophiger' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gr f<
Ashly tells the group, 'heal!'
The ice dragon breathes a chilling blast of ice!
No-one by that name playing.
(see 'group set' for other group related commands)
Shaletty utters the words, 'ata dikya foo ug' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon utters the words, 'xawirbar mallephi dobar' [cure critical wounds]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike utters the words, 'riplepcaca' [heal]

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The ice dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The ice dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The ice dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 5448  Zone: 540  Wizinvis: 0> 
The ice dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Delirium arrives from a magical portal.
The ice dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

The dragon at long last breathes its last chilling breath and falls dead,
its head crashing to the cavern floor and cracking the chamber walls.  Icy
blue blood spills from its neck and other wounds, pooling into small lakes
of freezing death should you come too close.  You wonder that you still
live, and will surely tell all those you meet of this heroic deed. 
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
You gain 2145000 experience!
You get 1926 gold coins.
Kaylee gets 329 gold coins from the corpse of The ice dragon.
Kaylee splits 329 gold coins with her group.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'futaowersuca foobartep opoppig' [heal]
Aaronr tells the group, 'heal1'

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You get an enchanted silver goblet from the corpse of The ice dragon.
You get a mithril full helm from the corpse of The ice dragon.
You get a long silver lance from the corpse of The ice dragon.
You get a silver crown from the corpse of The ice dragon.
You get a black sack from the corpse of The ice dragon.
Maeve utters the words, 'fusurek odiusatatep' [heal]

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>

Maeve utters the words, 'orniumhi foofoo' [heal]
Back of a blue ice cave
This smaller, secluded section of the cave is much colder than the rest, and
seems to be inhabited!  A sort of bedding spot has been dug into a large heap
of ice boulders and chunks, and massive claw marks have razed the ice again and
again all around you.

(65)The corpse of The ice dragon is lying here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
Delirium glows with a bright light!
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Art is lying here.
( 4)The disfigured corpse of Flynn is lying here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)The disfigured corpse of Aaronr is lying here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 6)Tear is here.
Tear glows with a bright light!
( 5)Felonia is here.
Felonia glows with a bright light!
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 6)Kliro is here.
Kliro glows with a bright light!
( 6)Ashly is here.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
Shaletty glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is here.
Maeve glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 3)A large white shield with a red cross pokes out of a mound of ice chunks.
[Exits: south ]

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh warns the group, 'OOM'

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>

>sac corpse<
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of The ice dragon, drawing power from it.
You receive one gold coin for your sacrifice.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
You focus on the corpse of Art, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Art, and it slowly rises off the ground!
You gain 59819 experience!
Art looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>

Thoth buys a practice.
You focus on the corpse of Flynn, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Flynn, and it slowly rises off the ground!
You gain 57497 experience!
Flynn looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'didn't die, lucky me'

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Aaronr, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Aaronr, and it slowly rises off the ground!
You gain 29888 experience!
Aaronr looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>

You want to cast the spell where?

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<

You tell the group, 'recall'
An unnatural presence appears and pulls Rain into Oblivion.
Rain disappears.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>
Felonia begins healing Ashly.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>
Felonia heals Ashly.
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...
Killkill disappears.

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'I've only died once.'

[Back of a blue ice cave]
R:5448 Z:540 Wiz:0>
Aaronr is enveloped by a frosted crimson & onyx wind and is whisked away!
Aaronr disappears.
Ashly prays to Shadowfax for transportation...
Ashly disappears.
You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
Sunlight from outside lights up the area.

( 6)Ashly is here.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
Rain glows with a bright light!
( 5)Passion is here.
Passion glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 9)The corpse of Thantos the Executioner is lying here.
( 6)The bleaching skeleton of Seranik is lying here.
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 6)Bladimir is here.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
( 4)Locke is here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion sits down and rests.
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of Thantos the Executioner, drawing power from it.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia heals Ashly.
Art appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.
Felonia heals Ashly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia heals Ashly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia heals Ashly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia heals Ashly.
Ashly tells the group, 'i havent died:)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia goes to sleep.
Felonia stops healing Ashly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
[gate] Cria: petition to rename this years death march - Deeds for Noobs March

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee gives 1961 gold coins to Stefen.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly utters the words, 'hunataripripreksukil' [cure serious wounds]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly utters the words, 'ten engque narirkwirwer ataorniumwer ata' [cure serious wounds]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly utters the words, 'opodiusmal lepataquefooborg quemalquedik' [cure serious wounds]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The bleaching skeleton of Seranik crumbles into dust.
Delirium's force shield slowly dissipates.
The pink fuzz around your body fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly utters the words, 'jynjynrip kilborg tepbarborg' [cure serious wounds]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly utters the words, 'tao dikirksuodius tenmaldik pig' [cure serious wounds]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth stops resting, and stands up.
Flynn stops using Peacekeeper, sword of order.
[gate] Lexie: march of deeds?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Bladimir begins healing Ashly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Bladimir heals Ashly.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Stefen: LOL

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly is fully healed.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh says, 'I have 63 of 238 mana.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Khadaji' into room [42068] 'The edge of the forest'.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain donates a light crystal shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
The white aura around Passion fades.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around Felonia fades.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The white aura around Ashly fades.
The white aura around Angelluhh fades.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
The white aura around Rain fades.
The white aura around Thoth fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'gerodiuslep gerqueop jynfufoo hitaotep' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind archangel<
Killkill tells the group, 'I can trade 4800000 experience for a practice and have 4606262 experience. (95%)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Slow: i got ten kills

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[38159] Pyriel              -> in room [38159] High Sanctum
[38139] Gabriel             -> in room [38139] The Hall of the Third Test
[38154] Michael             -> in room [38154] Guardian of the Southern Stair
[38146] Usiel               -> in room [38146] The Guardian of the Northern Tower
[26470] An Archangel        -> in room [26473] Walking through the clouds.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly tells the group, 'I need 30000000 experience to level Warrior to 30 and have 6663750 experience. (22%)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'I need 19000000 experience to level Necromancer to 8 and have 9186205 experience. (48%)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Slow: totally cheap, cheating style kills

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'i keep training mine'
Angelluhh says, 'I need 4200000 experience to level Warrior to 24 and have 2717303 experience. (64%)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'I need 16000000 experience to level Necromancer to 28 and have 2226998 experience. (13%)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I need 170000000 experience to level Cleric to 25 and have 8510512 experience. (5%)'
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)
The white aura around Killkill fades.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
The white aura around Delirium fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Dagget: second on something that's been said, verdict later

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Lexie: best kind aren't they?
Thoth tells the group, 'no way am i losing any heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin help) Help page requested for 'arean' by 'Jaide'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'say that when you die'
Tear appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'what's next?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'i have died'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt pyriel<
You tell the group, 'pyriel'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Dagget: i didn't get any, but i also didn't die earlier, victory! heh

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You smell the stench of decay as the gutted carcass of Thantos the Executioner begins to decompose.
Tear's force shield slowly dissipates.
Kaylee floats down as her fly spell wears out.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Slow: highlight of my day tbh
(admin logoff) Cheetah has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'what's that/'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'hehheh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'res needed?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Watery flies up.
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.
Passion tells the group, 'I have died 7 times to mobs.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'hehehe'
[gate] Slow: slow day tho

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'dorippig werpigata cawireng teptao' [fly]
Art gently rises off the ground.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen carefully extracts a small bladder of black fluid from the bleaching skeleton of Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'barteneng atafoo ugirkborg' [fly]
Kaylee gently rises off the ground.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain stops resting, and stands up.
Lilmike tells the group, 'don't forget to gcast sanc heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Jinx: aww daggy, you didn't get any cause you're with cria

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'I have died 14 times to mobs.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Jinx: you said he was strict

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'isnt pyriel an angel in one of the prophecy films?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Dagget: err
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Dagget: hee

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly tells the group, 'lol'
[gate] Cria: i'm easy

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Watery has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'we should do king tut'
[gate] Slow: oh my kills were all pk

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Katey killed by A carver shaman while in room [50029] A carver encampment
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Dagget: that's a secret...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'well the angel who takes lucifers spot i mean'
[gate] Jinx: rofl

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Slow: and ejja

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
With considerable effort, Kliro chants and pulls a light crystal shield seemingly out of thin air.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'king tut is a panzy'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'or tries to'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro donates a light crystal shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
With considerable effort, Rain chants and pulls a light crystal shield seemingly out of thin air.
(admin logoff) Khadaji has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art's eyes glow red.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt yeah<
You tell the group, 'yeah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro forms a circle with his group and begins to chant.
Kliro leads the group in the casting of a spell...

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'foo xarek pigirkxa' [sanctuary]
Passion is surrounded by a white aura.
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Ashly is surrounded by a white aura.
Felonia is surrounded by a white aura.
Flynn is surrounded by a white aura.
Delirium is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tear tells the group, 'should get me a couple lusiphers'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'thought so'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro utters the words, 'caxa tao suorniumuglystep wer' [sanctuary]
Kliro is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind pyriel<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[38159] Pyriel              -> in room [38159] High Sanctum

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'op nardik' [stone skin]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Art fades.
Kliro's force shield slowly dissipates.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 38159;ent gate<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.
You enter a magical portal.

High Sanctum
You have reached the highest point of the Celestial Tower, a place of
unparalleled beauty and light. The crystal walls here seem to radiate a
bright white glow, but an ageless light that is no longer pure. Here
resides the true heart of the corrupted Tower, Pyriel, the Warlord of
Light. You glance around the room, and for the final time, a memory
flickers across your mind.

Pyriel stands before the crown in all his resplendent glory, His arms
raised high in exultation. They were singing for HIM! The Chorus of Heaven
were singing for Him! In His immense pride, His own voice falters barely a
note, and the entire song wavers for the briefest of time... long enough
for the corrupting power of Evil to spread through the Tower like a plague.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 6)Pyriel, the fallen Champion of Heaven, stands here in all of His glory.
Pyriel glows with a bright light!
[Exits: west ]

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -9 (43%), fire at -13 (62%), cold at -10 (50%), zap at -1 (5%), and breath at -2 (10%).'

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>kill pyriel<
You rush forward to defend Aaronr!
You gain 280000 experience!
You do your best!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt enter gate<
Killkill tells the group, 'I have saving throws for spells at -2 (10%), fire at -6 (30%), cold at -5 (25%), zap at 2 (-10%), breath at -3 (15%), poison at -1 (5%), and general spell resistance at 7%.'
You tell the group, 'enter gate'
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.
Ashly arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain arrives from a magical portal.
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'yaornium kilhunrip villep' [cure serious wounds]
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Art utters the words, 'tenhunhiyajynzendoorniumfoo fuatavil borgornium rek' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at Pyriel!
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'catepeng quegerque fu' [cure serious wounds]
Lilmike is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'dikvil tep' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's ripping talons DISEMBOWELS Passion!
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at Pyriel!
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'pigtenrip lys dikirkpig' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
Art utters the words, 'yawerorniumquetaojyn' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'xa fu englysop tao' [cure serious wounds]
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Art utters the words, 'ripjynfoo yamalhun odiushi' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Aaronr tells the group, 'wow'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'rek orniummalirk ugkilop orniumpig' [sanctuary]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium arrives from a magical portal.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Remedios has entered the game.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'malkilrek rip' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Killkill utters the words, 'orniumwirbar ca fubarger werdo' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'ya odiusirkopeng lysgerque borgbargermalyapig' [cure serious wounds]
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh utters the words, 'yapigmal malcapig atazen' [sanctuary]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh utters the words, 'lepripata lep dofutao xafumal rek' [sanctuary]
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>l w<
In the next room you see:
a girl

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'hilyscalys' [cure serious wounds]
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth calls upon Dentin in an unfamiliar tongue.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide shimmers with a vague magical haze.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'weratazen borgzeneng' [sanctuary]
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'hidovil odiusjynsu' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
The magical flames protecting Lilmike flicker and go out.
Thoth's force shield slowly dissipates.
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Pyriel!
The spear shatters as it hits Pyriel, shards go flying!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's ripping talons *** DEVASTATES *** Tear!
Flynn gets a flask of firewater.
Killkill tells the group, 'heal'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Pyriel's ripping talons maims Aaronr!
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Felonia utters the words, 'queata xaengfoo xaborg' [heal]
Maeve blurs for a moment, then returns to normal.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Pyriel!
Killkill utters the words, 'cataozen yaborgxatao' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'heal plz'
Jaide is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve blurs for a moment, then returns to normal.
Felonia utters the words, 'narcaopkil' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.
The fog creeps up to Pyriel but seems to lose power as it touches it.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Maeve blurs and begins to move with supernormal speed.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'wirnar odiusdikca wer' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
Tear panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Small wounds and scratches magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.
Jaide is surrounded by a layer of magical flames.
Kaylee goes berserk in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'atacarip dikpig' [cure serious wounds]
Tear is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tear is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood curdles as you hear Tear's dying scream!
Tear has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Tear killed by Pyriel while in room [38159] High Sanctum
Small wounds and scratches magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'jynrekhilep' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) (avatar) Cargo has entered the game.
Thoth utters the words, 'eng orniumleppigopjynrekmal' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!
Thoth utters the words, 'queatatepqueque lep tenpig' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth utters the words, 'caborgjynten hunhiger jynhunzen tensufu' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Thoth utters the words, 'taosuborg bar' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'su foolepya' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A column of flame descends from the heavens and strikes down Pyriel!
(admin logoff) Tear has left the game.
Tear stops following you.
Tear has left the group.
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [40406] 'The tunnel continues onward'.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.
The magical flames protecting Killkill flicker and go out.
The magical flames protecting Shaletty flicker and go out.
The magical flames protecting Felonia flicker and go out.
The magical flames protecting Maeve flicker and go out.
The magical flames protecting Kliro flicker and go out.
Kliro's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
The magical flames protecting Kaylee flicker and go out.
Kaylee's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.
Rain's ice shield fades, then disappears.
The magical flames protecting Thoth flicker and go out.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!
Large wounds and slash marks magically appear on Pyriel!
Jaide utters the words, 'xa hireklep lepyaodius pighiwir' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
A clay man has become a member of the group.
Aaronr tells the group, 'woah'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Maeve to Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man jumps to the aid of Killkill!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'dikfoo engrek' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Large wounds and slash marks magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Large wounds and slash marks magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [2497] 'Atropos' chamber'.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'foo borgirksu su quesujyn nar zenfoo' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's ripping talons *** DEMOLISHES *** Kaylee!
Passion utters the words, 'borg fubar' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Delirium utters the words, 'lysquevil orniumodiuscager' [cure serious wounds]
Kaylee returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee tells the group, 'heal'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'use cone'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'teptep odius odiuskilhi ca' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'taoxager eng' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide's image blurs and shifts to one side.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A shower of bright yellow sparks suddenly engulfs Pyriel!
Delirium utters the words, 'que pigtao foohisulep' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'not  fire'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'fugerodiusmal malwertao jyn ripvilger' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Jaide, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>mst angel<
Statting character.
Name string: angelluhh  WizInvis: 0
Clan: [16] phoenix  Ltype: 2  Age: 23  Recall: 0
Player is type: HUMANOID  Race: human  Affiliation: (human)
Sex: female, 6'7" feet tall/long, 206/327 weight
Spell_res: 4  
STR: 19    INT: 22    WIS: 23    DEX: 17    CON: 14    CHR: 13
SSp:-11+1  SFi:  0    SCo:  0    SZa:  0    SBr:  1    SPo:  0

Mage: 13  Cleric: 18  Thief: 8  Warrior: 23  Necromancer: 3

360/400+0 hp, 87/238+0 mana, 299/299+0 movement
AC: -102 (-84)   Hitroll: 19 (-128)   Damroll: 5   Attacks: 25
Current dieroll:  1d35   Damage type: chop (25)
Experience: 2728546  Alignment: 21 (0)  Gold: 0  Aggression: 0

Mob flags: WIMP 
Spell flags: SANC 
[spells] [memory] 

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'vilgerrek hiengkileng' [cure serious wounds]
Small wounds and scratches magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
Killkill utters the words, 'rek yagerhun zenjynornium' [cure serious wounds]
Art utters the words, 'fuhunriprek' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill's ice shield fades, then disappears.
The white aura around Maeve fades.
The magical flames protecting Rain flicker and go out.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!
Small wounds and scratches magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Art utters the words, 'ataug gerbardikugnar barsuorniumwir xarek' [cure serious wounds]
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
Killkill utters the words, 'borgyaque engwerirkwir' [cure serious wounds]
Pyriel's ripping talons DISEMBOWELS Angelluhh!
Jaide utters the words, 'ripquevil narirkata' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Small wounds and scratches magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Kaylee utters the words, 'zenfooque engirkkil irk xahixa ugtaoop' [heal]
Pyriel turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>mst pyriel<
Thoth utters the words, 'taotendik orniumjynirkodiusfutep' [heal]
Mob number: 38159  Zone: 3810  LoadZones: 3810  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 3
Loading percentage: 98  Long max: 98  Limit: 100
Name string: 'pyriel champion archangel angel fallen'
Special Mob Type: ETHEREAL DEMON ANGEL  Race: luami  Affiliation: none
Sex: neuter, 6'0" feet tall/long, 10/160 weight
Magic_res: 8  
STR: 28    INT: 34    WIS: 33    DEX: 19    CON: 17    CHR: 29
SSp: -3    SFi: 10    SCo: -3    SZa:  3    SBr: -3    SPo: -3  Sn: -8

Mage: 31  Cleric: 31  Thief: 31  Warrior: 31  Necromancer: 31

5960/8000+800 hp, 1799/2500+149 mana, 2500/2500+505 movement
AC: -175 (-140)   Hitroll: 31 (-240)   Damroll: 7   Attacks: 31
Current dieroll:  5d66   Damage type: claw (6)
(user defined damage types exist)
Alignment: -1000  Gold: 86 (377)  Aggression: 50
Estimated Exp: 2402719 (226000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 112  (Current Exp: 8927444)

Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
Aggro flags: AGGRO 
Mob flags: GUARD NO_CHARM 
[spells] [strings] [specp] 

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'ripyafu irk tao caborgtep zenfuvilodius' [heal]
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Small wounds and scratches magically appear on Pyriel!
Pyriel is struck by shards of crystal from Angelluhh!
Thoth utters the words, 'wereng ripata' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

The clay man crumbles back into the dust and dirt from whence it came.
A clay man has left the group.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth utters the words, 'opmaltep dik su' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'fire'
Rain tells the group, 'use fire,'
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!
Aaronr utters the words, 'dikdikornium ugjyntao' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin help) Help page requested for 'flesh renewed' by 'Acrene'
Rain tells the group, 'I was rong'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'jynlepodius hun' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'lysya vilnar eng kil' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
Angelluhh's force shield slowly dissipates.
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'xaqueodius suorniumya ger' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin help) Help page requested for 'renewed' by 'Acrene'
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Angelluhh's hands.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.
Angelluhh hits, and a bright flash of red fire scorches Pyriel!
The dim red flames on Angelluhh's hands fade.
Killkill stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'narbaruglysorniumwer eng donarlepdo' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Angelluhh's hands.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'kilnarbarirk' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Jaide utters the words, 'irkugsu zenbarger' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts Pyriel!
The flickering blue-white glow on Angelluhh's hands fades.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's ripping talons DISEMBOWELS Aaronr!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Pyriel stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'gertepfoo vilger' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn starts trying to brew something...
Aaronr utters the words, 'dozen gerborg hi' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'bar nar doeng ca' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'dikata ata fukilten que' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'pigdikrek hundofoo hido' [cure serious wounds]
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'fukilorniumtao ger' [cure light wounds]
The white aura around Passion fades.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Felonia fades.
The white aura around Kliro fades.
The white aura around Ashly fades.
The white aura around Delirium fades.
You feel a slight tingle and you feel somehow abandoned.
The white aura around Aaronr fades.
Pyriel slowly stops shivering.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
The white aura around Rain fades.
The white aura around Flynn fades.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr warns the group, 'sanc out!'
A shower of brilliant white sparks suddenly engulfs Pyriel!
Pyriel appears to be blinded!
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth utters the words, 'foolysque jynirkop ger' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel begins to regain its vision.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
Killkill utters the words, 'irkcaornium wer ugfuodius gerhitao' [sanctuary]
Kaylee utters the words, 'sutao odiusger' [cure light wounds]
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'tepborgdoxareknarrek' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'use fire'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'rekhun do hunengteprekzen' [cure serious wounds]
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's ripping talons MUTILATES Art!
Art utters the words, 'atapigwer nar' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike tells the group, 'use fire?'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'foo tenwerdo ugtephiodius que zengerreknarten' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'keep oom'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'que hunsugerjyn hijynirk jynmal' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'ye'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'engjynpigsuataeng zen' [cure light wounds]
Art utters the words, 'taoyazen eng rip lysfoovilwir' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'fireweb'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!
Jaide sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'voln to it'
Art utters the words, 'lep foofoowir zen' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'foowir xabarnar ripfuodius' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'wir cabar' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'gerhun teplep' [cure serious wounds]
Felonia utters the words, 'ripquetenfu calysca' [heal]
Angelluhh warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'fireball'
Felonia warns the group, 'oooooom'
Thoth's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia warns the group, 'ooooom'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'tep do hun lepteprip ugtaonar ata tepvil' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Felonia utters the words, 'dozenfu yaoptep' [heal]
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel stands up.
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'dik zenborgbar lep vilhi gernar odiuspig' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.
Killkill utters the words, 'odiusdohun zengervil ca' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill panics and attempts to flee!
Jaide utters the words, 'borghique hunpigkil xawernar dikpigtep ten' [cure critical wounds]
Killkill panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh warns the group, 'OOM'
Killkill is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood curdles as you hear Killkill's dying scream!
Killkill has been KILLED!
(admin death) (player) Killkill killed by Pyriel while in room [38159] High Sanctum

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>mst pyriel<
Pyriel's ripping talons *** OBLITERATES *** Rain!
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!
Mob number: 38159  Zone: 3810  LoadZones: 3810  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 3
Loading percentage: 98  Long max: 98  Limit: 100
Name string: 'pyriel champion archangel angel fallen'
Special Mob Type: ETHEREAL DEMON ANGEL  Race: luami  Affiliation: none
Sex: neuter, 6'0" feet tall/long, 10/160 weight
Magic_res: 8  
STR: 28    INT: 34    WIS: 33    DEX: 20    CON: 18    CHR: 29
SSp: -3    SFi: 10    SCo: -3    SZa:  3    SBr: -3    SPo: -3  Sn: -8

Mage: 31  Cleric: 31  Thief: 31  Warrior: 31  Necromancer: 31

1688/8000+800 hp, 1140/2500+150 mana, 2500/2500+505 movement
AC: -175 (-140)   Hitroll: 31 (-240)   Damroll: 7   Attacks: 32
Current dieroll:  5d66   Damage type: claw (6)
(user defined damage types exist)
Alignment: -1000  Gold: 86 (377)  Aggression: 50
Estimated Exp: 2475276 (226000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 112  (Current Exp: 8927444)

Set flags: NEUTER BRIEF 
Aggro flags: AGGRO 
Mob flags: GUARD NO_CHARM 
[strings] [specp] 

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!
Art utters the words, 'opborgpigugdik' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'nartepwerfuhun odiushi' [cure serious wounds]
Jaide sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
The white aura around Art fades.
Maeve slows down and returns to real time.
The white aura around Angelluhh fades.
(admin login) Legendary has entered the game.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth tells the group, 'heal'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'rekbarxa opborgrek' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia tells the group, 'better at harm'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin logoff) Westie has left the game.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'dofurippighunkilodiusrek' [cure light wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide starts healing herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Small wounds and scratches magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
Kaylee utters the words, 'que fumalhunvil' [cure light wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'kil dotenca ugpigmal' [cure light wounds]
Pyriel stands up.
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'odiusfoopig lep' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly utters the words, 'orniumengborgtao footepca' [cure serious wounds]
Delirium utters the words, 'vil canarbarpig' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'hiteplysug' [cure light wounds]
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'kilfulysfoojynfu cataoxa' [cure light wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain sits down and rests.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide starts healing herself.
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'engrek zenhihi' [cure light wounds]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'dolys jynkildik' [cure serious wounds]
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'ataquemal lyskilop' [cure light wounds]
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr warns the group, 'OOM'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide starts healing herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'odiusdo quewirca ornium' [cure serious wounds]
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
Art utters the words, 'odiusbartao hunmalgerpig werqueop ripodiuswir' [cure serious wounds]
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide starts healing herself.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Maeve utters the words, 'odiuspigug riptepfoomal fuorniumlys lep gerwirfu' [heal]
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

Art utters the words, 'jyn ornium riptao' [cure serious wounds]
High Sanctum
You have reached the highest point of the Celestial Tower, a place of
unparalleled beauty and light. The crystal walls here seem to radiate a
bright white glow, but an ageless light that is no longer pure. Here
resides the true heart of the corrupted Tower, Pyriel, the Warlord of
Light. You glance around the room, and for the final time, a memory
flickers across your mind.

Pyriel stands before the crown in all his resplendent glory, His arms
raised high in exultation. They were singing for HIM! The Chorus of Heaven
were singing for Him! In His immense pride, His own voice falters barely a
note, and the entire song wavers for the briefest of time... long enough
for the corrupting power of Evil to spread through the Tower like a plague.

( 6)The disfigured corpse of Killkill is lying here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Tear is lying here.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 5)Delirium is here, fighting Pyriel.
( 6)Thoth is here, fighting Pyriel.
( 5)Flynn is on fire!
( 5)Maeve is on fire!
( 6)Angelluhh is here, fighting Pyriel.
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 5)Passion is here, fighting Pyriel.
( 5)Felonia is here, fighting Pyriel.
( 6)Rain is resting here.
( 5)Kaylee is here, fighting Pyriel.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 7)Art is here, fighting Pyriel.
( 5)Shaletty is on fire!
( 6)Ashly is here, fighting Pyriel.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here, fighting Pyriel.
( 6)Pyriel is here, fighting YOU!
Pyriel glows with a bright light!
[Exits: west ]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's ripping talons *** DEMOLISHES *** Angelluhh!
Angelluhh panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh panics and attempts to flee!
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide starts healing herself.
Angelluhh panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'zentenbar fooquedo diklepborgzen' [cure serious wounds]
Angelluhh panics and attempts to flee!
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Ashly has lost her link.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art throws a ball of freezing unfire at Pyriel!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion utters the words, 'caxamal pig' [cure serious wounds]
Jaide heals herself.
Flynn looks sick.
Maeve sits down and rests.
Angelluhh panics and attempts to flee!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn looks sick.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
Felonia utters the words, 'taodougwirkilkil ger teppigger jyndikcahunpig' [heal]

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'werop lysdikwersu' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's ripping talons *** DEMOLISHES *** Passion!

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.
Angelluhh tells the group, 'kill'
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Pyriel!
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at Pyriel!

>gt almost there<

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
Flynn looks sick.
You tell the group, 'almost there'

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on its body!
Jaide heals herself.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'I died'
Small wounds and scratches magically appear on Pyriel!
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide heals herself.
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Pyriel is singed by a blue dart of flame.
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38159  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.
Aaronr utters the words, 'lysodiusata fooxaug hun borgborgrip' [cure serious wounds]
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Jaide heals herself.
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Pyriel from behind!
Pyriel begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Pyriel is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

A vast howling fills the room, and all of a sudden Pyriel seems to melt
before your eyes. Huge rents appear in his pristine flesh, and his wings
slowly rip themselves to shreds. He glares at you with a hatred that is
beyond mortal comprehension, and he falls to the ground. As he dies, a
beautiful portal opens in the ceiling above you, and a memory floods
through your mind.

Pyriel stood before the gods, his shoulders squared, eyes blazing with
hatred. He seems to laugh at them with his very posture, and suddenly the
powerful Word of Dentin strikes the haughty angel to the ground. "You have
transgressed too far, Pyriel. I cast you forever from my sight. You and
your evil illusions are no longer wanted here! Take them, and be forever
damned to the Tower of Crystal Imprisonment!" 
You receive 560000 experience.
Kliro gets 7 gold coins from the corpse of Pyriel.
Kliro splits 7 gold coins with his group.

       You receive a combat point!
You now have 3 combat points you can spend.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
Killkill tells the group, 'Ineed res'

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Pyriel.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Pyriel.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Pyriel.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Pyriel.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Pyriel.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Pyriel.
You get Pyriel's immaculate white robe from the corpse of Pyriel.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.
Rain tells the group, 'so wh'

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Flynn looks sick.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Lilmike's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Thoth scans the area to see who is around.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Kliro' into room [26401] 'At the base of a rocky trail.'.

>give throwing flynn<



You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.


[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
Art flies up.
You don't seem to have that object.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

High Sanctum
You have reached the highest point of the Celestial Tower, a place of
unparalleled beauty and light. The crystal walls here seem to radiate a
bright white glow, but an ageless light that is no longer pure. Here
resides the true heart of the corrupted Tower, Pyriel, the Warlord of
Light. You glance around the room, and for the final time, a memory
flickers across your mind.

Pyriel stands before the crown in all his resplendent glory, His arms
raised high in exultation. They were singing for HIM! The Chorus of Heaven
were singing for Him! In His immense pride, His own voice falters barely a
note, and the entire song wavers for the briefest of time... long enough
for the corrupting power of Evil to spread through the Tower like a plague.

( 6)The corpse of Pyriel is lying here.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Killkill is lying here.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 6)The disfigured corpse of Tear is lying here.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Ashly is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
[Exits: west up ]

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Flynn thanks you.
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>get corpse<
Jaide heals herself.
You get the corpse of Pyriel.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'up and get rewar'
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>eat corpse<
Jaide heals herself.
Passion utters the words, 'lepjynxa xaborg' [cure serious wounds]
You eat the corpse of Pyriel.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
You cannot summon players to this place.
(admin logoff) Skeeter has left the game.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Art' into room [26401] 'At the base of a rocky trail.'.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>get corpse<
Jaide heals herself.
You get the corpse of Killkill.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

You get the corpse of Tear.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

Jaide heals herself.
You don't see anything by that name here.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

Jaide begins healing Delirium.

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
The High Sanctum
The majesty of the rest of the Tower were as nothing compared to the absolute
wonder of the High Sanctum. Wondrously bright light filters in from
everywhere, bringing a false sense of peace and serenity into the room. A
huge glowing rune is etched into the ground here, humming with power. The
tests have prepared you well for this, and a sense of resolve fills your
heart as you confidently step forward.

( 5)A chained girl kneels quietly in the corner, whispering benedictions.
a girl glows with a bright light!
[Exits: east ]
Flynn has arrived.
Delirium has arrived.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [42427] 'A gap in the barrier cliff'.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

>c dis girl<

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
You gesture towards a girl.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

You gesture towards a girl.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

Jaide heals herself.
The red in Delirium's vision disappears.
You gesture towards a girl.
Maeve utters the words, 'lysrekhi que hunmal' [heal]

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Jaide heals herself.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>kill girl<

>c dis girl<
Jaide has reached the limits of her abilities, and stops healing herself.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth sits down and rests.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You gesture towards a girl.


Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide sits down and rests.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn looks sick.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [41277] 'A submerged room'.
You gesture towards a girl.
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve sits down and rests.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Rayden has entered the game.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh sits down and rests.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin login) Grimstad has entered the game.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion sits down and rests.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike sits down and rests.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>restore all<
(admin god) Shadowfax called 'restore all', 61 players restored.
(13390 power used)
61 characters restored.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'how do we finish the quest'
Killkill tells the group, 'i need res'

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn looks sick.
Lilmike gossips, 'woo!'

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh bows to you, how very noble.
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain rushes to your side in battle!
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>cast gate 0<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Delirium's force shield slowly dissipates.
Lilmike's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Passion rushes to your side in battle!
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art arrives from a magical portal.
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'who next'
Angelluhh sits down and rests.

>msp girl<

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 38140  Zone: 3810  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 2
Loading percentage: 99
Name string: 'chained girl'
Current dieroll:  3d50   Damage type: punch (1)
Dual dieroll:     2d50   Damage type: kick (11) Probability: 25%

Set flags: FEMALE BRIEF 
System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: SPARE_ZONE 
Spell flags: DETECTI SANC FLY 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 2] intrinsic recast, rate 4. Targets anyone in room. No trigger defined.
         cure critical wounds  bless  protection from evil  sanctuary

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Remedios gossips, 'thanks'
Art utters the words, 'pigsuirkug ata nar' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at a girl!

>c dis<

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!
Jaide stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You gesture towards a girl.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
A girl is hit by a magic guided missile.
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

You gesture towards a girl.
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
Killkill tells the group, 'need res'
A girl's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Felonia!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>mst girl<
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 38140  Zone: 3810  LoadZones: 3810  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 2
Loading percentage: 99  Long max: 99  Limit: 100
Name string: 'chained girl'
Special Mob Type: ETHEREAL HUMANOID ANGEL  Race: luami  Affiliation: none
Sex: female, 5'4" feet tall/long, 1/147 weight
STR: 37    INT: 36    WIS: 36    DEX: 32    CON: 34    CHR: 36
SSp:  0    SFi:  0    SCo:  0    SZa:  0    SBr:  0    SPo:  0

Mage: 30  Cleric: 30  Thief: 30  Warrior: 30  Necromancer: 30

8832/10000+100 hp, 1395/1395+100 mana, 727/727+100 movement
AC: -360 (-140)   Hitroll: 60 (-472)   Damroll: 60   Attacks: 45
Current dieroll:  3d50   Damage type: punch (1)
Dual dieroll:     2d50   Damage type: kick (11) Probability: 25%
Alignment: 0  Gold: 101 (148)  Aggression: 37
Estimated Exp: 9312660 (216000)  TotLvl Cutoff: 107  (Current Exp: 6757303)

Set flags: FEMALE BRIEF 
System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: SPARE_ZONE 
Spell flags: DETECTI SANC FLY 
[strings] [specp] 

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'werwirtao xaxabar' [heal]
A girl accuses Killkill of being a pickpocket!
A girl accuses Killkill of being a thief!
A girl's kick *** DEMOLISHES *** Killkill!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!
A girl is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward a girl!
A girl is struck by shards of crystal from Killkill!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward a girl!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty utters the words, 'sutenlysriptaovilsu' [dispel magic]
Shaletty gestures towards a girl.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon bites a girl!
Art taps his life, and a swarm of blood red demons fly quickly toward a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'hey shadowfax'
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
A blood red winged demon claws at a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel as though the pantheon of gods is watching over you.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c dis<
You gesture towards a girl.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
Art utters the words, 'gerorniumzen lyslysfoo taojyn' [cure serious wounds]


Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You gesture towards a girl.
Jaide shimmers with a vague magical haze which then vanishes.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
Shaletty utters the words, 'hirek hiodiussu pigengata ugtephun' [dispel magic]
Art utters the words, 'hi tendikteptepkilpigsuhi' [cure serious wounds]
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty utters the words, 'enghunbar quecasu' [dispel magic]
Shaletty gestures towards a girl.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

>slap girl<

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
You slap a girl.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
Felonia utters the words, 'dikfucamalatalep' [heal]

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Rain utters the words, 'wirvilya xamalbar' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards a girl.
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl gets crystal throwing knife.

>l girl<

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
This once-beautiful girl has the marks of someone long used and abused. Her
once-immaculate robes now hang in tatters about her body, and a worn
expression mars what once was a beautiful face. As you look closer, you
notice that she has never had wings, and that she seems almost mortal.
a girl has quite a few wounds.

<worn on neck>       the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
A girl is obviously carrying:
crystal throwing knife

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
A blood red winged demon bites a girl!
Kliro tells the group, 'do we get a quest at end for not dieing?'

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill shouts a challenge, trying to draw everyone nearby into a fight!
A blood red winged demon turns to attack Killkill!
A blood red winged demon's bite decimates Killkill!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain utters the words, 'do nar narborg wir' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards a girl.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
Ashly is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain utters the words, 'op lep fooirkxa lepjyndo su su engnar' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards a girl.
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain utters the words, 'tenfufu hunvildikrek' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards a girl.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain utters the words, 'mallystenten' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards a girl.
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt i think so<
Rain utters the words, 'opdikger opgertaotao' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards a girl.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You tell the group, 'i think so'
Felonia tells the group, 'hheheh i dont think so'
Acrene gossips, 'thanks'

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 

>who g<
Angelluhh stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
[MA CL TH WA NC]   New Players --------------
[ 1  0  6 11  0]   Grimstad the badass 

[MA CL TH WA NC]   Active Players -----------
[34 30 31 30 15]   Grass loveS lAmp 
[   BUILDER    ]   Gandor thinks that time flies too fast. 

[MA CL TH WA NC]   Idle Players -------------
[15 10 26 30 20] e (afk)Gordan . 
Mortals: 3 (66) 49.837    Gods: 1 (6) 4.322  Ticks: 1382
Maeve blurs and begins to move with supernormal speed.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill utters the words, 'zenwerbar tep hunodiusqueborgqueque' [sanctuary]
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
A girl gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Bloody bone armor suddenly cracks, breaks, and splits, then falls off in
large chunks. (worn by Art)
The magical flames protecting Jaide flicker and go out.
Jaide's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.
A blood red winged demon claws at a girl!
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Aaronr taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Aaronr!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on her body!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh rushes to aid Thoth!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'yadiktep dolepsuger barripornium malwer' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on her body!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr utters the words, 'pigdodikfooya irk fuyatenorniummallepborgtep' [cure serious wounds]
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!
Flynn looks sick.
(admin login) Niro has entered the game.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill has lost his link.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on her body!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries a girl!

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!
Jaide utters the words, 'odius docakil odius' [heal]

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on a girl!
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 38140  Zone: 3810  Wizinvis: 0> 
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A girl is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear a girl's death cry!
A girl is DEAD!
You receive 560000 experience.
Rain gets 10 gold coins from the corpse of a girl.
Rain splits 10 gold coins with its group.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>get medallion corpse<
Art utters a short invocation over some teeth, then quickly swallows them.
You don't see anything named that in the corpse of Tear.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Flynn gets a lightweight axe from the corpse of a girl.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife from the corpse of a girl.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife from the corpse of a girl.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife from the corpse of a girl.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife from the corpse of a girl.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife from the corpse of a girl.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife from the corpse of a girl.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Art doubles over in pain!

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
Art collapses to the ground!

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Acrene killed by Morticia while in room [ 7183] The Altar Of Annihilation
A twisted bone shield fractures, splits, and abruptly crumbles to dust! (worn by Art)
Passion's force shield slowly dissipates.
Spikes and plates of bone burst forth from Art's body!

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
The bone plates solidify and merge, forming a protective armor over Art's torso.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Passion sits down and rests.

>get medallion 2.corpse<

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
You don't see anything named that in the corpse of Killkill.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'yay combat point'
(admin logoff) Rayden has left the game.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Art stops resting, and stands up.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Killkill has reconnected.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>get medallion 3.corpse<
You don't see anything by that name here.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

The High Sanctum
The majesty of the rest of the Tower were as nothing compared to the absolute
wonder of the High Sanctum. Wondrously bright light filters in from
everywhere, bringing a false sense of peace and serenity into the room. A
huge glowing rune is etched into the ground here, humming with power. The
tests have prepared you well for this, and a sense of resolve fills your
heart as you confidently step forward.

( 0)A ball of light hovers peacefully here.
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 5)The corpse of a girl is lying here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 5)Passion is resting here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Ashly is here.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
[Exits: east ]
Passion stops resting, and stands up.
Kliro scans the area to see who is around.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>l in corpse<
(carried) the corpse of Tear contains:
2024 gold coins

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh scans the area to see who is around.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Art dips a tooth into some of his blood, and utters a short invocation...
A pinkish mass appears in Art's hands, which he quickly pulls and shapes into a bone shield.
Art quickly places a hand on the inside of a bone shield to bind it.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'odiusenglepnar jyntenmaldo' [refresh]

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Shaletty tells the group, 'yay!'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

The High Sanctum
The majesty of the rest of the Tower were as nothing compared to the absolute
wonder of the High Sanctum. Wondrously bright light filters in from
everywhere, bringing a false sense of peace and serenity into the room. A
huge glowing rune is etched into the ground here, humming with power. The
tests have prepared you well for this, and a sense of resolve fills your
heart as you confidently step forward.

( 1)A twisted bone shield with streaks of red lies on the ground here.
( 0)A ball of light hovers peacefully here.
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 5)The corpse of a girl is lying here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 7)Art is here.
Art glows with a bright light!
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
Thoth glows with a bright light!
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
Lilmike glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Ashly is here.
Ashly glows with a bright light!
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
[Exits: east ]

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Art gets a bone shield.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Felonia is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Killkill gets the Medallion of Divine Creation from the corpse of a girl.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Killkill gives you the Medallion of Divine Creation.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Acrene gossips, 'morticia got me!'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>l killkill<
set desc
Killkill has long, ragged hair.
His body has ropy scars all around it to remind everyone of all the battles he has fought in.
He walks proudly upright, swinging his weapon confidently around.
He has striking blue eyes and a sly look on his face most of the time.
Killkill has a few scratches.

<worn on head>       The Helmet of Ultimate Brain Protection (tm)
<worn on neck>       steel nodawa
<worn on neck>       a jade choker
<worn on arms>       imperial sode
<worn around wrist>  emperal bracer
<worn around wrist>  a bronze bracer
<worn on hands>      imperial tekko
<worn on finger>     a coral ring of great beauty
<worn on finger>     an armadillo tail ring
<worn on body>       glowing banded mail (glowing)
<worn about body>    a golden yak skin
<worn on waist>      a scarlet red girth
<worn on legs>       a lightweight steel skirt
<worn on feet>       a pair of scarlet red boots
<wielded>            a two-handed claymore
Killkill is obviously carrying:
a tepoztopilli
a backpack of holding
a small candle
The Dionite Sword
a diamond-tipped chainsaw
a braced wooden shield

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'i want one heh'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Aeia has entered the game.
Delirium's eyes glow red.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Lilmike gossips, 'awww.'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [18310] The Mandrill Shaman teleported mob [18310] 'The Mandrill Shaman' into room [26117] 'A three way intersection'.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'they suck'
Killkill sacrifices the corpse of a girl to Shift.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'how do we finish the quest?'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'name alone makes me want it'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Rain buys a practice.

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>gt can i have medallion killkill?<
You tell the group, 'can i have medallion killkill?'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'he gave it to you'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'he already got it'
Killkill tells the group, 'I gave it to u'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
the corpse of Tear
the corpse of Killkill
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Katey killed by A big hairy beast while in room [50056] A path through the stony field

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>gt oh sorry<
You tell the group, 'oh sorry'

[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>gt recall<
Delirium is surrounded by a strong force shield.
You tell the group, 'recall'


[The High Sanctum]
R:38140 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Rain prays to Shadowfax for transportation...
You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
You stand in the main entrance hallway, with the exit to the south.  At
either end of this room you can see wide stone stairs leading up and
downward into other levels of the Temple.  Tall columns interfere with
your vision, and you can see the poor and downtrodden littering the
ground between them. To the east is the town's donation room, and to
the west is the preparation room for sacrifices.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while
through the open archways to the south can be seen the city of Ralnoth.
The light dims as sunset falls across the land outside.

( 5)Aeia is here.
Aeia is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 7)A small magical spring pours forth a small amount of Watery.
Watery is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)The bleaching skeleton of Thantos the Executioner is lying here.
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 6)Bladimir is resting here.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.
The healing properties of this place diminish as a powerful spell expires.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art appears in the middle of the room.
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.
Passion appears in the middle of the room.
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.
Rain appears in the middle of the room.
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.
Ashly appears in the middle of the room.
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i need to res the guys that died<
You tell the group, 'i need to res the guys that died'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The Dark Temple Square
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The last remnants of sunset fade in the sky to the west.

( 6)The misty presence of Neebla offers to convert you to Os.
( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
[Exits: north east south west up ]
Art has arrived.
Delirium has arrived.
Flynn has arrived.
A ball of light has arrived.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh utters the words, 'atairk zen ornium' [sanctuary]
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...
Killkill disappears.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike goes to sleep.

>drop corpse<

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You drop the corpse of Tear.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You drop the corpse of Killkill.
Rain tells the group, 'why not do the mob to the east'
Delirium utters the words, 'xaop vilirk' [sanctuary]

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn prays to Morpheus for transportation...
Flynn disappears.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast res corpse<
Kliro goes to sleep.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You focus on the corpse of Killkill, and will it back to life!
A white light wells up inside the corpse of Killkill, and it slowly rises off the ground!
You gain 37037 experience!
Killkill looks about dazedly, but is whole once again.
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You focus on the corpse of Tear, and will it back to life!
That character is not on currently.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>who t<
[MA CL TH WA NC]   New Players --------------
[16  6  0 11  0]   Thorerand the newbie 

[MA CL TH WA NC]   Active Players -----------
[30 22 17 28  6] g Thoth I am a blabberer. 
Mortals: 2 (66) 49.856    Gods: 0 (6) 4.321  Ticks: 1386

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'mal do ornium ug wir narzenripug' [cure serious wounds]

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You get 2024 gold coins from the corpse of Tear.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'wir killys' [cure serious wounds]

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Acrene gossips, 'thats ok, ill get her in a few lvls'

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Passion awakens.

[The Dark Temple Square]
R:3 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You ascend the stairs into the temple.
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
The Temple of Dentin looks much less pleasant in the dark, without the cheery
light of the sun to brighten the place.  The interior is lit with torches
lining the walls and columns, some lit, and some not.  They burn with a dim
reddish light, not the bright yellow you would normally expect.  The tall
stone columns are dark and forboding, while the wide staircases at either end
of the room lead up and down into darkness.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while through
the open archways to the south can be seen the nighttime lights and fires of
the city of Ralnoth.  Small dark doorways lead into antechambers to the east
and west.

Dim red torches hang from the walls and fight back the night. 

( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 5)Aeia is here.
Aeia is surrounded with a dark black aura.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
( 9)The bleaching skeleton of Thantos the Executioner is lying here.
( 6)Bladimir is resting here.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]
Art has arrived.
Delirium has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Acrene gossips, 'going to remember to get my corpse this time though'
The white aura around Lilmike fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aeia calls upon Tarrant to cure Flynn's poisoning.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh sacrifices the bleaching skeleton of Thantos the Executioner to the pantheon of gods.
Angelluhh splits 7 gold coins with her group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind archangel<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[38159] Pyriel              -> in room [38159] High Sanctum
[38139] Gabriel             -> in room [38139] The Hall of the Third Test
[38154] Michael             -> in room [38154] Guardian of the Southern Stair
[38146] Usiel               -> in room [38146] The Guardian of the Northern Tower
[26470] An Archangel        -> in room [26473] Walking through the clouds.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>at 26473 msp<
Statting first character in room besides you.
Mob number: 26470  Zone: 2640  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'image angel archangel'
Magic_res: 100  

Set flags: MALE BRIEF 
Mob flags: GUARD 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 50. Targets tank. Triggers when fighting, 
         dispel magic  dispel magic  dispel magic  dispel magic
2 :[15] guard door, pass phrase, string 20 must be said or told to mob
id -> string
1  -> The Archangel will not let you pass.
2  -> The Archangel will not let %2 pass.
3  -> The Archangel tells you, 'Correct, you may pass.'
4  -> The Archangel tells %2 something.
20 -> fire

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Acrene gossips, 'going to zoom in, scoop it up and run like hell'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'hey I can heal flin poison'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr goes to sleep.
Shaletty goes to sleep.
The white aura around Art fades.
Art's force shield slowly dissipates.
Maeve slows down and returns to real time.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill enters a glowing portal into the plane of chaos and disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve goes to sleep.
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'how many more?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'queirksuornium' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msh 18900<
 Mob 18900: Janus
 Mob 18901: The Chaos Champion
UMob 18902: Malcolm's little slice of lag.
WMob 18903: Tyreial, Saintsword of Valor
WMob 18904: Hitomi
 Mob 18905: Khan Uri
UMob 18910: bundle of fur
 Mob 18911: The master swordsmith
 Mob 18912: The souless warrior
 Mob 18913: A palace guard
 Mob 18914: A shadowy soldier
 Mob 18915: The Lord of Chaos
UMob 18916: The flaming spirit of the king
 Mob 18917: The lost soul
 Mob 18918: A souless hound

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'enghunwer jynkil' [sanctuary]
Flynn is surrounded by a white aura.
Passion is surrounded by a white aura.
Felonia is surrounded by a white aura.
Rain is surrounded by a white aura.
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.
Maeve is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'so if you died, you don't get the quest'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'bunches, I hope.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'fire tower leader?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'deed?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind hitomi<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[18904] Hitomi              -> in room [18970] A building with no exits

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill scans the area to see who is around.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msp hitomi<
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 18904  Zone: 1890  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'hitomi woman'
Magic_res: 38  
Current dieroll:  5d6   Damage type: punch (1)
Dual dieroll:    10d6   Damage type: nonorm none (1024) Probability: 15%
(user defined damage types exist)

System flags: WIELDING BOAT 
Aggro flags: NOGET 

Is affected by:
Spell 'detect undead', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 40
Spell 'detect evil', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 40
Spell 'sanctuary', -1 ticks (-3 minutes), level 60

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[30] parse random, rate 12. Targets attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
[ 1] 35% c flamestrike
[ 2] 20% c ball
[ 3] 10% c sunstorm
[ 4]  5% c ward evil
[ 5] 30% c dispel magic
2 :[16] special attack, rate 1. Targets attackers. Triggers when fighting, 
Casts at level 60  sunlight  blindness  lethargy
id -> string
1  -> %1 clasps her hands and utters the words, 'Lunar Storm'%n%nTiny silver beams streak from her hands and begin to rebound off the walls.%nAfter gaining enough speed, they all streak towards you!
2  -> %1 clasps her hands and utters the words, 'Lunar Storm'%n%nTiny silver beams streak from her hands and begin to rebound off the walls.%nAfter gaining enough speed, they all streak towards %2.
3  -> You cast, 'Lunar storm' at %2.
10 -> 60d10 +70 300 2048
3 :[16] special attack, rate 1. Targets attackers. Triggers when self less than 35% hp, 
Casts at level 80  ice fog  ice imprison <35>
id -> string
1  -> %1 points a finger at you.
2  -> %1 points a finger at %2.
4 :[16] special attack, rate 1. Targets attackers. Triggers when self less than 15% hp, 
Casts at level 80  blink teleport  teleport <15>
id -> string
1  -> %1 raises her hands into the sky.%nSuddenly, you are surrounded by a shimmering field of magic.%n%nThis cannot be good.
2  -> %1 raises her hands to the skies.%nSuddenly, %2 is surrounded by a shimmering field of magic.
5 :[30] parse random, rate 15. Targets tank. Triggers when fighting, 
[ 1] 30% kick
[ 2] 30% trip
[ 3] 30% bash
[ 4] 10% cast fear
6 :[12] object load on death
	(load into corpse)
	vnum [18905] 'platinum light plate gauntlets'
	vnum [18906] 'flowing white robes'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'
	vnum [    0] '(none)'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'I didn't die but I didn't get the quest'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'although that might take a long time'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Killkill fades.
The white aura around Ashly fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'I didn't get it either, but I didn't die.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill calls upon Shift to remove some of the poison from Flynn.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt well guys, i think we're just about done<
You tell the group, 'well guys, i think we're just about done'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'so now where are going'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'sad!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'oooo then we split the eq!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'nooo!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'jade dragon'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt any last requests?<
You tell the group, 'any last requests?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'and I was just getting started too'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt no felonia<
Art tells the group, 'fire tower '

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'no felonia'
Aaronr tells the group, 'hmm'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aeia's force shield slowly dissipates.
Felonia's force shield slowly dissipates.
The white aura around Thoth fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'tir w/e'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'time dragon'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'magmos'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'tongue in the fire world!'

>gt no time dragon<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'no time dragon'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, '=('

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'please, shadowfax, I've really been trying to kill magmos for ever'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'don't really cair'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'priest on almmin'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'dentin'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The black aura about Aeia fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt heh<
You tell the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'high aspirations'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind slamin<
Aaronr tells the group, 'but I wouldn't mind getting a control undead'
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[38901] Tim Mahoney         -> in room [38920] A Shrine to Slamin
[12524] A Priest of Slamin  -> in room [12598] Tromping through the muck

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Cow has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'lets run a mouse'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msp priest slamin<
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 38901  Zone: 3890  Maxload: 100 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'tim timothy mahoney philosopher priest slamin'
Current dieroll:  3d40   Damage type: punch (1)
Dual dieroll:     2d40   Damage type: kick (11) Probability: 25%
(user defined damage types exist)

Aggro flags: SPARE_ZONE 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 4. Targets followers of god [16] 'Slamin'. Triggers when not fighting, target not fighting, 
         infravision (gap) <16> (gap)
2 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 4. Targets followers of god [16] 'Slamin'. Triggers when not fighting, target not fighting, 
         stone skin (gap) <16> (gap)
3 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 4. Targets followers of god [16] 'Slamin'. Triggers when not fighting, target not fighting, 
         stone skin (gap) <16> (gap)
4 :[26] spellkeeper, level 100, cost  10% -   bless  infravision  stone skin (gap)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'no, he'd own us'
Kliro tells the group, 'its the hardest mob ever'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'tiny black ant'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msp priest 2.slamin<
That character is not in the room with you.
No mob by that name found anywhere.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I want that thing in the ash desert that hit me and gave me -1151 hp with one hit'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'and I don't want to diee!!!!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'i shard stormed that mouse for near 8 hours'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>msp 2.priest slamin<
That character is not in the room with you.
Mob number: 12524  Zone: 1250  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'priest slamin follower'
Current dieroll:  4d7   Damage type: ice pierce (74)
Dual dieroll:     2d7   Damage type: kick (11) Probability: 25%

Set flags: MALE BRIEF 
System flags: WIELDING LIGHT 
Mob flags: WEAR NO_CHARM 
Spell flags: INFRA DETECTI 

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[19] priest, allow conversion/worshipping of god 'Slamin' [16]
2 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 15. Targets self. Triggers when less than 30% hp, 
         heal (gap) (gap) <30>
3 :[ 5] normal cast, rate 8. Targets (invis) followers of god [16] 'Slamin'. Triggers when target not fighting, less than 90% hp, 
         cure light wounds (gap) <16> <90>

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor hugs you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>hug gandor<
You hug Gandor.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'never died'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'o yeah...the one hit kills in the desert'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'It's over by the green river'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aeia gossips, 'i'd like one timered autosmite, please.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>imm we gonna do one more<
You imm: we gonna do one more

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion's body dances with blue light as she wields her sword.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Angelluhh fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: cool.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>imm then i need help handing out eq<
You imm: then i need help handing out eq
Delirium awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lila gossips, 'Would you like fries with that?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt please<
You tell the group, 'please'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>im please<
You imm: please

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: okay.
Flynn tells the group, 'huh?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt mistell<
You tell the group, 'mistell'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'please what?'
Aeia gossips, 'hmmm uhhh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'oh lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>mfind tir<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[37309] Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master-> in room [37358] In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: You have to leave?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast gate 37358<
You know of no way to directly cast that spell.
(casting it anyway)
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.
(admin login) Nylanice has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.
Lilmike's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Maeve forms a circle with her group and begins to chant.
Maeve leads the group in the casting of a spell...
Maeve utters the words, 'op gerfoosuxaug opopeng foo irktepque' [sanctuary]
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.
Delirium is surrounded by a white aura.
Lilmike is surrounded by a white aura.
Shaletty is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth is surrounded by a white aura.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent portal<
You enter a magical portal.

In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor
It's burning up in here!  The heat is very close to hurting, it
probably wouldn't be a good idea to stay here for very long.  The
tingling sensation of thick magic can be felt inundating the air,
coating your words, skin, and vision.  The walls are a dull red, and the
roof comes to a point in red shingles that are shaped to look like
scales.  Windows in the four cardinal directions provide a view of the
area around, and the sandstorms outside. 

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 5)A red demon skinned book sits atop stone pedestal.
( 3)A raised section of the floor contains a pool of swirling flame.
( 7)Regal, supreme, and powerful, Tir'Roscha the Fire Master stares into the pool.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master glows with a bright light!
[Exits: down ]

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Aeia gossips, 'curly '

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

>kill tir<
Your punch scratches Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

>imm i'm getting tired<
You imm: i'm getting tired

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'how about shimman island?'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands.
As Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master hits you, a bright flash of red fire leaps from his hands to scorch you!
The dim red flames on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands fade.
Jaide rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

>gt fire tower for the win<
Kaylee rushes to your side in battle!
You tell the group, 'fire tower for the win'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide's image blurs and shifts to one side.
Gandor imms: Do you have the who got the finishish blow on what, and who died how many times and stuff?

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.
Passion arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill arrives from a magical portal.
Rain rushes to your side in battle!
Lilmike rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'tir rsha'
Shaletty rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
Jaide is surrounded by a strong force shield.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro tells the group, 'rasha'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
The white aura around Passion fades.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Felonia fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
The white aura around Rain fades.
Passion rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!
Art tells the group, 'wooooooo'
Thoth rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
(admin death) (player) Katey killed by a thorn beast while in room [50023] A path through a grassy field
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Art arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

>imm i've been logging, so i'll check it<
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.
You imm: i've been logging, so i'll check it

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's punch *** MASSACRES *** Delirium!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art flies down.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Gandor imms: nod.
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'borgwirwir zendo atabarwer' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.
Gandor imms: no hurry.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'zen doxaten tep' [cure serious wounds]
Acrene newbies, 'and why cant i take the gold from my corpse?'
Art has arrived.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art rushes to your side in battle!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

>msp fire<
Mob number: 37309  Zone: 3730  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'tir roscha tir'roscha master fire wizard'
Magic_res: 35  Cler_clev: 1  
Current dieroll:  3d25   Damage type: punch (1)
Dual dieroll:     2d25   Damage type: kick (11) Probability: 25%

Set flags: MALE BRIEF 
System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: SPARE_ZONE 

Is affected by:
Spell 'sanctuary', 0 ticks (0 minutes), level 35
Spell 'displacement', 63 ticks (3 hours), level 70
Spell 'fire shield', 0 ticks (0 minutes), level 70

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 4] normal recast, rate 5. Targets self. Triggers when not fighting, 
         fire shield  sanctuary  displacement  ice shield
2 :[ 4] normal recast, rate 4. Targets self. Triggers when fighting, 
         burning hands  heal (gap) (gap)
3 :[ 4] normal recast, rate 4. Targets tank. Triggers when fighting, 
         fireweb  greater fireball  firefield  chain lightning
4 :[35] complete on kill, quest [37307] 'Slew the Fire Tower's guild leader, Tir'Roscha'
5 :[ 8] teacher, dont teach below level: 18 Mage,  0 Cler,  0 Thie,  0 Warr.
6 :[ 8] teacher, dont teach above level: 40 Mage,  0 Cler,  0 Thie,  0 Warr.
7 :[ 7] trainer, dont train/level characters above level:  32 Mage  0 Cleric  0 Thief  0 Warrior.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro arrives from a magical portal.
Art utters the words, 'foolystao borg ca kilkilvilfoo barca ata' [sanctuary]
Art is surrounded by a white aura.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee goes berserk in battle!
Art rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master turns blue and shivers with cold.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all his weaknesses.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lexie newbies, 'not enough room in your inventory?'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear shatters as it hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master, shards go flying!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
A thick layer of bone chilling fog forms around you.

A ball of light collapses into nothing and is gone.
You receive 5 experience.

>c dis<
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
You gesture towards Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
The pink fuzz around Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master disappears.
The white aura around Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master fades.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.
The magical flames protecting Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master flicker and go out.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear shatters as it hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master, shards go flying!
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

>c fae<
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lilmike creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master hits, and a bright flash of red fire scorches Delirium!
The dim red flames on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands fade.
Wiese newbies, 'get a bag'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lexie newbies, 'try dropping something'
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'pig fudik' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'tao malpignar irkya' [cure serious wounds]
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is singed by a blue dart of flame.
Niro newbies, 'what doesit say?'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

>msp tir<
Delirium utters the words, 'teppig xaodius yazen rip' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Mob number: 37309  Zone: 3730  Maxload: 1 Curr: 1  Total: 1
Name string: 'tir roscha tir'roscha master fire wizard'
Magic_res: 35  Cler_clev: 1  
Current dieroll:  3d25   Damage type: punch (1)
Dual dieroll:     2d25   Damage type: kick (11) Probability: 25%

Set flags: MALE BRIEF 
System flags: GLOW 
Aggro flags: SPARE_ZONE 

Is affected by:
Spell 'faerie fire', 13 ticks (39 minutes), level 127

Special procedures exist as:
1 :[ 4] normal recast, rate 5. Targets self. Triggers when not fighting, 
         fire shield  sanctuary  displacement  ice shield
2 :[ 4] normal recast, rate 4. Targets self. Triggers when fighting, 
         burning hands  heal (gap) (gap)
3 :[ 4] normal recast, rate 4. Targets tank. Triggers when fighting, 
         fireweb  greater fireball  firefield  chain lightning
4 :[35] complete on kill, quest [37307] 'Slew the Fire Tower's guild leader, Tir'Roscha'
5 :[ 8] teacher, dont teach below level: 18 Mage,  0 Cler,  0 Thie,  0 Warr.
6 :[ 8] teacher, dont teach above level: 40 Mage,  0 Cler,  0 Thie,  0 Warr.
7 :[ 7] trainer, dont train/level characters above level:  32 Mage  0 Cleric  0 Thief  0 Warrior.
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'borgengger ca' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'leptepjyn xa engwirca fooxakilya wir' [cure serious wounds]
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's punch *** DEVASTATES *** Kaylee!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Delirium utters the words, 'atasusurekbar' [cure serious wounds]
Thoth tells the group, 'wow not an easy one'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is hit by a magic guided missile.
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Acrene newbies, 'you cant go around taking gold from people like that'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty puts one end of the wizard's staff to the ground and begins casting.
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's punch DISMEMBERS Flynn!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'zennarkil op kilugdikten taoodiuspigsu ripger' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
As Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master hits you, a bright flash of red fire leaps from his hands to scorch you!
The dim red flames on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands fade.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeletal mage.
A skeletal mage starts following Art.
A skeletal mage has become a member of the group.
Delirium utters the words, 'gerwir irkgertenvil' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
The air stirs as Lilmike starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia's ice shield fades, then disappears.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art pulls out a large tooth, casts a spell, and quickly drops it.
The tooth splits, unfolds, and grows into A skeleton.
A skeleton starts following Art.
A skeleton has become a member of the group.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A skeleton jumps to the aid of Art!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'odius jyn zennarger ya' [heal]
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee utters the words, 'suteplep engjynmal' [heal]

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
Rain utters the words, 'taocahunya hiop lep' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.
Maeve blurs and begins to move with supernormal speed.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain utters the words, 'odius tenlysborg lepnar odius' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A clay man forms from nearby dirt and clay to serve Killkill.
A clay man starts following Killkill.
A clay man has become a member of the group.
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master hits, and a bright flash of red fire scorches Flynn!
The dim red flames on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands fade.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Shaletty creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Rain utters the words, 'jynwerca tepfoorek quelys fu irk' [dispel magic]
A clay man jumps to the aid of Killkill!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.
Kaylee goes berserk in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr tells the group, 'sorry, back'
Flynn stands up.
Niro newbies, 'there is somthing in the room alive with corpse as an insult'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain utters the words, 'fuzenca gerrekirk hique wirfoo yawiropornium' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'bar gertaokil ugfu' [cure serious wounds]
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's punch *** DEVASTATES *** Kaylee!
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'leprekxafuornium' [cure serious wounds]
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr rushes to your side in battle!
Shaletty creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Flynn utters the words, 'dikhunlys tepwirtep op' [dispel magic]
Flynn gestures towards Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Passion!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands.
Shaletty creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Angelluhh is surrounded by a glittering blue-white aura.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
An ethereal hand appears and attacks Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master from behind!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master begins to shiver and shake with cold!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master hits, and a bright flash of red fire scorches A skeleton!
The dim red flames on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands fade.

The skeleton suddenly collapses into a heap, then crumbles to a fine white
dust before your eyes.
A skeleton has left the group.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's lifeblood begins to pour onto the ground as great gashes and wounds appear on his body!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

>l tir<
He is black.  He has no hair, and wears a large thick red robe.  The
collar is ringed in three thin gold bands, signifying his rank.  He is
older but does not bear the signs of age, only his eyes betray his
knowledge.  The robe continues down almost to the floor, embroidered
with wild and reaching tongues of flame down it's entirety.  The base
color is a deep red, and the thin lines of the flames trace themselves
accross it.  The man stares deep into the pool, perfect eyes darting
about, collecting, analyzing the pool's contents.  He sees something
in it, and is watching intently.  
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master has quite a few wounds.

<worn on neck>       the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a forever burning ring (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a forever burning ring (glowing)
<worn on body>       a regal gold embroidered red robe
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is obviously carrying:
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
crystal throwing knife
a throwing star
a set of ring binding spell instructions

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.
Angelluhh's force shield slowly dissipates.
Kaylee returns to her senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.
Shaletty creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master turns blue and shivers with cold.
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Jaide utters the words, 'zenopophica hun ten fudikhifupig' [heal]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
A crackling blue-white glow suddenly surrounds Killkill's hands.
Shaletty creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Acrene newbies, 'ah ha its my animated corpse. thank you'
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A blood red winged demon bites Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
A blood red winged demon suddenly bursts into a spray of blood and falls to the ground.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill's hands take on a sickly green tint.
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is hit by a magic guided missile.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Angelluhh rushes to aid Art!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'do taofuwir yaborg ger' [dispel magic]
Maeve gestures towards Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Maeve utters the words, 'riprekata pighun' [dispel magic]
Maeve makes a strange magical gesture.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kaylee throws a ball of freezing unfire at Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill hits, and a bright fan of lightning bolts blasts Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The flickering blue-white glow on Killkill's hands fades.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master suddenly looks sick as Killkill hits him!
The aura of sickness on Killkill's hands fades.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master looks sick.
Gaping wounds and bruises magically appear on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's punch *** OBLITERATES *** Passion!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master looks slightly sick.
Delirium's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve utters the words, 'dikzenborgkilvilque' [dispel magic]
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
As Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master hits you, a bright flash of red fire leaps from his hands to scorch you!
The dim red flames on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands fade.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

>talk tir OM NOM NOM<
You say to Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master, 'OM NOM NOM'
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'xa ugataborg tao' [heal]
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a lightweight axe.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia sits down and rests.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'area'

Your blood freezes as you hear A blood red winged demon's death cry!
A blood red winged demon is DEAD!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Jaide utters the words, 'lepten malmaljyn odiusnarhi su tenug orniumlep' [heal]

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'shadowfax, ral garos?'
Felonia stops resting, and stands up.
A golden glow surrounds Felonia, then flows outward to surround you.
A golden glow surrounds Maeve, then flows outward to surround you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets a throwing star.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'he's a quest'
Art taps his life, and a blood red winged demon flaps quickly toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Acrene newbies, 'thank you! '

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill goes berserk in battle!
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'opengger jynug fuger' [cure serious wounds]

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Art utters the words, 'dikbartensu hiwirmal jynlep riplysxahi' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
You feel a momentary chill as the edge of the spell passes over you.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Acrene newbies, 'i was thinking i was screwed now, lol'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia utters the words, 'wer fuatairk odiuswir rip fooxatao lyshun' [heal]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Felonia rushes to your side in battle!
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Killkill returns to his senses, exhausted and bloody.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.

>gt what now?<

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
You tell the group, 'what now?'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

>msh ral<
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
No mobs found by that name.
Art throws a ball of freezing unfire at Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

>msh garos<

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
No mobs found by that name.
A golden glow surrounds Jaide, then flows outward to surround you.
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's punch *** OBLITERATES *** Passion!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's kick *** OBLITERATES *** Killkill!
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
A ball of blue-white lightning crackles as it fries Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Lexie newbies, 'nah. just have to figure it out. most times there's a syntax reason for stuff like that. or like in this case, a precedence reason'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands.
(admin death) (player) Katey killed by A carver shaman while in room [50029] A carver encampment
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master hits, and a bright flash of red fire scorches Delirium!
The dim red flames on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands fade.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Rain tells the group, 'ralgaros'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
The air stirs as Kliro starts casting a powerful spell...

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'doyaatakil' [cure serious wounds]
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Passion stands up.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Delirium utters the words, 'xatendozen' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
A pale red glow suddenly surrounds Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
As Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master hits you, a bright flash of red fire leaps from his hands to scorch you!
The dim red flames on Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's hands fade.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 

>msh ralgaros<
Rain tells the group, 'he's down from here'
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.
No mobs found by that name.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Kliro sits down and rests.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Killkill tells the group, 'shimman island'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

>l d<

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's punch MASSACRES Delirium!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
In the next room you see:

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master looks slightly sick.
The white aura around Shaletty fades.
The white aura around Delirium fades.
The white aura around Angelluhh fades.
The white aura around Aaronr fades.
The white aura around Lilmike fades.
The white aura around Thoth fades.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is struck by shards of crystal from Jaide!
Shaletty warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Aaronr warns the group, 'sanc out!'

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Flynn gets crystal throwing knife.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
The pool of fire suddenly flares in a bright flash of heat!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A searing blue-white lightning bolt leaps from Shaletty to Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is struck by shards of crystal from Jaide!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Flynn rushes to your side in battle!

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Rain creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Room: 37358  Zone: 3730  Wizinvis: 0> 
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
Maeve creates a large crystal spear and sends it hurtling toward Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master!
The spear hits Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master with full force!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

Your blood freezes as you hear Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master's death cry!
Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master is DEAD!
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
You have slain Tir'Roscha, the Fire Tower's guild leader.
You gain 2145000 experience!
You feel your alignment shift toward evil.
You get 6210 gold coins.
You receive 560000 experience.
Aaronr gets 311 gold coins from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
Aaronr splits 311 gold coins with his group.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

>get all corpse<
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get a throwing star from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get a lightweight axe from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get a throwing star from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get crystal throwing knife from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get a throwing star from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get a set of ring binding spell instructions from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
A forever burning ring is a binding object.  You must get it by name to pick it up and bind it.
A forever burning ring is a binding object.  You must get it by name to pick it up and bind it.
A regal gold embroidered red robe is a binding object.  You must get it by name to pick it up and bind it.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Killkill sacrifices blood from the corpse of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master, drawing power from it.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

>give throwing flynn<









You give a throwing star to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'get the eq shdow'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>



You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>


You give a throwing star to Flynn.
You give a lightweight axe to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>


You give a throwing star to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Art fades.
The white aura around Flynn fades.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

Passion tells the group, 'eq is binding'
You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

You give crystal throwing knife to Flynn.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

You don't seem to have that object.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

>l in corpse<
(on ground) the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master contains:
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

>get ring corpse<

You get a forever burning ring from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
You get a forever burning ring from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'drop-sac it'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'so we split the qe now?'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

>get robe corpse<
You get a regal gold embroidered red robe from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells you, 'you could just do give all.throwing flynn'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'eq'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Art flies down.
Rain tells the group, 'I want to see ralgaros die'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

>repl i have to do things the hard way :P<
You reply to Flynn, 'i have to do things the hard way :P'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor
It's burning up in here!  The heat is very close to hurting, it
probably wouldn't be a good idea to stay here for very long.  The
tingling sensation of thick magic can be felt inundating the air,
coating your words, skin, and vision.  The walls are a dull red, and the
roof comes to a point in red shingles that are shaped to look like
scales.  Windows in the four cardinal directions provide a view of the
area around, and the sandstorms outside. 

( 7)Pieces of hide partially cover the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Kliro is here.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 0)Shards and pieces of crystal litter the ground at your feet.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 5)Flynn is here.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)A number of large, melting icy spikes jut up from the ground.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 5)A red demon skinned book sits atop stone pedestal.
( 3)A raised section of the floor contains a pool of swirling flame.
[Exits: down ]
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Maeve slows down and returns to real time.
Delirium's force shield slowly dissipates.
Kaylee floats down as her fly spell wears out.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Art has arrived.
A skeletal mage has arrived.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Art utters the words, 'footepten lep ughiten opodiusjyn lephienglep' [fly]
Art gently rises off the ground.

>l d<

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
In the next room you see:

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'malya odiuslys teprip suvilsu op quebarirk' [cure serious wounds]

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Flynn replies to you, 'ah, I understand'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'orniumtaoque querekdik' [cure serious wounds]

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, ' gonna have to seriously work on align again lol'
Acrene newbies, 'i managed to take out everything in the room but marticia this time. maybe after i regen and go i there well be ok, lol'
Kaylee utters the words, 'pig fufoolys' [fly]
Kaylee gently rises off the ground.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

>gt i'm not familiar with him<
You tell the group, 'i'm not familiar with him'
Rain tells the group, 'he's right around here'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'me to'

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>

>mfind ralgaros<
Killkill scans the area to see who is around.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
[mvnum] Name                -> Location

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Flynn starts harvesting teeth from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Flynn carefully extracts a tooth from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Flynn carefully extracts a tooth from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

>msh ralgaros<

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
No mobs found by that name.
Flynn shatters a tooth attempting to remove it from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Flynn carefully extracts a tooth from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Passion utters the words, 'eng odiushilep kilvil' [cure serious wounds]
Flynn shatters a tooth attempting to remove it from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh scans the area to see who is around.
Flynn shatters a tooth attempting to remove it from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.
Flynn stops harvesting teeth from the gutted carcass of Tir'Roscha, the Fire Master.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.
Some of the crystal shards at your feet dissolve and vanish.

[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh sits down and rests.


[In the center of the Fire Tower, fifth floor]
R:37358 Z:3730 Wiz:0>
You pray to Shadowfax for transportation...
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
The Temple of Dentin looks much less pleasant in the dark, without the cheery
light of the sun to brighten the place.  The interior is lit with torches
lining the walls and columns, some lit, and some not.  They burn with a dim
reddish light, not the bright yellow you would normally expect.  The tall
stone columns are dark and forboding, while the wide staircases at either end
of the room lead up and down into darkness.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while through
the open archways to the south can be seen the nighttime lights and fires of
the city of Ralnoth.  Small dark doorways lead into antechambers to the east
and west.

Dim red torches hang from the walls and fight back the night. 

( 6)Ashly is here.
( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
( 6)Stefen is resting here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'go all the way north from entering gate'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'he's in the fire gate'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, '4 n'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A clay man has left the group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thorerand newbies, 'kobolt killed me so I cleaned out the entire camp of them. that will fix them.'
Killkill tells the group, 'I have 6 of 279 mana.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee appears in the middle of the room.
Jaide appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Natalie leaves south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr appears in the middle of the room.

>gt i'm losing consciousness<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'i'm losing consciousness'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'were we suposed to recall?'
Art goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Niro newbies, 'it sure will'
Lilmike appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'recall?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh appears in the middle of the room.
Flynn appears in the middle of the room.
Maeve appears in the middle of the room.
Killkill appears in the middle of the room.
Passion appears in the middle of the room.
Thoth appears in the middle of the room.
Rain appears in the middle of the room.
Delirium appears in the middle of the room.
Kliro appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i need to pass out eq before i fall asleep<
You tell the group, 'i need to pass out eq before i fall asleep'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro goes to sleep.
Stefen says, 'c haven'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.
Kliro wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen raises his arms and begins to weave a powerful spell.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Bladimir says, 'fail'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen calls upon Tarrant to sanctify this place.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You feel the powerful presence of life around you as Stefen completes his ritual.
Thoth tells the group, 'ok'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Acrene newbies, 'killa'

>hug stefen<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You hug Stefen.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee utters the words, 'wirvil hi pigtaokilger' [stone skin]
Kaylee's skin turns grey and granite-like.
Natalie appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>who g<
Art awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[MA CL TH WA NC]   New Players --------------
[ 1  0  6 11  0]   Grimstad the badass 

[MA CL TH WA NC]   Active Players -----------
[15 10 26 30 20] e Gordan . 
[34 30 31 30 15]   Grass loveS lAmp 
[   BUILDER    ]   Gandor thinks that time flies too fast. 
Mortals: 3 (66) 49.979    Gods: 1 (6) 4.317  Ticks: 1406

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'give it t o us before you type zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A winged red imp has arrived.
A mummy has arrived.
A skeleton has arrived.
A metal construct has arrived.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>imm ok gandor<
You imm: ok gandor

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art drops a white hood.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art sacrifices a white hood to Byung.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: nod.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>imm how did you pass out eq?<
You imm: how did you pass out eq?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'the hug of an immortal'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt rofl<
You tell the group, 'rofl'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'stefen is now pregnant'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'hehe'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'rofl'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'eq'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'shad, why not do it like gandor did earlier'
Lilmike's ice shield fades, then disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'he going to be rich '

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'how did Gandor do it?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'assign everyone a number and then dice'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: gave everyone a number, then rolled that number myself, handed out each piece myself to whoever represented that number.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'everyone gets a number and gandor diroles for each piece'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'first man to get pregnate'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [18990] The Ejja teleported mob [18990] 'The Ejja' into room [18957] 'Looking at books on demon summoning.'.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: later

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'but he's about to pass out, remember?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'second'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Lexie: nod later. just got limited time. and wanna make the most of it
Felonia rolls a 100 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 73.
Art's force shield slowly dissipates.
The red in Art's vision disappears.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'fastest solution!'
Killkill tells the group, 'dice 2 1'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art releases A skeletal mage from his control.
A skeletal mage suddenly breaks, crumbles, and turns to dust.
A skeletal mage has left the group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'and u get him prgegnant felonia?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'yep'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: like if there were 18, roll 18, if cria is #5 and I rolled #5, he got it. Everyone had a number.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'arnold schwazeneggar is first'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Fehlan: nod nod well crias got everyone i dont, and losin ours so shrug

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill rolls a 10 sided die 10 times:
9  9  4  8  1  9  7  5  8  10  
Total was 70, average was 7.000.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: less drama and less spam
Felonia tells the group, 'you know me giant player'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>imm ok, so everyone gives me a number between 1 and 100<
You imm: ok, so everyone gives me a number between 1 and 100

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: no

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'stop'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'oops'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'so we doing this?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill rolls its eyes at you.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'where?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt at unholy<
You tell the group, 'at unholy'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt gonna pass out eq<
You tell the group, 'gonna pass out eq'
Angelluhh's ice shield fades, then disappears.
Stefen's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'to next?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh scans the area to see who is around.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'there should be a fast way to do that'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr rolls a 10 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 8.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'no'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'this is the last one'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh rolls a 6 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 1.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr rolls a 6 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 4.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'give it all to me'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'and how we get credit for the march?'
Lilmike rolls a 100 sided die 100 times:
Total was 5332, average was 53.320.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'all mine'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain says, 'stop dirolling pls'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia rolls a 6 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 6.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia rolls a 100 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 49.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia rolls a 100 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 86.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia rolls a 100 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 2.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'sac it all and give us crecits'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh rolls a 6 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 6.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh rolls a 6 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 2.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro rolls a 100 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 36.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'killkill, you're not man enough to handle some of this eq'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'give us lot of golds'
Passion tells the group, 'haha'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: I assigned everyone a number, like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc, wrote it down in wordpad and told everyone their number in the group. I poked the piece to let them know which it was, then rolled the dice, whoevers number came up they got it.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: went nice and fast that way.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gordan appears in the middle of the room.
Passion awakens.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'shadowfax, sac it all'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'you think so?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'give it all to everyone else, and give me a control undead tome'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Watery flies south.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: heh.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>imm uh<
You imm: uh

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Bein has entered the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gordan appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.
Flynn sits down and rests.
Aaronr says, 'what'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: Sorry, not good at explaining atm.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Demanding, demanding, you lot are.'

>imm ok dude, maybe i'm really tired, but i am just not comprehending<

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You imm: ok dude, maybe i'm really tired, but i am just not comprehending

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heheheheheh'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'give it to dentin....he is a poor newb'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all her weaknesses.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen floats down as his fly spell wears out.
(admin logoff) Bein has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>imm you mind grouping up with me and showing me?<
You imm: you mind grouping up with me and showing me?

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'heh, this whole thing has been a blast'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'totally'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen says, 'heh there are two cats laying next to my chair. One on either side.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty tells the group, 'lol sure was fun'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill lightly touches Thantos the Executioner, and pale red glow surrounds Thantos the Executioner's hands.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor starts following you.
Rain tells the group, 'mmm, blasting'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Watery appears in the middle of the room.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill lightly touches Thantos the Executioner, and crackling blue-white glow surrounds Thantos the Executioner's hands.
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah, was awesome'
(admin logoff) Bser has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>group gandor<
You add Gandor to your group.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill lightly touches Thantos the Executioner, and Thantos the Executioner's hands take on a sickly green tint.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells you, 'why not jade dragon'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'Okay, this is how I did it.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Katey killed by A carver shaman while in room [50029] A carver encampment

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I dare you, face thantos now!'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain utters the words, 'lepripxa borgripdo' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards Thantos the Executioner.
The aura of sickness on Thantos the Executioner's hands fades.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain utters the words, 'dikzenya ten fu tep' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [38857] 'A small cell'.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'kilvileng suorniumbarop' [dispel magic]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43150] 'A hallway'.
Angelluhh's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'lephunger malmalbar' [dispel magic]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'optao wirirkeng tepvillep' [dispel magic]
Maeve gestures towards Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Killkill utters the words, 'lysrekzen rek taobar hunpigsu werten' [dispel magic]
Killkill gestures towards Rain.
Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4522/4522 mn 801/801  mv1182/1182]x(leader)(tank)
[Gandor                Lvl 107 MC hp3136/3136 mn 335/335  mv 352/352 ] 
[Delirium              Lvl  30 Tw hp 817/817  mn  71/228  mv 303/303 ] 
[Angelluhh             Lvl  23 Wc hp 400/400  mn 238/238  mv 299/299 ] 
[Killkill              Lvl  27 Mw hp 500/500  mn 181/279  mv 318/318 ] 
[Ashly                 Lvl  29 Wm hp 681/681  mn 254/254  mv 327/327 ] (linkdead)
[Passion               Lvl  25 Tc hp 627/627  mn 259/294  mv 268/268 ] 
[Jaide                 Lvl  30 Cw hp 527/527  mn 349/440  mv 272/272 ] 
[Flynn                 Lvl  30 TW hp 724/724  mn 296/355  mv 427/427 ] 
[Lilmike               Lvl  30 MC hp 487/487  mn 442/442  mv 212/212 ] 
[Kaylee                Lvl  30 MC hp 538/538  mn 445/445  mv 258/258 ] 
[Shaletty              Lvl  30 MC hp 588/588  mn 451/451  mv 259/259 ] 
[Art                   Lvl  25 Nm hp 311/311  mn 350/350  mv 184/184 ] 
[Kliro                 Lvl  30 CM hp 484/484  mn 539/539  mv 252/252 ] 
[Thoth                 Lvl  30 MW hp 665/665  mn 387/388  mv 399/399 ] 
[Felonia               Lvl  30 CM hp 573/573  mn 505/507  mv 239/239 ] 
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 611/616  mn 461/497  mv 279/298 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 314/314  mn 334/334  mv 164/164 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 508/523  mv 145/145 ] 

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike says to Thantos the Executioner, 'unless you get disarmed, we don't care that your hands have all those spells.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'tep engzen' [dispel magic]
Maeve gestures towards Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'wirbarnarque su' [dispel magic]
Killkill gestures towards Rain.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain utters the words, 'donarornium fuvilopque' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'lep hi tenquetao su pigpigsu irk' [dispel magic]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'opataeng irkxado irkborg' [dispel magic]
Killkill gestures towards Rain.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve utters the words, 'irkborgpigfoododik lepgerlyshi ripirk orniumugya' [dispel magic]
Maeve gestures towards Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get thantos<
Rain utters the words, 'pigeng rek' [dispel magic]
Rain gestures towards Thantos the Executioner.
You get Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'fulepfu yaya' [dispel magic]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'guys, stop for a sec'
Killkill utters the words, 'wertenpig hizenvilwir op' [dispel magic]
Killkill gestures towards Rain.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee says, 'stooooop'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'Okay.'
Kliro tells the group, 'enough'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wtf spam'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>emote eats Thantos the Executioner.;at 26398 drop thantos<
You emote: Shadowfax eats Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You drop Thantos the Executioner.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'Everyone is present...'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thorerand newbies, 'I have to sacrifice my own corpse. I'm sad and mad and Ill be walking death to all kobolts.'
Passion says, 'eek the spam'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'I am'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide's force shield slowly dissipates.
The pink fuzz around Maeve disappears.
Kaylee's skin fades from grey stone to normal color.
Flynn's force shield slowly dissipates.
The healing properties of this place diminish as a powerful spell expires.
Passion stops resting, and stands up.
Passion sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Yup'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium tells the group, 'yes'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'bet that was tasty'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ssnod felonia<
You nod stupidly to Felonia.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide's displaced image abruptly rejoins her body.
Flynn's displaced image abruptly rejoins his body.
(admin logoff) Jamelle has left the game.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Can we divide the eq so we can all sleep?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>imm woah you're lev 107<
You imm: woah you're lev 107

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>imm LEVEL UP!<
You imm: LEVEL UP!
Kliro tells the group, 'agreed'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill wakes up and starts resting.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'can everyone wait patiently?'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: for tonight only :(

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>idle gandor<
Gandor is not currently idle.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Members of your group:
[Shadowfax             Lvl 107 MC hp4522/4522 mn 801/801  mv1182/1182]x(leader)(tank)
[Gandor                Lvl 107 MC hp3136/3136 mn 335/335  mv 352/352 ] 
[Delirium              Lvl  30 Tw hp 817/817  mn  91/228  mv 303/303 ] 
[Angelluhh             Lvl  23 Wc hp 400/400  mn 229/238  mv 299/299 ] 
[Killkill              Lvl  27 Mw hp 500/500  mn 163/279  mv 318/318 ] 
[Ashly                 Lvl  29 Wm hp 681/681  mn 254/254  mv 327/327 ] (linkdead)
[Passion               Lvl  25 Tc hp 627/627  mn 277/294  mv 268/268 ] 
[Jaide                 Lvl  30 Cw hp 527/527  mn 437/440  mv 272/272 ] 
[Flynn                 Lvl  30 TW hp 724/724  mn 355/355  mv 427/427 ] 
[Lilmike               Lvl  30 MC hp 487/487  mn 442/442  mv 212/212 ] 
[Kaylee                Lvl  30 MC hp 538/538  mn 445/445  mv 258/258 ] 
[Shaletty              Lvl  30 MC hp 588/588  mn 451/451  mv 259/259 ] 
[Art                   Lvl  25 Nm hp 311/311  mn 350/350  mv 184/184 ] 
[Kliro                 Lvl  30 CM hp 484/484  mn 539/539  mv 252/252 ] 
[Thoth                 Lvl  30 MW hp 665/665  mn 388/388  mv 399/399 ] 
[Felonia               Lvl  30 CM hp 573/573  mn 505/507  mv 239/239 ] 
[Rain                  Lvl  30 Mt hp 614/614  mn 472/472  mv 267/267 ] 
[Aaronr                Lvl  27 Nm hp 314/314  mn 334/334  mv 164/164 ] 
[Maeve                 Lvl  30 Mc hp 506/506  mn 523/523  mv 145/145 ] 

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill sits down and rests.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Leader                Members  Level  Rating  Comment
Merlinda                    3     17     avg  
Chingis                     2     23     avg  
Fehlan                      3     32  v.good  
Cria                        9     34   excel  
Shadowfax                  19    107     avg  

No followers are currently looking for groups/leaders.

(To add yourself to the 'followers' list, use 'group set follower'.)

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'okay.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes to sleep.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'Let's go west.'

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'to not spam unholy'

Killkill stops resting, and stands up.

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The dressing room.
A great big open room filled with half naked people, it isn't a pretty sight.
Dressing in public may not be that fun, but then again at least in here you 
can spam all you want.  A cool breeze blows through the high-ceilinged dome,
and wafts up your open britches.

( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 6)Kliro is resting here.
[Exits: east northwest ]
Delirium has arrived.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

The dressing room.
A great big open room filled with half naked people, it isn't a pretty sight.
Dressing in public may not be that fun, but then again at least in here you 
can spam all you want.  A cool breeze blows through the high-ceilinged dome,
and wafts up your open britches.

( 5)Delirium is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Ashly is here.
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Maeve is here.
( 6)Lilmike is resting here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 6)Kliro is resting here.
[Exits: east northwest ]

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'people'
Art has arrived.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion drops a staff of oak.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'west'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion sacrifices a staff of oak to Heart.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'delirum 1, angelluh 2, killkill 3, ashly 4, passion 5, jaide 6, flynn 7, lilmike 8, kaylee 9, shaletty 10, art 11, skliro 12, thoth 13, felonia 14, rain 15, aaronr 16, maeve 17'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The red in Delirium's vision disappears.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I'm number 3, can I be number 4?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'skliro?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Cow' into room [40730] 'Eternal Night'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>pat kliro<
You pat Kliro on his pretty little head.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'shad what if its a kind of eq someone won't want, before it binds, can you give them a chance to offer it to someone else?'
Gandor tells the group, 'shadowfax, you just dice 17, and give the item to the corresponding person'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43157] 'A hallway'.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43153] 'A sharp corner'.
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)
Passion's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'don't give the man a hard time heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'easy enough'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, '?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'easy'
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt yeah ok<
You tell the group, 'yeah ok'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt awesome<
You tell the group, 'awesome'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
a suit of ultimate protection
A solid gold key
Killkill tells the group, 'stop spamming kliro'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ok, listen up guys<
You tell the group, 'ok, listen up guys'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion gains a necromancer level!

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'killkill, go die'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells you, 'that way there isn't so much spam, less drama'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Katey has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'guys!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'listen'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt suit of ultimate protection<
You tell the group, 'suit of ultimate protection'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 9.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt 9<
You tell the group, '9'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'kaylee'
Kaylee tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Doka has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt you want it?<
You tell the group, 'you want it?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee tells the group, 'what is it, lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'ac 14'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'I just gave it to them regardless'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ok<
You tell the group, 'ok'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'If they don't want it, they can sell or whatever.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give suit kaylee<
You give a suit of ultimate protection to Kaylee.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'just hand it to them and they can decide that later'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Gandor tells the group, 'saves time'
You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a tempered tungsten vest
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'you can just auc it off and stuff'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'its not bound'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'so they can give it away'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt temper tungsten vest<
You tell the group, 'temper tungsten vest'
Shaletty goes away from her keyboard.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ice 17<
[ice] Shadowfax: 17

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 12.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ice fail<
[ice] Shadowfax: fail

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt 12<
You tell the group, '12'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[ice] Thoth: indeed

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[ice] Stefen: haha

>give tungsten kliro<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give a tempered tungsten vest to Kliro.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a brilliantly white silk tunic
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt white silk tunic<
You tell the group, 'white silk tunic'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 9.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43152] 'A hallway'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'whoa'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'lucky'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'lucky girl'

>give tunic kaylee<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give a brilliantly white silk tunic to Kaylee.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
purple silk pantaloons
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt purple silk pantaloons<
Flynn has arrived.
You tell the group, 'purple silk pantaloons'
Flynn sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 5.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt 5<
You tell the group, '5'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'passion'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give pantaloons passion<
Passion can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast tensor<
You chant while moving your hands in a circular pattern parallel to the ground.
A floating blue-tinted disc slowly solidifies and hovers before you.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>put purple tensor<
You put purple silk pantaloons in Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give tensor passion<
You give Tensor's floating disc to Passion.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
a gold-hilted sabre
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt gold hilted sabre<

>dice 17<
You tell the group, 'gold hilted sabre'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 10.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt 10<
You tell the group, '10'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [52235] 'The Southern Ocean'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Shaletty'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty tells the group, 'um me?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give sabre shaletty<
You give a gold-hilted sabre to Shaletty.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'yay 4 u'
Shaletty tells the group, 'thanks'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43152] 'A hallway'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt tideripper<
You tell the group, 'tideripper'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 10.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'whoa'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'ucky!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'i hate u dice'

>give tideripper shaletty<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give TideRipper to Shaletty.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [42334] 'The Trollway'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

(admin logoff) Remedios has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
a huge magical water ring
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'heh yeah'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa magic water ring<
You say, 'magic water ring'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 15.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Rain!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'ugh! just 1 number off?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give water rain<
You give a huge magical water ring to Rain.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [19785] 'A Dwarven Home'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Tensor's floating disc abruptly winks out of existence. (carried by Kliro)

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt black visored blahblahblah helmet<
You tell the group, 'black visored blahblahblah helmet'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 11.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt speak up 11<
You tell the group, 'speak up 11'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'rofl he's already selling it.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'art'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give visored art<
You give a black visored scorpion-tailed helmet to Art.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
a psionic blade (humming)
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt psionic blade<
You tell the group, 'psionic blade'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 8.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'yeah!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'lilmike'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'me!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give psionic lilmike<
You give a psionic blade to Lilmike.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
a smattering of metal pieces
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt smattering of metal pieces<
You tell the group, 'smattering of metal pieces'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 1.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'delirum'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'delirium even'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give smattering delirium<
You don't seem to have that object.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give pieces delirium<
You give a smattering of metal pieces to Delirium.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
a chipped obsidian blade
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin grestore) Autorestore followers for god 'morpheus',   192 power used.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa chipped obsidian blade<
You say, 'chipped obsidian blade'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 13.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'I have 489 of 515 hp, 193 of 279 mana, and 318 of 318 move.'
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Stefen' into room [42068] 'The edge of the forest'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'yep, thoth'

>give chipped thoth<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give a chipped obsidian blade to Thoth.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a black skull helmet
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a black skull helmet
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Stefen' into room [39882] 'A waystation on the highway'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt iron helmet w/ human skulls<
You tell the group, 'iron helmet w/ human skulls'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 14.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Stefen' into room [13012] 'A turn in the path'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43152] 'A hallway'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'fel'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'wow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give helmet felonia<
You give a black skull helmet to Felonia.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Felonia tells the group, 'yay  i think'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give a black skull helmet to Felonia.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Felonia can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '...?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia gives you a black skull helmet.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt oops<
You tell the group, 'oops'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [12424] 'A Cobwebbed Corridor'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give headdress felonia<
Felonia can't carry that much weight.
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast tensor<
You chant while moving your hands in a circular pattern parallel to the ground.
A floating blue-tinted disc slowly solidifies and hovers before you.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give headdress tensor<
You don't see that character here.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>put headdress tensor<
You put an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls in Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia gives you a black skull helmet.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give tensor felonia<
You give Tensor's floating disc to Felonia.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
a gold bracer (glowing)
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh yells, 'int'
Killkill is awakened by the noise.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill goes to sleep.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen has arrived.
An azure blue demon has arrived.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt gold bracer<
You tell the group, 'gold bracer'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 2.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill awakens.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'angel'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'nod'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give bracer angel<
Angelluhh tells the group, 'yes, its me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give a gold bracer to Angelluhh.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells you, 'thanks'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt fur-lined pouch<
You tell the group, 'fur-lined pouch'
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43153] 'A sharp corner'.
Passion's force shield slowly dissipates.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 11.
Passion sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
a fur-lined leather pouch
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Art'
Gandor tells the group, 'ar'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give pouch art<
You give a fur-lined leather pouch to Art.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
a ziff shield
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ziff shield<
You tell the group, 'ziff shield'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[anger] Fehlan: peace out for now

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 12.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'that's amazing how many doubles we've had'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
[gate] Lexie: later

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Bein has entered the game.
Kliro tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give ziff kliro<
You give a ziff shield to Kliro.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Art tells the group, 'oh cool a pouch of beans'
You are carrying:
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
a jar of atolli
a jar of atolli
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'holy crap'
(admin logoff) Fehlan has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro drops a ziff shield.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro sacrifices a ziff shield to Shadowfax.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen says, 'ouch'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43157] 'A hallway'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'hehe'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'he gave it back to u'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt 2x jar of atolli<
You tell the group, '2x jar of atolli'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen says, 'Heh in a way he just got it back.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 13.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: I think it's easier doing it this way.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Thoth'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give atolli lilmike<
You give a jar of atolli to Lilmike.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You give a jar of atolli to Lilmike.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '...?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'um'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, '2?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art floats down as his fly spell wears out.
Kaylee floats down as her fly spell wears out.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike gives you a jar of atolli.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike gives you a jar of atolli.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'im 13'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt sorry<
You tell the group, 'sorry'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give atolli thoth<

You give a jar of atolli to Thoth.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give a jar of atolli to Thoth.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Aaronr tells the group, 'lol, uh oh'
You are carrying:
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
a jaguar skin
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'just one'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'Atolli! Delicious.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'u get 2'
Shaletty goes away from her keyboard.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt i know<
You tell the group, 'i know'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'accept it'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'thanks'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt jaguar skin<
You tell the group, 'jaguar skin'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 12.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'holy crap'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'kliro'
Killkill tells the group, 'triple'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'is that 4? or 3 now.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give skin kliro<
You give a jaguar skin to Kliro.
(admin logoff) Grimstad has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a staff of domination
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
a blue metal chain
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro drops a jaguar skin.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro sacrifices a jaguar skin to Shadowfax.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'I betcha I'm not gunna get anything'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion says, 'ouch'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt blue metal chain<
You tell the group, 'blue metal chain'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'i ain't gonna get anything'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 1.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'del'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give chain delirium<
You give a staff of domination to Delirium.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium tells the group, 'woot'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You give a blue metal chain to Delirium.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'hmmm?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa oops<
You say, 'oops'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt too many chains in inv<
You tell the group, 'too many chains in inv'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'heh'
Thoth tells the group, 'heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>use gun delirium<
(note - you are wearing a Ronald raygun)
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Shadowfax' into inventory of [-1] 'Delirium' while in room [15] 'The dressing room.'.

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get domination<
You get a staff of domination.

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>

>got gandor<
Going to character... 
The dressing room.
A great big open room filled with half naked people, it isn't a pretty sight.
Dressing in public may not be that fun, but then again at least in here you 
can spam all you want.  A cool breeze blows through the high-ceilinged dome,
and wafts up your open britches.

( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
( 4)Flynn is resting here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 5)Passion is resting here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Ashly is here.
( 7)Killkill is here.
( 5)Maeve is resting here.
( 6)Lilmike is resting here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
( 6)Rain is here.
( 6)Kliro is resting here.
[Exits: east northwest ]

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a silver crown
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Bein has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa blood-stained steel crown<
You say, 'blood-stained steel crown'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 4.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'ash'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'ly'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give crown ashly<
Ashly can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>c tensor<
You chant while moving your hands in a circular pattern parallel to the ground.
A floating blue-tinted disc slowly solidifies and hovers before you.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'syllables'
Aaronr tells the group, 'ash ly!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>put crown tensor<
You put a silver crown in Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'do ashes lie?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give tensor ashly<
Felonia utters the words, 'orniumornium wir borg taofu' [sanctuary]

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly can't carry that much weight.
Felonia utters the words, 'vilsuque engten riprek' [sanctuary]
Killkill is surrounded by a white aura.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Aaronr tells the group, 'yes'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'wereng borgdik jyn' [sanctuary]
Aaronr is surrounded by a white aura.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'zenata lysgerrekfu odiuslepger lysvilborgrek' [sanctuary]
Jaide is surrounded by a white aura.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'uggerten irkbarqueripatabar' [sanctuary]

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia utters the words, 'taodik suatairk jynhi' [sanctuary]
Kaylee is surrounded by a white aura.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'spaaam!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'rekrekya tao quexalep engzenxa' [cure serious wounds]

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give tensor ashly<
Ashly can't carry that much weight.
Killkill utters the words, 'atayaodiusten' [cure serious wounds]

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'ornium fooborg xakildikhun' [cure light wounds]
You feel a little better.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'atanarca wir atayairk' [cure light wounds]
You feel a little better.

>sa uh ashly<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You say, 'uh ashly'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'ripya eng malirkdik ripwirripdo' [cure light wounds]
You feel a little better.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill utters the words, 'atarekriptenlep jyn' [cure light wounds]
You feel a little better.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'can we hurry this up, im sick and need to hit the sack'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'htink ashly might have left'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'think'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'redice'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>c st ashly<
You may not cast that spell on others.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'why're you playing this game when you should be asleep'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'I'll take it and see its stats lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'she's out'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'she's right here'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'she is here'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'oh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Acrene gossips, 'ive got to up my ac, but i hate to lose all my mana'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'link dead though'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Rain tells the group, 'she's afk'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a golden scythe (glowing)
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt scythe of death<
You tell the group, 'scythe of death'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Cow tells you, 'change your title'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'redice it'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 16.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'give it to her anyway'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Aaron'
Aaronr tells the group, 'already got one'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'what'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give scythe aaronr<
You give a golden scythe to Aaronr.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah'
You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a Death Legion Tower Shield
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
the Scythe of Death
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, '2 now'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa dangit<
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You say, 'dangit'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The red in Stefen's vision disappears.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>use gun aaronr<
(note - you are wearing a Ronald raygun)
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Shadowfax' into inventory of [-1] 'Aaronr' while in room [15] 'The dressing room.'.

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get scythe<
You get a golden scythe.

[(you are not in a room)]
R:none Z:1 Wiz:0>

>got gandor<
Going to character... 
The dressing room.
A great big open room filled with half naked people, it isn't a pretty sight.
Dressing in public may not be that fun, but then again at least in here you 
can spam all you want.  A cool breeze blows through the high-ceilinged dome,
and wafts up your open britches.

( 6)Surrounded by flowing shadow and light, Stefen stands before you, cloaked in the power of the force.
( 4)Flynn is resting here.
( 6)Angelluhh is here.
( 7)Art is here.
( 5)Delirium is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 5)Passion is resting here.
( 5)Jaide is here.
Jaide glows with a bright light!
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 5)Kaylee is here.
Kaylee glows with a bright light!
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Ashly is here.
( 7)Killkill is here.
Killkill glows with a bright light!
( 5)Maeve is resting here.
( 6)Lilmike is resting here.
( 5)Aaronr is here.
Aaronr glows with a bright light!
( 6)Rain is here.
( 6)Kliro is resting here.
[Exits: east northwest ]
Aaronr tells the group, 'huh?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give death aaronr<
You give a Death Legion Tower Shield to Aaronr.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'My face is hitting my computer desk'
Aaronr tells the group, 'rofl'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'rofl!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor comforts you.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa geez<
You say, 'geez'
Aaronr tells the group, 'um'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol!'
Aaronr gives you a Death Legion Tower Shield.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'golden scythe tower shield...are not scythe of death'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give 2.scythe aaronr<
You give the Scythe of Death to Aaronr.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'raa!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'that's better'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron greatsword
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor says, 'We don't use fixed dice.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'brb'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'weighted dice'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt iron greatsword<
You tell the group, 'iron greatsword'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 6.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill rolls a 100 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 86.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Jaide'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'jaide'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide tells the group, 'that me.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give greatsword jaide<
You give an iron greatsword to Jaide.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
an iron greatsword
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt another greatsword<
You tell the group, 'another greatsword'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 14.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'fel'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give greatsword felonia<
Felonia can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'lots of lucky people'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Killkill fades.
The white aura around Jaide fades.
The white aura around Aaronr fades.
The white aura around Kaylee fades.
Killkill tells the group, 'and few unlucky ones'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr warns the group, 'sanc out!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'fel hasnt got anything yet has she?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [2147] 'Flying near the cliff'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give an iron greatsword to Felonia.
Lilmike tells the group, 'oh yes'
Gandor tells the group, 'yeah'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '1 or 2'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a troll tusk necklace
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt troll tusk necklace<
You tell the group, 'troll tusk necklace'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'oh'

>dice 17<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 11.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Endred has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'i just got an iron great swoard'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'art'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes away from her keyboard.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give tusk art<
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43156] 'A hallway'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give a troll tusk necklace to Art.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'another tripple!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'maeve needs something'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [7364] 'Wandering around in the woods.'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt spiked plate gauntlets<
You tell the group, 'spiked plate gauntlets'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'i do 2'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 3.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
spiked plate gauntlets
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'i need to trade this for mana regen stuff '

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'that's mien'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [3133] 'At the top of a huge waterfall.'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'killkill'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Endred has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give gauntlets killkill<
You give spiked plate gauntlets to Killkill.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'raa killkill!'


[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You are carrying:
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a black skull belt
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43152] 'A hallway'.
The shield shatters and breaks, and the pieces slowly dissolve into nothingness. (carried by Rain)
Killkill's force shield slowly dissipates.
Passion's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Password fail for 'bleach'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt black skull belt<
You tell the group, 'black skull belt'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 6.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'jaide'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke belt<
You poke a black skull belt to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'hahaha'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium tells the group, 'woot'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give belt jaide<
You give a black skull belt to Jaide.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Password fail for 'bleach'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
fur-lined plate armor
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
spiked plate armor
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt spiked plate armor<
You tell the group, 'spiked plate armor'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Jaide thanks you.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 6.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo has arrived.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'holy?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'jaide again, woo'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give armor jaide<
Horo leaves east.
Jaide can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Stefen leaves east.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Jaide can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, '2 in a row, tic tac toe!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>c tensor<
You chant while moving your hands in a circular pattern parallel to the ground.
A floating blue-tinted disc slowly solidifies and hovers before you.
Jaide begins chanting and moving her hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before her.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'That's actually three.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo has arrived.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You nod solemnly.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'thats 3 idiot'
Horo says, 'guys case me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
The white aura around Horo fades.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give armor jaide<
Jaide can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Password fail for 'bleach'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>put armor tensor<
You put fur-lined plate armor in Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Horo leaves east.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You put spiked plate armor in Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'why am I so tired? its only 9'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get fur tensor<
You get fur-lined plate armor from Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, '9:30'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'dice 17'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, '10:36'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro rolls a 17 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 13.

>give tensor jaide<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give Tensor's floating disc to Jaide.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro rolls a 17 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 13.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro rolls a 17 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 4.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro rolls a 17 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 15.


[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You are carrying:
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro rolls a 17 sided die ...
... and it comes up as 2.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt black skull belt<
You tell the group, 'black skull belt'
Thoth tells the group, 'im 13'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 10.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Password fail for 'bleach'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'shalett'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give belt shaletty<
Shaletty can't carry that many items.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty tells the group, 'wate'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You feel a slight tingle and you feel somehow abandoned.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty begins chanting and moving her hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before her.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'oh that was someone bad'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Shaletty can't carry that many items.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'can I sell my gauntlets to you for some gold, Shadow?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Mekoto has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Shaletty can't carry that many items.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'hahaha'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'no'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'what about my death'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Shaletty can't carry that many items.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'I have about 3'
Rain tells the group, 'take what you have and be thankful'
Killkill donates spiked plate gauntlets.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa c'mon shaletty<
You say, 'c'mon shaletty'
Rain tells the group, 'stats on them, killkill'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a black skull belt
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'or sac it like kliro'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'it's a tot108 and I'm tot82'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give belt shaletty<
You give a black skull belt to Shaletty.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr drops the Scythe of Death.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr sacrifices the Scythe of Death to Dentin.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
spiked plate poleyns
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'After we get done splitting, we'll go get you guys the death march deed.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin grestore) Autorestore followers for god 'mutt',   125 power used.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt spiked plate poleyns<
You tell the group, 'spiked plate poleyns'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 10.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Shaletty'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'shal agin'

>give poleyns shaletty<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty can't carry that many items.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Mekoto has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn says, 'oh my god Ihave to go to the bathroom so bad'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: wow, long ways to go.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty tells the group, 'lol wht the?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee says, 'wow?'
Thoth tells the group, 'yeah i think i missed the deed'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Password fail for 'mekoto'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43165] 'The upper halls'.
A twisted bone shield fractures, splits, and abruptly crumbles to dust! (worn by Art)

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give poleyns shaletty<
You give spiked plate poleyns to Shaletty.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
an iron skull mace
a mirror of vanity
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt iron skull mace<
You tell the group, 'iron skull mace'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 17.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'WOO'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh goes away from her keyboard.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'hey shadowfax u mind doing me a favor real quick?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'wow...first 17'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'the first 17!'

>give mace maeve<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give an iron skull mace to Maeve.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Probably something I don't need, too...'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'congrats'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
a mirror of vanity
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'That really depends, Kliro.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Thank you'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt mirror of vanity<
You tell the group, 'mirror of vanity'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 1.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'del'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Indigo has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'On the nature of the favor'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn says, 'ok I have to go potty I'm number 7'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Mekoto has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give mirror delirium<
You give a mirror of vanity to Delirium.
Lilmike tells the group, 'tripple!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a wicked scimitar
a letter
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'can u dice on the magi so i can go to bed? its the only piece of eq i'm looking forward to'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt wicked scimitar<
You tell the group, 'wicked scimitar'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 13.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '**@!'
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43168] 'The upper halls'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'how much more eq?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'good bit'

>give scimitar thoth<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give a wicked scimitar to Thoth.
Kliro tells the group, 'after that lilmike can have my number'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a letter
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'i want it'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow, he's got alot'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'please shadowfax?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill rolls a 99 sided die 99 times:
Total was 5276, average was 53.293.

>gt bracelet of fallen magi<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'bracelet of fallen magi'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 11.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'ahaha'
Maeve tells the group, 'If my number is rolled, just hand it to me, I need to brb'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'so.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'he doesn't need it!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give magi art<
You give A bracelet of the fallen magi to Art.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'so close kliro, lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a black velvet cape
a letter
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt black velvet cape<
You tell the group, 'black velvet cape'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'there ya go lilmike, gandor mind grabbing me the deed real quick?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 15.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'its still bound'
Rain tells the group, 'when the !$@@ is he going to use a piece like that, come on'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'rain'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'dice your shadowfax machine'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give velvet rain<
You give a black velvet cape to Rain.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a letter
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt iron skull pauldrons<
You tell the group, 'iron skull pauldrons'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 4.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'magi is still to rain'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'ash'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'bound even'

>give pauldrons ashly<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly can't carry that much weight.
Killkill tells the group, 'so close, but no cigar'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>cast tensor<
You chant while moving your hands in a circular pattern parallel to the ground.
A floating blue-tinted disc slowly solidifies and hovers before you.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
iron skull pauldrons
a letter
a blood-stained steel crown
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'will buy it for 50k'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'you must u nbind it!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>put pauldrons tensor<
You put iron skull pauldrons in Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Bloody bone armor suddenly cracks, breaks, and splits, then falls off in
large chunks. (worn by Art)

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>put crown tensor<
You put a blood-stained steel crown in Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium has lost her link.
Delirium has reconnected.

>give tensor ashly<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Ashly can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
iron skull greaves
a welded mail cloak
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key
Delirium sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Chingis has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt iron skull greaves<
You tell the group, 'iron skull greaves'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 1.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Yai has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give greaves delirium<
You give iron skull greaves to Delirium.
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'del'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
a welded mail cloak
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'quadrouple?'
Thoth tells the group, 'nice'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt welded mail cloak<
You tell the group, 'welded mail cloak'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 1.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'again!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'holy %#!?!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give welded delirium<
You give a welded mail cloak to Delirium.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
a flaming lance
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'is that 5?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt flaming lance<
Kliro disappears in a mushroom cloud.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heh...weighted dice'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'flaming lance'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'it's a lot'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 8.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'meee!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give flaming lilmike<
You don't seem to have that object.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43115] 'a streghe' in room [43168] 'The upper halls'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'second 8'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke lance<
You poke a long silver lance to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'is there some invincible part?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke 2.lace<
You want to poke at what?

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke 2.lance<
You poke a flaming lance to make sure it is real.
Kliro tells the group, 'i didn't die once'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill pokes you in the ribs.
Thoth tells the group, 'del is going to casino after this'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Password fail for 'vryce'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'heh true'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give 2.lance lilmike<
You give a flaming lance to Lilmike.
Delirium tells the group, 'rofl'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
a hideous black mask
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Vryce has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa hideous black mask<
You say, 'hideous black mask'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 13.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'wait, you can only get the deed if youdidn't die?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'no'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'deed if you didn't die'
Thoth tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'you get a special deed'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain drops a black velvet cape.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain sacrifices a black velvet cape to Shadowfax.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah, that one'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia gives an iron greatsword to Vryce.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give hideous thoth<
You don't seem to have that object.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn says, 'back'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'um didnt you roll 13?'

>poke mask<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You poke a hideous black mask to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Vryce prays to Byung for transportation...
Vryce disappears.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give mask thoth<
You give a hideous black mask to Thoth.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

(admin logoff) Vryce has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a shield of shadows
a ring of shadows
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key
Lilmike tells the group, 'yeah he did'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'oh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt ring of shadows<
You tell the group, 'ring of shadows'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'thanks for the death march shadow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 11.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro tells the group, 'was amazing'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'hahahaa another multiple'
(admin logoff) Kliro has left the game.
Kliro stops following you.
Kliro has left the group.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'woop'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'i think i still need the deed'
Lilmike tells the group, 'who's 11?/'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'mine'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give shadows art<
You give a shield of shadows to Art.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
a ring of shadows
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Jinx has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'gandor's probably gonna get us all the deed later'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'oops?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Kliro has entered the game.

>gt oops<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You tell the group, 'oops'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro says, 'lilmike gets my number'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Doka killed by a thorn beast while in room [50031] The edge of a grassy field
Art gives you a shield of shadows.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'nod, you'll get that deed after shadowfax checks the logs and stuff'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke 2.shadows<
You poke a ring of shadows to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'kliro left so what happens if his number comes up?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kliro has left the game.
(admin logoff) Kliro has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'that's it, you know you've got too much eq when you give the wrong thing to someone like 4 times heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give 2.shadows art<
You give a ring of shadows to Art.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
A dagger of chaos and destruction (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'if you qualify'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'he said he wanted me to have it'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'the other, everyone gets.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa dagger of chaos of destruction<
You say, 'dagger of chaos of destruction'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 1.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'whoa!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give chaos delirium<
You give A dagger of chaos and destruction to Delirium.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Lilmike tells the group, 'whoa whoa whoa!'
Killkill tells the group, 'del again!'
You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
robe of the immortal
a wardstone
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'I think that's 6!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa robe of the immortal<
You say, 'robe of the immortal'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 16.
Aaronr tells the group, 'heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'what was kliros number?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'me!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'hey, can we start seeing who didn't get as much eq as others and making it even?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'you seriously better go to the casino!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '12'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give immortal aaronr<
You give robe of the immortal to Aaronr.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
a wardstone
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa wardstone<
You say, 'wardstone'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'It's all random, Maeve.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 13.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'lol got one so far'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'whoa!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'go t 1 so far'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give wardstone thoth<
You give a wardstone to Thoth.


[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an enchanted silver goblet
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa enchanted silver goblet<
Killkill tells the group, 'the dice like them better, that is all'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You say, 'enchanted silver goblet'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 14.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'I know, but there are people who've gotten only 1, and then others who have gotten 5'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'hahaha'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give goblet felonia<
Gandor tells you, 'Terror/Vivi got sitebanned, highlight of the day.'
You give an enchanted silver goblet to Felonia.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'It's random, but it's not even'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'indeed'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'so what happens if kliros number comes up gandor/shadow?'

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
a mithril full helm
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Acrene has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn says, 'heh I haven't gotten anything for sure'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [28993] 'In a dark cave'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'it's mine'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
It is midnight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin help) Help page requested for 'skinning' by 'Lila'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [114] 'In a narrow tunnel'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa mithril full helm<
You say, 'mithril full helm'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'we auction it for 1'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
Rain tells the group, 'we should redice'
Thoth tells the group, 'reroll?'
Gandor tells the group, 'roll again, I'd assume.'
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 14.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'whoa!'
Aaronr tells the group, 'again!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give full felonia<
You give a mithril full helm to Felonia.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'another one!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'yay '

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '...?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa silver lance<

>dice 17<
You say, 'silver lance'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'your like jinxing the dice'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 4.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc put mob [-1] 'Stefen' into room [20309] 'In a hallow surrounded by hills'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'ash'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give lance ashly<
Ashly can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
a long silver lance
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'throw it'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>put lance tensor<
You put a long silver lance in Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
a black sack
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa black sack<
You say, 'black sack'
(admin logoff) Ashly has left the game.
Ashly stops following you.
Ashly has left the group.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 5.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [124] 'A fence row under the ground.'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion says, 'me me me'
Gandor tells the group, 'passion'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give sack passion<
You give a black sack to Passion.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
Pyriel's immaculate white robe
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heh ash is logged'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa immaculate white robe<
(admin teleport) Mob [18990] The Ejja teleported mob [18990] 'The Ejja' into room [18955] 'A section on how to fight angels.'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You say, 'immaculate white robe'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain says, 'take your sack'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 7.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'so reroll for her number too?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'flynn'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells the group, 'me!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'yay for flin'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn says, 'yay!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give immaculate flynn<
You don't seem to have that object.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'woo!/'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke robe<
You poke a regal gold embroidered red robe to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Wiese killed by A green slime while in room [ 2911] Behind the Staircase

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke 2.robe<
You poke Pyriel's immaculate white robe to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [10549] 'At a blank western wall.'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion says, 'mmm'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give 2.robe flynn<
You give Pyriel's immaculate white robe to Flynn.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth begins chanting and moving his hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before him.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa medallion of divine creation<
You say, 'medallion of divine creation'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 4.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'ash!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'oops'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells you, 'so is there anything you can do to take the bind flag off of this bracelet? Just wondering.'
Lilmike tells the group, 'I guess reroll'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'reroll'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin death) (player) Doka killed by A carver shaman while in room [50029] A carver encampment

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>repl lemme finish and i'll help you<
You reply to Art, 'lemme finish and i'll help you'


[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
a set of ring binding spell instructions
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art replies to you, 'k'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa ring binding spell instructions<
You say, 'ring binding spell instructions'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 3.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Flynn says, 'was that right robe?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke spell<
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [29448] 'A small bank beside a sheer rock wall'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'So we reroll for 4 and 12'
Flynn stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You want to poke at what?

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'yes'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'ash and kliro are gone'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke ring<
You poke a forever burning ring to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'keeping track on wordpad, heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke 3.ring<
You poke a set of ring binding spell instructions to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'who's 3?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'i am'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give 3.ring killkill<
You give a set of ring binding spell instructions to Killkill.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding (glowing)
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'ine!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'nod, i have it on wordpad too, maeve'
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [10966] 'In the castle's library.'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt mark of mig-dul blood binding<
You tell the group, 'mark of mig-dul blood binding'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 16.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'me!!!!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'I have nothing better to do '
Passion says, 'mmm'

>poke mark<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You poke the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes away from her keyboard.
Gandor tells the group, 'aaron'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give mark aaronr<
You give the mark of Mig-Dul's blood binding to Aaronr.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
a forever burning ring (glowing) (binding)
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt forever burning ring<
You tell the group, 'forever burning ring'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 16.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>poke ring<
You poke a forever burning ring to make sure it is real.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'nice'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give ring aaronr<
You give a forever burning ring to Aaronr.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'woohoo'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa forever burning ring again<
You say, 'forever burning ring again'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 2.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'angelluhh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'angel'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give ring angel<
You give a forever burning ring to Angelluhh.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

Angelluhh tells the group, 'yep'
You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
a regal gold embroidered red robe (binding)
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa regal gold embroidered red robe<
You say, 'regal gold embroidered red robe'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill donates a set of ring binding spell instructions.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'thanks'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 2.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'angelluhh again'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give robe angel<
You give a regal gold embroidered red robe to Angelluhh.
Passion says, 'wow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
a black skull helmet
a black skull helmet
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key
Gandor tells the group, 'She's an angel, but she's missing her halo, as a devil stole it from her..'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'brb'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Smith has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa black skull helmet<
You say, 'black skull helmet'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 3.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give skull killkill<
Lilmike sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give a black skull helmet to Killkill.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'keeel! Keeel!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt black skull helmet again<
You tell the group, 'black skull helmet again'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 5.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Passion'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'passion'
Passion says, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give skull passion<
You give a black skull helmet to Passion.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
a staff of domination
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor says, 'getting there'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa staff of domination<
You say, 'staff of domination'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 16.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'aaron again'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yeah!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give staff aaronr<
You give a staff of domination to Aaronr.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
a golden scythe (glowing)
Tensor's floating disc
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill donates a coral ring of great beauty.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa golden scythe<
You say, 'golden scythe'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '16 and 1 gotta go bettin' heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'mine'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You roll a 6 sided die, and it comes up as 5.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Passion says, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'passion'
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'um'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'that's a 6-sided die'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'that was 6'
Lilmike tells the group, '6 sides?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt sorry<
You tell the group, 'sorry'
Thoth tells the group, 'you rolled 6sided'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'oh'

>dice 17<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 5.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'yeah heh'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, ':p'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'heh'
Passion says, 'lol'
Aaronr tells the group, 'again!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'rofl!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43501] 'a fiery chimera' in room [43550] 'Barren magma fields'.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43503] 'a black salamander' in room [43550] 'Barren magma fields'.
Felonia's muscles magically deflate, and return to normal.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt uncanny<
You tell the group, 'uncanny'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'it's determined to be passions'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh drops a regal gold embroidered red robe.
Angelluhh sacrifices a regal gold embroidered red robe to the pantheon of gods.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'same anyway was meant to be'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give scythe passion<
You give a golden scythe to Passion.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
a Death Legion Tower Shield
Tensor's floating disc
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt death legion tower shield<
You tell the group, 'death legion tower shield'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'fate'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 9.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'just a sec'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Rain says, 'isn't that robe mage clev?'
Lilmike tells the group, 'so close'
Maeve tells the group, 'Kaylee'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'kaylee'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give legion kaylee<
You give a Death Legion Tower Shield to Kaylee.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
fur-lined plate armor
Tensor's floating disc
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa fur-lined armor<
You say, 'fur-lined armor'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh drops a forever burning ring.
Angelluhh sacrifices a forever burning ring to the pantheon of gods.
Delirium sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 7.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'flynn'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give fur flynn<
You give fur-lined plate armor to Flynn.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a shield of shadows
Tensor's floating disc
Tensor's floating disc
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa shield of shadows<
You say, 'shield of shadows'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 14.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill tells the group, 'gotta go, reroll for 3 as well'
Maeve tells the group, 'Fel'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'fel'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give shadows felonia<
Killkill stops following you.
Killkill has left the group.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Killkill prays to Shift for transportation...
Killkill disappears.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia can't carry that much weight.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '3 4 and 12 reroll then'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Killkill has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>nudge felonia<
You give Felonia a soft nudge.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Doka has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [43039] a carnival groupie teleported mob [43039] 'a carnival groupie' into room [25614] 'The path gives way to thick forest'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give shield felonia<
You give a shield of shadows to Felonia.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
Tensor's floating disc
Tensor's floating disc
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>l in dice<
You do not see that here.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>l in disc<
(carried) Tensor's floating disc contains:
a long silver lance
a blood-stained steel crown
iron skull pauldrons

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get all tensor<
You get a long silver lance from Tensor's floating disc.
You get a blood-stained steel crown from Tensor's floating disc.
You get iron skull pauldrons from Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get all 2.tensor<
You get a silver crown from Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>eat tensor<
You eat Tensor's floating disc.


[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You eat Tensor's floating disc.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a silver crown
iron skull pauldrons
a blood-stained steel crown
a long silver lance
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Lexie has left the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa silver crown<
You say, 'silver crown'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 16.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'aaron'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Vryce has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give crown aaron<
You give a silver crown to Aaronr.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
iron skull pauldrons
a blood-stained steel crown
a long silver lance
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'yay!'
Lilmike tells the group, 'holy crap dude'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa iron skull pauldrons<
You say, 'iron skull pauldrons'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, '...he is going to casino with del'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 17.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'maeve!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia gives a shield of shadows to Vryce.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Woo!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Felonia gives a mithril full helm to Vryce.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give pauldrons maeve<
(admin logoff) Legendary has left the game.
You give iron skull pauldrons to Maeve.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a blood-stained steel crown
a long silver lance
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa blood-stained steel crown<
You say, 'blood-stained steel crown'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 1.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'del'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'wow!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give crown delirium<
You give a blood-stained steel crown to Delirium.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a long silver lance
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'casino buddies'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium tells the group, ':P'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa silver lance<
You say, 'silver lance'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Bein has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium stops resting, and stands up.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 13.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a long silver lance
the Medallion of Divine Creation (glowing)
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Shaletty goes away from her keyboard.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'me'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give lance thoth<
You give a long silver lance to Thoth.
(admin login) Password fail for 'slacker'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Delirium sits down and rests.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin help) Help page requested for 'sence life' by 'Aaronr'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'whoo, almost done'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa medallion of divine creation<
You say, 'medallion of divine creation'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 9.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Password fail for 'slacker'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'so close'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'i like the name of that'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'kaylee'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Kaylee tells the group, 'me'

>give medallion kaylee<

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You give the Medallion of Divine Creation to Kaylee.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
an ancient key
the ring of prime evil
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ost ring<
Object vnum: 27793  Name: 'ring prime evil'
Maxload: 0  Curr: 1 Total: 1
Rarity: 1.0%  Currently: 93.2% (extremely uncommon)
Loading Zones: 0 0
Estimate for fingers:  11159

Weight:        1   Size:      0'0"   Level: 100
Dieroll:     1d8   Speed:   -15   Damage type: none (0)
Wield str:   (9)   Cost:(2388592) 
Type:      OTHER   Comp: METAL   Hp: 100/100
Wear locations are: FINGERS 
Item has effects as:
Affects:  MANA by 127
Affects:  MANA by 127
Affects:  MANA by 127
Affects:  MANA by 127
Affects:  HIT_POINTS by 127
Affects:  HIT_POINTS by 127
Item was loaded by: shadowfax_Mon_Oct_20_18:11:16_2008

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are using:
<worn on head>       a crown of fire (light)
<worn on neck>       a Spork of the Gar
<worn on neck>       something ridiculous
<worn on body>       a "got draak?" t-shirt
<worn on waist>      a shadowfax machine
<held>               a Ronald raygun

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>wear ring<
You wear the ring of prime evil on your left hand.
You are zapped by the ring of prime evil and instantly remove it.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get ring<
You don't see anything by that name here.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You snicker softly.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
the ring of prime evil
an ancient key
a letter
one miserable gold coin
the Infinity Ball
an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>drop gold<
You drop one miserable gold coin.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get gold<
You get one miserable gold coin.
You split 1 gold coins with your group.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa underslung belt<
You say, 'underslung belt'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 2.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'angel'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give underslung angel<
You give an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle to Angelluhh.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [6694] 'At the Bottom of a Staircase to the Tower.'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
the ring of prime evil
an ancient key
a letter
the Infinity Ball
a mahogany desk
a harquebus
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'thanks'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Lou has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa harquebus<
You say, 'harquebus'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'silly keys, trix are for kids.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 11.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'art'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give gun art<
You give a harquebus to Art.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
the ring of prime evil
an ancient key
a letter
the Infinity Ball
a mahogany desk
A solid gold key

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>eat key<
You eat an ancient key.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You eat A solid gold key.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>eat ball<
You eat the Infinity Ball.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
the ring of prime evil
a letter
a mahogany desk

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'yummy!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>l letter<
(item is in your inventory)
To: Captain Grig, Haun's Mill 

From: General Yuriyuki Thief-Taker, Eighth Legion

I have lately received a complaint reguarding your conduct from General 
Stormdancer, regarding a one Kaoken, a transsexual human female. While I do
recognize the stressful nature that your duties entail on the frontier,
unprovoked assault is simply unacceptable behavior from an officer. A
reprimand is going on your permanent record. This will effect your 
consideration for promotion, and may well prevent any future extension of
your contract. A copy of this letter is being sent to Haun Gillespie, and  a
third will be on file in the Core Combine Adminstration Center of Natchsburg.

Do learn to control your temper, mercenary, or it will cost you.             
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [33809] 'The Mug and the Sword Tavern'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor says, 'chikin'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa letter<
You say, 'letter'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'mm'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 17.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor says, 'maeve. '

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give letter maeve<
You give a letter to Maeve.
Thoth tells the group, 'maeve!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
the ring of prime evil
a mahogany desk

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dro desk<
You drop a mahogany desk.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>get all desk<
You get a mercenary contract from a mahogany desk.
You get a bottle of tabasco sauce from a mahogany desk.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sac desk<
You appreciate your sacrifice.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa mercenary contract<
You say, 'mercenary contract'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 3.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'kiil'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'reroll'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'kill'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'yeah'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [16590] 'A vast clearing'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art goes completely blank and motionless, as though his body were just an empty shell.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt reroll why?<
You tell the group, 'reroll why?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A free spirit flies east.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'wee! free spirit'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'kill's gone?'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'he left'
Passion says, 'he's gone'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'kill left the group'
Lilmike tells the group, 'oops'
Art snaps out of his trance.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'kills gone'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [52608] 'The meadow's edge'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr goes completely blank and motionless, as though his body were just an empty shell.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 4.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'its mine then lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'reroll!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'again!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'reroll'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Rerfoll again'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'kliro left'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'reroll again, ashly left.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 15.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a bottle of tabasco sauce
a mercenary contract
the ring of prime evil

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'mmm'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'o yea that'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Rain'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give contract lilmike<
Gandor tells the group, 'rain'
You give a mercenary contract to Lilmike.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike gives you a mercenary contract.
(admin login) Morana has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa oops<
You say, 'oops'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'rain'
Felonia gives an iron helmet with a headdress of human skulls to Vryce.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give contract rain<
You give a mercenary contract to Rain.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a bottle of tabasco sauce
the ring of prime evil
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [12964] 'Along the edge of a mist enshrouded cove'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa last one<
You say, 'last one'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'MINE!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr snaps out of his trance.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'lol'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>sa tabasco sauce<
You say, 'tabasco sauce'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>dice 17<
You roll a 17 sided die, and it comes up as 11.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'mmmm'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'art'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Cerulean has entered the game.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give sauce art<
You don't seem to have that object.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give sauce art<
You don't seem to have that object.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a bottle of tabasco sauce
the ring of prime evil

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>give bottle art<
You give a bottle of tabasco sauce to Art.
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [52101] 'Just off-shore'.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Aaronr says, 'ok ok!'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'roll for shadows eq'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Art tells the group, 'its like a spamgasm'


[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
You snicker softly.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'roll for spork'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'If that's it, Shadowfax, I'll gate to where they get the quest.'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
Maeve hugs you.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>gt nod gandor<
You tell the group, 'nod gandor'

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>
A magical portal coalesces out of a glowing whirlpool of magical energy.

[The dressing room.]
R:15 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>ent gate<
You enter a magical portal.

A brightly lit room
This is a rather plain room, with a large table in the middle of it. A few
chairs are scattered here and there, and a chandelier provides almost too
light for this room. If the walls weren't white, it might not be so
difficult on the eyes.
It is night.

(10)A magical gate hovers a few feet above the ground.
( 0)A large table sits in the middle of the room.
[Exits: down ]

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'ent portal'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor arrives from a magical portal.
Aaronr arrives from a magical portal.
Art arrives from a magical portal.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Jaide arrives from a magical portal.
Thoth arrives from a magical portal.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.
Passion arrives from a magical portal.
Kaylee arrives from a magical portal.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike arrives from a magical portal.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Art gets a small token from a large table.
Angelluhh arrives from a magical portal.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Flynn arrives from a magical portal.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'get token table when you arrive'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
(admin teleport) Mob [9250] A will-o-the-wisp teleported mob [9250] 'A will-o-the-wisp' into room [12690] 'Walking near the rim of the pool'.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Shaletty arrives from a magical portal.
Passion gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr gets a small token from a large table.
Angelluhh is surrounded by a strong force shield.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Delirium arrives from a magical portal.

>l on table<

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
(on ground) a large table has on it:
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token
a small token

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Maeve gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Delirium gets a small token from a large table.
Lilmike gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh utters the words, 'werfukil yataoque pig' [sanctuary]
Angelluhh is surrounded by a white aura.
Thoth gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Flynn gets a small token from a large table.
Kaylee gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Jaide gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'Vryce, Felonia, enter portal'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Rain arrives from a magical portal.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Rain gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>trans felonia<
Passion tells the group, 'hmm no exp?'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Felonia arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Vryce has left the game.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'no'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Felonia enters a magical portal and disappears.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'whatdo we do with the tokens?'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'lol!'
Passion enters a magical portal and disappears.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'nothing'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'They're useless, a momento perhaps'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Jaide prays to Dentin for transportation...
Jaide disappears.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'auction it'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'hhe'

>trans felonia<

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Felonia arrives suddenly out of a puff of smoke.
Passion tells the group, 'ah it's cool'
Maeve arrives from a magical portal.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Felonia gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Maeve sits down and rests.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor eats a small token.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>get token table<
You get a small token from a large table.
(not incrementing quest counters or updating friends log, since you're a god)
Thanks for participating in this years Death March!

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'maeve, get token table'
Maeve stops resting, and stands up.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

You nod solemnly.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'ok all follow maeve...exp run'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
a small token
the ring of prime evil

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'wel, thanks for the march'
You feel yourself getting younger...

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>eat token<
You eat a small token.
Angelluhh tells the group, 'anyone still want to run?'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Wait what?'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'thanks for the march!'
Thoth tells the group, 'gandor is tanking'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Kaylee stops following you.
Kaylee has left the group.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'it was awesome!'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'vryce is my storage'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'tank on gandor'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'gonna go do something with gold and then I'm probabally out'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'sigh, I'm done for the night guys.'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'thanks again'
Flynn tells the group, 'thanks guys for the march it was awesome'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

Attributes/Levels  | Statistics   | Resistances  | Misc
Hp:  4522/4522+127 | Str:  25/25  | Spells:   0% | Experience:   67537201
Mana: 801/801 +127 | Int:  25/25  | Fire:     0% | Gold:          1484061
Move: 1182/1182     | Wis:  25/25  | Cold:    35% | Practices:         299
                   | Dex:  25/25  | Zap:      0% | Playing time:    28268 hrs
Mage:   107        | Con:  25/25  | Breath:   0% | Age:           -192/77 yrs
Cler:   107        | Chr:  25/25  | Poison:   0% | Items carried:    1/16
Thie:   107        |              | Normal:   0% | Weight:         24/400
Warr:   107        |              | Magic:    0% | Encumbrance:         0%
Necr:    10 (100%) |              |              |
Armor:        -665   (you are very poorly armored for your level)
Hit Roll:        0   Attack speed: slowest
Damage Bonus:    0
Weapon: your fists, damage type 'punch (1)'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Flynn prays to Morpheus for transportation...
Flynn disappears.
Art tells the group, 'night gandor'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'thatnks thanks'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Aaronr tells the group, 'it was awesome'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>imm thanks gandor<
You imm: thanks gandor

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'pff...newb'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'Thoth don't give anyone ideas'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Felonia tells the group, 'hanks'
The gate swirls smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'tank on shadow'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Jaide tells the group, 'Thanks everyone. That rocked! :D'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Passion tells the group, 'yeah fun day'
Aaronr stops following you.
Aaronr has left the group.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh tells the group, 'it was sweet all'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: no problem. i think it goes smoother that way.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Wolfpaw has entered the game.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Jaide stops following you.
Jaide has left the group.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Maeve tells the group, 'It was great running with you all!'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>gt nod, most excellent<
You tell the group, 'nod, most excellent'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Delirium prays to Morpheus for transportation...
Delirium disappears.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Shaletty gets a small token from a large table.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'ty, shadow'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Delirium has left the game.
Delirium stops following you.
Delirium has left the group.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'thanks!'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Art tells you, 'can you help with this bracelet, if you don't mind'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>gt bye guys<
You tell the group, 'bye guys'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>got art<
Going to character... 
A brightly lit room
This is a rather plain room, with a large table in the middle of it. A few
chairs are scattered here and there, and a chandelier provides almost too
light for this room. If the walls weren't white, it might not be so
difficult on the eyes.
It is night.

( 5)Felonia is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Lilmike is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Art is here.
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 0)A large table sits in the middle of the room.
[Exits: down ]

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor hugs you.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Passion stops following you.
Passion has left the group.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'night!'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>nod art<
You nod at Art.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Angelluhh stops following you.
Angelluhh has left the group.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Shaletty tells the group, 'bye thanks for the fun'
Art gives you A bracelet of the fallen magi.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'night all.'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>tell :art let's see it<
You tell Art, 'let's see it'
Thoth tells the group, 'we love jou!'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
the ring of prime evil

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

Statting first object you are carrying.
Object vnum: 41499  Name: 'bracelet fallen magi'
Curr: 20 Total: 82  Loading percentage: 10  Player Usage: 51389  Saved: 17015
Rarity: 0.0%  Currently: (very common)
Loading Zones: 4140 0
Estimate for wrists:  -9

Weight:        1   Size:      0'6"   Level: 29
Dieroll:     1d8   Speed:   -15   Damage type: pound (2)
Wield str:   (9)   Cost:( 20674) Ac-apply: 0
Type:      MAGIC   Comp: FABRIC   Hp: 100/100
Wear locations are: WRISTS 
Object flags are: RARE GLOW NOWIELD 
Item has effects as:
Affects:  MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Affects:  MANA by 12
Affects:  WIS by 1
Affects:  SAVING_SPELL by -1
Affects:  HITROLL by -1
Affects:  NONE by 0
String list exists.
Item was loaded by: rain

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, '...?'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'get me the info from the log sometime, and i'll award the other quest to those that wern't killed later on'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'i will take that brac'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Thoth tells the group, 'shadow'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'I think he wants it unbound'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'heh'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>


[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'or rather, bound to hium.'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'him'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
(admin login) Ashly has entered the game.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>mfind fallen magi<
[mvnum] Name                -> Location
[41404] The last of the fallen magi-> in room [41496] A hidden cavern

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
You sense the death of your comrade Rain!
(admin death) (player) Rain killed by Ralkaross, the demonic beholder while in room [28361] Before a massive magma gate
(admin logoff) Drolkrad has left the game.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'ouch'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>at 41496 l magi<
(item is in your inventory)
Gazing upon this bracelet your eyes become fixed and you feel as though some
arcane knowledge is being absorbed simply by looking upon this relic.  The
small size of this object makes it appear as if it will not fit the user, but
as you handle it the magic of the object begins to increase and glow,
allowing the bracelet to stretch easily. 

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>at 41496 l 2.magi<
You do not see that here.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>at 41496 l mage<
You do not see that here.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>at 41496 l<
A hidden cavern
Entering this part of the cavern you realize that this is different, it is
very bright, and a large mage stands here.  The room is rather large and is
elaborate compared to the previous parts of the cavern. 

( 6)The leader of the league of the magi stands here.
The last of the fallen magi glows with a bright light!
( 4)A small wooden board stands towards the back of the room.
[Exits: none ]

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>at 41496 l leader<
You do not see that here.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>at 41496 name<
Names of everything in the room: 
Player:     shadowfax                 <-->  Shadowfax
Mob [41404] last fallen magi          <-->  The last of the fallen magi
Obj [41425] small wooden board        <-->  A small wooden board

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Rain tells the group, 'some tard woke him up'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>at 41496 l last<
[event] Gandor: An hour left to do the thanksgiving homeless quest.
Looking upon this man you cannot really distinguish any features other than
the human qualities.  He sees you and keeps a steady eye upon you.  His eyes
glow upon your approach and face becomes more translucent.  Maybe this isn't
such a good idea.. 
The last of the fallen magi is in excellent condition.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
the ring of prime evil

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
the ring of prime evil

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

A brightly lit room
This is a rather plain room, with a large table in the middle of it. A few
chairs are scattered here and there, and a chandelier provides almost too
light for this room. If the walls weren't white, it might not be so
difficult on the eyes.
It is night.

( 5)Felonia is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 6)Thoth is here.
( 6)Art is here.
( 7)Gandor is here.
( 0)A large table sits in the middle of the room.
[Exits: down ]

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Muncher has left the game.

>give bracelet<

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Give what to whom?

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>give bracelet art<
You give A bracelet of the fallen magi to Art.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'thanks gaain'

>repl just a min<

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
You reply to Art, 'just a min'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike tells the group, 'again'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Lilmike stops following you.
Lilmike has left the group.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>got fallen<
Going to character... 
High Sanctum
You have reached the highest point of the Celestial Tower, a place of
unparalleled beauty and light. The crystal walls here seem to radiate a
bright white glow, but an ageless light that is no longer pure. Here
resides the true heart of the corrupted Tower, Pyriel, the Warlord of
Light. You glance around the room, and for the final time, a memory
flickers across your mind.

Pyriel stands before the crown in all his resplendent glory, His arms
raised high in exultation. They were singing for HIM! The Chorus of Heaven
were singing for Him! In His immense pride, His own voice falters barely a
note, and the entire song wavers for the briefest of time... long enough
for the corrupting power of Evil to spread through the Tower like a plague.

( 6)Pyriel, the fallen Champion of Heaven, stands here in all of His glory.
Pyriel glows with a bright light!
[Exits: west ]

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>
Flynn tells you, 'once again, awesome march man, that was one of the more fun events I've goten to do, now get some rest and finish up West Naginag!'

[High Sanctum]
R:38159 Z:3810 Wiz:0>

>got 2.fallen<
Going to character... 
A hidden cavern
Entering this part of the cavern you realize that this is different, it is
very bright, and a large mage stands here.  The room is rather large and is
elaborate compared to the previous parts of the cavern. 

( 6)The leader of the league of the magi stands here.
The last of the fallen magi glows with a bright light!
( 4)A small wooden board stands towards the back of the room.
[Exits: none ]

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>repl thanks flynn<
You reply to Flynn, 'thanks flynn'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: yawn, long day

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
(notify) Aaronr forced mob [20] 'A clay man' to walk the plank and recall!

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>zload sh<
Mob 41404: The last of the fallen magi
   Obj 41499: A bracelet of the fallen magi
Obj 41425: A small wooden board

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>oload 41499<
You create A bracelet of the fallen magi with a strange magical gesture.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

Statting first object you are carrying.
Object vnum: 41499  Name: 'bracelet fallen magi'
Curr: 21 Total: 83  Loading percentage: 10  Player Usage: 51389  Saved: 17015
Rarity: 0.0%  Currently: (very common)
Loading Zones: 4140 0
Estimate for wrists:  -21

Weight:        1   Size:      0'6"   Level: 29
Dieroll:     1d8   Speed:   -15   Damage type: pound (2)
Wield str:   (9)   Cost:( 20674) Ac-apply: 0
Type:      MAGIC   Comp: FABRIC   Hp: 100/100
Wear locations are: WRISTS 
Item has effects as:
Affects:  MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Affects:  MANA by 12
Affects:  WIS by 1
Affects:  SAVING_SPELL by -1
Affects:  HITROLL by -1
Affects:  NONE by 0
String list exists.
Item was loaded by: shadowfax_Fri_Nov_26_23:02:45_2010

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Rain stops following you.
Rain has left the group.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: that's odd.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>eat magi<
You eat A bracelet of the fallen magi.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>imm what's that?<
You imm: what's that?

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, '(notify) Aaronr forced mob [20] 'A clay man' to walk the plank and recall!'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'mt'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Maeve stops following you.
Maeve has left the group.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>oloads 41499<

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: (notify) Aaronr forced mob [20] 'A clay man' to walk the plank and recall!

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Kelsier has left the game.
(admin logoff) Lex has left the game.

>oload 41499<
You create A bracelet of the fallen magi with a strange magical gesture.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

Statting first object you are carrying.
Object vnum: 41499  Name: 'bracelet fallen magi'
Curr: 21 Total: 84  Loading percentage: 10  Player Usage: 51389  Saved: 17015
Rarity: 0.0%  Currently: (very common)
Loading Zones: 4140 0
Estimate for wrists:  -21

Weight:        1   Size:      0'6"   Level: 29
Dieroll:     1d8   Speed:   -15   Damage type: pound (2)
Wield str:   (9)   Cost:( 20674) Ac-apply: 0
Type:      MAGIC   Comp: FABRIC   Hp: 100/100
Wear locations are: WRISTS 
Item has effects as:
Affects:  MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Affects:  MANA by 12
Affects:  WIS by 1
Affects:  SAVING_SPELL by -1
Affects:  HITROLL by -1
Affects:  NONE by 0
String list exists.
Item was loaded by: shadowfax_Fri_Nov_26_23:03:13_2010

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>ose magi loadprob 100<
Object set to 100% load probability.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
Gandor imms: Just haven't seen it before, heh.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>purge mob<
All mobs purged from room.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>ase timer 0<

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

Zone: 4140
Short Desc: Opal mine under Ubar
Extra Desc: (null)
Creator:  glorida
Editors:  mutt
String editors: (none set)
Checkers: shift
(no overloaded URL set for this area)
Http long desc -------------------------------------------------------------
Settling under the fruitful grounds of the great city of Ubar, lives a quaint
society of opal miners.  Their lifestyle consists of trading opals to
neighboring tribes, while living underground within the mine. Peacefully
living in harmony with the city above them, they prefer peace over war, but
don't underestimate these creatures of habbit... 
No where string defined.
X position: 568  Y position: -264  Z position: 4 (The Alter Aeon Mainland)
Reset time: 78 ticks     Time to next reset: 0 ticks
Number of player-ticks: 2167
Mob deaths: 620  Player Deaths: 0

Maximum level for building: 31

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Drg has left the game.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>ase log<
Modification log for this area:
Fri Nov 26 23:03:31 2010 - shadowfax altered zone with string 'timer 0'
Fri Nov 26 23:03:26 2010 - Shadowfax altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'loadprob 100'
Thu Nov  4 01:28:43 2010 - shadowfax altered zone with string 'creator glorida'
Fri Sep 17 10:52:39 2010 - Dentin altered object [41498] Pendant of Vampirism with string 'maxl 99'
Fri Sep 17 10:52:36 2010 - Dentin altered object [41498] Pendant of Vampirism with string 'save'
Fri Sep 17 10:52:33 2010 - Dentin altered object [41498] Pendant of Vampirism with string 'value 6 7'
Fri Sep 17 10:52:26 2010 - Dentin altered object [41498] Pendant of Vampirism with string 'value 2 6'
Fri Sep  3 09:54:37 2010 - Dentin altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'loadp 10'
Fri Sep  3 09:54:31 2010 - Dentin altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'maxl 99'
Sun Jun 13 03:57:05 2010 - Byung altered room [41480] The meeting hall with restring 'long edit'
Sun Jun 13 03:56:25 2010 - Byung altered room [41473] Trudging through the tunnels with restring 'long edit'
Sun Jun 13 03:55:53 2010 - Byung altered room [41478] The meeting hall with restring 'long edit'
Sun Jun 13 03:54:35 2010 - Byung altered room [41433] A tunnel street with restring 'long edit'
Sun Jun 13 03:53:51 2010 - Byung altered object [41424] A camel-hair duster with restring 'long edit'
Sun Jun 13 03:52:26 2010 - Byung altered mob [41411] A young boy with restring 'long edit'.
Sun Jun 13 03:51:09 2010 - Byung altered room [41429] A tunnel street with restring 'long edit'
Thu Feb 11 14:56:02 2010 - shadowfax altered zone with string 'lev 31'
Mon Jan 25 01:57:56 2010 - draak altered zone with string 'flag nolabel'
Sun Nov 29 10:58:16 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 4 arm 5'
Sun Nov 29 10:58:13 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 4 arm 1'
Sun Nov 29 10:58:00 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 3 wis 2'
Sun Nov 29 10:57:54 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 3 int 2'
Sun Nov 29 10:57:08 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 4 0 0'
Sun Nov 29 10:57:04 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 3 wis 2'
Sun Nov 29 10:56:01 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 4 spell -1'
Sun Nov 29 10:55:56 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 4 spell -2'
Sun Nov 29 10:55:30 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 2 mana 15'
Sun Nov 29 10:55:23 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 2 mana 14'
Sun Nov 29 10:55:17 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 2 mana 13'
Sun Nov 29 10:54:58 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 4 int 1'
Sun Nov 22 01:06:11 2009 - Glorida altered object [41414] 5000 gold coins with string 'value 10000'
Sun Nov 22 01:05:56 2009 - Glorida altered object [41414] 5000 gold coins with string 'cost 3000'
Sun Nov 22 01:05:54 2009 - Glorida altered object [41414] 5000 gold coins with string 'cost 3000'
Sun Nov 22 01:05:51 2009 - Glorida altered object [41414] 5000 gold coins with string 'cost 30000000'
Sun Nov 22 01:05:38 2009 - Glorida altered object [41414] 5000 gold coins with string 'value 3000000'
Thu Nov 19 17:22:06 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 2 mana 16'
Thu Nov 19 17:21:57 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 2 mana 15'
Thu Nov 19 17:21:52 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 5 hitroll -1'
Thu Nov 19 17:21:42 2009 - Glorida altered object [41499] A bracelet of the fallen magi with string 'aff 5 int 1'
Thu Nov  5 00:16:18 2009 - shadowfax altered zone with string 'short Opal mine under Ubar'
Thu Nov  5 00:15:56 2009 - shadowfax altered zone with string 'short Opal mines under Ubar'
Mon Sep 21 15:14:13 2009 - Dentin altered room [41494] A hidden cavern with string 'exit w NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:14:10 2009 - Dentin altered room [41494] A hidden cavern with string 'exit e NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:14:01 2009 - Dentin altered room [41493] A hidden cavern with string 'exit w NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:13:58 2009 - Dentin altered room [41493] A hidden cavern with string 'exit s NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:13:50 2009 - Dentin altered room [41492] A hidden cavern with string 'exit up NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:13:45 2009 - Dentin altered room [41492] A hidden cavern with string 'exit e NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:13:36 2009 - Dentin altered room [41491] A hidden cavern with string 'exit w NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:13:34 2009 - Dentin altered room [41491] A hidden cavern with string 'exit n NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:08:33 2009 - Dentin altered room [41490] A hidden cavern with string 'exit u NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:08:30 2009 - Dentin altered room [41490] A hidden cavern with string 'exit w NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:08:27 2009 - Dentin altered room [41490] A hidden cavern with string 'exit n NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:08:15 2009 - Dentin altered room [41489] A hidden cavern with string 'exit up NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:08:08 2009 - Dentin altered room [41489] A hidden cavern with string 'exit e NULL'
Mon Sep 21 15:08:05 2009 - Dentin altered room [41489] A hidden cavern with string 'exit n NULL'
Tue Aug 18 13:48:44 2009 - glorida altered zone with string 'checker shift'
Sat May 23 22:34:01 2009 - Byung altered mob [41440] The receptionist with string 'iact 6 edit'.
Sat May 23 22:23:13 2009 - Byung altered object [41431] A cloudy grey opal with string 'trade As the jeweler begins to fuse the large opals together something goes wrong and a worried look crosses his face...'
Sat May 23 22:21:15 2009 - Byung altered object [41428] A small dull opal with string 'long edit'
Sun Mar  8 23:12:37 2009 - Glorida altered object [41498] Pendant of Vampirism with string 'save'
Sun Mar  8 23:12:34 2009 - Glorida altered object [41498] Pendant of Vampirism with string 'affect 1 magic 7'
Sun Mar  8 23:10:18 2009 - Glorida altered object [41498] Pendant of Vampirism with string 'save'
Sun Mar  8 23:10:12 2009 - Glorida altered object [41498] Pendant of Vampirism with string 'affect 1 magic 15'
Sun Mar  8 23:10:08 2009 - Glorida altered object [41498] Pendant of Vampirism with string 'affect 1 magic res 15'

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

Zone: 4140
Short Desc: Opal mine under Ubar
Extra Desc: (null)
Creator:  glorida
Editors:  mutt
String editors: (none set)
Checkers: shift
(no overloaded URL set for this area)
Http long desc -------------------------------------------------------------
Settling under the fruitful grounds of the great city of Ubar, lives a quaint
society of opal miners.  Their lifestyle consists of trading opals to
neighboring tribes, while living underground within the mine. Peacefully
living in harmony with the city above them, they prefer peace over war, but
don't underestimate these creatures of habbit... 
No where string defined.
X position: 568  Y position: -264  Z position: 4 (The Alter Aeon Mainland)
Reset time: 78 ticks     Time to next reset: 78 ticks
Number of player-ticks: 2167
Mob deaths: 620  Player Deaths: 0

Maximum level for building: 31

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>ase edit mutt shadowfax<

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

A hidden cavern
Entering this part of the cavern you realize that this is different, it is
very bright, and a large mage stands here.  The room is rather large and is
elaborate compared to the previous parts of the cavern. 

( 6)The leader of the league of the magi stands here.
The last of the fallen magi glows with a bright light!
( 4)A small wooden board stands towards the back of the room.
[Exits: none ]

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>l magi<
(item is in your inventory)
Gazing upon this bracelet your eyes become fixed and you feel as though some
arcane knowledge is being absorbed simply by looking upon this relic.  The
small size of this object makes it appear as if it will not fit the user, but
as you handle it the magic of the object begins to increase and glow,
allowing the bracelet to stretch easily. 

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing) (binding)
the ring of prime evil

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
(admin logoff) Flynn has left the game.
Flynn stops following you.
Flynn has left the group.

>eat magi<

>l magi<

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>
You eat A bracelet of the fallen magi.
Looking upon this man you cannot really distinguish any features other than
the human qualities.  He sees you and keeps a steady eye upon you.  His eyes
glow upon your approach and face becomes more translucent.  Maybe this isn't
such a good idea.. 
The last of the fallen magi is in excellent condition.

<worn around wrist>  A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>slay magi<
You slay The last of the fallen magi in a single blow!

Your blood freezes as you hear The last of the fallen magi's death cry!
The last of the fallen magi is DEAD!

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>get bracelet corpse<
You get A bracelet of the fallen magi from the corpse of The last of the fallen magi.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>purge mob<
All mobs purged from room.

[A hidden cavern]
R:41496 Z:4140 Wiz:0>

>got art<
Going to character... 
A brightly lit room
This is a rather plain room, with a large table in the middle of it. A few
chairs are scattered here and there, and a chandelier provides almost too
light for this room. If the walls weren't white, it might not be so
difficult on the eyes.
It is night, and all is dark around you.

( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Art is here.
( 0)A large table sits in the middle of the room.
[Exits: down ]

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>got 0<
Going to room... 
The Unholy Temple of Dentin
The Temple of Dentin looks much less pleasant in the dark, without the cheery
light of the sun to brighten the place.  The interior is lit with torches
lining the walls and columns, some lit, and some not.  They burn with a dim
reddish light, not the bright yellow you would normally expect.  The tall
stone columns are dark and forboding, while the wide staircases at either end
of the room lead up and down into darkness.

Heavy doors guard the inner sanctum of the temple to the north, while through
the open archways to the south can be seen the nighttime lights and fires of
the city of Ralnoth.  Small dark doorways lead into antechambers to the east
and west.

Dim red torches hang from the walls and fight back the night. 

( 6)Ashly is here.
( 5)Shaletty is here.
( 5)Passion is here.
( 6)Lilmike is resting here.
( 4)Mekoto is here.
( 1)A small sign is here for newbies to read.
(++)A glowing white rift has opened on the wall here.
[Exits: north east south west up down out ]

[The Unholy Temple of Dentin]
R:0 Z:1 Wiz:0>

>got 26398<
Going to room... 
Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam
This room padded with black foam that absorbs all light, sound and heat.

( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
[Exits: down ]

[Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>gogo art<
You echo:  Shadowfax blasts off and streaks out of sight in a puff of smoke.
Going to character... 
A brightly lit room
This is a rather plain room, with a large table in the middle of it. A few
chairs are scattered here and there, and a chandelier provides almost too
light for this room. If the walls weren't white, it might not be so
difficult on the eyes.
It is night, and all is dark around you.

( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Art is here.
( 0)A large table sits in the middle of the room.
[Exits: down ]
You echo:  Shadowfax streaks down from the sky like a comet and crashes, leaving a smoking crater in his wake!

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>drop bracelet<
You drop A bracelet of the fallen magi.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43501] 'a fiery chimera' in room [43545] 'Barren magma fields'.
(admin dproc-create) dproc created mob [43501] 'a fiery chimera' in room [43545] 'Barren magma fields'.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>sa i'll trade you<
You say, 'i'll trade you'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Art gives you A bracelet of the fallen magi.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Art gets A bracelet of the fallen magi.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

You are carrying:
A bracelet of the fallen magi (glowing)
the ring of prime evil

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Art says, 'thank you'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>sa you're welcome<
You say, 'you're welcome'

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

Statting first object you are carrying.
Object vnum: 41499  Name: 'bracelet fallen magi'
Curr: 21 Total: 85  Player Usage: 51391  Saved: 17015
Rarity: 0.0%  Currently: (very common)
Loading Zones: 4140 0
Estimate for wrists:  -9

Weight:        1   Size:      0'6"   Level: 29
Dieroll:     1d8   Speed:   -15   Damage type: pound (2)
Wield str:   (9)   Cost:( 20674) Ac-apply: 0
Type:      MAGIC   Comp: FABRIC   Hp: 100/100
Wear locations are: WRISTS 
Object flags are: RARE GLOW NOWIELD 
Item has effects as:
Affects:  MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Affects:  MANA by 12
Affects:  WIS by 1
Affects:  SAVING_SPELL by -1
Affects:  HITROLL by -1
Affects:  NONE by 0
String list exists.
Item was loaded by: rain

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Art drops a fur-lined leather pouch.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>


Art sacrifices a fur-lined leather pouch to Byung.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
A brightly lit room
This is a rather plain room, with a large table in the middle of it. A few
chairs are scattered here and there, and a chandelier provides almost too
light for this room. If the walls weren't white, it might not be so
difficult on the eyes.
It is night.

( 7)Gandor is here.
( 5)Felonia is here.
( 6)Art is here.
( 0)A large table sits in the middle of the room.
[Exits: down ]

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
You wave goodbye.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>
Shaletty stops following you.
Shaletty has left the group.

[A brightly lit room]
R:59395 Z:5930 Wiz:0>

>gogo 26398<
You echo:  Shadowfax blasts off and streaks out of sight in a puff of smoke.
Going to room... 
Draak's Chamber of Meditation, Mob Modification and NonSpam
This room padded with black foam that absorbs all light, sound and heat.

( 9)Thantos the Executioner stands guard in the temple.
[Exits: down ]
You echo:  Shadowfax streaks down from the sky like a comet and crashes, leaving a smoking crater in his wake!

[In a hidden shrine]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells the group, 'anywho, i think it all went pretty well, smoother than I was anticipating.'

[In a hidden shrine]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

>gt yeah pretty good<
You tell the group, 'yeah pretty good'
(admin login) Aeas has entered the game.

[In a hidden shrine]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>

[In a hidden shrine]
R:26398 Z:4711 Wiz:0>
Gandor tells you, 'vivi being sitebanned made my day though'